Showing posts sorted by relevance for query prison. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query prison. Sort by date Show all posts

Sunday 2 April 2017

Arrested At School Dream

First part is my usual group game type dream only this time I'm all 5 people at once or I can just play as one of them.   We are playing against other teams.

Next dream, I'm at a very modern futuristic type of school.  We all have ability's (Teleporting/flying/ESP) ect.   The walls are bright white shiny almost plastic or metal  and corridors and rooms are set in perfectly manicured garden areas (Though the grass/plants are not familiar)

Visual wise it's similar to the Hive collective spaceship dream.  
I'm a student, the lessons are all honing supper power type of skills, there was a large area for plant and genetic experimentation too. .  I'm some what unruly and have been called again to the head of my department this time when I go in there are police waiting too.  I'm informed I'm under arrest and will be moved directly to the secure prison.  This didn't come as a surprise to me.  I was 'handcuffed' fitted with strange sliver arm bracer's they didn't restrict movement Though they could be 'frozen' to lock me in position, they also prevented me from using any 'skill' .

I'm moved to the prison which is also very modern with amazing facility's.  (This is familiar, I remember other dreams where I have smuggled things in to inmates)

I quite like it in the prison, education continues, the pool and library are incredible.  We mainly seem to be there to be segregated from more corruptible people.
I enjoy the challenge of keeping my 'activity's' secrete from the guards.  
I set up a gambling ring in the prison, a game using what look like D&D die, mine is purple/pink and transparent it has 12sides.   I get very rich in this prison from my gambling ring and am loaded at the time I'm released. 

Next dream is a club/party -  Stuart James x partner is the DJ..     On the way home I go via a sheep field to pick magic mushrooms but the ones I find stain my hands and fingers bright purple. 

Last dream was setting up an inflatable pool in a very sunny garden. 

Friday 25 March 2022

Lock-Ups and Take-Overs

Squashed under a tall viaduct with many other people.

A very high-tech building on lockdown.  
8 of us had been locked inside as security and maintenance while it was closed up.
The place was like a high security school or prison.  
On arrival we'd had to go threw strange procedures to receive a devise similar to a phone that gave us access to the buildings systems.

We were locked inside for months, only I could send my awareness outside the building on surveillance. 
I'd found an unlocked window and it took me ages to work out how to get access to the room it was in to shut it.

Of the 8 people in with us one was a psycho, not difficult he just lacked any empathy or morality, while we were inside he was also teaching us about himself and his love of manipulation.
Another guy in the group was gay and had fallen in love with him.....  
It was interesting to watch the second guy had the loyalty of a dog.


It was an interesting social dynamic to see unfolding. 


It reminded me of that dream ages ago were I was a male in prison and I manipulated the prison guard to get out.

This was different in that we had all agreed to be there.  The Psycho guy liked the attention and was happy to talk about himself. 

There was also a box of snakes again, all different coloured ones... Stripy like candy canes.  Unusually strong again even though they were small.

Last dream was USA, costumes, money clothes and outfits.  Some people I knew and a party I was being asked if I'd be able to repair a party coat fabric.   It was a deep green silk coat, looked Victorian in style.


Last up I jumped back to Ddad's hub where I'm still there with Inka.  It's very chaotic.

Inka's put me in charge of the hub/ship but I'm still a kid 🙄 
He's telling me what to do and it was pissing me off
'It's why I made you a Kid Ren, you're easier to just shove out of the way' 
Yeh I noticed

'Taking over a fucking hub Ren is not a time or place for me and you to fight?'   Yeh....   I sort of see your point.....  'Not enough to concede it though'  What dose that mean?   'It means you still argue even when you haven't got a fucking clue what's going on'     

from Latin concedere "give way: yield: go away, depart, retire," figuratively "'agree, 
consent: give precedence," from con-z here perhaps an intensive prefix (see con-), + cedere 
"to go: grant: give way" (from PIE root *ked- "to go: yield").

