Yesterdays dream that I didn't write up. A crazy floating fairground.. doing impossible things, under it were tents. A small group of us lived in these tents the rides seemed to go day and night, so fast and interlocking but missing each other. On each ride was 1 child. The tents were our homes, pretty run down while the crazy rides went on over head all the time.
Last nights dreams.
Lots of rocks!
In the first dream I'm with a group of people looking for chips! The chips are big, and odd not cooked to big to be made from normal potentates :P
I leave the chips with a young male, we are making our way up and over lumpy rocks further and further out.
We find ourselves on rocks at the edge of the sea, the tide is coming in and the water is clear and cold, the sky grey. The male wants to go for a swim, so he jumps in... a seal arrives to inspect him, it keeps nudging and nibbling, he's afraid but the seal is more like an exuberant puppy.
I tell it 'Oi!' and it looks up at me curious, I tell it 'Bad Seal' in a mock strict tone and throws me an 'appeasement gesture' it leaves the young boy to swim back onto the rocks.
Next dream I'm passing threw a massive what seems like a mountain pass... on the ground is short grass that looks nibbled, and rock formations that don't look entirely natural. I'm in the sky observing lots of groups travelling.
As we travel further threw the pass I notice the rock has been split and expanded with inlays of bright pink resin.
I stop at a formation were the rocks make a round space, in it are 2 elderly females talking one looks Indian the other Arabic, they are hugging and crying and talking together. I leave them and keep moving threw the pass flying over. Next there are ancient sandstone structures these look more man made but again are expanded with pink resin too. Lots of people have come to see the meeting of ancient and modern. It's not obvious how the pink resin came to be in the expanded rocks. Next are more modern structures made of white ceramic but again, with the pink ripples threw them.
The journey stops at a home that is in America, I stop flying now and join one of the groups that were moving threw the mountain pass. We had been accompanying someone from the UK back to the USA to their family. Her family were grateful... the house had no walls just some work benches, and I was making coffee for everyone (I don't like coffee! ) before we left again.
Saturday, 31 December 2016
Thursday, 29 December 2016
Tree City and Fabric Train.
Wed nights dream.. (Only the main one as been to busy to record remember others)
This dream is set in a huge wired tall building.... it's 10+ storeys high and a mix of designs, ages and uses.
I start to remember the dream as I'm heading up a huge open staircase, on the top is a restaurant/cafe and I'm going to help server food here.... it's white/creamy with a skylight and bright. Lots of tables and busy.
It's snowing outside but inside it's warm and busy, people seem to be shopping too. The building is a maze, and the cafe I'm working at is high up.
I realise we have run out of jugs for milk, so I offer to go find more...
This is were it gets crazy - the building I'm in is like a massive department store but wired, with dwellings and such a mix of things, castles, Inns, shops, .... one moment I'm in a modern sports ware shop, the next moment I'm in an old Victorian kitchen climbing threw attic spaces and beside chimney stacks... the place is such a mishmash of stuff :D
I can't find the jugs I was looking for I seemed to specifically want orange ones and after a while am totally lost in this massive maze of bizarre and seemingly unrelated rooms with 1000's of people milling round.
I start to make my way down again, this time it's a round spiral stair case with grey carpets. The hand rails are a sliver colour and there are monitors at the intersections of the stairs giving directions. I follow one path way in a direction I think might lead back to the cafe but seem to end up in some posh executive offices. There are 2 suited men in there who smile and greet me..... they are pleasant and say hello... but I quickly back out with a 'whoops' wrong place... next level down is live recording studios, it's like a big radio station. I can hear broadcasts and bands in the rooms.. the monitors are saying what's going on.
I suddenly remeber that the buildings are layed out like 2 trees, and the spiral staircases are in the middle... I'm on the wrong trunk.
I follow it down to the bottom, and back up a path/car-park to find the other trunk/entrance... there are shuttle buses and monorails brining ever more people into huge tall buildings. The entrance to this trunk (were I work) is a mix of a zoo, water park playground. It's sunny and there are slides and kids in swimsuits. I climb up and over all the toys and play my way back towards the second entrance, this building is more fun with more colours... I start to make my way back up to the top again.
--- So I think this probably has to do with being in my own brain/mind and exploring the 2 halves of it.
Last nights
This dream is again in a very modern futuristic city. Nothing is familiar as it's so wired!
I'm there to study, I'm a 'fabric' student. The place we are training at is highly regarded and we get there via strange modern trains... they are segmented and not like anything I've seen before.
I'm studying with the male aspect of me again. This time he's quiet and gentle.. we work as a team, are lovers/friends/study team. The train we are using specifically goes to the place to learn 'fabric'
The others in our class are more of a 'group/team' but we are happy as a duo... the others are pushy/intimidating with an agender to there study... we all use the same train.
On the train there is a row, the others want us to join them... but we refused to be intimidated.
The group, attack the male aspect of me.... They chuck him of the train and onto the track so he's 'out of the game/dream' I'm quite pissed of with them, but continue on into the city.
When we get there I start to walk to the fabric teaching factory on my own.. I'm aware the group are following me waiting for me to change my mind and work with them, but I'm still to annoyed with them.
--- This seems to be old ideas and new ideas :) I'm playing the intuitive side and my ideas are struggling for dominance... the fabric seems to be 'reality'
This dream is set in a huge wired tall building.... it's 10+ storeys high and a mix of designs, ages and uses.
I start to remember the dream as I'm heading up a huge open staircase, on the top is a restaurant/cafe and I'm going to help server food here.... it's white/creamy with a skylight and bright. Lots of tables and busy.
It's snowing outside but inside it's warm and busy, people seem to be shopping too. The building is a maze, and the cafe I'm working at is high up.
I realise we have run out of jugs for milk, so I offer to go find more...
This is were it gets crazy - the building I'm in is like a massive department store but wired, with dwellings and such a mix of things, castles, Inns, shops, .... one moment I'm in a modern sports ware shop, the next moment I'm in an old Victorian kitchen climbing threw attic spaces and beside chimney stacks... the place is such a mishmash of stuff :D
I can't find the jugs I was looking for I seemed to specifically want orange ones and after a while am totally lost in this massive maze of bizarre and seemingly unrelated rooms with 1000's of people milling round.
I start to make my way down again, this time it's a round spiral stair case with grey carpets. The hand rails are a sliver colour and there are monitors at the intersections of the stairs giving directions. I follow one path way in a direction I think might lead back to the cafe but seem to end up in some posh executive offices. There are 2 suited men in there who smile and greet me..... they are pleasant and say hello... but I quickly back out with a 'whoops' wrong place... next level down is live recording studios, it's like a big radio station. I can hear broadcasts and bands in the rooms.. the monitors are saying what's going on.
I suddenly remeber that the buildings are layed out like 2 trees, and the spiral staircases are in the middle... I'm on the wrong trunk.
I follow it down to the bottom, and back up a path/car-park to find the other trunk/entrance... there are shuttle buses and monorails brining ever more people into huge tall buildings. The entrance to this trunk (were I work) is a mix of a zoo, water park playground. It's sunny and there are slides and kids in swimsuits. I climb up and over all the toys and play my way back towards the second entrance, this building is more fun with more colours... I start to make my way back up to the top again.
--- So I think this probably has to do with being in my own brain/mind and exploring the 2 halves of it.
Last nights
This dream is again in a very modern futuristic city. Nothing is familiar as it's so wired!
I'm there to study, I'm a 'fabric' student. The place we are training at is highly regarded and we get there via strange modern trains... they are segmented and not like anything I've seen before.
I'm studying with the male aspect of me again. This time he's quiet and gentle.. we work as a team, are lovers/friends/study team. The train we are using specifically goes to the place to learn 'fabric'
The others in our class are more of a 'group/team' but we are happy as a duo... the others are pushy/intimidating with an agender to there study... we all use the same train.
On the train there is a row, the others want us to join them... but we refused to be intimidated.
