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Showing posts sorted by date for query GPS. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Monday 13 May 2024

D Fraggled Rocks


Eh that was fast...  Christ Ian's blocked by my B hind?  Hind head?  Was roads mapping, navigation elen stuff.  Only mixed with magic GPS

'Go bk to sleep, you a great gate keeper'  Hu?  'Just sleep again love, U on my shift'  Inka?  'Sleep' ok help me? 'Will do'


Fuck guys?  This is a lot!  'We will rip you to peace's if we have to - but you know how to reconnect again'😵  'Sleep child of time'  I  'Shut the fuck up REN'  ok...


Ok  Wow...  20.20  (Got called from work, cause Dad was freaking out he'd not seen me today... He forgotton we shared lunch n some wyrd logo'd beers together.


'Mmm Ren - let trust x trust let'  What's trustlet?  'Better than  toilet bitch'  Pffffffffffff  'He's like you re-member'   Ok wow..


Inka?   'Mmmm'  Kaylo got angry with you last night before you hit me  'He protected U from Me'  Leon stepped in 'Yep, he understands that sometimes M n U left best to our own shit'  lol was messy  'Aye Ren' 

Ok, though..  'I know Ren, we know one & other Ren'  a lot inbetween that.  'Want me to come 2 U?'   

Aye, meby Ddad again  'As U wish'  feel squished here 💜


Anyhoo was woken from some wyrd dream experiance of drilling for something so long it was allmost egg-stinkt ? Extinct?   Is that why eggs smell like sulpha?  Lol 'Yeh Bitch, it's YOU - write the fucking dream!'  lol  where what?  'DREAM'  More recall then plx



I know I was in main dream space, bit further down kind street on the west side, past James street.
I was in a building..  It was a new library space.. I'd been given a job there.
lol I kept getting annoy/tannoy messages clean up on isle 12 or 13

It was an unusual odd collection of books by themes.
I was trying to index and clean.. Was in a section on sailing and swimming, there were lamps nd lasers hanging on the shelves,  I was moving and turning stuff on and off too - was sort of me and not me at once.  More stuff too...


Darth Dad n you had come here? Leon? Loci too I duno? What or where I am again?
Oh yeh, I ate Rey bread, as I remembered the catchers in the rey book you asked me to read on the train bk to Kingscross that day.  Shouldn't it be Ray?  Rey dosn't sound right it's not pronounced like that.

Anyhoo I was thinking of brown bread n dead, cockney rhyming slang n criminal undergrounds.. While I was chewing, Rey bread it's quite hard to chug down... But the shop was out of the bagels I like... And Eaton mess was making me feel sick so I left that to the kids n dog.

Oh... Then Dad had called freaking out.  Was more to the dream I can't remeber, I was very asleep.


Oh yeh!  Phahaha  I'd wanted to explore fox's head! I asked him first and he didn't mind! Lol cause mines wyrd,  I'd mapped the drifting track he sent allready anyway. 
Loci's good at stuff like that so I got him to come help jump me in.   You guys squished me here and took me.  Anyhoo we seemed to have RIP'ed a copy and we were de compacting it into a building now in my main dream space...
Reminds me of another dream in the building where the post office used to be.. I was indexing and defragging. 


I like the dawn chorus too, waking up and going to sleep with the birds I'm starting to understand it.

'Told you I was teatching you the birds n bees 😈'

Wonder when the solitary b house is arriving from the Amazon? I like insects alot cool launguage too. 

Is it Monday?  'Mmmm' 

Not the defrag ones I wanted but they'll do 🤣  'lol, so will U I suppose'  Hahah  feeling better thanks crew 😛

Ah found one..


Lol fonts are punny. 

Wednesday 3 May 2023

Lock Stitch


2nd May

Same place again that I keep visiting, each time it looks different but it's the area of Old Stone Close in my main dream space.  I knew the layout from pervious dreams years back.
I was with a bunch of dogs I knew, Wolfe kept rounding up chihuahua dogs. 

I was also making a frozen fruit smoothi, it came out like creamy whipped ice-cream. 

Last dream I was in a car with male me... This time he's a mix of Dom & Marcus.  I was driving, the car was small futuristic and low to the road... It was more like a driving sim game and the roads were narrow with strange markings.
I was a crap driver!