Mmmm  yeh...  Well ok, I'll grant you that 😆

Inka wants me to access the hub/ships AI and we were going to open a portal or doc something there I think.
Or he was, it was confusing and fast
'Which is why sometimes it's helpful for you to just do as I fucking ask?'   Sometimes..... I do 😛

Anyhoooo I duno what we were up to or why  
'See?'  yeh 😏
But you did put me in charge and then start telling me what to do!  'I put you incharge of the Hub Ren, not your self 😈'  Shit head!   'You want to tell me what to do?'  Not right now.  'Well shut up then!'  😆  I was being a fairly impish kid... the boggert in me was coming out and I had pointy teeth and a tail!

Anoyingly I couldn't go back to sleep to find out what was going on cause next-door kid was yet again screaming it's head off from 5.30am.


Saturday 20 March 2021

Spider and a Fly - Yet Witch One Am I?

'You have asked Ren, you will receive'

I'm ok... there is still so much I don't get.
I don't want to dream reality, I don't I   errrrr...

'You trust him bitch, he knows his shit.

there is a reason you met him and a reason you fit. 


'Be careful what you wish for mouse,

he is very much like you.

When I said that he is mine it makes him part of you.'

'You dream seasons,

You dream time and you dream space.

Weather, light and dark 

to experience while awake.

We know you have few wants and little that you need which is why the earth and you mouse,

blend so easy when you sleep.

You can dream as a planet you can travel as a star.

Fractalise like love and fit your soul fam in your Ka.

Right now mouse there is a place. 

There is a thing you said you'll do,

So jump here now I will handover what is you.

Equinox? 'OFC mouse, the year balance will change,

If you'd listen and not fight you'd save yourself pain.'

Pain is ok.. it makes me feel alive, 

like dark is fun cause it's easier to hide.

'Come now Ren, the dark half will soon pass and Inak will hand you to me again
and I will own your ass 😏'
  lol Leon.  

'Come bitch now plx' I forgot it was equinox.. that's why the friction... 😛



A errr I was calling it a body genome map, but it was beautiful looking like a person-shaped blueprint with what looked like constellations on it too - It was instructions for various tissue types.  Beautiful too a work of art.
Like a blueprint for a human with expanded sequencing for various tissue types, it's sort of 3d and then there is molecule structures that look like the Greek/roman constellation maps and it's in the shape of a human

There had been a dream too a very unusual male/person I was on a journey and they were using a similar transport rout so I kept meeting them while travelling.  They were yellow and reptilian they had evolved from a turtle type of species.


'Things with shell's Ren, they are always at home'  Mutant ninja turtles too 😆 

It was hazy which was annoying as it had been interesting, we had different motivations for action and were getting to understand each other as our trajectories kept meeting and crossing.

It was here I'd jumped to the house.
As I'd told Inka that morning after we stopped bickering... to kick me into Leon's court now. 

(Dark half/Light half..) ☯

Oh... I just checked the other equinox dreams from last year!!

Haha Holly for Holly King,  Dark & Light!


I'd been dreaming of 333 and 666 💚

Carbon, and the forms it can make - take - this was shapes,
I was formless manipulating visually molecules and flows - working with base 3, 6 and also 9. 
Mainly 3&6 though. 

One of the shapes was a humanoid shape.



I'd had a long interesting and odd dream too - It starts with 2 dogs, black and grey bull breeds with soft fur, the grey is younger the black older. 

Their owner has set up a self-feeding experiment where the dogs push buttons to get a kibble reward - The grey puppy is learning from observing the older black dog.


A prison too, I was in prison again.  Sheeseh 😛

There are few inmates less than 20 and we are observed closely - It's an exercise space but it's set up as experiments too.
The whole place is tiled with large yellow/orange and brown tiles like a strange pool, gym changing space.  B, Gates is in the same prison?


2 treadmills on one you couldn't go faster than 5mph...

There was also a weight that was attached to the person, they are expected to run against the drag and are observed and measured doing it. 
The next recall is in the pool, we had 3 mins left till we needed to get out I was ahead of the others and I knew I had time to do another length so had turned and was swimming threw the others going the opposite way. 