The group, attack the male aspect of me.... They chuck him of the train and onto the track so he's 'out of the game/dream' I'm quite pissed of with them, but continue on into the city.
When we get there I start to walk to the fabric teaching factory on my own.. I'm aware the group are following me waiting for me to change my mind and work with them, but I'm still to annoyed with them.
--- This seems to be old ideas and new ideas :) I'm playing the intuitive side and my ideas are struggling for dominance... the fabric seems to be 'reality'
Tuesday, 27 December 2016
Fairys, Trains and Ghosts.
The class is on soul retrieval, and the teacher has left the room. I'm sitting on a desk near the back with a group of people explaining soul retrieval to them. Outside the windows the sky and grass and lawn are full of 'ghost' type bodies.... they look like white outlines of clear people they are smiling and happy.
Non of the other students can see them, so I'm trying to explain to the others what they are doing. I can tell that the ghosts outside are not carrying shards as they are clear and free.
I get up and walk to the glass and place my palms on the window....
I'm explaining how if they did have fragments we would touch them to receive them back.... I hold up my hands and press my palms onto the glass window, as I'm explaining a young male ghost body with curly hair and a smily freckly face comes to the other side of the glass and places his hands were mine on the other side of the window.... as we touch with the glass between us the other students can also see him. They gasp! I explain to them that there are 1000's like him all outside floating round.
Next dream is of fairy's or shyphs or something... we are wispy like elements and small, just made of energy. We are a family but we are separated.
Next is a wired Viking ship and another ship, they are warships battling each other...they keep flicking in and out like they are superimposed on each-other.... we are fighting but we know that we are both sides of the battle.
Next is this amazing fabric, it's printed like the sky/zodiac with star aliments. It's being prepared for a young male.
It's glowing like neurons, I know how to roll it to make a tunnel to travel threw but it's not time yet.
Next an amazing city scape, I'm in a sprite type of light body... small and elemental not solid kind of like fiery air, about the hight of a toddler.
The city is huge, and industrial made of metal and smokey and dirty - It's amazing to look at.
I'm standing on the top of a large red diesel train engine that's moving threw the environment to take in the view.
Last dream, I'm with other elementals... they are weirdly solid, in a nice way. I can push against them and they push back :)
They are in the form of 2 old school friends, they are all making camp fires. I'm helping my female friend as she keeps falling asleep... I move her camp fire into the ring with all the others.
Monday, 26 December 2016
Underground tunnles.

So first was a city, school... at night and half submerged in water. We were doing a puzzle game threw the city, competitive almost like a puzzle race course.
One bit that stands out is having to pass threw an underwater chompy machine/mechanism. Had to time it right to swim threw without getting squashed, but the current caused when the mechanism closed made the timing really tricky. We have wired shapes, they look like platonic solids but are malleable, they all have the wrong shadows... they don't fit the shape.
Parts of it reminded me of swimming threw underground tunnels.
Zak woke me but back into same dream world.
This time there is a huge network of underground tunnels and arches, they are all made out of old black bricks, they are like colliery bricks but that are stained with soot so are totally black.
There are small dwellings in the arches, they remind me of railway arches on a smaller scale also made out of black bricks, the tunnels are lit with flame torches.
It's all underground, the bricks are al lover... I'm delivering coal in a wheel barrow, the dwellings all have old stove heaters in, with chimneys that go up out of the tunnels to what ever is above ground.
On the inside they are odd and old fashioned, kind of middle of the last century stuff... one of the things is a very old metal sun lounger which seems very out of place in a black underground tunnel.
I'm in a dwelling of my friends, helping her to clean and clear. She has large storage cellars to the place, with food stuffs from al-lover the world, they are like old larders. In another cellar is many many animals in cages, one is for me but it's not ready yet.
It's a newly hatched turtle. It's blue and purple it's shell is still soft. It blinks it's black eyes at me and feels soft and warm as I hold it, I give it back to her to her until it's shell is hard and I can collect it.
I watch my friend climb onto a bike, her partner is there talking in German to her, he's helping her to balance the bike so it's good to ride.
I follow the tunnel in the cellar and come out past a large beautiful county kitchen, I realise that Ann the vet owns it and she is the one that is caring for the animals.
Hummm, so thoughts, Ann is the one that was operating on me in the other dream.... the large kitchen she seemed to be playing the roll of matriarch which reminds me of the wired dream with the garage and different types of humans
The setting was very similar to the cobbled dark streets of this week too, that turned into a dragon.
Thursday, 22 December 2016
Hybrid things!
First dream was at Aunty Shelia's I was trying to cook but the cooker kept changing into a fridge and melting everything.
I go to a shop to get more stuff, but fly's keep landing on my forehead... when I go to swat them off, they push me out and lock the door...
Once I'm out the flys go but they won't let me back in.
Back into dreams in the same area, I was in a group with a crazy matriarch, and some old men... then owned a cafe, but sold it to by a petrol station. Me and my friends worked there, we are young, me and a friend Emma are lovers and have a room above the petrol station, there is another human young male too.
The cafes really quite as the locations bad, no passing trade. The owners decide to mate us with other species, the pumps turn into check out tills and we are paired on the tills to try and procreate. There is a hairy monkey type fairy that dose karate and a green man type elf among other things.
They need the money from the hybrid. Payment is in advance and is 2 old rusty American cars filled with 50p pieces. I remember I'm trying to solve some problem, it seems the old woman who is manipulating everyone.
I find the green man type person outside in a garden... he's not like dryads as he has a face very detailed, he speaks our language, has dark eyes and his hair is made of plants... skin is green and black like leaves too.
I wake up, I wonder if this is the same guy with dark eyes that has been in other dreams.
Wired version of Mortimer road.. It's several houses long. There is a room that was haunted but I'm sleeping there now and it's fine, there are lots of wired hybrid animals, fox's with antlers otter, cats and 2 pet bat dogs! dog bat was hilarious, there were 2 of them pets, .... with curly hair and very affectionate, but instead of legs they had furry skin wings that they slid round the floor on.... they looked like rugs.
Down stairs was a room with tree carvings on the door and floor, all the walls are filled with tropical fish tanks and there is a large fire pit in the centre of the floor.
I go to a shop to get more stuff, but fly's keep landing on my forehead... when I go to swat them off, they push me out and lock the door...
Once I'm out the flys go but they won't let me back in.
Back into dreams in the same area, I was in a group with a crazy matriarch, and some old men... then owned a cafe, but sold it to by a petrol station. Me and my friends worked there, we are young, me and a friend Emma are lovers and have a room above the petrol station, there is another human young male too.
The cafes really quite as the locations bad, no passing trade. The owners decide to mate us with other species, the pumps turn into check out tills and we are paired on the tills to try and procreate. There is a hairy monkey type fairy that dose karate and a green man type elf among other things.
They need the money from the hybrid. Payment is in advance and is 2 old rusty American cars filled with 50p pieces. I remember I'm trying to solve some problem, it seems the old woman who is manipulating everyone.
I find the green man type person outside in a garden... he's not like dryads as he has a face very detailed, he speaks our language, has dark eyes and his hair is made of plants... skin is green and black like leaves too.
I wake up, I wonder if this is the same guy with dark eyes that has been in other dreams.
Wired version of Mortimer road.. It's several houses long. There is a room that was haunted but I'm sleeping there now and it's fine, there are lots of wired hybrid animals, fox's with antlers otter, cats and 2 pet bat dogs! dog bat was hilarious, there were 2 of them pets, .... with curly hair and very affectionate, but instead of legs they had furry skin wings that they slid round the floor on.... they looked like rugs.
Down stairs was a room with tree carvings on the door and floor, all the walls are filled with tropical fish tanks and there is a large fire pit in the centre of the floor.
Wednesday, 21 December 2016
Regicide, Gran's House and Cloaks
First part of the night was about intention... It was all very abstract but that intention is what helps bring and send in the web.
