Sunday, 9 January 2022

Figuring Heads

Wings and things..   'Toxic butterfly?'   But why? 

'You make a better beetle Ren'

I need to hear you guys again soon..........


'Remember when we didn't shut up?'  Hahah yeh even with coloured pens I couldn't keep up.
'Stand by mouse, we are not far away' 
I miss being plugged in.
My frequency stuff is only threw right ear atm...
Where I got that infection while I was med'ed out.  I feel the change in my brain.

It's right hip that hurts most too.   I need my balance and flow back online. 
'Then sort it out Ren'  Thanks for your support 🙄I'm trying mate 😛

First dream - I'd arrived at a house after a camping trip.
We had been in a campervan with royal blue plastic seats.
They were flippy and could face either way.

The house had a kitchen upstairs and was set on a hillside.

I was cleaning the kitchen and tidying rubbish and recycling but the bin's were full and tricky and was hard to get rid of waste there.

A boiler too with very strange controls.

Temperature dials were indented in patterned ceramic tiles.

Very hard to read and not obvious to use,

the large boiler unit sounded like a kettle stuck on boil.

It kept letting of steam like a train and I'd got a guy in the building to also listen to it.

He couldn't understand the control tile either.

A female vet arrived too, she'd left 2 filled syringes on the bench one with fresh red blood and the other was a blue lethal injection.

She'd told me I was on duty.

I'd also broken an strange old cut glass,
It was unusual in it was on a stem but heavy and square.


I kept going into the same dream....

Still on the ship I'd asked Malico to keep me from Inka.

I realised dreaming with him wasn't helping.
Malico was changing my form from white back to that young dragon.

He suggested that the dragon was best for now as that was what they had been taming.

He'd reminded me of the night Inka told me about Stockholm syndrome.

When I'd gone up to the deck to find Inka I could see lines of scrolling runes or symbols.

It was like my dream dust but was fuzzy like they were embroidered onto canvas.


I was also seeing pain and other symbols.

I'd asked Inka if he wanted to fight me.

He told me no, we'd swapped harts to stop the fighting.

I recalled that Poseidon is onboard the ship too and while last dragon navigating

him and darth dad I could feel at my lower nodes where the pain is now.
They had not been ready to merge yet so I'd jumped to Poseidon for his perspective.

He changed me to a lobster / prawn thing again and popped me into a round goldfish bowl.
He was showing me the dreams of when me and Inka had merged with one another's spines.

1st time here.... Me to him

Then here ... Other way round.
Hummm both linked to dreams of mental health!


It was causing my pain and lack of energy - The hospital had taken my tale/tail and caused lack of grounding. 
I'd become compressed squashed and small.


I will not be limited by fear.  I know I am safe... 
I'd started feeling out the pain and energy looking for the stuck bits and lack of flow.
My whole sacral and hip area felt all blocked and tight...  Red flow.

So I jumped back to the deck and to the front of the boat were I merged with the wood like a figurehead, instead of a lobster tail I could feel the whole ship. 

I'd been being squashed by others expectations.

This is my dream and I set my limitations.

I can go back to my roundhouse dreamspace now?
'Yeh Ren.  Whenever you want'   TY for isolating me.
'YW Bitch' lol can we play?
I decided I wanted to stay with the boat a bit and go back to being a figurehead

I recall the live ship traders dreams there boats made from the live-wood of dragon cocoons.

I can feel loci above in the crow's nest! Crazy hair tingling..

I decide to let Inka stay captain and feel his energy back of heart space.
I can go back to being a vessel only this one is different!

I recall Poseidon offering me boundaries a ship sales on an ocean of emotion.

A new way of navigating and Inka has more self-control than me.
Different energetic layers... Emotional body layer.

There is no grounding in a boat outside of your self and the sea of emotion.

Kinda glad Poseidon is onboard as I'm out of my depth here!

We have all been dryads that can root in the ground and now were a boat that can float around.
Thanks Inka!
 'NP Bitch, I wanted a change from driving busses 😈' 
Hahaha suppose...   I wonder were I left my spaceship??

Oh when it fell out of the sky... Something to do with Lithium too.

'Darth Dad Ren.  He kicked you out'
Oh yeh, he cut the rope so I had to go the long way round. 
He also wanted me back?

'You were supposed to learn to behave'  Yeh but I sort of like to learn my own way.
'It's ok Ren, at least we are friends again'  True that...

Darth dad shows me mentally my chart with Pluto and my Dad's birth chart where he fired me like an arrow into my mother.
I recall the timeline train's with Inka as rear-guard oh and how I'd learnt elements in order... water for me was to be last.