3rs May
---  Energy and dreams increase.

Main dream area.   Was with Marie, me and her worked a night job together.   We'd gone home on a bus.

Northsunderland there was to be a rave, preps were being made.
More abstract stuff too live machines that packed items and interests... Odd flying boats too.

2nd dream... 

The rave started.  Dom was there also Rich that used to DJ for him in the early days.... Only he looked like Stuart. 

I was supposed to be the host, but I'd forgotten to sort the lights as I was doing pre-quests on a cooking mission.


Then jumbled stuff, missing tins a sand pit.
Horse and an odd cart on that ran on tracks.   Like a pit pony, but this was a modern strange plastic cart to sit in.
The tracks were complex.
A mixed family.... Rows.  An older sister was the head of the family.
Images of butterfly winds...  Kaylo was fighting with Fox, fighting like bro's play fighting.

An amazing visual dream that I understood the symbology off....  
It's a raven of rope and wood bridges, and nets.  We were climbing and leaping, making impossible jumps.

Same dream, changing sides...  Motives, rope bridges, robo me...  Looking threw someone into beyond, she was programming animals...   Factions.

She'd betray us, but I could trust the intelligence I could see threw her like a mirror or window.
She was a tool of sorts.  


Mice, wild and tame.... Their patterns matched exactly, some were like they'd been digitally printed with the pattern of a human mouth.    It was the law of the jungle and jungle games.

On waking I knew the female was like Inka.  Martin loved her.....   (Mel?  ) 

Another long dream.  GPS. 
Started with Jack giving me a piggy back to a grave yard, it was a memory too.  We were kids and we used to play there, the full one on the way to the infant school.

Deer, huge herds on the move and migrating birds.  A group lead by a shady guy, with equipment.   They were tracking a huge herd of deer as they moved back to Hindhead.  They had these radio devises they would hold and others they would lay out on the ground in an array.

Then another game...  It's in a dark place with pits dug in the ground.   The pits are filled with various stuff, like when we used to make boats in the sand.
Huts too.   I was making hot drinks for our small team in plastic cups, the cups weren't heat proof and were distorting with the hot water. 

The game started, it was like a treasure hunt....   The GPS hunter team were closest.   We were laying the hunt, but they were catching up.
The prise was a mummy mama.   She kissed them when she found them, she was dead... But alive... Her lips cold.

I lay in the liminal space, as the bits slotted and matched the patterns unfolding...   Finite now - Eternal now.
Lock stitch, sewing machine.

Inka and death wish..

Expand the moment into all.


Inka was my weave on the far side of the veil....

The zip catalyst from the other night, pulling together.
Now it's 2 threads, like a sewing machine, meet loop and part.


Graves end, Grave racing...  Looking at all from the alternate perspective.

I'd been the understudy for the Grave Yard Keeper.

I understood now what if going on my body, why Inka told me to leave him with Kaylo in my hunters room the other night, and why I'd had to head back to Malico.


'Life is a dream Ren'   Yeh.....   I LOVE dreaming 'Good, then just avoid me for a bit'  lol . 😆

Not easy.... 'You have help'  I get why your with Kaylo now.  'Don't hurt to kill your Ego'   😋  Suppose not, depends where I end up in the process though.

'You were on a suicide drive Ren'   Hummmmmm   I don't wanna die  'Yeh, you were TOO alive'  ??

I remember the breathing thing in the garden, almost suffocating as Inka was my mirror and we were breathing the same air.   


Law of one? Hidden Hand..

The 'counter part' that I loved them.. Lol no wonder! My Hands on my heart.

My energy flow swaps front to back of my heart centre,

Daath Da'ath.... We took over Ddad's hub before I got locked up.
His hub & Pluto... The underworld... In my body is Daath?

I can move? 'The flow Ren, pulling you in or pushing you away, but we are either side of a very thin veil'

Lol ah! Right...

Like when death fell in love with lift!

'Yeh.... I'm always by your side'  Haha no wonder you killed me so much :P   'And you me, don't forget that'   Yeh...

'Fuck of to Malico Ren, leave me and Kaylo.... We need a bit more distance between us'

Oh the fine fucking line!   'Yeh Ren... For some it's a mile wide remember?'  Hahaha what my bro told me.

I can learn to change it?  'In time' 

It's May you normally go to sleep for a bit.   

