'I'm serious bitch?You want to tell them or shall I?'
HahaI don't have much reach 😆 'You'd be surprised Ariadne'
Then I suppose we team?'It's ok Ren as Leon told you... We are all playing
games'lol....I don't fucking doubt it mate!
Now This, like 2mins later...... __
Now?Inak, black white cat... Why and
'Yes Ren find the Lyrics to the track plx'
We're all living in
Amerika is
We're all living in
Amerika, Amerika.
We're all living in
Amerika is
We're all living in
Amerika, Amerika.
Do you want me?(No,
I don't)
Do you need me?
(No, I don't)
Dance with me while
I'm leading? (No, I can't)
Will you love me?
(No, I won't)
This is not a love
song. (No, its not)
I don't sing my
mothers tongue. (No, I don't)
Africa for Santa
and near Paris
stands Mickey Mouse.
We're all living in
We're all living in
America is
We're all living in
Amerika, Amerika
Will you do it?
(No, I won't)
Should you do it?
(No, I don't)
Could you do it?
(No, I can't)
Will you please me?
(No, I won't)
If you don't want
me... (You'll get hurt)
If you don't need
me... (You'll get hurt)
If you don't love
me... (You'll get hurt)
Fuck you is the
magic word.
We're all living in
Amerika is
We're all living in
Amerika, Amerika
'Ride it with me plx bitch, the cards deck where we
are at... And the dreams last night'Fun?'For you always, my twisted fiend' 'Good Ren, your learning spelling😈'Hahah Mirror of Friend?- 'To
hate...Oh, I don't, I love...'
'How far can you extend that love Ren..'I know unity....?'Then why are you seeing this?'Cause it's in my world mirrorposted by Em, mirror me. Em/mE
Then she is offering you a mirror Ren.'Wow, 👀'That person is
me?Killing the duality
Lion/Leon/SunHu?? 'Team Ren, you let us in joint
responsibility'I don't get
this....I can just love forgive the guy
like I did with all the other stuff?'Your
call as always witch'
Can you help me get what I'm perceiving please? 'Yes, OFC Ren.. It's what we do'lol
Errrrrwow Positive ID 'Now read the
rest plx bitch and remember what Leon told you'
OK....WTF!! 'Keep watching bitch, then
the track ID names 😈'
The dream walkers....👀'Next word
' Sound like a name you know bitch?'Ana-he-ra--An-derea
F off!!!!Nooo,lol,Just WTF!!!Yeh just laugh....
'Just forgive him Witch, it's what you do best'...
'Close your mouth Ren, you might catch my bugs in it'Hahahahah 😲😲😲
'Maybe don't game with the system Logo's
Ren?'To late for that mate, I
still have questions!!😆
'Still no clue when to quit?' As far as I can see we are still playing 😵 Symbol soup atm
'You were going to go see Malico?' I know, my brains sick of thinking, I just wanted to chill by the fire awhile. 'Relaxed?' Yeh, sad too lots of dreams hazy, yours? 'Yes' 💜 Neglect, abuse, something with a hospital too... 'also linked to that group awareness dream, now if your staying remember... parasites don't talk😏' ok.. 'Your call Ren, you can stay if you want'
I was too comfee to leave recall hazy as wasn't making any effort, I'd found Inka by the fire outside the roundhouse smoking, it was raining lightly and I'd sat down too and fallen asleep fast into strange dreams... only I was mainly experiencing the emotions in them.. like the dream of a life of Inka dying on a beach. Oh.. I'd forgotton so much of that 💜
The last one was long, I'd been with a friend who has disabilities and I'd also been called away, a guy had 2 babies a month or so old, there was a strange monument with free nappies, all the settings were unfamiliar.
I was also doing a puzzle it was iron made of 3 parts, with a light in the middle of each. I had 3 long feathers deep dark blue/purple iridescent black I suppose. There were different ways I could connect a circuit using the feathers I'd got all but one of them to work, but I couldn't get the last way to light up.
I wake at 3 as my mind feels so sluggish... 'You didn't want to use it' I know, too much thinking yesterday 😆 Want to just feel for abit.
'Come back to bed/sleep b4 3.30 please' ... ok.
Headed back to sleep still sleepy and not really thinking... Oh I remeber I'd asked Inak to jump me to the house to Malico as I just was so out of it and wanted to scatter. He did then left and I'd found Malico in the study before falling deeply asleep there too (He told me he had stuff to share a couple of days ago... also that he'd created the house as a dream hub for me to play in too, that's why the others use it with my consent/responsibility, the study was hot.. I don't even remeber where I slept.
