Thursday, 30 April 2020

Tingly Tower

29th  April

A long dream - Hazy someone was annoyed with me.    They had seen me gasping for air and been worried, but then when they found out who I was they were angry with themselves for being worried... (this was due to them not linking me) 

Another dream of a wall of bathroom tiles, it was like a terrace of houses had been demolished and all way left were the back bathroom walls with tiles, each block had similar size but different styled tiles, some elaborate and patterns with shapes, others just blocked colours.   A man takes a sledgehammer to try and get some off but he breaks the whole wall.....   behind it is a nest/house made from twigs and sticks and some strange furry creatures that were like wired humanoid monkey things with pointed noses.

30th April

Very visually beautiful dream first - Nothing happens really, I was just observing and remembering. 

I'm in a very strange coastal city it rolls down a valley and there is sea beyond but hidden behind huge cliffs.   The geology is like nothing I've seen on earth and the city too is both familiar but otherworldly.  
The sea can be seen from a large finger of land that projects out of the huge arms of grassland.   I'll have to try and draw it.  It was like the valley of rocks might have looked millions of years ago before the land eroded and left just the rocks. 

The city is clean, style unfamiliar and there is a huge silver metal tower it's sending a signal and when I get close to it I feel my uterus tingling.  Some kind of radiation comes from it, I don't like the feeling so keep out of the line of sight of it when I can.  Others are going closer but it feels wrong.

Apart from the massive Pylon signal tower are 2 sites I focus on.

On the left arm of land at the base of the huge cliffs there is an ancient mine entrance... it' was a foundry where lava would flow like water, I can see back threw time to when humanoids used it and worked down there (Like a fantasy dwarven underground mining/city)
There was an accident a collapse/cave-in, and the death of thousands, it's now a monument/remembrance.    The land arm to the right leads across the border to another jurisdiction where the geology is very flat with ponds, lakes, pools connected by grassland bridges and dwellings raised on legs.

The remains of a ruined castle/tower are crumbling on this right arm, waterfalls pour out of the massive cliffs behind.  It was a magic tower....  perhaps like a fantasy elven tower, but it's ruined now too I can look back to see it at it's prime how it guarded the border as the only pass to the city from the wetlands beyond.

Next dream

A school on a train. It's ultra-modern made of a strange light purple material like plastic.  There is no outside.   The class has finished and the train is almost empty there are strange controls on the ceiling to control the atmosphere.  The train has reached 'the end of the line'  I feel the carriage picked up and moved to a different line. 

The last dream was a blond person, in a tracksuit in a very modern world, they are androgynous.    In a hall, a combination of martial art and dance. 

Tuesday, 28 April 2020


Odd sleep, due to a sick dog and massive kitten.  

A colourful space and 2 dragons one black one blue weaving... then inside us and wooosh and buzz.

Wired   pause    'A step to the side,   Integrate' 

Later I'm viewing a red grid.  A framework then a grid and then another grid in a grid-like a tesseract so the whole lattice is moving and breathing.   -  HYPERSPACE

I'm seeing shapes born from the lattice... this was like Islamic mandalas in 3d. 

Lastly was a jumbled dream.  The only thing I really recall was a man annoyed at me,   I was walking to a door suffocating..    he had seen me from behind and been worried about me.   As I shifted a block in my throat/ lungs I didn't pass threw the door.    The male recognised me and then was angry with himself for worrying about me....  as he didn't like me.     I remember feeling exasperated and dismissive as I barged past him. 

Monday, 27 April 2020

SolAs & YinYangs

27th April

The first part of the night was jumbled and fast and mad mad stuff.  Fractal dragons purple-blue iridescent scales - Predestined...  Fast conversations but nothing I could bring back. 

Dream dust like coils all twisting together. A Name...  Solas - Sol-ace Solace / Free / Entity chat too. 

Dreams were odd too, I was trying to journey but I had lots of 'baggage'  and the trains were to fast and wired - and the connections were difficult and routes unreliable.
I had too much luggage too even in the dream I was wondering what it was and why I had it all this baggage as it wasn't mine.  I was moving it for someone. 

Anyhoo first part for the dream is a really fast wired train purple and box-like and it moved so fast I kept falling out the back and having to port back onto it.   On the train I'm with Becks who I've not been in touch within years.. we are chatting mainly about polarity and as we chat we are manifesting yin-yang balls with following torus energy. 
We were in a place where the female had peeled away and there was nothing to brace/hold the construct so it was spinning of and away.   We were talking visually and mentally with the energy balls we were manifesting.   We were adding back the female to brace and stabilise the torus shapes to help them hold together.   That name SolAce was here.  It was like 'one-sun' or something. 

I leave the 'train' in a dreamscape with Amy, the sky is a night/purple but it's day time.  I still have this huge metal trolly full of dirty laundry.  Not mine, I'm taking it to be cleaned.  (felt like them sort of thing a large hotel might use to clear rooms)

I'm pushing it over bumpy damp cobbled streets. I think I was going in and out of banks... it was all very odd.  

In another part of the dream, I was laying on the roof of a van driving on a motorway in a strange modern city looking up into the sky where there where massive fuzzy black bats with green cat eyes looking down on me :)

Sunday, 26 April 2020

Enzyme - Catalyst


An odd dream of vets with a motorway between the kennel room and consult room, it was charity vets and I was in Greens.   Old fashioned yellow patient cards - A cafe is in the waiting room and the cafe has been trashed by a group called 'Obese late drinkers' and other people in the waiting room are 'arresting' them.


Off-world chatting, far away or felt it.     I was chatting back and forth, Ask and answers come.. 2 lovers.   Have to wait again for stars/alignment.  (Spiritual quarantine vibe... can't jump again quite yet  Crystals and children)  Was like a consultancy, not quite time... soon exciting.    All sides, oneside

Then a long dream.   Starts in a setting like BaliffGate school in grand old buildings, also open courtyards of smooth stone were classes took place.    There is something wired happening at the school, a grooming/cult/ weirdness that I've agreed to check out.   I'm 'watching, collecting evidence' but am to take part to observe. 

I'm multiple ages and people have astral type skills.   I observe and then befriend the girl representative of this group and then eventually get invited to the group.  She's powerful and manipulative.   They are all following some other person, the girl is the recruiter for them.  I watch and join in with there practises, they don't seem to realise they are being groomed.  After a while, they introduce me to the 'leader' - I know him - we know each other from other places.  

