Wednesday, 29 July 2020

Pfffffffff Tadpole Spaceship!

First was wired overlay breathing realities.  Lockdown, then jumping threw layers of a story.  Melding certain funny checkpoints - lots of languages and pass points too.

212  wake.  Claire was in dream & Sarah, felt like I was blending with collage days and the chaos and psychedelics of that time too.

Nice,  I'm kinda sliding out sideways and at an angle to get out of the dream space and then cutting, intersecting and splicing.   -  Oh this was like time editing from another dream. 

lol now I'm confused as this page was already open from yesterday and I'd not read it and it's about story and narrative and fuck this is all wired :P  as it's from 2016!   Anyhoo it's not the time editing dream I was even thinking of :P 

It was the Spiralising one.  Also 2016.... why dose shit get wired with the US elections 👀   Oh...... time-hopping for the perfect crime??    Then the portal with Trump??     And this is the stuff I'm weaving into the fiction story I'm writing where I feel like I'm writing time :P

Pfffffffffff!   Oh well! 

Then a dream, we are a team and we are somewhere 'art supplies job'  But it's more like smuggling, we have micropore medi tape and things stuck to us.  I'm in that dream world to give a message to friends there and I'm also going to hand myself over to the control/police there to buy the others more time??

Oh we were doing dream-sharing too sleeping again in a hexagon shape this time.  ((Wish I could remember what the different shared dreaming positions ment :P  ))  I also knew this was the same thing as in the OA series the glass thing Hap keeps them in & the fish tank.  Oh and the stasis.   I know we've dream shared in star shapes, both heads pointing in and heads pointing out.  


Next was Auto-immunity and not just mine all auto-immunity and how it was an inbalance and I could see all women my friends who have it how humans are destroying themselves physically due to the mental imbalance.  Oh Autism and Altsimers similar too more common in men... the men are destroying the mind rather than the body -  I was shifting/clearing forgiving...

Maya - Rimba  - not sure what this is.  Massive rave tribal dance in my main dream area, it's bloody busy there atm!

Then I'm in white rooms, Kelly is there and some crazy woman :P  and some others it all white like the station in my book (And the place in the back threw separation thing from 2016)   This crazy woman 'knows time' and we are talking about singularities and I pop one of them entities up and again and the crazy woman says try this one and lol she manifests one that's fucking huge!!  

My time loop one was football-size.. this was 2m across.  This makes me laugh.   We can't talk to each other but we bounce thought constructs back and forth into each other's minds.   Was like idea juggling!   We have some shit to clear up, and stuff to do.   We make a flyer it's an astral thi-ch group and it's for Mystics, Gurus, Timelords, wizards  (all the weirdos I met in this dream) and I'm going to do a flyer drop! :P

Oh... that's why she had the mad eyes, her flicker rate was to high for me, also why we couldn't talk!! Makes sense! 

Next up crazy astral experience, I'm a living tadpole spaceship 😆😆

My head is a flying saucer full of rainbow light and my tail is my spinal cord with glowing chakras -  I'm transparent like a jellyfish but for the lights. 

There was one last meeting in the white room where we were trying to keep on point and avoid more tangents!!!   HAhah, yeh, likes that's going to happen!

Image from here.... protostar!  lol cool ;)

Oh I also decoded my surname   - after doing the And bit the other day.  Andrew/Andrea.   Manly but was the wrong sex.

The 'Shell' bit is no less wired. 

(Edit link fix)

Tuesday, 28 July 2020

Fuel Station & Impasse

Was woken in the early hrs by a guy walking down the road on his phone.   Was wired as at the time he walked past our open window he shouted 'That's mine, not anyone else's, so go f*ck yourself mate'


It was wired as it lol it was like an ego shouting at totality or something... scared to lose what they are by surrendering to all...

Next was a dream about a 'fuel station'  it was like a motorway service station lol but sort of astral too.   Like this big hub where journeying entities had stopped to rest/refuel, there were cars but they were symbolic.  Shops too and it was so busy the place was gridlocked outside and also inside to the isles of the shop. 

I was standing in a corner and crowds of people wanted to come in both directions and they didn't have my perspective and couldn't see the other people coming towards them round the corner. 

Both lots were shouting at me why wasn't I moving as they didn't know we were at an impasse... so I was shuffling first one way then the other so people could see what was around the corner.