They are irritated I'm going back the other way and pushing threw them, but I knew I'd have time to revisit the other end and catch up again.


Out of the pool we are all sitting about in the tiled space, I'm opposite Bill who's eyes are red, he's been crying and is upset.
I was just watching him silently.
Oh we were being called to be injected with something he had had it, as I was called I declined the offer. 


In another bit there is a round bell tent in the playpark area of my main dream space... this was made into a MacDonald drive threw in a dream...  now it's my tent, the entrance was facing east to the Health centre and police station.  It was inviting, rugs, cushions and blankets a sofa bed and mats and lanterns outside.  A friend was staying there..Oh it was the one who died of Corvid who I spoke to in this dream.

Hummm his name is Ray.  


Next woke at 555, I'd been dreaming and playing with the numbers 666 😆  Haha

I'd had another 2 long dreams, one was an MMO style game. A gauntlet challenge and I'm teaming with other me/em.

We have an object to run, collect and then run back to a cave... the rout is trapped and filled with groups of controlling mobs.  We keep getting caught before the cave and it resets.  Em was carrying the object I was a distraction and leading the mobs away, I was telling her we would need to take out some of the mob packs on the route to the object as there were too many to make it back safely.


The other dream is a police call/operations centre.  Only it's crazy!  

It's a busy room with full-length windows 2 walls and then stuff and people and phones only the phones are all kinds from ultra-modern and even futuristic to old-style switchboards and even Morse code things.  People shouting, headsets papers and computers varying in age too from the first-big clunky things to holographic screens.


It's noisy, officers coming in and out Marie/middle me is there putting on a bulletproof vest thing and motorbike helmet. 

One phone ringtone is a very old theme tune about love always there.  I'm sitting in a booth with playing cards as I was there to game and bet.

We were going to play 2 hands at once a 2 deal game and a 4 deal game but as a player had dropped we decided we'd just deal everyone 4.   Zak was in, a fly and a spider too and I was waiting on 2 more females before we started.   So mainly just observing the room and the bizarre situation.


While waiting for the others the spider spins a web and catches the fly and I'm thinking ah shit if the fly gets eaten that's one less player.... the fly ends up in the web  

But then it's the spider that looks dead...  I was watching as a British bulldog picks up the spider in it's big dog lips and tries to put it back in the web again!  👀

'Playing with fire bitch?'  Haha, would seem so... tbh I need spring! 
Witch One Am I? 

"Will you walk into my parlor?" said the spider to the fly;
"'Tis the prettiest little parlor that ever you may spy.
The way into my parlor is up a winding stair,
And I have many curious things to show when you are there."
"Oh no, no," said the little fly; "to ask me is in vain,
For who goes up your winding stair can ne'er come down again."

"I'm sure you must be weary, dear, with soaring up so high.
Well you rest upon my little bed?" said the spider to the fly.
"There are pretty curtains drawn around; the sheets are fine and thin,
And if you like to rest a while, I'll snugly tuck you in!"
"Oh no, no," said the little fly, "for I've often heard it said,
They never, never wake again who sleep upon your bed!"

Said the cunning spider to the fly: "Dear friend, what can I do
To prove the warm affection I've always felt for you?
I have within my pantry good store of all that's nice;
I'm sure you're very welcome - will you please to take a slice?"
"Oh no, no," said the little fly; "kind sir, that cannot be:
I've heard what's in your pantry, and I do not wish to see!"

"Sweet creature!" said the spider, "you're witty and you're wise;
How handsome are your gauzy wings; how brilliant are your eyes!
I have a little looking-glass upon my parlor shelf;
If you'd step in one moment, dear, you shall behold yourself."
"I thank you, gentle sir," she said, "for what you're pleased to say,
And, bidding you good morning now, I'll call another day."