Next a dream was set in my Dad's mothers house, it was with my brother and a male cousin ( His parents I were also perspective parents for this incarnation) Both our mothers and our fathers are related, Zak was also in the house. This seems to be to do with male ancestors.... we needed to look for something in the sea.
Next part of the dream I was watching a wedding with people from all over the world, the bride was a daughter of a friend with the same name as me who moved to Australia.
A Journey with a camel or a lama it was like a cross between the 2, it was small and liked to drink coconut milk.
Then the wired one... This dream was unusual it was more like looking at another life, I had no body and I wasn't sure who I was as I was watching the dreamscape rather than in it.
The dream was inside an unusual building with no windows... it was all in a different language too & there was a commentary too in an archaic style. (disembodied voice style)
It was an important temple, there was a king there. The walls were smooth and a golden/sand/tan colour. Very grand but also had a feeling of a domed cave perhaps due to the lack of natural light. Purple, turquoise fabric and gold stuff was used sparingly.... also old stone buildings around it.
The king has been juvenile in his behaviour, he was arrogant and abusive another 'me' had played a role in his death (regicide) this was all being explained by the disembodied voice over the top of the temple scene and their chatter in a different language. I was unsure as to who that other 'me' had been or even what sex I was.
This had had long lasting 'ripples' in my space/time experience.
When I woke up I had the name King Solomon in my mind. - not sure if this was in reference to the king or the time period.
Seahouses, seafront wired version, a massive old hotel totally burt out, just lots of arches remaining. Inside were people looting, there was a wired ugly red 1970's carpet remains with crossed swords on that someone wanted.
Next dream, Roz had a new house... it was very very small and in a 1930's style, lots of mirrors the rooms were triangle shaped. It was quite claustrophobic so I went outside... Beautiful sunset over a sea, pink and blue sky.
2 furr cloaks, one of Monkey fur and one of Wolf. I can swap them to take on different archetypal characteristics.
Watching an energy flow in someone's body but feeling it in mine, the heart went round and round like a battery. Not like any thing I've seen before.
Next a dream was set in my Dad's mothers house, it was with my brother and a male cousin ( His parents I were also perspective parents for this incarnation) Both our mothers and our fathers are related, Zak was also in the house. This seems to be to do with male ancestors.... we needed to look for something in the sea.
Next part of the dream I was watching a wedding with people from all over the world, the bride was a daughter of a friend with the same name as me who moved to Australia.
A Journey with a camel or a lama it was like a cross between the 2, it was small and liked to drink coconut milk.
Then the wired one... This dream was unusual it was more like looking at another life, I had no body and I wasn't sure who I was as I was watching the dreamscape rather than in it.
The dream was inside an unusual building with no windows... it was all in a different language too & there was a commentary too in an archaic style. (disembodied voice style)
It was an important temple, there was a king there. The walls were smooth and a golden/sand/tan colour. Very grand but also had a feeling of a domed cave perhaps due to the lack of natural light. Purple, turquoise fabric and gold stuff was used sparingly.... also old stone buildings around it.
The king has been juvenile in his behaviour, he was arrogant and abusive another 'me' had played a role in his death (regicide) this was all being explained by the disembodied voice over the top of the temple scene and their chatter in a different language. I was unsure as to who that other 'me' had been or even what sex I was.
This had had long lasting 'ripples' in my space/time experience.
When I woke up I had the name King Solomon in my mind. - not sure if this was in reference to the king or the time period.
Seahouses, seafront wired version, a massive old hotel totally burt out, just lots of arches remaining. Inside were people looting, there was a wired ugly red 1970's carpet remains with crossed swords on that someone wanted.
Next dream, Roz had a new house... it was very very small and in a 1930's style, lots of mirrors the rooms were triangle shaped. It was quite claustrophobic so I went outside... Beautiful sunset over a sea, pink and blue sky.
2 furr cloaks, one of Monkey fur and one of Wolf. I can swap them to take on different archetypal characteristics.
Watching an energy flow in someone's body but feeling it in mine, the heart went round and round like a battery. Not like any thing I've seen before.
Tuesday, 20 December 2016
Black Cobbled Streets & More Feathers.
First dream before midnight was of 2 family trees... going way way way
back in time, I was in one of them. A friend was making them.
Next dream is long.
The setting is in a medieval style market town, there is a wide main street with gates the ground is covered in black cobbles... One end of the street seems more modern, the other ancient.
It's night with a moon and the buildings are all dark and damp so everything shining and smooth looking.
The first part of the dream I'm at the lower older end of the street, there is a beautiful wrote iron gate also black set into a medieval style town wall. I'm being initiated by witches, I'm me and my daughter I seem to swap between them. We are on the far side of the gate away from the street and there is grass and wired hats and feathers, black fabric. Witches, Wizards and lots of talking animals. There are dragons there too small ones.
I have 2 familiars one is a talking monkey, it's hairy like a sloth and it wants me to carry it round on my back, it's huggy :) The other is a beautiful blue and green bird, peacock like in colour but a different shape... it wraps it's self round my neck, we are chatting about reality the wizards, that I need to follow my own path... with the dragons I discuss tail eating cycles. :)
I leave the initiation threw the gate to head back into the dream street, as I'm walking threw I notice a pink plastic kids bowl with dog poop & pink feathers in it! I realise I should pick it up and take it to a bin.
As I walk up the street a group of elderly people call to me, they are all dressed in black very old fashioned clothes, the Male is an undertaker, the female his wife she's larger than life it's her that calls to me saying 'Oh thank you, they are mine dear' indicating the plastic bowl containing dog poop and feathers!
I go over to join them and talk, they are very friendly... they are part of a revolution. It has to do with a shortage of stone...
They are making things change, they have a old wired coach with 2 black horses I think it's there hearse.
I remember that I've left my dog tied up in the modern shopping area at the top of the cobbled street, here it opens into a modern street, I excuse myself to collect him before they lock up. I walk up to the shopping center, I see my mobile phone on the floor it's been run over.... to my right there is a young sycamore tree they are cutting of it's branches. Security let me into the shopping centre and I collect dog, and lots of kids all leave with me. I head back into the dark cobbles streets.
I'm back with the undertaker and his wife, they are telling me about decentralisation of power... there comment is 'Why would you only have your picnic in London'
The dream starts to fragment, moving up and round like a spiral the cobbles from the street change, to look more like lizards bumpy scales and it's coiling around separating and expanding.
I have no body now and am watching the street/ground come alive the cobbles now scales on smooth skin.
I see a man with no shirt run threw a road block... (I hear 2 females talking about their teenage boys not 'getting' it..... I remember the 'streets are paved with shirts dream'
I'm semi awake and go into a very very vivid vision..
It's starts like dream dust, but organises it's self into a tunnel of black thorns... it looks epic! In the centre of the thorn clearing is a glowing white chest it looks like it's made of white glowing quarts crystal. It opens..
Inside is white light, then it morphs and changes making amazing faces, animals scenes it's shape-shifting and pulsing It's just been born from the crystal.
As I wake I get a message... 'Concept of work is out dated, need concept of growth'
Rest of the night I was underground with water and fire... it felt cleansing.
Next dream is long.
The setting is in a medieval style market town, there is a wide main street with gates the ground is covered in black cobbles... One end of the street seems more modern, the other ancient.
It's night with a moon and the buildings are all dark and damp so everything shining and smooth looking.
I have 2 familiars one is a talking monkey, it's hairy like a sloth and it wants me to carry it round on my back, it's huggy :) The other is a beautiful blue and green bird, peacock like in colour but a different shape... it wraps it's self round my neck, we are chatting about reality the wizards, that I need to follow my own path... with the dragons I discuss tail eating cycles. :)
I leave the initiation threw the gate to head back into the dream street, as I'm walking threw I notice a pink plastic kids bowl with dog poop & pink feathers in it! I realise I should pick it up and take it to a bin.