Oh!  This is like a shaman a foot in both worlds!   An eye in both worlds. 

Fits with where we are at in the world at the moment with more and more divisive stuff being churned up all the time.    The staff in the hub were nice.


Next, I was in a white room talking this made me think of the white room from that dream.  What was said is hazy though. 

After that, it was Jinya telling Ren about Timelines and elders for my story.   I also realised Leon is here in this dream.  

Monday, 27 July 2020

Andromeda, Soul Frament and Dowery?

Work at 1.30 confused it was so early as I'd already had a very long dream.  It was one of the magic school's lessons were on portals and teleporting it's hazy I know I was asking about something but I didn't know the word for it so was struggling with my question.   There were also 2 spaniels.  Oh, and the astral version of here lol outside Shirlys 2 dogs were there younger and Chris from over the road was out inline skating in the bit outside his house, hehe he was really good!

Back to sleep and next, there was it was like a cube filled with dots/made of dots like this no lines though only the dots

Then another dream that I felt had been inside or come out of the dot grid??  Duno 😀

It's the first soul shard dream I've had in ages, it's also disjointed several aspects that don't fit.  I'm Aunty sheilas and there is ghost in the bathroom.   It's not her bathroom it's a wired white almost like a communal school shower room all white tile.   I can't see it but it's trying to get back into me it keeps boofing my astral form about so I'm floating and bouncing or getting squashed.   Other people found it disturbing but I'm not afraid of it I know it's on a very different flicker rate to me atm.

Other people didn't believe me but they could see me moving weirdly so decided I was right.    (My thoughts are this could be 1 of 3 shards.  

-Me at 17, anorexic living there
-The me that had the dream about falling of her flat earth disk as a kid when it started to wobble to much (I had that in that house - though I think I've got that bit bk)  (lol that was wild one)

-Or The mirror me with the wired hair??    Though that could also me the same as 17 anorexics me (humm what was the poem I wrote in that house...

I know it started, Oh found it in an old book...   wow it's like my entity and body consciousness talking to each other.  Haha it probably always was!

Please don't be afraid of me I know that I am ill,
I don't want to scare you I am building up my will.
I know I'm in here somewhere the bit I used to like
and only for my love of you I won't give up the fight
for as long as I see beauty and as long as I feel love
there is always hope that I will find my dove
my pure white dove of freedom
which is lurking deep inside
it will come to me and give me much needed peace of mind
so, for now, my love just care for me and let me care for you
deep inside my heart, I know this life was meant for two.
two voyagers with hearts so big they almost blow their minds
with pure love and compassion like no other kind
just help me reach inside myself and try to help me find
the part of me who loves us both and blissful peace of mind.

Which also I realised this morning the connection with my Birth name my parents wanted to call me Andrew and when I wasn't a boy they had no other name so I ended up with Andrea.   Andrew (means MAN) my missing other-half the feeling disconnected and half a person split to play in duality but I'm both too as it's inside me.  It's also linked to Andromeda and this dream not totally sure how yet. 

Tangent delt with back to the dream ;)  Now this stuff is jumbled and seemed to be all simultaneous so there isn't an order.

Nana in the 60's before I was born knew her... when she still played the fiddle.  She'd met a Prince?  She was showing me perfume bottles very cool 60's ones all empty.  - Then something about her parents and a 'wealth transfer'    (Hummmmm so the dream of the wired hair me was also the dream about dowery...  no dowager! )  Oh and the Andromeda was about me and that male partitioning for a spiritual inheritance to be given at the age of 47 but to come now???  👀 

- There was another bit with Nana and it's also before I'm born Sheila and the other sisters are there and my cousin Sue is a kid must be the end of the 60's and Nana has a locket and it's massive the size of her hand and she opens it and there is her daughters and then it opens again and there is her daughter's, daughters and I knew this was like a whole DNA line on daughters going back n forth in time :P

- There is also something about a holliday with Em and a bus drop of and there are a line of zimmer frames wrapped with lay type flower garlands!

A thing that is morphing between a pingpong table and a grand piano, it has pockets in for 'tools' and I can play the game or the music?  

A shop Cat is there her parents too and much wealth.  We are in a popup Christmas shop - it is a shop/store and it's in a really poor area of a town and her parents are bringing their stock - really expensive Christmas gifts cards and decorations and I know the people here will think the prices laughable  ( A big wealth transfer) ??   Also seems to fit with the stuff above?  