Thursday 9 March 2023

Bus Poster


8th Mar

Strange and cool bus going round my main dream space in a party bus. Friends old and new on it, cat's too.
My legs had been painted with small blue leaf patterns.

Woke early in a stressy dream, I'd felt it had followed on from another perhaps from last night.

It was a large building in my main dream space, it had been a department store but was now a dwelling.

I'd lost stuff there.  2 uniforms, and a swimming costume. 
The costume I knew had a repeat pattern of a seal in a life ring.  
I was to go swimming with my cousin, but was stuck trying to find my stuff.

There was layers to this, the place felt familiar.   Lots of people we dressed in Pepe the frog outfits, clothes or had badges with him on.
My Dad was in the dream too, doing renovations on the lowest floor.


Next dream was in a similar large building with no windows.
This time I was kinda working there.
I'd done no notes.  There were dr's and children in the building too.

Someone a bit like Jon Cress was there, we were both to be scanned in these strange round rooms.
We'd been treated for something.
I was chatting to 2 guys in a bunk room, about growing up in council houses and now spending Christmas with the queen? 
GPS maps on a phone... They were not filling in fast enough for me to navigate. 

There was also a strange poster on a door... It had been added too.   I'd put a comment and it was lol I knew it was about Inka's... And I was confused :D
As I didn't recall doing this, but it was clearly a message to me.

A fork too, it was a small silver one with no handle, but on another layer it was a massive bucket from a huge JCB.

I had it, but didn't know it's worth.
I'd passed it on to someone, he commented I'd not known about it's wishes and curse.

Wednesday 9 March 2022

Interdimensional Game Referee

A layered city. 
It floats on a disk and above it is a glass parasol thing.  I'm floating outside some distance away looking back at it.  The city is skyscrapers with lots of neon lights and around it is green countryside.


An odd small statue inside it is a very shiny copper penny.  It's been set with groups of coloured crystals around it.  A Cat, Rat and Squirrel fighting and a giant human size Rat sorts them out.


More layers...  Preserving / Pickle jars.  Enzymes and controlling reaction speeds.   Everything was oddly abstract and layered - I was cooking or preserving reality's?  Catalyst like seasoning.

Inka was with me, what I was doing was beyond my comprehension of words and images.


In one layer I'm in a secure unit but the reflections of lights are portals that I'm slipping in and out of.

I was with James the vet nurse but hiding from him too.   I'd jumped to the top of a building where a posh family were. 
I'd sneaked in to hide there and was asking them not to give me away.   They did and James started yelling at me that I wasn't supposed to be there, to come with him and get changed. 

I'd told him no and started jumping on a bed making a mess. 


Inka appeared annoyed.  Told us this was no place for our crap, to tidy up and then go to him. 
When we jump to him he's standing in a concrete ball court with a metal fence and hoops.  
He chucks us a basket ball and tells us 'These games go here now'.


Another long story with Geralt the Witcher, was like watching a play in an old theatre audience but I was in-between here too moving in the stage lights to behind the show.

A friend of mine had given birth to twin sons.  I was helping her wrap them in a cloth sling to carry as we needed to keep moving on.

Last dream I'd gone threw another portal into a strange weave of corridors following a dentist up and down old fashioned steep stairs.  On the stairs are balanced old dental and operating chairs they were hard to climb, as he was in front he's stop occasionally and offer me a hand.

It was all so jumbled I was aware of Inka with me all night as a sort of interdimensional game referee

'Helping to sort the crap in your head'   

Each layer was defined by the number of players?  'Close enough for now'  With you though it doesn't matter?  'We are all part of eachother Ren' 

This blocked ear thing... 'Is effecting your GPS and navigation. It's why you are dizzy and confused Ren'   Ah ok. 

Sunday 7 November 2021

Fireworks and a Bean Explosion

Yesterday was odd.. Lol or may be I was odd 😁
So lucid...    And Reality very bendy.

As we are getting ready to leave all the wyrd crap on my Alter / Altar had been moves.
Kelly was in the room too....  I'd asked out loud, who moved this round. 


Then recalled the dream with Inka where he was down here in Astral, moved stuff...

Lol I'd got annoyed and he chucked a pillow at my head for being possessive! 

I realised he'd moved it!   Or another me
🤣 and I needed to shift stuff about.
As I tell Kelly that... She tells me.