The spider turned him round about, and went into his den,
For well he knew the silly fly would soon come back again:
So he wove a subtle web in a little corner sly,
And set his table ready to dine upon the fly;
Then came out to his door again and merrily did sing:
"Come hither, hither, pretty fly, with pearl and silver wing;
Your robes are green and purple; there's a crest upon your head;
Your eyes are like diamond bright, but mine are dull as lead!"

Alas, alas! how very soon this silly little fly,
Hearing his wily, flattering words, came slowly flitting by;
With buzzing wings she hung aloft, then near and nearer grew,
Thinking only of her brilliant eyes and green and purple hue,
Thinking only of her crested head. Poor, foolish thing! at last
Up jumped the cunning spider, and fiercely held her fast;
He dragged her up his winding stair, into the dismal den -
Within his little parlor - but she ne'er came out again!

And now, dear little children, who may this story read,
To idle, silly flattering words I pray you ne'er give heed;
Unto an evil counselor close heart and ear and eye,
And take a lesson from this tale of the spider and the fly.

"Will you walk into my parlor?" said the spider to the fly;
"'Tis the prettiest little parlor that ever you may spy.
The way into my parlor is up a winding stair,
And I have many curious things to show when you are there."
"Oh no, no," said the little fly; "to ask me is in vain,
For who goes up your winding stair can ne'er come down again."

"I'm sure you must be weary, dear, with soaring up so high.
Well you rest upon my little bed?" said the spider to the fly.
"There are pretty curtains drawn around; the sheets are fine and thin,
And if you like to rest a while, I'll snugly tuck you in!"
"Oh no, no," said the little fly, "for I've often heard it said,
They never, never wake again who sleep upon your bed!"

Said the cunning spider to the fly: "Dear friend, what can I do
To prove the warm affection I've always felt for you?
I have within my pantry good store of all that's nice;
I'm sure you're very welcome - will you please to take a slice?"
"Oh no, no," said the little fly; "kind sir, that cannot be:
I've heard what's in your pantry, and I do not wish to see!"

"Sweet creature!" said the spider, "you're witty and you're wise;
How handsome are your gauzy wings; how brilliant are your eyes!
I have a little looking-glass upon my parlor shelf;
If you'd step in one moment, dear, you shall behold yourself."
"I thank you, gentle sir," she said, "for what you're pleased to say,
And, bidding you good morning now, I'll call another day."

The spider turned him round about, and went into his den,
For well he knew the silly fly would soon come back again:
So he wove a subtle web in a little corner sly,
And set his table ready to dine upon the fly;
Then came out to his door again and merrily did sing:
"Come hither, hither, pretty fly, with pearl and silver wing;
Your robes are green and purple; there's a crest upon your head;
Your eyes are like diamond bright, but mine are dull as lead!"

Alas, alas! how very soon this silly little fly,
Hearing his wily, flattering words, came slowly flitting by;
With buzzing wings she hung aloft, then near and nearer grew,
Thinking only of her brilliant eyes and green and purple hue,
Thinking only of her crested head. Poor, foolish thing! at last
Up jumped the cunning spider, and fiercely held her fast;
He dragged her up his winding stair, into the dismal den -
Within his little parlor - but she ne'er came out again!

And now, dear little children, who may this story read,
To idle, silly flattering words I pray you ne'er give heed;
Unto an evil counselor close heart and ear and eye,
And take a lesson from this tale of the spider and the fly.


"Will you walk into my parlor?" said the spider to the fly;

 "'Tis the prettiest little parlor that ever you may spy.

 The way into my parlor is up a winding stair,

 And I have many curious things to show when you are there."

 "Oh no, no," said the little fly; "to ask me is in vain,

 For who goes up your winding stair can ne'er come down again."


 "I'm sure you must be weary, dear, with soaring up so high.

 Well you rest upon my little bed?" said the spider to the fly.

 "There are pretty curtains drawn around; the sheets are fine and thin,

 And if you like to rest a while, I'll snugly tuck you in!"

 "Oh no, no," said the little fly, "for I've often heard it said, 

 They never, never wake again who sleep upon your bed!"