As I walk up the street a group of elderly people call to me, they are all dressed in black very old fashioned clothes, the Male is an undertaker, the female his wife she's larger than life it's her that calls to me saying 'Oh thank you, they are mine dear' indicating the plastic bowl containing dog poop and feathers!
I go over to join them and talk, they are very friendly... they are part of a revolution. It has to do with a shortage of stone...
They are making things change, they have a old wired coach with 2 black horses I think it's there hearse.
I remember that I've left my dog tied up in the modern shopping area at the top of the cobbled street, here it opens into a modern street, I excuse myself to collect him before they lock up. I walk up to the shopping center, I see my mobile phone on the floor it's been run over.... to my right there is a young sycamore tree they are cutting of it's branches. Security let me into the shopping centre and I collect dog, and lots of kids all leave with me. I head back into the dark cobbles streets.
I'm back with the undertaker and his wife, they are telling me about decentralisation of power... there comment is 'Why would you only have your picnic in London'
The dream starts to fragment, moving up and round like a spiral the cobbles from the street change, to look more like lizards bumpy scales and it's coiling around separating and expanding.
I have no body now and am watching the street/ground come alive the cobbles now scales on smooth skin.
I see a man with no shirt run threw a road block... (I hear 2 females talking about their teenage boys not 'getting' it..... I remember the 'streets are paved with shirts dream'
I'm semi awake and go into a very very vivid vision..
It's starts like dream dust, but organises it's self into a tunnel of black thorns... it looks epic! In the centre of the thorn clearing is a glowing white chest it looks like it's made of white glowing quarts crystal. It opens..
Inside is white light, then it morphs and changes making amazing faces, animals scenes it's shape-shifting and pulsing It's just been born from the crystal.
As I wake I get a message... 'Concept of work is out dated, need concept of growth'
Rest of the night I was underground with water and fire... it felt cleansing.
Monday, 19 December 2016
Souls, Wholes and a School.
I was dreaming about souls and wholes last night... like seeing us all connected and spirits and stuff... also how sometimes spirit can can like a ghost in my dream It made me think that's what the holy spirit ghost must be to Christians. The whole shary spirit. (It's hard to describe this as it's fractaly and multidimensional)
Then I had a dream I was leaving a house, and was upset to say goodbye...... someone was in the corner channelling aliens (I was to sleepy to be bothered to wake up and make more notes though)
Last dream was really odd, it was a huge learning complex, mainly for the study of music & harmony. We were all pared with someone to learn with (male and female)
I didn't recognise my study partner, he was blond tall with very blue eyes, our area of work was in a huge modern cube/lab with no floors, it was deep with metal grids walkways to move about on. In it were particles small like grains of sand, we had to find 2 types.
There we another 4 sets of couples working in this lab. Once we found the specific particles the room transformed into a microscopic viewer. (This was like a huge telescope in reverse) Each couple had a different particle to look at.
We were looking at ours it was tablet shaped and a pinky/purple transparent... we were supposed to be recording the measurements but in the dream I couldn't write so the male was making the notes and I was going to copy them later... I was just looking at it mainly.
Initial feelings... interpretations...
- First part was a soul retrieval type dream, but I was showing myself how it works. How we are all connected when we are not physical.
The house, I get this when I'm done with a lesson/idea and am moving on/have outgrown something.
Sometimes it might be a teacher/school/building. I realise it's time to let something go (The communication with aliens) I think this is to do with how I communicate with collectives... meby it's time to start bringing that aspect of me more into my waking awareness.
- Last dream. Setting huge learning complex but also dedicated to music.. could be earth or my current experience/interpritation of this earth reality. It was a little like the layout of my highshcool set out over a large area with many different buildings of various ages.
This seems to be male and female minds - our perceived split, each couple in the dream is a person. We are working side by side on harmony so balancing logical & creative.
Hummm the next part, I'm not certain. The lab we were in wasn't like anything I've scene before it was ultra modern/futuristic cube type thing.
Micro/Macro I wasn't aware of my being my male brain in this dream... so I only experienced it from a creative view point, I was unable to understand the measurement system or record the detail I was very much an observer... The particles we were working with were tiny, but when looked at closely really interesting.
Soooo Hummmm, I think this is possibly formation of new thought constructs for me. Looking at something differently.
Then I had a dream I was leaving a house, and was upset to say goodbye...... someone was in the corner channelling aliens (I was to sleepy to be bothered to wake up and make more notes though)
Last dream was really odd, it was a huge learning complex, mainly for the study of music & harmony. We were all pared with someone to learn with (male and female)
I didn't recognise my study partner, he was blond tall with very blue eyes, our area of work was in a huge modern cube/lab with no floors, it was deep with metal grids walkways to move about on. In it were particles small like grains of sand, we had to find 2 types.
There we another 4 sets of couples working in this lab. Once we found the specific particles the room transformed into a microscopic viewer. (This was like a huge telescope in reverse) Each couple had a different particle to look at.
We were looking at ours it was tablet shaped and a pinky/purple transparent... we were supposed to be recording the measurements but in the dream I couldn't write so the male was making the notes and I was going to copy them later... I was just looking at it mainly.
Initial feelings... interpretations...
- First part was a soul retrieval type dream, but I was showing myself how it works. How we are all connected when we are not physical.
The house, I get this when I'm done with a lesson/idea and am moving on/have outgrown something.
Sometimes it might be a teacher/school/building. I realise it's time to let something go (The communication with aliens) I think this is to do with how I communicate with collectives... meby it's time to start bringing that aspect of me more into my waking awareness.
- Last dream. Setting huge learning complex but also dedicated to music.. could be earth or my current experience/interpritation of this earth reality. It was a little like the layout of my highshcool set out over a large area with many different buildings of various ages.
This seems to be male and female minds - our perceived split, each couple in the dream is a person. We are working side by side on harmony so balancing logical & creative.
Hummm the next part, I'm not certain. The lab we were in wasn't like anything I've scene before it was ultra modern/futuristic cube type thing.
Micro/Macro I wasn't aware of my being my male brain in this dream... so I only experienced it from a creative view point, I was unable to understand the measurement system or record the detail I was very much an observer... The particles we were working with were tiny, but when looked at closely really interesting.
Soooo Hummmm, I think this is possibly formation of new thought constructs for me. Looking at something differently.
Friday, 16 December 2016
Being a World Tree and a Poem
Like a shuttle weaving to and from,
The place were your at to the place you belong,
Binding your heart, with the web of the world,
bracing your soul, you surrender to whole,
enveloped with love, sharing one breath,
Uncoiling to fall, then climbing once more,
threw and in, catching the ends,
it's tangled it's angled,
it's drawing within,
I feel were I'm going, I feel were I've been,
I see into the places the what's in-between,
string or a whole? a weave or a web?
a magic embrace,
we're caught in life's net.
I'm inside and am the world tree. To do with a tree/ the world it's axis & the wobble I was the tree, then the world and I had a hole threw me, I also had a big spiral going our from the centre with cross bits like a web, my spine was the trunk, and I had a spiral staircase inside me... my mind was the branches and the web stretched from my heart.
Then I moved into a body and started making globes with a gaming friend and a lesbian while we were all sat eating tea and toast :) We were gluing the paper onto them.
Another fun dream later about being in a forest, we were learning about opening portals in a kind of relay.... so we could quickly move as a group threw them and back.
Hummm, wonder if I'm unbalanced and need to move to the next element.
Last nights dream was water, based...
I was on a trawler fishing boat, I had some things with me, some giant antlers, a baby sling, and a cuddly toy. It was a grey sea quite flat. I was sitting on something on the deck looking out.... some how the stuff I had got tangled with the winch and knocked into the sea, so I jumped in after it.
I was trying to get it so dived down.. I managed to grab the sling, but then the rest vanished under the boat... I pulled and fortunately the stuff was tangled together so all came back.