He's playing a sort of devil archetype to the cult.  We have worked/played together many times.  Once I've found him we 'share this is like a telepathic archived info exchange.  We play 'catalyst games... felt biological almost like enzymes;  Me female, him Male.  An attraction in a magnetic way. 
We flick fast threw dream word experiences we have shared, we have 'loose ends'  and we jump as one.  We change ages to blend or vanish completely into the dream spaces we port too so we are visible to each other but not the other dream characters.   There are many but only a few I remembered.

One is a wired version of my main dream area.  It's my infant school playing field (but not) Evidence was left here and we are cleaning up as we go.  
Again, this felt chemical enzymatic... Not really describable.   Then we seem to go to a few places at once.  One that I recalled best is an elderly female fetish prostitute.   Me and the male are there, I'm a young girl 2-3years and he's invisible.   We both have stuff to do here and we watch a man arrive in the woman's flat.   It's a plain room, white with a worn 70's carpet badly glossed wooden doorframes and very little furniture.  The guy who arrives is a regular, he's also in his 60's    -   We watch the interaction - the Male's awareness is in the room, I'm sat in the corner.  The punter has arranged to stay all evening and has been taken to the bedroom - when another regular knock at the door and the woman goes and answers it.  She lets the second man into the living room.   

I'm now in more of an astral form and invisible and the male also still astral is with me and we are in the small kitchen of the strange flat. 

I'm washing a few dishes in plastic bowl in the tiny kitchen with a window that looks out onto more windows.. the male is touching me on the shoulders and our awareness is joined we are watching several scenes playing out at once.  An interaction in the bedroom, and one in the lounge and also the woman in a small shower washing herself.    This was wired, as there was the same feeling of 'catalyst enzyme' at play.   

Friday, 24 April 2020

Black & White Fruit


A train is carrying a male to be executed.  He's in a tiny compartment with only standing space alone - I teleport into the compartment and hug him, I'm not totally solid

(This reminded me of the dream when I was waiting to be sacrificed chained to a rock by a natural stone circular pool)  and I was cold and lonely and something appeared beside me and hugged me threw the night to keep me warm)

Anyway, we are in the carriage he's sort of alone, but not as I'm there but not completely real.  At this point, something rips the roof open of the small compartment and there is another man on the roof of the train.   He's come with a sort of helicopter and winch (this bit got all weirdly James Bond)  We attach the guy I was hugging to the winch/lift and he's flown up and to safety.   I stay with the other guy, we jump to the roof of the train and then off it into dark warm jungly/forest.  We are going to hide there as a diversion so the other person can get away.  

We know we will be found as there it's lots of high-tec tracing stuff and we can already hear more flying vehicles.  We climb up to the lower branches of a big tree where we wedge ourselves in hugging and fall asleep.

-  Next was like an astral conversation with India??  D W and a car crash/car filling with water.

24th April

Wake at 2.22 after very strange astral/dream.

Head was all tingly numb on one side like sometimes happens when I'm 'away'

I was deep inside looking for codes/bits/puzzles, it was a game children had played in what would have been ancient past bits had been hidden deep and some of the children had got lost/forgotten got stuck in traps there.   (a little like I imagen Jumanji to be)  It's non-temporal though so it didn't matter than they'd been there for 'Ages' - We were finding each other again.  
I have found a wired wired fruit/food. 
It's black and white, intricately patterned and round and hard outside like a black and white watermelon/coconut - inside is a light liquid that's kind of pearlescent with floating black and white flowers and smaller black/white cubes that are soft like cubes of melon they part of the fruit also black and white stippled pattern.    It was old too, very old and the people I was with were worried it wouldn't be good to eat anymore as it was also 'ancient'  It looked amazing and I was eating it anyway even though it was so old.  I seem to recall they tasted better fresh but it was still good. 

Next up is the weaving thing, like tieing/zooming and I'm going to different people fast one of them is Dr Downing again, Exley and Trump all the people were Male and I was just a thread weaving and binding.

Next is a big old shared house and we are leaving, we have been there for ages and the place is a state, carpets are trashed and dirty and there are bugs and rodents that we need to clear out to leave the place as we found it.

I'm pulling up old carpets there are bugs/parasites in them and we need to clear them out too - a friend gives me Honey and shows me how to use it.   (Reminded me of the 'you catch more flys with Honey than Vinigar' 

Outside the building are 'workmen'   they all have the same uniform and are wearing matching masks.  They are superhero-ish but also clown-like.    Black and white - they were going to remove and reuse the stuff we were clearing out.   Oddly Trump was in the house too -   I bow to him, but it's not like a subservient bow.... It's like the end of a performance or show and you're on the stage and you bow at the end sort of a flourish before departing.

Wednesday, 22 April 2020

Shedding Skin and saying Goodbye

First dream is Em's house and we are in the garden but it's our garden and we are asleep under the rose arch.   Well some of us are asleep and I'm not and I'm going back & forth to the house.   I notice in the bathroom I have neon green/yellow eyes slit like a kitty.

Next up hazy dream.. rave/dance but all men.    (men woman spiral, faster & faster?)

Then retro campervan Sindy like, 70's decor it's like a camper van.   Inside there are wired shelves with clips for clothes and I think it's clever but Its non-local.

We park and outside 2 GP's are fighting over butter and some shoes?    It ment something??

Next dream is lovely and wired and lovely.    I'm in a hospital room, my gran and grandad both long dead are there in beds.   They have c-19   but we have been allowed in.  We are My Dad, his Sister, Cousin Sue & Me.

My Grandad that side died when I was nearly 4... but he was there real as life but asleep in this bed.  My Gran was more with it, and speaking with the others.   I was just watching/observing. 

It felt special, that we had been allowed to be together.   To 'see' each other.  A connection??   It was very much like a reunion.    A meeting of friends, though we were all 'disconnected' in a way... we were also together.  Like a thank-you and goodbye.

Next was Twitter.... and a fraying, unravelling...  lol, like Bob Dylans one more layer of skin.


Tuesday, 21 April 2020

Jumbled Symbols.

Way quieter couple of nights.

Yesterday the 20th was just like wired symbols. I was still aware, but mainly of just different flashing symbols, felt like DL but I didn't catch much meaning.

With Mel and a coloured light projector, it made stars and was rainbow.  Pink & purple very bright. 