Was also aware I could use this to understand more....
But I dream it symbolically and play instead.

I was playing around with the colours of the boat and added a bench at the front to smoke or dream on....
I decided as a fuigerhead I'd quite like to be a lobster or a prawn given that the ship felt like a tail🤣
The room with the shaped nests I'd allready filled with lamps.

Next a dream I'm standing in a sandbox 😆

lol well it was a cat litter tray with sand in...  

I was getting out and in and we all saw how it felt on our feet.
A ravine with a sand floor, brown rock had been underwater but was all dry now.
Dustbowl Poseidon had shown me... Oh and the Devil's punch bowl.


A last dream about a medical facility a cake had been iced and I was to clean the yellow floor.

When I got there none of the floors were yellow so I decided it was the colour code for clinical.
There was a large clinical area with many bays and no one seemed to know where the cake had been iced!
I was assuming I'd just mop them all.

A large rubber yellow hose pipe.  
A Tiger too.


The Stockholm stuff was last April 2 nights with the Inti stuff but also when you were telling me about mental health and the rats of NHIM... Guess I read that next.


Oh Poseidon Neptune they have the trident! Same as psy in psychology!!
And the pitchfork Inka gave me to clear my shit up! Just before the first time I got sectioned...



Saturday, 8 January 2022

Time Lines & Glitches

Yesterday reality glitch.

I'd been playing ff14 with Ian and we'd left mic's open on Discord while doing other stuff.
I was cooking and came in to jump my toon.

On the mic I can hear Ian talking to his sister.

He's saying .....  

'She's fine at the moment, but it's only a matter of time before she needs help again the kids are watching her'  Or something like that.
I go up to ask him wtf he's on about as I'm fine and I'm not going back to be sectioned again ever.
As I go up confront him he freaks.

He is talking to his sister but apparently having a different conversation about her kid and his work.

He dropped the call came down and was freaking out... Was like watching Golem go from smegol to golem and back but he was doing it really fast.

He told me I looked different and that he didn't recall ever seeing an item of clothing drying over the back of a chair.
Now I've seen reality glitch like this before so it didn't freak me out.  

He felt like he was in a dream

He's getting less freaked out each time it happens we had a cider and put it down to a glitch.

As I get better each day my reality gets stranger!

It's like I'm on 2 similar timelines and I can stand in the place they are glitching.

It was happening in the mental hospital. I could see people arguing or just talking depending on where I positioned myself relative to their exchange.

He asked his sister about the call yday... the didn't talk about that but she recalls that conversation from months ago in the summer!


Oh yeh before I was sectioned I was learning navigation to merge 2 reality's.


The numbers for navigation..


The medication my periods.. Hum, it messed with my Ren flow?
KK... That's what's coming back online.


Anyhooo dreams..

First dream I'm in a strange retail setting with my bro and his wife.

A circular outdoor café and then bulk retail outlets around it.

We were at a bulk pet care supplier he was getting sacks of dog food.

'He has a bitch'  lol there are a few of us kicking around.

I was looking at massive bags of rodent supplies.


A large white lorry with blue writing on it had jack-knifed into one of the outdoor stock displays.

I'd also been sitting in a lake, at the side of it we had our heads above water and were chatting about stuff, I was flying in this space too. 

I was overhead when I noticed the lorry.

A room with many TV screens some were out of sync with a different channel but the TV showing the different channel would change.

An errrrr  celebrity style magazine.
It was showing princesses and the pages had been ripped. 
Princess Diana and then others underneath.  

It was showing something it looked like a scrap book the way it was ripped in layers.

Next dream was visually epic a military mine but the tunnels had been dug by crazy looking worms their mouths were like a mix between flower stamens and drilling machines.

Giant lizard like dragons too with mosaic scales all multicoloured they also had strange tongs that split and forked like the centre of flowers when they opened there maws.

I think our overalls were blue the same as this dream here where I enrolled at a strange military psychic place.


I was mainly interacting and looking at the massive dragon and monster things - their tongs were amazing.  Creepy too, like giant parasites but also beautiful like flowers.

A carrier bag filled with jam jars with candles in.  Each jar had a white lid with a hold and a tealight. 
They were going out in the white carrier bag but I had to move them all.  I was hoping one would stay alight so I could light the other back up.


Then a long dream of a city with a canal, I'd arrived there on a flat barge. 
They type used for moving stuff.  It was white and modern, grubby too and rusted in parts.
I'd leapt from it onto the bank.
The dream was centred around a youth club hub.  I was young.
Downstairs a very busy cafe with people pushing back and forth.