 Said the cunning spider to the fly: "Dear friend, what can I do

 To prove the warm affection I've always felt for you?

 I have within my pantry good store of all that's nice;

 I'm sure you're very welcome - will you please to take a slice?"

 "Oh no, no," said the little fly; "kind sir, that cannot be:

 I've heard what's in your pantry, and I do not wish to see!"


 "Sweet creature!" said the spider, "you're witty and you're wise;

 How handsome are your gauzy wings; how brilliant are your eyes!

 I have a little looking-glass upon my parlor shelf;

 If you'd step in one moment, dear, you shall behold yourself."

 "I thank you, gentle sir," she said, "for what you're pleased to say,

 And, bidding you good morning now, I'll call another day."


 The spider turned him round about, and went into his den,

 For well he knew the silly fly would soon come back again:

 So he wove a subtle web in a little corner sly,

 And set his table ready to dine upon the fly;

 Then came out to his door again and merrily did sing:

 "Come hither, hither, pretty fly, with pearl and silver wing;

 Your robes are green and purple; there's a crest upon your head;

 Your eyes are like diamond bright, but mine are dull as lead!"


 Alas, alas! how very soon this silly little fly,

 Hearing his wily, flattering words, came slowly flitting by;

 With buzzing wings she hung aloft, then near and nearer grew,

 Thinking only of her brilliant eyes and green and purple hue, 

 Thinking only of her crested head. Poor, foolish thing! at last

 Up jumped the cunning spider, and fiercely held her fast;

 He dragged her up his winding stair, into the dismal den -

 Within his little parlor - but she ne'er came out again!


 And now, dear little children, who may this story read,

 To idle, silly flattering words I pray you ne'er give heed;

 Unto an evil counselor close heart and ear and eye,

 And take a lesson from this tale of the spider and the fly. 



I CBA to weave... 'Then your the Fly 😈'  FU inka I have the eye 😆 

Web Weaving

Brain Mess

Time Tunnle

Eating Self

'All in then Mouse?'   Seems so 😛 ... Bring the bright, lets go!!

Wednesday 26 June 2019

Prison Dream.

26/ jun
I'm male - In a prison, it's wired ultra modern underground.   Caves with ice too but also part of it a learning place. 

I'm a lair and manipulator I like the prison guard but I manipulate him, getting drugs in and onto a release program I don't deserve. 

There is a wired dynamic the guard/captor is really angry with me (but it's cause he's angry at him self for trusting me)   I didn't feel bad - there was an inevitability to my manipulation - but I understood the anger and feelings of the guard towards me.  

Was an interesting dream of power/manipulation/motive and emotions in a closed enviroment. 



Moving to a new house, has a crumbling stone tower filled with children's story books - big outside garden with lots of veg growing.

Sat 29th
With Emma in a wired place (possibly a wired dream version of her grans house)   She has a garden, there is a shed and inside tomatoes are growing.
Then the shed has gone and the tomatoes are ripening.  There is a tray like an old fashioned surgical tray - on it is laid out some new born nappies.   ( I think there was a labour ward too) 
Next bit of the dream I'm leaving but   need to light the fire before I go.
The fire is a burner in a wall, like an old fashioned bread oven built into an inglenook fireplace.  I'm lighting the fire but I'm using loves of bread as fuel.  
The bread is home or bakery made un-sliced but not fresh, I'm tearing the loaves up and putting them in the fire to burn. 
I want the fire lit before I leave.

Monday 1st

People I know, a fruit/cocktail stand/  It's for charity.   A city street covered in snow, everything is white.  A strange modern library with wired shops and looping stairs. 

Edit to add more :)

Wed 3rd.
School campus dream, a big art section and walking along a sandy and snowy beach.


Main dream area sitting on the door step watching the sky change from blue to stormy.  Driving in a car with harrier but I'm driving from the back... move to the front to reach.  Lots of children in the road crying. 


Long walking journey Main dream area a pool on king street.  The number 16 - 16 of us in the group.  There is blind archery.  Chris n Sandra's house but has a wired tent/leasure center attached to it,  big party hall.   A city in the distance very modern. 