Then in the morning names.   Dr Exley & Dr Downing. 


A team - but not the TV show. 

Lazer like info back of the skull (Occipital area)  -  was like a line/coded/ beam.

Permission/ YES.  

Then jumbled dreams. 

First was of an unfamiliar house with a long garden and some raised beds and a school/nursery attached.    I was wondering if the gardens were on my property or the schools so I'd gone to ask.  Was like huge warehouses of retro gear, some kids learning.  No one knows who's the beds are so I ask if I can plant veg in them to share, that seemed ok.

Next, I'm meeting Anthony we are at a cafe/bar having a drink and chat.  The barman knows me and my father (this was wired/like not this me)  he knew a bigger me. 

Wired underground caverns - Dreaming triad first 3 sisters, middle angry.  Then it's more Tarot lover, male-female and oversoul.  A few versions of this all layered dreams.  A guy and 2 women, and a contract I'm all 3 all African looking.  Then another is Me and Jack..  he gives me a wired card with credit on it.   Something about San Andres & Steve Jobs novelty bog roll  - had apples on and said for your steve Jobby!  

Silva Brown.  

Sunday, 19 April 2020

Wired Unity / Duality

Thank you for your service but I greatefully decline,
I will walk my own way, know my own divine.

I do not need owning and I will not be controlled and
I recognise and love you as a part of our one soul. 💜

Some big woosh going on at the moment!

First dream were early one and intense. Main dream area but ultra-modern wired timeline (AI/cyborg/Clone) type of zone. 
I'm in main dream house with a few black and white pets. My Bro is there Benny, and a few others were around. Me and Benny are last 2 in our house - it's white, massive windows sterile. Metal and wired stairs. We are being closed in on as some of the few remaining dissenters. A cyborg type woman has entered the house and I ask her who she is. She doesn't know who she is, like a program.

Benny & me are telepathic he distracts her while I go outside but I know it's pointless as there are cameras outside reminded me a little of the dream below (and another where I was a drug runner and was trying to help a woman who didn't know she was a clone)

Anyhooo - Once outside everything is concrete and cameras and I'm spotted by cameras instantly I can hear soldiers marching on me.

Wake here.   Ian's whimpering in his sleep again.  Focus on integrating the darker aspect of the feminine).

Go back into the same dream The house has turned into a strange boat.  The boat's in a storm in the sea east of main dream space....  in the middle of the boat is a huge instrument like a modern harp with lots of strings, it's double the hight of us. 
Benny is now male me, he knows how this wired harp works.  It's hung with woven fabric, beads and feathers a little like a dream catcher but is made of very smooth sliver metallic stuff.   The female cyborg military type thing is coming to 'arrest' take me to be punished.   I'm no longer interested in getting away from her and I go willingly. 

I know she/they/it is afraid of me as I know that they are me too.   They see me as 'other'  she makes me walk ahead of her so she can see what I'm up to.  We teleport and we are in a wired tall tower.  At first, I think it's a warehouse as there are huge box's like the ones clothing come in from Asia heavy dutied and stapled.  We are climbing threw them and in them are children in there pj's then we are climbing down into this bottomless pit/hole and we are climbing down what looks like wooden draws and in each draw is a child again in PJ's with blankets all asleep in these draws I'm using there draws as steps to climb down.  

(Wake here kitten attack)

((Wired aside.. Fay told me this morning she had a dream of a tower where all the children were in tiny cubby holes on the insides of the tower - Her and other friends were there squished up into there small box's!!))

The last dream was almost like a conclusion.. lots and lots of friends have all changed, they are seeing stuff they didn't before and talking about it to each other.   It was really exciting - there was a health check/new plants being grown. 

2 July 2012
The dream was broken up (due to Dotty waking me lots)
Each time I whent back to sleep though I was in the same place though.
It started with friends all being converted to this 'policy' for want of a better word - it was about a new leadership.
People would be against it, then thered be wired syncronicitys and they suddenly bought into it.
I had a feeling that they were being manipulated, but I wasn't sure how/why.
I left a house, it was the house I grew up in as a kid.
As I walked up the path outside my block of houses there was a kind of error in the matrix.
I'd walk up and in one area the flowers growing in the borders would turn to empty beds with soil then back to flowers as I passed threw it.
No one else seeemd to notice it. I worked out that I could possition myself in the seam between the 2 veiws and my vision would go wired and I could see crackles like lightning where the 2 veiws joined.
My vission started to get more wired and I fell onto the floor.
I could see a tunnle (like the ones that see to go between dreams) I traveled up it a bit and met a sun.
I was excited at first, but then it seemed this sun wasn't a 'nice' sun. It told me it was watching me..... it was going to get me to, and my definace would make me an intreasting trophy!
I fell back out of the tunnle onto the dream path.
The dream continued, at first it was robot like machines that were coming after me.
I seemed quite logical in the dream, and I kept trying to brush it of as paranoia... but sure enough, I was being followed by xray & lazer type medical machinary. Getting frustrated with it, I pushed them over off it's wheels so it couldn't follow me.
I kept trying to tell people in the dream what was happening, but they were really quickly also getting mind controlled then after me too.
I think there was about 6 people in the small town resisting one of them was a combination of 2 guys I was friends with as a kid (they were both neighbours).
He was trying to help me.... that was when we started getting assaulted by invisible things :P
It was trying to insert tube like tenticles into our backs between our sholders, we were evading by laying on our backs and trying to work out what to do next, we had decided to head to one of the Churches as we knew the Vicar there was also refusing to be assimilated.
--- Josh woke me
As I whent back into the dream it was same stuff but I'd hopped to an island were the new leaders hadn't got to yet.
I arrived the same time as there campain leaders who were giving out wired propagander.
The islanders were reluctant to join, so wanted time to discusse it and I was trying to inform them what was happening in my home village.
The campain leaders were really pissed off with me now too, but the people on the island were nice and we were trying to arrange a meeting for me with there shaman.
Then Josh woke me up again.
:) It wasn't a scary dream, but was very surreal. Especialy the grumpy sun and the wired dream matrix errors

Saturday, 18 April 2020


17th April

A wired red house, it's tall with 2 pillars down the side and a white door.  It's covered in a smooth render that's been painted deep red.  It's odd as it's an elegant out of place townhouse along on a country lane roadside in woodland.  It was being refurbished inside.

18th April

Dragons first - flying, watching prompting.