Back in Sheilas, the back bedroom with the mirror where I'd seen a wired reflection.. was a white room filled with computers and tech all white too.     Sheila and Erics room is a strange pannel game were 3 African Americans are sitting they are wearing face masks but they have studded them with Gems and Diamonds and they are having a competition where they make expressions of them. 

(Woosh, and then there was all the story info too)   


Sunday, 26 July 2020

Reluctant Captian, Eviction and a Warning?

Early in the night, it was journeying, meeting, spacing jumping but it was just out of reach on waking.  Also, a feeling 'Being asked to leave'

I was sleeping much deeper :)  I'd written that half-asleep at 1ish. 
So that I guess was the thing and I can see how it filtered down actually as the dreams were about leaving old shared rented places.


The first dream I recall there is a white wooden house and something has landed on it part of the roof is broken.  An impact from the air possibly an airship. 

The boards are white and I'm helping repair, cutting planks and painting them to match.     Also something about a female football team, a game we have kits and I'm being told I'm the captain and I'm really resistant I want to be just a player the kit I was given as captain was a different colour and I didn't want to stand out there was a sensation that it was non-optional. 
Hummm, White house, is an idea construct, not sure about that one.   The other though seems tied to the first dream from last night with sports kits and all the people in my main dream house suddenly, and then the not wanting a different uniform seem to be tied to that dream with the wings/tracksuits.  I had the same feeling but in that dream, it had seemed like a fair trade.    Oh like the dragon/dino thing.

- Next up I'm with Em and we have been living in a shared house in a city felt like Mortimer Road, as it was the same Estate agents in Kensal Rise but on a different street the one were the pub was on the corner, it's the same style large victorian house.   Anyhoo we are moving out and someone had given the keys back but hadn't cleaned up or remembered our plants so I was going back to the estate agents to let him know I still had stuff to do and see if he's let me back in to clear up and collect the plants.  

(Oh, is this tied to the time loop/Singularity thing? Which I realised this morning was probably me!   Which is why it vanished as I woke up, I'd make the loop to remind myself and Ian that time isn't linear - and I'm not crazy)   even though the fact it happened is crazy! :P 

There was also another dream with a hum it was like an old fashioned dial telephone but was made of galvanised steel!  A gift shop filled with curious beautiful stuff, this was also being cleared out too.   There was a glass display/jewellery box with a cross pattern etched into the top, I'd been using it to store stuff that was mine in the shop.  Gems little, statues and earings, it was very dusty, it was useful and attractive but when I turned it over it was £8? and I couldn't afford it so I unclipped the lid and poured the bits into my palm.  

Oh in another part of the dream this was a big dream! lol I can just remember snatches of.  There are a group of youths and one has this it's like a very modern penny farthing bike with one seat white and green ride on hoop really like a strange unicycle.  Anyway, we are on a steep hill and I'd already let go of a kids scooter and had to chase it.   I see the boy has let go and I shout to warn him, he turns to see the thing rolling down the road he walks after it and I tell him he'll have to run if he wants to catch it, but he doesn't run till it's too late.  I know the thing will end up in the traffic at the bottom of the hill.

After I'd emptied and cleaned the place there was more jumping/weaving.  Then it was twisting and then it hit me in the dream Emmas book she wrote... Out of the Shadows, and the parallels with my book!  and then the OA story too (all with the water/tanks) all with the fragmenting!  I realised it's a story we all have inside and express differently.  💓

Last was a message....   'Last time we bearly made it'  O.o  

(Is this to do with the eviction & plants)  Trashing a planet??   Or getting back threw separation.

Makes me think of the dream from below that was 2012 or 2011  (Oh, the boy is Nill's from my  story!)

Then some dream messages for the book.    lol, why does shit get so wired fast when I go into my heart space!  I completely understand what Seth said about our reality being a dream and the world symbolic!  Almost frighteningly so 👀    -  I know I'm not insane, but I could do a good impression 😁

Oh, the Eorria link...   This is the only reference I could find... same stuff.    Is that what the wired Hanks, Dr ment by BOOK CLUB?

Strange Summoning

  12th Was v tired after 3 night shifts, but did dream all night. Was all over the place though as I was tired too, so falling asleep i...