Oh this appeared in my pocket yesterday.   It's a chain in a huge knot..
With I can see a silver mark.

She's talking trying to untangle as I rearranged the alter/altar

Feeling out where the stuff should go.

As she speaks her silver is getting more knotted and I asked may I?

It's a silver fine woven chain with 2 harts and a sliver mark.
As I unknot it is she talks ...  The word 'Bar Tender' 

Stands out.
I say Oh!  The BAR!
I'd had a dream about it but didn't know what it meant.
As I realise..... It's another divide/wall/front line. 

Both in law and in pubs... 

Spirits & chaos on one side...  Order on the other.
Bar in law too.   Bartenders are also border guards / inbetweeners

As I tell her that the chain is open and unknotted..
A large and small silver heart that sit one on top of the other.
She laughs as we know we are both weaving and puts it on.

I'd looked again at the alter/altar and Inka tells me.... 

Take the key with you. 

Put it with the wormwood teabag you took to Bo-Hunt
In your pocket by your heart.. 

I do this while at the same time Ian is filling a large n small rainbow hipflask with Jolly Sailor and JD  - Some in each! 

The fireworks & fire was great fun.... The people we 'bumped' into! 
Ian got a glimpse of how reality is for me!! 
It's like living in a shared lucid dream,
A flowing magic reality.

I was pffffff   lol me..  Zak did help alot. 
Everyone did 💜


I was so tired once home.. Zak too.

Crew was telling me to sleep. 
First with Him & Malico.. Darth Dad I think appeared later. 
I also jumped to see Kaylo.  It's hazey the dream I had was wyrd

Very hard to bring back.
I was mirroring everything or it was mirroring me.
It was hard to see which witch was which
Shamanic  but the sacred space was massive..
'HarliQueen Ren'  Oh.. The shattered crystal mirror the facets..
'You're learning shamanism, you don't do much the right way round all your now's are rippling out'
Errrrr   Why??
'Good reason, come here'  kk

303, Yeh come.
Oh the JD dream, with the Pirate ghost.   -  The train journey home! 
The sports fan, and a kid who'd had a rough night, he was bleeding.
We stood with him, I'd given one of the sports fans a swig of JD!
They'd got a bit lost in London and when the long way round.

'The long way home??'   - 'Mmmmm??    Pffffff.

The young guy who'd had a bad night, was a 5 year anniversary for him and his partner.
His bag had been grabbed n chucked on the train track.
He'd gone down and got it.  It had Champaign he was taking to his girlfriend.
We were talking and he told me he was a bar tender!

We all got of at the station together.. It was very friendly a bunch of people chatting.

Oh Inka... That's like the dream were we'd all been
'Sorry Ren, you might purge again'  Haha  yeh... I feel that.. Lol feel like I'm full of air 😆
I don't think I've eaten much??  Pfff who knows.

-Inka had told me to stay still a bit longer...  I realise I'm still big.

Next he shows me the STAGE COACH  
The stage coach bus company.
The conversations in the q's on and off were mind popping.

It was all night.   Pro noia.  People talking what I'm dreaming/thinking.

I'd stopped before I got on the bus as I notice the sign...

Surrey University another white stag, but this one has a key.

'Ren what did I tell you to put in your pocket?'  

😲   the tiny key from my Alter/Altar .... With the tea bag I took to bo hunt!
'Put them both back now'


333.. Ian had appeared down with me as I was doing it.  His watch was 1 min ahead or behind?
I'd gone back up..

Lay down again.     I'd heard 'All the world is a stage.......'

Shake's Spear??  

I recall the lego toys that buddy was playing with.
He'd loved Bendy and found the blue thing with a spear... 
He'd pulled the blue thing all apart.

I'd put it bk together but for some reason I'd left the spear on the floor.

It's been there all week...  I vacuumed around it today.  But didn't pick it up!
I realise it's another thing for the Alter/Altar and come back down to put it on.

Track and trace?   GPS...

Lol Opps... What a tangley mess!

Sorry.....   😵

Oh...   The UK is a bit crusty??  The battle of the Beanfeild??

Zak & the Bean Explosion...