Then a dream of gardening, trees with dry soil around the roots.   A lady with a young golden retriever with aggression issues.   A horsebox carrying many horses up the country.

Next dream I'm at Sheila's dream space... the houses are open like dolls houses and lots of stuff is going on outside.  Layered sky again and lots going on outside.  There is a 'drug menu' and I can see the molecular structures of the things on the menu - police there too.  

A young guy is there we know each other - he has metallic hair and a golden/greenish skin.   I'm hugging him he's almost re'memberd.  We were friends in the Andromeda galaxy we are sharing 'timeline' maps these are like silver glowing fractal light strings - like light energetic family trees back and forward.  (Like the one from a dream years back when I was pulled out of a dream and moved across timelines)

We are sharing them telepathically and laughing as we both feel the pullback to there but also know how we will inevitably spiral of into endless possible realities (Like lightning forking)    It helps us both to re'member each other and Andromeda.  The boy has an 'inheritance' it's supposed to come when he is 47 but we are saying it's to late and are partitioning (this was with a larger aspect of us/home/family) for the inheritance to be received early.    (The inheritance is not financial - it's like spiritual gifts/magic/recall) 

Last dream was a beach chalet - a balcony looking over dunes, woven cotton rugs.  A big low drum, sounds like thunder. 

Thursday, 16 April 2020

First Rays of a Diffrent Dawn

15th April 20

Quieter,   well lots of dreams but more hazy and dreamy.  One long one was like a big MMO map I was exploring, had vistas and jumping aspects.  Was good fun, could fly too.

16th April.

First I'm another Me, travelling but our transport has stalled/broken and we are doing psychic readings and channelings to help pay for vehicle repairs to keep going.

- Next dream

An unfamiliar harbour or more of an opening in a rock wall making a naturally sheltered harbour.  The cliffs either side are vast and grey and a small stream flows into the harbour before out into the ocean beyond. 
The sun is setting beyond the harbour cliffs and the sky is on fire.  Don't recall boats or other people, just the view.

Next again hazy... was the main dream area and like channelling.   Lots of energy... like a wire/ or electric cable old school friends there Foz was one.    Also, lots of delicious fresh food had been prepared.

Sort of awake and asleep on and off.

I'm dreaming threw the archetypes very quickly each tarot-style representation materialises then evolves into the next. 

A cable wire, thick and waterproof   - High voltage also live a nerve.  It had connectors and connections.

Last dream still in main dream area... and it's the persistant dream realm. 

More of the Tarot types, lovers meeting (Oh I met someone too - we were meeting there)  Also chariot, judgment.  The village is the same as my last dream there with the tunnels under the village. 
It's very busy with people I know from all times in my life.

I'm at the sands dunes to the north of the village are huge I climb up them as the sun is rising.  (It's rising in the west though, not the east) 

Many people are around some climbing up to see the sun first others sitting on rugs at the base of the dunes or in the field opposite.  I've climbed to the top and am stretching my fingers up into the first rays as they come over the horizon.   

A strange hotel is open and I go in, it' has vast and amazing gardens that are changing now as the light reaches them....  Plants and flowers that only bloom and glow at night are being moves inside for their protection.   Ann the vet is there but her hair is totally white long and curly The hotel felt like the right place to be this one.

Tuesday, 14 April 2020

Gaia Awaken Project

First dream was hazy (Wine hazy) A very rich man had gone away a woman/lover left in charge of business.  Was wired... couldn't work out what she was doing, possibly stripping assets. 

Next dream is a weirdly long thin caterpillar it's white it's in a strange lush green garden, a huge bank of ferns and waterfalls, moss and green.   Ponds too and a water feature made from living Lilly pads shaped into bowls.

Last dream was very very cool

Starts of like an episode of Eastenders.   It's like a soap drama in a hotel.  Main characters are a man and his female lover and the guy has done something wrong.  Police are in the building to arrest him - he knows his way around and is hiding inside the building from the law enforcement. 
The couple escapes along with a friend in a roofless car - and head into empty warm sandy landscape.  It's like America I think, distant rocks and orangy sand stretching for miles.  

We take work at a mine (I'm all 3 people alternating my perspective)  
It's open and old, just wired tools... not even sure what we were looking for but while there looking into the distance we see the strangest sight of coloured lightning coming across the ground.   It's rolling towards us, huge lines of glowing electric light.

Predominantly purple with some slightly pinker or bluer.  Everyone downs tools to look at this amazing light energy it's incredible looking.  
At first, we aren't sure if we should move then very quickly we remember what it is and lay down in the paths of the coloured lines ripping threw the desert floor below us.   As it hits our feet we are electrified and zapped into darkness.  Then abruptly dropped into another body.  
A guide announces 'Gaia Awaken Project,  - welcome back, please reorientate yourselves' 

I'm struggling to open my eyes as I'm dizzy from the fast ride. 

I'm lucid AF now and thinking 'what the heck!'  Looking around me I'm in a large classroom with 15 or so other young people,  (Not dissimilar to my highschool form room but much cleaner and brighter )  a long line of windows to the right let in sunlight and beyond a large grass expanse, I can see a  strange very modern city.   A boy sitting to my right looks kind of familiar.  
Some people are standing to leave already and I notice several other guides/teachers in the room waiting and watching.  

I look down in front of me where there is a large school exercise book with a green cover and recognise my scruffy writing instantly though not the book or subject.   I rub my eyes a bit trying to work out where I am, also quite excited as this is unfamiliar but fascinating.   A few of us are struggling to orientate and the guides/teachers are visiting the tables speaking quietly with us. 

One approaches me and I recognise him as TV psychic from the previous dream world we were zapped from.  I ask him why he was talking shit on the TV and he smiles and tells me, people aren't ready to hear that they are the ancients yet.  He askes me if I'm missing '****'  a name of someone who was in the last dream world with me and I tell him 'No, I'm missing the male aspect of me though, I'm tired of playing a part in duality'  He nods sympathetically and leaves me staring at my handwriting covering a book I don't remember ever seeing before. 

Kitten woke me here.

Last dream I was in a dairy milking cows, thick very creamy warm milk, bottling it up for the delivery man. 

Monday, 13 April 2020

Stuck Energy

The first part of the night was hide and seek...  Multidimensional.  Puppets, us v them but we know we are one.

The dot in the yin-yang born of each other.  Different agendas and different storeys but same - hard to put into words.