The boat left and I was left in the sea, I found a sand bank shelf, and there was a big drop of after it. I was going to dive down when all the water vanished leaving a room below. I found some wood to the side I was going to climb down but a woman operative entered the pit room so I thought I should wait, I woke up after that.
The place were your at to the place you belong,
Binding your heart, with the web of the world,
bracing your soul, you surrender to whole,
enveloped with love, sharing one breath,
Uncoiling to fall, then climbing once more,
threw and in, catching the ends,
it's tangled it's angled,
it's drawing within,
I feel were I'm going, I feel were I've been,
I see into the places the what's in-between,
string or a whole? a weave or a web?
a magic embrace,
we're caught in life's net.
I'm inside and am the world tree. To do with a tree/ the world it's axis & the wobble I was the tree, then the world and I had a hole threw me, I also had a big spiral going our from the centre with cross bits like a web, my spine was the trunk, and I had a spiral staircase inside me... my mind was the branches and the web stretched from my heart.
Then I moved into a body and started making globes with a gaming friend and a lesbian while we were all sat eating tea and toast :) We were gluing the paper onto them.
Another fun dream later about being in a forest, we were learning about opening portals in a kind of relay.... so we could quickly move as a group threw them and back.
Hummm, wonder if I'm unbalanced and need to move to the next element.
Last nights dream was water, based...
I was on a trawler fishing boat, I had some things with me, some giant antlers, a baby sling, and a cuddly toy. It was a grey sea quite flat. I was sitting on something on the deck looking out.... some how the stuff I had got tangled with the winch and knocked into the sea, so I jumped in after it.
I was trying to get it so dived down.. I managed to grab the sling, but then the rest vanished under the boat... I pulled and fortunately the stuff was tangled together so all came back.
The boat left and I was left in the sea, I found a sand bank shelf, and there was a big drop of after it. I was going to dive down when all the water vanished leaving a room below. I found some wood to the side I was going to climb down but a woman operative entered the pit room so I thought I should wait, I woke up after that.
Wednesday, 14 December 2016
OBE Surgery
First dream was a bit like the swamp/oil field dryad... but it was spirit of a beach.
Next was a nightmare type of dream... I wasn't scared but it had a kind of urgency to it. Annoyingly all I can make out is that It was set in a forest, and I was searching for something (rest of my writing's to messy) Something about a call to the wild, I know I'd woken up thinking it was interesting.
Next dream is outside too but it's a home. I'm with a guy I went to school with I can't remember his name we are looking after the place as his mother has gone away.
The place is a glade in a wood, there are rocks covered in grass... there are also the odd wired placed chair and occasional thing like that.
In the centre of the glade are rock pillars with grass on the top, we climb up onto them. On the largest there is a marking on the grass.... looks like the grass has a tattoo. The mark is of a hummm bit like a labyrinth picture, and there is 4 caves in the directions N,S,E,W
We are looking at it, not sure what it is possibly a game or for a ritual.
His mother is due back soon, and her GTL (grot tolerance level) is lower than mine, so I help my friend to clear up. She arrives back, as I'm leaving I notice part of the ground/floor is I bounce up and down for a bit cause it's fun.
Baby next door wakes me
Next dream, setting is a very old fashioned surgical theatre at the top of a tall building, with loads of windows. I'm about to be operated on, and the person doing the surgery is Ann a vet I worked with, but in the dream she's also my mother in law. (Ann is mum of 3 vet, very competent not very confident she swapped to running a guest house)
She is going to operate on my ovaries or something reproductive... and is she upset as I might not be able to have children (I don't care)
The op starts and it's early in the morning, she anaesthetises me. Once my body's asleep I leave it and am having an OBE watching, she's struggling to stabilise the anaesthetic and doesn't have a nurse to help and so she's upset and panicking a bit.
A receptionist comes in, to say good morning and she can kind of see my OBE body not properly but like a ghost or presence in the room. I wonder if I can help the Vet, so I go up to her and hug her. I'm like a ghost so she can't see of feel me properly but I feel her heart rate and breathing start to settle so I keep hugging her till she's relaxed.
(This was like the dream were I did this to someone trying to get a soul fragment back... I was a ghost that put my hands on his chest and slowed my breathing till he matched and then his SF came back to him)
Anyhoo she's relaxed now, so I start to look at my body on the operating table, I can see the ET tubes not in right so I wriggle it until I can see the bag moving as my body breathes. A nurse arrives, (This is a girl I was at school with) She takes over the anaesthetic, the vet is more relaxed and they start the surgery. I walk out of the wall and go to explore.
I fly I have awareness of the place I'm in it's like a huge collage place my dream partner seems to be one of my x's (his own mother is dead now) he's in a refectory type place eating.... he doesn't seem to know/care his mother is upset. The rest of the place is filled with lessons and youngish people.
I feel a tug and realise the surgery must be finished so I go back up to were my body was.
When I go back in, my bodys not there but I'm standing up and can talk to people now so it felt like I was back in it, they all seem quite pleased - on the Op table are slices that they removed from me :P
They vaguely look like cuts of meat ready to cook :D
- I get woken up by Zak.
Next was a nightmare type of dream... I wasn't scared but it had a kind of urgency to it. Annoyingly all I can make out is that It was set in a forest, and I was searching for something (rest of my writing's to messy) Something about a call to the wild, I know I'd woken up thinking it was interesting.
Next dream is outside too but it's a home. I'm with a guy I went to school with I can't remember his name we are looking after the place as his mother has gone away.
The place is a glade in a wood, there are rocks covered in grass... there are also the odd wired placed chair and occasional thing like that.
In the centre of the glade are rock pillars with grass on the top, we climb up onto them. On the largest there is a marking on the grass.... looks like the grass has a tattoo. The mark is of a hummm bit like a labyrinth picture, and there is 4 caves in the directions N,S,E,W
We are looking at it, not sure what it is possibly a game or for a ritual.
His mother is due back soon, and her GTL (grot tolerance level) is lower than mine, so I help my friend to clear up. She arrives back, as I'm leaving I notice part of the ground/floor is I bounce up and down for a bit cause it's fun.
Baby next door wakes me
Next dream, setting is a very old fashioned surgical theatre at the top of a tall building, with loads of windows. I'm about to be operated on, and the person doing the surgery is Ann a vet I worked with, but in the dream she's also my mother in law. (Ann is mum of 3 vet, very competent not very confident she swapped to running a guest house)
She is going to operate on my ovaries or something reproductive... and is she upset as I might not be able to have children (I don't care)
The op starts and it's early in the morning, she anaesthetises me. Once my body's asleep I leave it and am having an OBE watching, she's struggling to stabilise the anaesthetic and doesn't have a nurse to help and so she's upset and panicking a bit.
A receptionist comes in, to say good morning and she can kind of see my OBE body not properly but like a ghost or presence in the room. I wonder if I can help the Vet, so I go up to her and hug her. I'm like a ghost so she can't see of feel me properly but I feel her heart rate and breathing start to settle so I keep hugging her till she's relaxed.
(This was like the dream were I did this to someone trying to get a soul fragment back... I was a ghost that put my hands on his chest and slowed my breathing till he matched and then his SF came back to him)
Anyhoo she's relaxed now, so I start to look at my body on the operating table, I can see the ET tubes not in right so I wriggle it until I can see the bag moving as my body breathes. A nurse arrives, (This is a girl I was at school with) She takes over the anaesthetic, the vet is more relaxed and they start the surgery. I walk out of the wall and go to explore.
I fly I have awareness of the place I'm in it's like a huge collage place my dream partner seems to be one of my x's (his own mother is dead now) he's in a refectory type place eating.... he doesn't seem to know/care his mother is upset. The rest of the place is filled with lessons and youngish people.
I feel a tug and realise the surgery must be finished so I go back up to were my body was.
When I go back in, my bodys not there but I'm standing up and can talk to people now so it felt like I was back in it, they all seem quite pleased - on the Op table are slices that they removed from me :P
They vaguely look like cuts of meat ready to cook :D
- I get woken up by Zak.