'Your both amusable Ren'  Hahaha   So it seems!!   Buddy too!   All 'Kids Ren, Wickid Playfull'  

Wickid  Wick ed ??  and what's a B logger?  bl  lol  'Enough Spelling, come hug the trees'  hahaha good idea. 
I'm dizzy.

Dawns here... 'And your still on, trees first'  Hahah kk....

Find it later... hill.




Now Ren... do you see why a second story would have got in the way?


Hahaha 🤣..   mate I duno wtf I see!!


Oh...  I feel.... 


Lol 😆

How the fuck...

'Don't try logic this mouse... you are well out of your mind'  Hahaha

'Just navigate'  pfffff




Lost boys...?

Stand by me?



My knee?  Fachnie...


Err oh that ME.  Skrim,


I used to be an adventure like you before/ then I took an arrow to the knee?


Who shot me this time  'time?'

Lol 😆

Fucking arrows n hunters?


Trying to slow me down?

This is a dream too...


'Obviously bitch'   oh...   lol oops.


My knee?  Fachnie...


Err oh that ME.  Skrim,


I used to be an adventure like you before/ then I took an arrow to the knee?


Who shot me this time  'time?'

Lol 😆

Fucking arrow n hunters?


Trying to slow me down?

This is a dream too... I remember it...


'Obviously bitch'   oh...   lol oops.


The bar?  Law.. you told me last night my bar was 'pretty fucking low'    Hahaha 😄


Lol more bows n arrows...  lol

The jump to the Orion system 😆


Oops..  🤣😅


'Nap mouse' lol  yeh... why not.



Dawn, Liphook?  fish hook? Shepherds crook?


The blue team are fishing ?  Or farming?

Hummm  I dunno.. 


Reeling...   winding in?  

Blue n red punch n Judy show.  

Green n yellow inbetweeners..
Jokers and harliqueens



Dirty Laundry....  Oh Yeh all that.
Dawn is coming lets not get caught with our pants down!! 

Haha 6th & 7th Nov last year!!

Oh and what you just told me about....  It's ok you get back up with the emotion now!!


 Don't have a gun......   Bow?? 

lol....    But atm, just trying Navigation

Time Now & Hear now?  Dawn.    


Her kid is at time now? 


Are we doing time now / now time?  ??


Keep asking mouse...  n playing and watching nice. 

Your multi boxing.


Ouch..   That's a lot of punch n Judy fall out.


You get help all over the show ;)


Hahaha 🤣 nice!  💜

Oh the Mirror army you showed me last night...  

Army...  I gave both back to the squid game....     the Jack/Skeleton  removed them and he needs an arm back off??

Ok...    Wait up.  

OOO   Buddy is good, blue arm behind the shell for NOW


Pfffff...  I'm Hot again now!! 

Oh and I gave him a skeleton holly leaf...

The hook has turned...  It's facing UK, not the mouse???   Hu??

'Keep Watch Mouse'   lol   I'm trying to freaking cook....   'Told you not to mulibox'  Hahahah 

Over watch n Under tail 🙄
Cheers!!   This is serious teamworking

Errr Siruis... Serious??    Pffffff    This mouse going to need a bigger boat, or a bigger glass..    I duno 🤣 

Oooo  Animal Magic...

Star!!   She's beside the cauldren... and she has the masks, the bohunt tie and Errrrr  

lol it's like fucking cludo now!!

White cube is lit....

Master key is on the black box....  

Stars got the cauldren covered and I'm going to cook some veg... or boil my heed...  could be anything!

I'm bloomin hot!!

Bendy... Is now armed with a silver feather from a key ring my daughter got me....  and in a face off with the the corvid on the small white box....

I've forgotton what the cow is up too....  but I'm cooking up a cauliflower brain now 🤣

Now the Octo Puss - Is the bar tender.... 

BUT... He only had 4 candles??  Fork handles??  🙄


It's no wonder the gates built so many holes into this buggy system...

Bendy now has a silver feather..... and the fox is still below watching over some forgotton stuff!!


Chlorohexidine apologises to the gravy train?? 



Why not both??

Mono Phobia.... 

Or a Mono Mind??

Or how about both?? They over lay nicely or we could do waht ever the fuck we want? 


I love any shit at this point?  Or donut?  Sorry btw

Lots of Touching

  15th Dream at work..    I was with Ray, we were both young.   It was affectionate we had 3 dogs with funny personality's we were g...