Very modern & new infant school - passing threw it.  Very natural and lots of hand painted walls and steps.   I have a jug with Kefier in but it's all uniform inside and there are tiny beings with wings and horns all the same  - I'm pondering angles/angels in the dream.  


Hamster tractovator - Masons sign.   Hamster on the other team.  

Saturday 14 August 2021

Clean up Crew

Enders Game is nice book 'You are easy pleased Mouse'  May be yeh. 

'Amusable too, read more then sleep early we'll have some fun with you'


'You'll like it Ren, you love games'

What are you? 'Why do you ask?'  Curious I suppose, you know me inside and out.

'Trust Bitch, it's got us this far, I've always been around mouse... Where ever the fuck you are'

Yeh.. You can take me to baby me.. 'So can you Ren if you try'  Not so fast??

'Bitch, we can shatter you threw time... Don't try and logic this ok, we show in sleep'

A tawny owl wakes me just before one Inka was speaking to me as I woke.

'Ren.  Make sure you know what you are shaking off and where you are leaving it'

He surprised me as I'd forgotten he was with me. 
'I told you I'm riding you at the moment....' 

At that moment the I in question had appeared to be a large dragon serpent thing flying around outside 😶

I'd been shaking like a dog!


When I wake again it was still early, Jack had been male me...  We were somewhere utterly unfamiliar.
But also had a feel of astral here.... When I sleep upstairs, I seem more likely to scatter into the sky.

The 2 dreams had been detailed and dark, linked too. 

Party's and people outside a storm was coming and we were securing stuff down so it would not blow over or away.

Jack was for some reason peeing all-over the floor!  I was following him about mopping it up 🙄


There was a strange religion written on flaps of brown envelop 21 people had signed up.

The dragon dreams again only this are like twisty lines of light...
I was one and was weaving with them... This time I was a deep blue and white.
My throat centre felt hairy... Inka was err helping?  I duno he was around anyhow.

They were like coloured glowing serpent threads.

It reminded me of when we were like strange pipe fish in the Ocean... This time though we were all flying.

Next wake to this........

'Time is like an enemy

Leaving lovers by the side

The more you cling to love

The more you're gonna lose your mind'


Inka was laughing... 'Love all you want bitch... I can MIND - TIME, we can balance and weave!' 

My blue throat center was so odd... 'Follow Come'



When I next wake it's Loci waking me he asks me
 'Ready to go to Inka Ren?'
I remembered what they had told me way earlier in the night
(I'd been with Leon, Kaylo, Loci and Inka) that Inka Inka would be taken....

That they would take me to him later and he might not be in a good way....

Just to keep him company same as I have in the past.

I'd told him I was ready after I'd written dreams up as I'd been all-over.

After more of the coloured weaving I'd been in a version of here

The first thing I recall was 
I'd had a phone and watch that had bugged out at the exact same time.

Both of the screens, glitching, freezing.
The phone came back first, it was a large black handset.
Not a brand I've owned or herd of.
The watch was restarting and I was looking at the phone screen.

Many new photo images had been installed there.
I was scrolling threw them,

They looked like desert game maps.
Each was a square quadrant,

I could see entry and exit areas and safe zones..

There were many of them I was scrolling threw.

Zak had also had a bad dream and got into bed.
( I was aware that Zak was also at a sleepover so was lucid enough to know I was dreaming)
I'd also watched a bright orange VW crew van outside... It was wrong hand drive
A guy with tattoos was in the back and a woman in the front passenger seat..

Was an odd dream more like false awakening or alternative.

The woman had put something under the cushion of her seat

and the guy slid open the back door a fraction then banged it closed.

The longer dream had been odd

Set in my main dreamhouse..

Centred around the downstairs bog!

It had been pulled apart then all the bits stacked

Like a strange work of art!
It was filthy too... 

Yellow orange crystalized urine,

Horrible smell.


My Dad was going to fix it,

I was there for 2 reasons..