It was summer and the clothes were festival style above the cafe some of us stayed.
One room was a shared shower room and another was full of art supplies and coloured make up and dyes.


I'd left my bag again and suddenly realised this was stupid as someone would have taken my stuff.

In the dream I knew the other dreams where this had happened recently.

The one with a guy I'd caught doing it.

The one where Inka had told me he'd help (Friends cancelled the cards)

There was another with big tents on the green here.

My phone had gone too and I was recalling Inka had told me this is why I needed chipped!   Lol I was tempted to agree as I couldn't be arsed to cancel anything and now I was skint and likely in dept as my cards had a large contactless limit.

(I'd been dreaming with him and Leon still... Or had Inka bogged of and said he had something to do, he did at some point in the night)

I'd woke feeling like Inka said last time the stress and hastle of ownership.
I'd walked threw to find Malico but still went back into the same dream!
This time I was in my main dreamspace to start but I was still skint, on the mainstreet was a new shop, for a very modern sports car. 

A pile of what looked like yellow rusty metal car ramps were stacked up next to a sign saying 'go-carts' a market stall had a bowl of free bruised apples.

I was hungry and skint so I'd helped myself to an apple on the way past that I then managed to drop behind a large red reversing bus!

It had tasted nice but was now squashed and crushed.

I'd tried to pick a bit back up but it was covered in sand now and had that odd sand crunch.
The bus was full of school kids and I realised Inka was trolling me again.

I'd though back to the other dream and was back there again only I'm also watching myself from slightly above and behind. 


I had pink candyfloss coloured hair and realised I was more like 20 year old me.  

I looked at my face in a shop window but wasn't this me.
I'd gone back to the hub wondering how I could cancel my stuff but realised I couldn't be arsed and was likely just going to be credit fucked.
I'd wandered about a bit seeing if there was a bank I could go into and cancel stuff but I'd kind of decided it was easier to go back to the youth hub and be credit less.
Just busk doing stuff for food.

-I keep dreaming of pink atm...  Guess we moved from purple. 

Friday, 7 January 2022

Cables, Vines and Stones

Strange and emotional dream. 

Bodies like outfits all kinds of animals too I was small as I was under the table talking to a deep blue parrot like bird.

Was with a group or crew but I'm not sure who was who.

There was a violence and brutality to that I was fine with.


I'd been dreaming with Leon and Inka still in the wooden boat hub they were quiet Inka wasn't taking any crap, I just wanted to dream.
There was an intensity and contentment.


Back in the dream.
As a group we had killed an innocent. We had killed him for a reason I can't recall,

but it was a heavy price to pay on our souls.

We had made his funeral pyre and put him on it.

His body and skin like a discarded outfit. 

We folded it up and put it on top,

then all stood around and watched it burn.

Next up was cartoon like.  Snoopy people.  
Linus and I was PigPen again.. Like this dream here.


Next a cave underwater.

Still with a small group we were collecting stuff up to move on again.

It was crystals and stones.
Some had been made into shapes others points.

I didn't recognise them but they belonged to me,
they were to go with stuff that was being packed.
We had a crew van, was like a white transit but it was on legs rather than wheels!
Or could swap between both.

The back of the van was filled with cushions and box's and we were travelling flopped around with our random stuff.
We had all attended a funeral for a flower.

It was a small yellow flower like a buttercup or St Johns wort.

That was where we were parting for a time.

There was logistics and space issues some of our things needed to go into storage and we were all due to be collected from various transport hubs and slightly different times.

I had to much stuff I had to move so was arranging to come back for a second pick up.

It had to be timed with the others movements though.

Last bit was crazy looking. 
Travelling odd arable lands with high wires and cables but the cables were interspaced with these large old disk like breakers.

Tangled with the wires were thick vines growing from tree to tree.

A small monkey was running along them keeping pace with the vehicle we were in.
We arrive at night at a farm made from all large log telegraph poles.

We were to stay inside this large pole made barn.  
There was animals there too cause a cow had chewed some of my hair off.
My hair was brown and matted into dreds looked more like muddy dog hair!
So seems I was my normal scruffy me

The cables vines and breakers were some how linked to this barn we were in.

My Dad had arrived too commenting on the structure telling us how these poles each made from a tall trees trunk were very expensive up north.


We seemed pleased to be in this barn with animals it was a good place to connect with the wire and vine network.

I recognise the sorting moving type dreams seems a while since I had a bunch together like this though.

Woods & Worlds

  16th Jan I've been dreaming just rubbish at keeping track of them.     Night before last I was on a fire engine.   It was playin...