Odd dream and fun dream on a world and a kind of astral version of the world. The world was fantasy-ish, but realish too - a zooming vehicle thing too that I could use with others.
So the world had another space, where we were another thing. I could dip in and out of either. I was getting better and the in/out thing and I'd been taken with a group who's I was part of.
In the other place, It was sort of familiar... I didn't know the others that well though they seemed familiar and I was surprised to find out I was the dark assassin! They all knew my role, when we all met properly we stood round in a ring introducing ourselves....Oh we were archetypes!😆 'Wellll drrrrrrrrrrrr!' Hahahahahh! FU Inka!
It was also like the dream of picking character traits/flaws for the president... but this was way more wired/fun and less formal. Each of us was paired with a mirror/shadow aspect so there were 12 but then 42 with our mirror aspect. We were sharing roles sometimes and Santa was there too! I'd been asked to do his job this Christmas 😆 lol
I wasn't sure at all and was asking meby I could do Surrey, or at least just the UK as the world was big... the others were laughing at me saying 'How do you think he doses it?' I'm admitting to them I have no bloody idea and all this is very confusing 😂
Another woman had a wired old unopened bottle and a cartoon style occult book that went with it, she could use it to see stuff about a person... It was like a really dirty old beer bottle & a kids paperback.
I was friends with The Sun there too, he was showing me how he was about to bring the morning lol!
'Ren, geometry today please... draw what we just showed you.. It fits with the Archetypes and Astrology' errr ok Leon.
Oh this is like the 6, 12 paired in strings?? 'Similar yes' I was laying half asleep not really wanting to wake up getting shown images and told stuff.
'The raw meat' lol errrr yeh as a kid I had a thing about nicking raw meat out of the fridge 😜
'The dream about the bugs asking for your help Ren?' Recycling clean up crew dreams??
I'm playing death archetype? 'We told you Ren, you can kill stuff cause you can birth it too... Female/Planet' Soul Retrievals too? 'Yes'
Errrrrrrr 'You've had far more lives where you are not domesticated Ren!' lol 😶? 'As Inka would tell you Ren, you fit where you sit my friend' Hahaha Leon! 😁
Oh the body, planet mind star/sun. The body births/kills recycles cells all the time all working symbiotically! Our body is our planet too
👀 In my story you told me to add the dream with the transport stasis and overseers and while I was writing it up, I realised that the stasis transporters moving entities was the womb rebirth too! 'Symbols Ren'
Then I'd realised that the hopping time jumping is also indicative of moving... when a world/game experience is broken/collapsed the entities moved for further experience/growth/learning but most will not be realised they have been moved! (Oh The overseer told me, think down on the farm!)
'We are showing Ren' 🌞 lol Leon.'It's morning wake up lazy mouse... we let you dream deep' Haha I still dream. 'No Shit!' Morning Inka.
Oh, the bug armour... That was in the moving people dreams... The swapped serial numbers! The star-trek Kaylo Ren that I had no idea about and I'd used Ren most of my life, I picked Kaylo as it was a bit like ego 😜 'Symbols Ripples Ren, you're dreaming' Oh the Teddy again too! What's with the dam Teddys 😆
More so hu? 'Bitch!I tell you to leave my bugs'I do.. I also know the depth of empathy you
have... 'Which is why we keep shit playful
bitch 💚'
More yellow?....'More inc😏 great' 😛 lol 'You can do it sleeping or awake, the info is coming either way mouse' 😆
I'd forgotten in that dream years ago when the bugs asked for help it was a Nephilim portal...
The Nephilim/Elohim branch of the world tree?
'Haha bitch and we keep telling you... we could tell you the secrets of the universe and you'd still forget your own name!' lol great!!
What is it?? 'Keep playing nice and you might remember this time' 😏
More... Hahaha, that was fast. 'And you know it! Instant hot water bitch!' Hahaha
'Just as well you never really grew up Ren 😏 you still see fairies. 😈 and bugs' 💜
Shadow purrs now... 'Meby he prefers sociable birds to dominant
bitches 'Hahah asshole 😝.. There is a reason we
fight you know?
Oh... When Leon asked me 'They eat carcass's'Also the death archetype?? 'and that's the reason you
should use your lazy mind more before snapping at people'Hahah😆 .... I'm learning 'Slowly and Painfully'