Tuesday, 13 December 2016
Dreaming of Dreaming Group
Firstly I meet Guy.
The setting is like a barn... or old coach house, but it's seems to be floating in the night sky. It's got massive vaulted wooden beams and parts of it are open to the sky and stars.
It's clean and basic inside, with rows of beds were people are sleeping. A few people are walking round. I go up to a balcony, with alcoves, it's open too and I can see the sky, and the beds of people sleeping below. Guy is there too. We try to talk, but there are lots of little dark shadow entity's fluttering round us. They looked a bit like the ones in the other dream that were fighting with the gold things. This time they are smaller though, like little dark wispy fairy's or ghosts. I realise we have more inner stuff to clear until we can talk properly in astral with less confusion.
Next dream, is a journey to a dream school meeting, then it swaps to the Slak group... 2 people are getting married, and then another person joins.
I was reading her posts, I was confused this morning wondering wether it was real and then I remembered her name had been Sophia
She was telling us about old toys.. which seems to fit with the 2 dreams I had a couple of years apart about the earths toys.
Next ~
I'm on a coast line, with sand and the odd dark volcanic rock. The see is calm we have a 4x4 that is driving on the sand but we get out and walk too as it's a nice day. We are on our way to a big building close to the shore.
We pass threw A forest, with huge tall trees and a light canopy, there is lush green grass on the ground... the whole place is green and sparkly I'm watching my Dog run with a pack of white wolves or huskys.. They are spreading out then calling to each other to run back together. I'm following a large grey gul bird overhead too.
Find the house is like a stately home, it's huge and very fancy. There are people I'm related to in there and also lots of other people. It seem to be a kind of hub, it's taking deliveries and displaying them, it's almost fairy like in places, with huge outdoor markets with the same tall trees, the canopy's of them sparkle with tiny lights.
There are displays of fruit and veg, flowers and plants like cotton other plants that I'd never seen or heard of.... they all look beautiful and healthy.
Another dream, this is in a store/staff room in a huge education complex. It's got leather sofas, an is very full of old furniture, in it we have something that look like Lego sets. This part the scene also flits to my Aunty Shelia's house (were I found my 7 year old self shard)
Each set has 2 things to create in and if we have 2 sets the same we can use the 4 create a bigger single scene that becomes 1 that is very different.
The grey Gul is there again.
Dog run with a pack of white wolves or huskys.. They are
spreading out then calling to each other to run back together. I'm following a large grey gul bird overhead too.
The setting is like a barn... or old coach house, but it's seems to be floating in the night sky. It's got massive vaulted wooden beams and parts of it are open to the sky and stars.
It's clean and basic inside, with rows of beds were people are sleeping. A few people are walking round. I go up to a balcony, with alcoves, it's open too and I can see the sky, and the beds of people sleeping below. Guy is there too. We try to talk, but there are lots of little dark shadow entity's fluttering round us. They looked a bit like the ones in the other dream that were fighting with the gold things. This time they are smaller though, like little dark wispy fairy's or ghosts. I realise we have more inner stuff to clear until we can talk properly in astral with less confusion.
Next dream, is a journey to a dream school meeting, then it swaps to the Slak group... 2 people are getting married, and then another person joins.
I was reading her posts, I was confused this morning wondering wether it was real and then I remembered her name had been Sophia
She was telling us about old toys.. which seems to fit with the 2 dreams I had a couple of years apart about the earths toys.
Next ~
I'm on a coast line, with sand and the odd dark volcanic rock. The see is calm we have a 4x4 that is driving on the sand but we get out and walk too as it's a nice day. We are on our way to a big building close to the shore.
We pass threw A forest, with huge tall trees and a light canopy, there is lush green grass on the ground... the whole place is green and sparkly I'm watching my Dog run with a pack of white wolves or huskys.. They are spreading out then calling to each other to run back together. I'm following a large grey gul bird overhead too.
Find the house is like a stately home, it's huge and very fancy. There are people I'm related to in there and also lots of other people. It seem to be a kind of hub, it's taking deliveries and displaying them, it's almost fairy like in places, with huge outdoor markets with the same tall trees, the canopy's of them sparkle with tiny lights.
There are displays of fruit and veg, flowers and plants like cotton other plants that I'd never seen or heard of.... they all look beautiful and healthy.
Another dream, this is in a store/staff room in a huge education complex. It's got leather sofas, an is very full of old furniture, in it we have something that look like Lego sets. This part the scene also flits to my Aunty Shelia's house (were I found my 7 year old self shard)
Each set has 2 things to create in and if we have 2 sets the same we can use the 4 create a bigger single scene that becomes 1 that is very different.
The grey Gul is there again.
Monday, 12 December 2016
Giant in a City and a Thought Lake.
Gah... what a weekend. I'm pooped :p
I had wired night of dreams again... first few though was odd.
They weren't dreams as such just chatting with people and looking down on dreams It was almost like watching films but not cause they were dream worlds.... we could see time going both ways and were watching different outcomes too. We were discussing the outcome of 'manipulation'
Not like manipulating people but tweaking time/synchronicity s - and how that effected the outcomes.
I knew I was aware all night, but was also a bit weary so making myself write things down was hard work.
I met someone in a garden full of cats and dogs... they were telling me it's important to speak our truth even if people hate us for it. (I was confused though as our truth changes as we do) but he was insistent.
At one point period pain was keeping me aware of my sleeping body - but I was also aware that my mind was with others (bit like the group dream were we were co-creating in a void)
Anyhow it was a strange stretching sensation - at the time I was very aware of both things, but when I woke to write it down the content of what we'd been discussing was gone :stuck_out_tongue: I just knew that there were about 5 of us that we come together alot in the astral, I work with them... we around another 100 were waiting for something. (edited)
Oh... Just checked out the other dreams... they do all fit together, it's to do with 'group mentality'
The dream, it was at first set in rooms in a hill with little bunks in, Mark was in it (I've a feeling he was playing the 'Wizard/magician' archetype
The rooms are very colourful... they are mainly for sleeping. Mark is going to Belgium to play in a band... he's playing to children and angels...
Next I take the place of someone working in a crystal and fabric shop, I'm helping people to pick the right coloured cottons to mend there fabric... some might need wonder web though.
Next scene is a city, it's changing and things are changing.. we need to change group think, there is a massive giant in the city too... the city has a strange wired battlement maze, half way along it is a dead kings body and an experiment is going on with it.
I also had a vision showing me the horizon of our awareness.... and how if we don't bob to much and stabilise our horizons become much wider as we make less ripples... I was like a point of awareness in the centre of a giant mirror like lake that was completely smooth so it reflected the sky. As it was so flat I was aware for miles in all directions.
I had wired night of dreams again... first few though was odd.
They weren't dreams as such just chatting with people and looking down on dreams It was almost like watching films but not cause they were dream worlds.... we could see time going both ways and were watching different outcomes too. We were discussing the outcome of 'manipulation'
Not like manipulating people but tweaking time/synchronicity s - and how that effected the outcomes.
I knew I was aware all night, but was also a bit weary so making myself write things down was hard work.
I met someone in a garden full of cats and dogs... they were telling me it's important to speak our truth even if people hate us for it. (I was confused though as our truth changes as we do) but he was insistent.
At one point period pain was keeping me aware of my sleeping body - but I was also aware that my mind was with others (bit like the group dream were we were co-creating in a void)
Anyhow it was a strange stretching sensation - at the time I was very aware of both things, but when I woke to write it down the content of what we'd been discussing was gone :stuck_out_tongue: I just knew that there were about 5 of us that we come together alot in the astral, I work with them... we around another 100 were waiting for something. (edited)
Oh... Just checked out the other dreams... they do all fit together, it's to do with 'group mentality'
The dream, it was at first set in rooms in a hill with little bunks in, Mark was in it (I've a feeling he was playing the 'Wizard/magician' archetype
The rooms are very colourful... they are mainly for sleeping. Mark is going to Belgium to play in a band... he's playing to children and angels...