I'd agreed to clean it,

But mainly to analyse something in the cistern.

It was strange pond life 🙄🤣 again...

I was lucid enough to recall the other recent and not so recent dreams.


Samples were taken of the specimens,

A paper had been retracted, deleted or hidden,

It was pertaining to the sample I had taken..

I didn't find out what it was until years later.


One of the samples was like a tropical anemone,

The other a hybrid part plant part creature.

It was green and small, fascinating thing.

Like a plant with many eating heads!
I'd also dropped 2 silver rings into the water in the Cistern.


'Come Ren, I'll jump you now' 

Poseidon again?  Hu? Has a key will take me??

I duno...  I'll  'Come Ren, you'll see'

I was splitting first into the 2 layers...

2 Inka's one in a white room, the other in a prison..


We'd arrived at the prison first it was the reverse of here.
Same prison Cell I'd been in for a few nights when Inka had joined me.
Poseidon had got me out, so he would be the one who would return me.


The guard recognised him and opened the cell without question.

Inka was unconscious, he'd been beaten senseless.

I've seen him worse though...

In the other place, a white room.

I was weighed before I was allowed to join him.

I don't register on their devises so am allowed to enter.

In the white room he's sat in only shorts.

Unresponsive staring at a wall.


 Loci's voice askes me 'You know what to do?'


And I remember the symbiote thing ... I know his spine and brain stem.

I’d been mainly formless up until this point my I make myself into a prawn like insect made of white light

I started to merge at the bottom of his sacrum, travelling in the nerves between the vertebra.


This was very odd as I was awareness in nerves but I could feel my progress in my own sleeping form.

I was woken to full waking by pressure on my right cervical vertebra…


I hear a track playing…. 


I'm standing at the edge

But something always brings me back

All the voices in my head

Reminding me of what I have


If I fall tonight

You can bring me back to life

If I fall tonight

You can be my saving light

My awareness was very split now.  

And my own energy body felt crazy,

my ears and scalp feel electrified and strange.

I could feel the others reminding me of how we merge.

As my split glowing aspect me creeps further threw the white nerves.


Once at the crown and seated down the spine

I used the prawn type legs to follow out threw the main spinal nerves,

As I’d reached the heart center everything felt white and glowing

I hear Inka’s voice laughing as he said ‘Hello Parasite!’ 


This made me laugh as I get a fresh DL of all the dreams from last year!  Hahaha..

He reminded me of the connection of one and other..

What we do to another we do to us too, our exchange was one of visual knowing.


I was dreaming again too in another layer. 

A dam, with a puzzle this was almost game like.

Layers and ladders, things had to be moved in a certain order.

A mental hospital with a tower… oh yeh I recall now that I was also in the mind of Inka,

The white room experience was glowing and knowing….

The prison cell I was experiencing as an interplay of mist and shadow.


Anyhoo in the hospital tower a priest was laying on the floor…

I cold see in his mind angles Mosaic art.

Writing in a language I can’t read.

I’d been asked to cook too…. I was frying bacon on a large old range cooker.

There was an issue with it all he rings were always lit.
(That was another dream with you Inka?  All the rings on full??  ‘Find later Ren, finish this now’ )


I think It was greek... the writing looked greek


I’d also been laying on a bed on grass with a veiw between 2 hills

It had an amazing view of a snow capped distant mountain and a stunning sandy beach. 

The sun was rising, and the sea and sand glowed pink. 

If I moved my position slightly I see a large family,

All with dark eyes and hair, there skin is warm and there is rope and wood walkways on the side of a mountain.

I see a father with a small dark haired daughter, he has made her a crown of woven flowers.

A waterfall was crossed by wooden walkways, and the flowers grew up hand made trellis.


I was trying to shift my perception again to see the sand beach once more but Ian woke me up.

The parasite / possessed thing with Inka was cool...  was like a feedback loop!  
Very intense 🤣

Lots of Touching

  15th Dream at work..    I was with Ray, we were both young.   It was affectionate we had 3 dogs with funny personality's we were g...