Wings and things.. 'Toxic butterfly?' But why?
'You make a better beetle Ren'
I need to hear you guys again soon..........
'Remember when we didn't shut up?' Hahah yeh
even with coloured pens I couldn't keep up.
by mouse, we are not far away'
I miss being plugged in.
My frequency stuff is only threw right ear atm...
Where I got that infection while I was med'ed out. I feel the change in my brain.
It's right hip that hurts most too. I
need my balance and flow back online.
sort it out Ren' Thanks for your support 🙄I'm trying mate 😛
First dream - I'd
arrived at a house after a camping trip.
We had been in a campervan with royal blue plastic seats.
They were flippy and could face either way.
The house had a kitchen upstairs and was set on a hillside.
I was cleaning the
kitchen and tidying rubbish and recycling but the bin's were full and tricky
and was hard to get rid of waste there.
A boiler too with very strange controls.
Temperature dials were indented in patterned ceramic tiles.
Very hard to read and not obvious to use,
the large boiler unit sounded like a kettle stuck on boil.
It kept letting of steam like a train and I'd got a guy in the building to also listen to it.
He couldn't understand the control tile either.
A female vet arrived too, she'd left 2 filled syringes on the bench one with
fresh red blood and the other was a blue lethal injection.
She'd told me I was on duty.
I'd also broken an
strange old cut glass,
It was unusual in it was on a stem but heavy and square.
I kept going into the same dream....
Still on the ship I'd asked Malico to keep me from Inka.
I realised dreaming
with him wasn't helping.
Malico was changing my form from white back to that young dragon.
He suggested that the dragon was best for now as that was what they had been taming.
He'd reminded me of the night Inka told me about Stockholm
When I'd gone up to the deck to find Inka I could see lines of scrolling runes or symbols.
It was like my dream dust but was fuzzy like they were embroidered onto canvas.
I was also seeing pain and other symbols.
I'd asked Inka if he wanted to fight me.
He told me no, we'd
swapped harts to stop the fighting.
I recalled that Poseidon is onboard the ship too and while last dragon
him and darth dad I
could feel at my lower nodes where the pain is now.
They had not been ready to merge yet so I'd jumped to Poseidon for his
He changed me to a lobster / prawn thing again and popped me into a round
goldfish bowl.
He was showing me the dreams of when me and Inka had merged with one another's
1st time here.... Me to him
here ... Other way round.
Hummm both linked to dreams of mental health!
It was causing my pain and lack of energy - The hospital had taken my tale/tail
and caused lack of grounding.
I'd become compressed squashed and small.
I will not be limited by fear. I know I
am safe...
I'd started feeling out the pain and energy looking for the stuck bits and lack
of flow.
My whole sacral and hip area felt all blocked and tight... Red flow.
So I jumped back to the deck and to the front of the boat were I merged with
the wood like a figurehead, instead of a lobster tail I could feel the whole
I'd been being squashed by others expectations.
This is my dream and
I set my limitations.
I can go back to my roundhouse dreamspace now?
'Yeh Ren. Whenever you want' TY for isolating me.
'YW Bitch' lol can we
I decided I wanted to stay with the boat a bit and go back to being a
I recall the live
ship traders dreams there boats made from the live-wood of dragon
I can feel loci above in the crow's nest! Crazy hair tingling..
I decide to let Inka
stay captain and feel his energy back of heart space.
I can go back to being a vessel only this one is different!
I recall Poseidon offering me boundaries a ship sales on an ocean of emotion.
A new way of
navigating and Inka has more self-control than me.
Different energetic layers... Emotional body layer.
There is no
grounding in a boat outside of your self and the sea of emotion.
Kinda glad Poseidon is onboard as I'm out of my depth here!
have all been dryads that can root in the ground and now were a boat that can
float around.
Thanks Inka! 'NP Bitch, I wanted a
change from driving busses 😈'
Hahaha suppose... I wonder were I left
my spaceship??
Oh when it fell out of the sky... Something to do with Lithium too.
Dad Ren. He kicked you out'
Oh yeh, he cut the rope so I had to go the long way round.
He also wanted me back?
'You were supposed to learn to behave' Yeh but I sort of like to learn my own
'It's ok Ren, at least we are
friends again' True
Darth dad shows me mentally my chart with Pluto and my Dad's birth chart where
he fired me like an arrow into my mother.
I recall the timeline train's with Inka as rear-guard oh and how I'd learnt
elements in order... water for me was to be last.
Was also aware I could use this
to understand more....
But I dream it symbolically and play instead.
I was playing around with the colours of the boat and added a bench at the front to smoke or dream on....
I decided as a fuigerhead I'd quite like to be a lobster or a prawn given that the ship felt like a tail🤣
The room with the shaped nests I'd allready filled with lamps.
Next a
dream I'm standing in a sandbox 😆
lol well it was a cat litter tray with sand in...
I was getting out
and in and we all saw how it felt on our feet.
A ravine with a sand floor, brown rock had been underwater but was all dry
Dustbowl Poseidon had shown me... Oh and the Devil's punch bowl.
A last dream about a medical facility a cake had been iced and I was to clean the yellow floor.
When I got there
none of the floors were yellow so I decided it was the colour code for
There was a large clinical area with many bays and no one seemed to know where
the cake had been iced!
I was assuming I'd just mop them all.
A large rubber
yellow hose pipe.
A Tiger too.
The Stockholm stuff
was last April 2 nights with the Inti stuff but also when you were telling me
about mental health and the rats of NHIM... Guess I read that next.
Oh Poseidon Neptune
they have the trident! Same as psy in psychology!!
And the pitchfork
Inka gave me to clear my shit up! Just before the first time I got