Next I take the place of someone working in a crystal and fabric shop, I'm helping people to pick the right coloured cottons to mend there fabric... some might need wonder web though.
Next scene is a city, it's changing and things are changing.. we need to change group think, there is a massive giant in the city too... the city has a strange wired battlement maze, half way along it is a dead kings body and an experiment is going on with it.
I also had a vision showing me the horizon of our awareness.... and how if we don't bob to much and stabilise our horizons become much wider as we make less ripples... I was like a point of awareness in the centre of a giant mirror like lake that was completely smooth so it reflected the sky. As it was so flat I was aware for miles in all directions.
Sunday, 11 December 2016
Ferry Filled with Poop, White Town, Bus with Fairys, and a Dig for Tendons.
First dream was of an old house, digging round in dark places and something about an apothecary.
Next dream was of a long journey, it started with a white toilet that was overflowing with shredded courgette.
First part of the journey is on foot, threw beautiful lush green countryside on a sunny day, there is a stream and a we are walking threw fields and climbing over stiles.
The town is painted all white, all the buildings are sprayed. It's a tourist town and they keep it all white deliberatly.
It looks odd, the second time I pass threw it's being painted, but it's like a water colour picture that's running... the dream is blurry.
I'm in the town to get a ferry, I get on and we are making a crossing, I notice that there are piles of poop all lover the boat.
I'm writing something.
(Zak wakes me)
Next dream I'm with a group of females we are mothers/nurses/faeries! We have been looking at profiles of our babies blood and looking at immunology markers... we are getting on a bus to go to an orchard to learn about levitation and fruit picking! The bus is very modern, quite futuristic, black and shiny with tinted windows.
While on the bus we stop off at an underground bus station, from the bus I notice 3 people. One is a male that I know, I know the other 2 people too. The male I know best is captive, by the other 2 who are part of a gang/organisation. I know that the male is being taken to be tortured and killed. (I know that I have been with him in other places that we have died together and have at times saved each others lives)
I notice some police near by, I realise while I can't free this bloke totally I can should be able to get him arrested where he at least won't get torchered and killed.
I do something mentally manipulate stuff in the bus depot that causes a fuss the police notice and come over... they see the 3 people. The kidnappers vanish, and briefly the male I know comes onto the bus and we talk... he's late 40,s dark hair and has spots and pock marks, he's in a bad way (I think this is the male who attacked me in this dream) He was also in another dream were he was totally deranged. We chat, he acknowledges my help before the police come onto the bus and arrest him.
At this point I seem to take his place, and it is me with the kidnappers. They give me a hunting knife and we all turn into rodents, they are showing me how to store the knife in my furr.
They are going to take me somewhere to teach me about 'Harka'
(Zak Wakes me again!)
Next dream isn't really like a dream.An uncle of Ians is having a bad time - he has chronic depression (his lefs not gone to plan) he's lost faith in anything/everything... can't make decisions and is locked into his own mind and now had been diagnosed with a cancer and needs surgery and treatment.
He's in a mess just pacing round apparently.
Well, anyhoo I had loads of dreams last night, but in among them was a meeting with him. We were in a beautiful summer garden, he was laying on a metal garden bench with a soft embroidered cushion under his head, he looked sleepy.
I was just sitting with him watching, just being with him.
Last dream,
An Archaeological dig, it's on a coastal shore line, and the pit is partly natural.
I'm helping people measure the depth of the rock to mark the approximate age.
We find what we are looking for, it's a bit of our ancestor.
We take it back with us and then cook it! It turnes white and rubbery like a split up squid, it's tendon.
We are deciding weather to taste it!
make our way up and into a town, (I enter and pass threw this town 2 times in the dream - in 2 different seasons)
Hummmm, I'm sure this is linked to the visions I had in a dream the night before with giant ankles/claws of ancient avians & reptiles some that had turned to stone.
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Next dream was of a long journey, it started with a white toilet that was overflowing with shredded courgette.
First part of the journey is on foot, threw beautiful lush green countryside on a sunny day, there is a stream and a we are walking threw fields and climbing over stiles.
The town is painted all white, all the buildings are sprayed. It's a tourist town and they keep it all white deliberatly.
It looks odd, the second time I pass threw it's being painted, but it's like a water colour picture that's running... the dream is blurry.
I'm in the town to get a ferry, I get on and we are making a crossing, I notice that there are piles of poop all lover the boat.
I'm writing something.
(Zak wakes me)
Next dream I'm with a group of females we are mothers/nurses/faeries! We have been looking at profiles of our babies blood and looking at immunology markers... we are getting on a bus to go to an orchard to learn about levitation and fruit picking! The bus is very modern, quite futuristic, black and shiny with tinted windows.
While on the bus we stop off at an underground bus station, from the bus I notice 3 people. One is a male that I know, I know the other 2 people too. The male I know best is captive, by the other 2 who are part of a gang/organisation. I know that the male is being taken to be tortured and killed. (I know that I have been with him in other places that we have died together and have at times saved each others lives)
I notice some police near by, I realise while I can't free this bloke totally I can should be able to get him arrested where he at least won't get torchered and killed.
I do something mentally manipulate stuff in the bus depot that causes a fuss the police notice and come over... they see the 3 people. The kidnappers vanish, and briefly the male I know comes onto the bus and we talk... he's late 40,s dark hair and has spots and pock marks, he's in a bad way (I think this is the male who attacked me in this dream) He was also in another dream were he was totally deranged. We chat, he acknowledges my help before the police come onto the bus and arrest him.
At this point I seem to take his place, and it is me with the kidnappers. They give me a hunting knife and we all turn into rodents, they are showing me how to store the knife in my furr.
They are going to take me somewhere to teach me about 'Harka'
(Zak Wakes me again!)
Next dream isn't really like a dream.An uncle of Ians is having a bad time - he has chronic depression (his lefs not gone to plan) he's lost faith in anything/everything... can't make decisions and is locked into his own mind and now had been diagnosed with a cancer and needs surgery and treatment.
He's in a mess just pacing round apparently.
Well, anyhoo I had loads of dreams last night, but in among them was a meeting with him. We were in a beautiful summer garden, he was laying on a metal garden bench with a soft embroidered cushion under his head, he looked sleepy.
I was just sitting with him watching, just being with him.
Last dream,
An Archaeological dig, it's on a coastal shore line, and the pit is partly natural.
I'm helping people measure the depth of the rock to mark the approximate age.
We find what we are looking for, it's a bit of our ancestor.
We take it back with us and then cook it! It turnes white and rubbery like a split up squid, it's tendon.
We are deciding weather to taste it!
make our way up and into a town, (I enter and pass threw this town 2 times in the dream - in 2 different seasons)
Hummmm, I'm sure this is linked to the visions I had in a dream the night before with giant ankles/claws of ancient avians & reptiles some that had turned to stone.
Friday, 9 December 2016
War in the Heavens Dream.
First one the setting is very plain white we are a group of about 30 females from al lover the world, I don't know any of them. We are creating a web site and have created the layout but it doesn't have any content yet. We are pleased with the progress we have made and the place holders we have put into place.
Next we start to collect feathers, some of the females have already done this but some of us me included haven't. I need to collect feathers (we all need feathered headdresses) my type of feathers are long, they are dark iridescent blue and green, that shine gold when the light hits them.
Colour wise I guess they were similar to peacock feathers but the shape and patterning was more like pheasant tail feathers.
They get tied into a bundle for me by the other women.... once made we ware them, for a ceremony with lots of sacred smoke ( I think the images of them get uploaded too.) During it I get visions of the claws and feet of ancient reptiles and avians... some have turned to stone.
(So my thoughts on this, the gold was them in last nights dreams and others with over-soul in.... then earlier in the year I kept having dreams about blue and green feathers too, then there was the whole bluebird thing that kept popping up when I decoded my life.