Feels 'noisy - dark - busy and tangled'   Not unpleasant, washing machines with aeroplane motors.

First dream. I'm being pestered for sex by a young male (I'm young in the dream too)  someone has a hold of me strong arms pin me down trying to rape me, physical too strong to fight them I flip the script and ask them if they need sex so bad why not ask - and I take control of the situation.  They are intimidated and let me take over - afterwards they 'follow' me into a building.  I've burnt our clothing and they feel afraid of being naked.  (I used a violet flame)

Chaos and darkness messy... not like more familiar female darkness then burning all in violet.  

Violet flame. 

Ian has had a bad dream as well and goes back to sleep still whimpering in his sleep.  (This often happens when I have dreams like this, Zak the other night.. other people years back telling me their kids waking with nightmares when the energy was wired) (Oh Jung said the same didn't he)

Ian even said I was with him in his dream telling him it was ok and explaining that it was sexual energy.  Interesting Schuman from around the same time these dreams are happening.

Just looked up violet flame, interesting 😀  Will read more about it today.

Next up are very very long lucid and semi-lucid dreams... there seems to have been way too much dreaming for sleep time.

Dream is very long.. I'm in a city doing stuff but I get distracted and more lucid when I notice in the air a huge stream of people all flying in the sky going in the same direction.  

Intrigued I fly up and too and over to where they are all zooming along.   They remind me of cars on a motorway I fly up higher to get a bigger perspective on what they are heading too   (I think a hub or station) and then fly off over some rooftops to on my own and land.  A child is playing on a balcony with a cat and I say hello.  I sort of know the cat is going to attack me it dose and it's latched onto my hand with its teeth in chewing...  unphased I count to 3 for it to let go and it does and my hand is fine.

I try to recall what I was doing in the dream before I noticed the flow of flying people and I can recall I was on a mission doing something.... I feel myself fraying and being stretched back to that but decided to stay lucid and set the intention.   'Take me somewhere else' 

I'm in a warm blue ocean just below sea level.  It's like a harbour or canal lock as there are metal structures and I'm in a narrow channel, I swim up and out and climb out of the water via some metal steps to see where I am.

I'm in a sunny port/ harbour people are speaking Spanish.   I thought perhaps somewhere in South America.  Shops and stalls are open spilling out onto busy streets the air smells of spiced food, fish and is noisy with chatter and the buzz of a tattoo shop ink gun.  I notice x Marcus leaning on a wall watching me pass - and wonder if he's dreaming too.

I'm walking towards the ocean (Dream splits here one me goes deeper into the city another to the coast.    I follow both a little way (One is in the kitchen restaurant of a strange hotel were waiters are serving big plates of pasta looking stuff) Other me heads along a marram grass bank that connects to a metal swing bridge crossing a wide estuary.

I meet another female walking and she says 'Hi, your dreaming too?'  I smile and say yes.

We walk along together companionably until we find some wired shoes they look like surf shoes and we want to try them but can't get them to work.  
We talk more about lucid dreaming and she's telling me how we adventure at night and that she'd like me to help someone else, it's her Grandma and something bad happened to her, I tell her happy to try.

She calls up this amazing 'travel map' this is very cool - It materialises out of the air as it's like an animated paper cut map, brightly coloured and moving like a child's pop up book she scrolls threw it like you would a bunch of phone images and the bright coloured paper with cut out houses whizzed under her finger until she points and an area and we are sucked into the map. 

Inside is a girl I recognise from my childhood.  Moira, she was the older sister of a best friend Jack (He often plays male me in dreams).  She's obviously way too young to be the girls' Grandmother but I realise we are in astral bodies and that's irrelevant - I can 'see' this person at many ages and different lives and I know in one of them she was abused as a child. (stuck energy)  I smile and tell her 'Oh, I know another you!'  she knows another probable me too and we laugh. 

We go for a walk talking - she has these amazing bats she can summon... most people find them terrifying but I'm fascinated, they have different faces and energy like Moshi-monster bats or something, I greet the different ones and tell her I like them, they like that I like them and they warp into stranger and stranger forms as she summons more and more of them.

There is another layer to this too.... someone in the bath, a father having sex with a child, another child walking in --- it's like it's tangled into the other dream - at a level just below what is obvious.   I think this was the stuck energy/stuff.  I was in the body of the kid being raped. 

Wake here.

Another dream...  was of a gamer with many many alts.   Very very intelligent and manipulating, he's set up many alts/accounts and is manipulating people into giving him money/funds but in small amounts to many people.  (all the same him though)  He has a child, I've helped birth this child - it can walk and talk as a newborn.   I'm the only person who knows the identity of the father though.


Last dream of a brother in prison/jail  I've arranged for a recurring 2hr call each week. 

Sunday, 12 April 2020

Power Baby

Shift my perspective
take me home
falling into my heart, infinity to roam

Fraying at the edges
unravelling at the seams
merging threw the gaps into reality unseen

Playing in the moment
dancing in the NOW
grateful of acceptance and accepting of our power.

 Dreams were not easily described.

I felt like I was falling threw multiple layers - kept waking like I was falling.   Not unpleasant it was connecting..  A jumble of things... lots of purple, ferns uncurling, people connecting.

Busy very busy and chaotic and the light.   Chaos into a spark inside and light and creation.   (Thousands and thousands of things at once)

The dreams as I left deeper sleep stages were - Alex and lots of kids and the kids are playing and also getting tattoos.... then kittens and more kittens and they have so many parasites.   I'm washing of fleas, pulling out worms and twisting of ticks. 

A woman, who wants Fay's clothes... she has photos of her then wants to release her clothes as a 'fashion range'   Watching a version of me on a Zoom meeting but I'm headbanging and licking the camera :D 

Watching seeds grow into plants... like the egg thing, but seeing the seed develop quickly and from inside - ferns uncurling again.

Last dream was a birth.  Fay & Holly are there and me and Kelly.   Kelly's given birth to a new baby girl and passed it to me - she's not newborn and has amazing violet purple eyes and a blue dress.  Her hair is orange at the back and turquoise and purple stripes at the fringe.

Last dream Josh is playing music, a new instrument and new lessons.... Ian's not sure about it as it's not exam structured.... but I'm happy as it's about the love of music and creation. 

Saturday, 11 April 2020

Order & Chaos.

Watching matter form... elemental and smaller very hard to put into words but I hear while seeing

Order out of Chaos.   I understand it's to do with light emerging from darkness/male from female.  Yin-Yang 2 parts of the same thing.    

Was fun to google it this morning and find it's very old like 'As Above So below'  but also what is used by masons and other secret societies. 

Has the use been twisted into problem/reaction/solution?    

Nice link

Dreams were wired, I was watching someone who was on drugs or with multiple personalities but cycling quickly threw many many personalities.

A woman in a blue dress.

Last dream, an odd house.  It was really messy and needed tidied up but was also a crime scene so I had to wait as I didn't want to destroy evidence. 

Thursday, 9 April 2020

Dream Data Banks.

Seems like I had such a significant night of dreams but nothing I can pin down to earth understanding that makes any sense to anyone but me and even here it's hazy trying to bring it back to waking awareness.

I can't even find an image as it's like 3d nested data. 

Dream is of a 'story'  it's being told on a grand scale...  with toys/puppets and drawings, and archetypes.  It's vast and small and messy and all.

The whole is watching the telling. 2 friends who have fallen out and who are fighting while the world is watching. 
It's messy as fuck, explosive and toxic.. hard to describe as I'm trying to describe something that's different.  One friend has gone mad & bad....   they write a 'story'   like a children's story.  I'm seeing a sock puppet/teddy write a story that speaks to all.  
A consensual story that is written for us all from the place of hurt/range anger and bitterness a place we all know.  It's hard and harsh, but the images we all know.   There is a weaving.. threw time/now and then.   I'm inside the battle.

This isn't something I can bring back properly.   The 2 friends..  I listen to the hurt one, and listen more.   We all listen,  as we hear the anger untangles into a story.  As they tell they get less psycho and more relatable, and I'm with the 2 friends who fell out and we are untangling the past together. 

Images I saw were like children's pencil drawings, with dragons and energy, elements and also scribbles and hurt and - I also in the dream that the crazy psyco energy that relaxed at the end of the dream had taught my brother to read.   That's how I reached it. 

Wired messy, Important but not really describable - It was like the tale of all times, with a huge plot twist. 

At the end of my dream recall notes, I wrote Gunthasburg.    Then on falling back asleep, the word was echoed again as important.. 

Gundas-burg German. 

((Don't speak german, but when I googled it on waking whoosh!   Wired and relevant syncs with banking families and other dreams))

Gunthersburg - Park 

Makes me wonder about this dream too.  I feel there is a connaction. 

Back into my main dream area and I'm in the old post office..  but I'm interviewing for a job there and getting it.  In the back is a vast data bank.... again this is indescribable and multidimensional.  Like a vast resource of info.   I'm looking for something. 

I'm in the post office, it's night... it's always open we take shifts.  ( I knew all of the stuff was symbolic) Other things were property sales and a plan to make a star.

Last dream.   My cousin sue.   Dad's female side, not well known or ever dreamed of.  Is being wed, I'm also in bride attire.   An x Marcus is to be my groom.... but we are echos of the wedding.   I'm in cream pearl gear, my hair is white, neon pink & black I have pearlescent horns.  I'm not happy about wedding contracts ---   Keep dipping back into the data banks from the last dream.   Huge nested data banks.   Again, I can't describe this. 

Sometime in all the other dreams was an ocean... clear and blue and life was seeded.  Micro, small, growing larger and bigger and preditors emerge. 

Wednesday, 8 April 2020

Male & Female Rift.

Fun dreams with a similar theme all night around - 'Stuck/not moving'  Then moving again. 

The first part of the night felt like a record with a scratch, juddering --- a cloud not dispersing.

Then a long dream set in a game-like version of the UK.
All set at night and jumping large areas by zooming out onto an overview/map of the UK. 
The routs on the maps are underground waterways and holy wells. 
The dream starts and I'm on a field trip with all Men.
They are being assholes, bullying and irritating.  One of the guys is like the young blond guy from the OA - He's being a dick.  We move on a bus together the bus teleports.

No citys, the countryside is filled with dark forests and woodland - old villages, and old architecture still stands but in disrepair.

The society is falling apart and we know it's going to get way worse.  I port up to main dream area as I'm going to collect things.  It's still dark, I'm outside the village is scrubby woodland.  Military are roaming (This reminds of other similar dreams of this style I've had over the years) 

I was trying to find the other females.  I'm with the blond guy as we approach the buildings, looting is starting and we have a list of things we would like to get before we head off again.  We have some outfits that stop being detected by heat cameras.  

Once in the village we are collecting a few things, a tarp, anti-bac cream etc for a small fist aid kit.. spare socks, knives, string needle and thread all go into backpacks... a couple of dogs want to follow us and we encourage them.  We plan to get a headstart before stuff gets crazier.

On leaving the village back into the woodland we are cornered against a rocky bank by one of the military with Lazer type gun he looks at us and then lets us go saying 'Humanity needs survivers' 

Woke here... by Zak coming to bed as he'd had a bad dream.   

In some ways, the night reminds me a little of the 12/June2016 dream at the bottom of the page.

Anyway, next dream with the same guy from the first dream (The OA blond type guy)   In this dream Kelly is to get married to the blond guy.... but the bride and groom have had a spell cast on them to make them turn away from the union.    

This was a wired/fog... confusion (The stuck stuff from earlier in the night)  I could see it as the stuck stuff.... a mental fog, deliberate mental confusion, curse.   There were another 2 people causing it.   

The wedding is to be heled underground in an ancient place of worship deep in an underground city. ... the church is carved into the walls of a huge cavern deep in the ground and I've ported there (I've got no body/form again)  

In the middle of the carven is a 'rift'  like a deep crack along the cavern floor, and on one side is the groom and on the other is Kelly bride. 
I port to her side still disembodied, Hap is there out of the OA to 'give her away' but he is the cause of the 'curse' doubt and confusion.
I can hear his telepathic chanting to Kelly..   On the other side of the rift Tabby & Delilah's mother is there and she is doing the same subliminal broadcasting to the Groom.   Hap & the MIL type are working as one to keep the rift and the lovers apart.   It's making the union unsure.   I can see them trembling and sweating form the effort there broadcasting is taking.    They are broadcasting doubt and unsureness making the lovers feel they want to turn away.

There is a standoff on either side of the rift.

I 'sing'  lol well it wasn't singing as I had no voice or mouth it was more I vibrated... like a mantra reminded me a little of the 'Ra, Ma, Da, Sa, Say, So, Hung.....'

The energy changes and softens and the others join in and soon I'm visible   -  I try to tell the lovers about the curse but my voice drys up so I need to try and write it... but it's slow and hard work but soon all start to remember.

'Message... we get what we need'    (Fun and interesting dream, reminded me of the Seth stuff about how we use various symbols for ourselves to help us understand energy threw the various filers of consciousness and walking)

-  Wired interlude imagery dream of moving a giant, needed transporting but was old, stubborn and stuck... I had these gold glowing shackles I could put on it to move it with me.    Reminded me of this dream  .Oh, and a random dream of falling into a pond with Jo while Aunty Sheila and Uncle Eric were gardening. 

Last dream.

Back in main dream area outside what used to be the Viking.  I was arguing with my old boss who was in his shop holding my dog hostage but I was refusing to be manipulated. 

Then I was in the car-park outside the paper shop where there was a massive slag heap.  On the side of it was a slide, and lots of male kids were climbing up and using the slide.   The rocks were rolling down onto another Mum at the bottom.   I am at the top of the heap with the boys their mothers aren't around or any girls.  I was doing a jigsaw with the boys. 

(Fun and interesting dreams, reminded me of the Seth stuff about how we use various symbols for ourselves to help us understand energy threw the various filers of consciousness and walking)

12 June
First part of the night is hazy one thing I recall is being told.
'More to know than we can see'
Then the long dream (I woke 2 times but kept going back to same dream)
It's set on the small main street of the village I grew up in, but one of the vet surgery's I worked at is now on the street too.
There is lots of work going on, I'm 2 people working in 2 places at once the vets and a cafe I had a job in as a kid. Both are very new and in the process of being painted, lorry's keep dropping of new equipment. I go down to the small bakers shop to collect something for the cafe.
On the way I notice one of the buildings is filling rapidly with water and then lots of water starts to bubble up threw the streets. I drop into another shop and tell them they must call the water board.
I bump into my old next door neighbour he tells me he's much happier now he has GPS and shows me a camping stove, I want to know were to get one too.
Back out on the street the water people are there, one of them stops me and say's 'Thank you, it's a good job you knew were the source was'
- wake up -
Back in the dream now I'm in the new vet shop, I'm putting up prescriptions of cream to be collected - I'm also working in the cafe but I'm not me I'm the other Andrea (who was the owners daughter) I'm a prisoner there.
The dream changes too 2 child lovers trying to get back together and now I'm a female working and a young boy (I flick between these 2 characters now)
The female is being kept as a kind of slave, working. It's all parody though there's a spitting image type of royal family, and the shops are morphing into big sandstone buildings.
The boy is trying to get into the village which is now more of a ruined castle. he's small and keeps meditating turning blue and flashing blue. He has some helpers there clones and are like overweight versions of Redfoo - they find themselves really funny and are more of a distraction than anything else.
As the boy I meditate and teleport myself into the walls close to the female.
They grab each other and run, the girl blows up a section of wall which crumbles behind them to give them some moments to escape.
-wake up and see to toddler-
Back into dream, I'm with the boy outside the walls he starts to place a ring of explosives to give us time to get out of there.
After they are set we run and make a detour round the main part of the village onto the cliff tops. There is a carpark full of cars, old shiny ones all with blacked out windows on the road beyond the carpark some kind of roadblock with people yelling.
The boy recognises one of the cars and the door opens as we run into it.
Inside it's really plush - cream leather seats. With a large choc Labrador in the back. The driver is an old guy (I actually remember this car from a dream I had years and years ago when I was at school!)
I get into the back, and the blue boy curls up in the passenger foot well and hides under a trench coat.
He starts to drive, at the road block a man falls down like he's been shot - it causes a diversion and the other run to see him, they all fall down. We escape.... as I look back out of the window though I see non of them are really hurt and are standing back up.
We start to chat in the car, the older guy asks the blue boy if he's been calling in the angels, he says yes from under his coat hiding hole. They go onto to chat about the ascension of earth, at the front of the car a thing pops out like a tray, in it there's a holographic man he's like a butler he hands out eye pad screens they have lots of strange glypic writing on them and diagrams.
He has sweets on a tray too, I take one it's a chocolate eclair :) It's nice then the dog starts trying to suck the sweet out threw my cheek, it feels odd!!
The man keeps talking about humanity being at the brink of ascension but not yet seeing it and not taking the final leap humans are worried.
They are from Jupiter, I comment 'it's bonkers why can't they see it?' Then they laugh at me as I took forever to get of Venus and get my wings, they say it's always the same. The dog is still sitting right beside me and then moves right into my body with me. He's brave and with me now.
I start to itchy my nose till I can see lots of flakes of silver skin... but the itch doesn't stop and I wake up to really scratch my nose.
Sorry, another LONG one!!

Tuesday, 7 April 2020

Time Hopping & Multiple Lives

Early in the night the chat/message stuff.  Woke up with 'Live Long and Prosper' spoken to humanity.   Isn't that Vulcan or something?  

lol  I'm just remembering that other message I got a few years back that was 'With compassion, 'SHUT UP!' could be the greatest gift to humanity for a generation. 

Dreams were cool. 

First, long dream is watching a planet form and also looking at a book on it    Not got a body while observing, also just sort of flicking threw the book too.  I could go into a body on the planet though. 

The book was huge, thick black hardbound and was like the history of everything. 

Was with Josh and we were studying and learning, but also visiting and playing on the planet too.  

I think we had watched the planet form into a ball but that part was hazier...   Defo watched rock formation, and the 'air' is thick... minimal light penetrates the dust clouds in the air - we can see into the core of the planet too liquid metal - Iron, this will help with the gravity & atmosphere stabilise.   This was like the egg dreams were I'm just a visual perspective and can move in and out of stuff.

Once the world is almost ready we take bodies to go and play there.  We create roles for ourselves, missions, games quests to make it more fun.  We appoint 'teachers' too who will make it more fulfilling we each specialise in different aspects to teach/learn together making up the game as we go along.


Second dream.  Also long, this one I kept going in and out of as the kid next door was crying and waking me.  Is starts at the middle school of my main dream area.

It's the school building but not kids there - Lara is a teacher, but there are mainly adults in the school.  Friends and family and there aren't lessons just exploration.   Lots of my aunts are there they have made the most amazing cakes!  So many cakes laid out on tables in the old home ec room, they look amazing and people are coming sharing them, with tea.  Chatting and eating together.

In the old woodwork, room is lol, like a bingo hall... but also a lady's dressing room.  Many elder females are here, sat about large retro dressing tables styling their hair with rollers and hairspray.  Backcombing into styles of yesteryear while chatting together.  The air is thick with cigarette smoke and hairspray and feels almost claustrophobic so I leave there to look round again. 

Another classroom was filled with leaders and newsreaders.   In the old youth club/playschool building is a rave going on, Dom is in there as DJ and it's having it - Lots of UV and lasers. 

I've planted a 'Time Pod/Capsule' there and I've gone to dig it up.  Inside it amongst other stuff is a red jewel/stone... that's what I wanted. 

Dream goes multi-dime here. Time hopping I go to find a friend Rachel from Uni (I can see her in many realities at once and go to her)  3 of the ones I see her in are a spaceship captain, she's reminiscent of Janeway.  Looks similar to her current self but taller, had on a cool deep blue metallic-looking uniform.  - I see her as I knew her, and her current age and also as a woman from 200 or so years ago, carrying triplets (Or one of the triplets she was birthing, possibly both)  oh and a news anchor on a channel I've never seen. 

She doesn't recognise me at first and I tell her about our first meeting at uni.  When she stuck her head into my open door and said 'Hi, I'm Rachel.. I'm next door'   I did this in her accent from that life which made her laugh.  ... next bit is wired as I sort of take her back and forward at the same time. 

Showing her other versions of her.   We spend time at the one where she's giving birth to triplets, I'm experiencing the birth.  We are poor in a city it's about 200 years ago and the poor are in ill health. 

I'm in a cobbled alleyway leaning on a brick wall.. The first female babe I birth is stillborn and I wrap it in my coat and leave it intending to collect it later to bury,    The second baby is born live, she has soft red hair and blue eyes.   Carrying her inside my coat I stumble into a noisy old theatre/show house the performance is well threw and no one is on the door.    I make my way to a seat at a quiet space at the back where the third baby is born also live she looks just like the other 2.   Once the babies are born I'm back as an observer again. 

She leaves with the 2 live twins to find somewhere safe.   An Asian older Asian woman is looking for her had the vibe of a wise mother in law, she wanted to help. 

Was wired - made way more sense at the time.   :P 

Monday, 6 April 2020

Another Egg

As a soul, I am neither young or old
As a parent not a
Ma or Pa
As a student, I'm your subject and your muse
and I will
ask the questions that to you,
still confuse
and make you still.
I am the question and the answer,
I am the reason for your anger

I'm the thing you want to hide from
and yet the want you rely on
I am inside you and without
I call your echo when you shout
I'm your shadow you can't escape but the arms you long to embrace

I'm the in and you're the out. 
We are the reflection looking back, from the us inside from which we try to hide.

Woke at the end of an astral conversation... and all I could remember was the last part saying 'compatible lives Edgar Casy'


Lots of them were an overview observer of a scene type of dreams. 

One of a girl who'd been raped by cyborg/android/robot types but was pregnant and the confusion around it as it shouldn't have been possible.   The girl who had been an art student was scared and confused and now being treated like an oddity/specamin/ research subject to try and find out what it was she was carrying. 


Dream of a coach trip threw Asia and China - The coach was ultra-modern (Should have wrote this down earlier as my recall is hazy now)   There were huge camps/ almost like refugee camps we were free to come and go.  Dirty but friendly.  The place was busy, people arriving and leaving all the time.  On the wired modern spaceship type coaches.  It was next to a lake with small fishing boats, and children playing in the mud banks.  

I'd been chatting to a family and was running late for my coach to leave.  

The engine had cut out and the bus had stalled making it possible for me too bored.   They were telling me I was lucky as they were intending to leave without me - but I knew that the bus had stalled and waited for me.    Inside it was strange, grey metal nothing at all like an actual bus... there were rails along the side to hold too when there was no gravity.   


Another overview dream, seeing layers of realities interacting... A Prison and the organised crime inside is being orchestrated by the same people who have imprisoned the inmates. 


Last is another dream of an egg.  I'm watching inside the egg the stages the embryo is going threw... how it looks like fish/reptile/bird  It's very cool and detailed.  I'm just a perspective in an egg.

Was like the snake egg dream

Sunday, 5 April 2020

The Oak Tree

The Oak Tree

On a planet, on a, hill, A big beautiful Oaktree is growing in a field.

One branch near the top starts to get longer and longer.

He's so busy! He's being a branch, enjoying the view,  talking to the birds and trying to reach up to the beautiful sunlight.

He’s passed the other branches and he's waving around on his own in the breeze.  The view is fantastic, he can see trees and  hills, it feels a little lonely but the sun is kind.  

He starts to notice he's attached to something else!   ‘What's that?’ He thinks.   He tugs a little harder in the breeze.    ‘Something is stopping me from flying away with the birds? Flying to the sun.  The branch at first is a bit worried.

He starts to reach higher to the sun,  calling to him hoping it will save him from the thing that is dragging him down!

Up and up he grows!    While the beautiful the sun beams down on him.

The higher the branch gets the more he is blown about and confused. 

One dark and stormy night swinging wildly in a gale, afraid and alone the branch finally turns around to face the thing holding him down.   It’s HUGE! 
How will he ever escape from something so big. 
Miserable and alone the branch longs for the morning and the return of the sunshine. 

As the dawn starts to break the branch looks back at the giant shadow holding him back, it looks different in the light, he starts to make out other branches below that look just like him,  lots of them!

Confused the branch turns his attention away from the light...   Carefully watching the other branches.
Slowly the branch starts to remember....  He’s not a branch!!.....  He’s a Tree!  

 How could he have forgotten what he is? 

How could he not have noticed the rest of him he chuckles to himself.

The tree explores he’s been so busy up here in this branch he’d completely forgotten about all his other branches!  

He notices his acorns ripe from his growth filled with promise and potential and then he remembers his roots way way down in the warm dark earth.

He sees how hard his roots have been straining to support his lopsided stretching and how the earth has been nourishing his growth.
The tree relaxes into his new perspective and contentedly wriggles his roots deeper into the warm darkness below him.   

Strange Summoning

  12th Was v tired after 3 night shifts, but did dream all night. Was all over the place though as I was tired too, so falling asleep i...