Gold, I've never really liked gold much :P Makes me think of that dream that went on for days were the royal family.
May 2012
Lastnights dreams was epic
crazyness, it seemed to last for days. :)
The first part I remember I was
being hunted by a giant Troll thing, and some kind of ethereal sord assassin -
we could jump over huge areas and the chase was threw a mountain range.
I'd managed to wiggle my way to getting them to attack eachother and forget about me.
I'd managed to wiggle my way to getting them to attack eachother and forget about me.
I then found a cave - In the cave
was a missing element from the periodic table, a ring that allowed for time
travel and an old 60's sci fi novel.
The element was wired, it was metal like and was liquid till you touched it, if you played with it, it turned into a chewed gum state :P
The element was wired, it was metal like and was liquid till you touched it, if you played with it, it turned into a chewed gum state :P
As I flicked threw the sci fi
book, I realised it was a book about my dream - and was being written as I did
stuff, I could kind of comunicate with the author and they were giving me hints
of stuff to do next.
After the cave and much travel I
talked my way into a crazy underground city, really awsome looking Victorian industrial steam/punk style.
I had to take the element from
the cave to the inventors in the city, but I ended up in a royal area filled
with giant size wrought iron candle sticks.
They were huge like buildings amazing twisty designs and all under a large coloured glass roof inside a hill.
They were huge like buildings amazing twisty designs and all under a large coloured glass roof inside a hill.
Next part of the dream that
stands out, I'm on an open hillside with a royal coach pulled and pushed by 4
horses. I'm with some other people and we start to drive the coach supper fast
down the hill and into a vally and river below.
We keep going into the river...
the coach is made of gold and sinks.
I go down with it to free the horses. I'm underwater trying to save a huge chestnut horse, it eventually wriggles free and me and the other people make our way to the bank and help the horses out of the water.
I go down with it to free the horses. I'm underwater trying to save a huge chestnut horse, it eventually wriggles free and me and the other people make our way to the bank and help the horses out of the water.
I watch the bubbles from where
they royal family had sealed them sleves into there gold carrige.
After that I woke up, I feel like
I need to go back to sleep after such a long exciting night of adventure
Hummmm wonder what the feather headdress means? Crowns? Crown chakra they gold queens ones have that cross above don't thy... wizards and the pointy ones? Blugh.. duno :P Oh there was also the night when I got all that gold light beamed into my 3rd eye - lolOk... next dream.
Forest dream, I'm a tree in a wood. Then I leave the tree to move threw the whole forest.... I'm connecting it or am connected to it, I'm white lines like tendon or meby mycelium fine and interconnecting.
- Next big dream
Starts of in a basement TV studio and we are waiting for a rocket launch - the astronaut is wired, he's in his 80's and looks like he might struggle physically with the launch.
He also has fake tan and wired stuck on tufty hair like Tintin. He looks a bit like a comic character. The rocket is crazy like a tin-can with a funnel on it. He gets in and blasts of, in a pile of cushions. The TV commentator then starts dancing a jig !
We ask him about the launch but he's evasive so me and my male aspect go outside to look.
Outside is bonkers too, we are in a ultra modern city with bright blue sky there is a river flowing beside us and on the other side of the river a desert with pyramids they look newly built. The riverbank on our-side is dark concrete. We are the only people. .
I scan the sky but see no sign of the rocket when I look back the pyramid I see a bus flying sideways threw the sky and then crash into the pyramids.
It doesn't explode, and there seems no reason for why it's was flying threw the air, as I go to point it out to my male aspect I see a plane flying out of the sky and straight into part of the city, I point it out and we look in amazement!
As I look back I see another plane is heading straight for us like it's going to crash land we crouch down and it goes over the top of us.
We are telepathic and decide that might be better to find somewhere underground till we work out why stuffs falling out the sky.
We make our way along the side of the river, but notice that there are landmines along the bank, so we go into the river to swim round them.
Heading into a residential district I notice a basement door open and recognise the voice of one of my Mam's sisters.
These 2 aunts are very old now and quite ill, in the dream they are in there 60's (one is my God mum that the old Ivy silver bracelet came from )
As we enter they are chatting and washing up dishes.
We go into the flat and they make us a cuppa, we ask if they have herd what's happening, they say no. On the news they are reporting that people are vanishing or not turning up to work. My cousin Emma also appears there she's a Dr and doesn't seem to know what's going on either.
After the cuppa me & male me decide to go back and see what's going on. It's still sunny and there are no other humans but falling from the sky are black smoking blobs.
At first they look a bit like birds on fire but as I look more they are humanoid in shape. They are dark and transparent like shadows, with faint black wispy smoke coming from them.
They are falling, being pursued and beaten up by 1000's beings in light body's... These are humanoid shape's transparent some with wing like shapes outs have outlines like Hindu gods or comic god heroes.. They are mainly gold and massively outnumbering the shadow body's and beating the crap out of them!
They are all fighting in the sky, light vs shadow with the injured ones crashing down to earth.
I remember feeling rather sorry for the Shadow people who were hopelessly outnumbered by the very aggressive gold light people.
I wake up wide awake thinking WOW, that was odd!
(Hummmm reminds me a bit of the Dino/Dragon battle but I was taking part in that)
Last dream I was packing stuff up, and washing up to leave somewhere... I had a tick list of stuff I'd done most of it and was marking it off. Someone was watching me, I was aware they were watching me and we were both covertly observing each other :P trying to look like we weren't looking at one another even though we were.
Thursday, 8 December 2016
Lettuse Paw
First part of the night I was sorting and zipping things up. I felt like I was a cell that could divide but also go back into one.
Code 101
Dream, I enter a old fashioned shop, it's got a plain wood counter with sweets on top, and papars below. It seemed like a newsagents. The floor is also bare wood, the light is warm and there is a big open window to the left with views of the coast line and sea.
I've gone in there to collect my dogs ball - I've been keeping it behind the counter there, we are going to the beach to play fetch. While I'm waiting to ask for it I notice a couple in the shop with a dog.
The couple are in their 60's well dressed in country style attire and with them they have a pretty golden spaniel bitch, she's delicate more of a working than show type with lovely amber eyes, she has on a green jacket.
As I look at her I notice the end to digits on her left for-paw are inflamed, the owners notice me looking and they say to me 'She has a sore paw'
At this point the dog looks directly at me and lifts up her paw to me, clearly indicating she wants me to look.
I find I'm dressed in my old green nursing uniform, I ask the couple if they would like me to take a look and they would.
As I bend down the bitch gives me her paw, I can see the inflamed toes were she has been nibbling them, as I turn her paw over it turns into the *soul* of a small child's foot.
In the centre is a long split, the superficial layer of skin is raised and open but it is not a wound, it's more like the skin has blistered and then split, there is new tender pink skin cells below the old skin.
As I look more closely I can see that there is something trapped between the old and new skin, I reach in and find shredded iceberg lettuce!
It's green and fresh... it's been tickling the sensitive new skin, and that's why the bitch has been nibbling her toes, I carefully remove the lettuce :P
The bitch is happy, I advise the elderly couple to find a little child sock to cover her paw while she's outside to stop more stuff getting in - her paw will be fine, but the new skin just needs to harden a little, once it's ready the old will fall away.
The couple thank me and I collect our ball from behind the counter, I see the elderly couple have a toy ball too - they tell me they have more dogs but only walk them one at a time.
I go outside the shop onto the seafront, it's a mild cloudy day with light breeze.
It's high tide so the beach is covered in water, I need to wait for the tide to ebb a bit before we can play ball.
So firstly the code, 1 0 1 this seems like individual, source, individual So mirror perhaps.. a lesson looking into a mirror (:P they mainly are!)
The dream, dog = Unconditional love, loyalty.
Green = Associated also with love & heart centre.
Gold = Could be Alchemical - refining the soul.
The man and woman and dog... Is this me looking at the lovers Archetype? The Male logical mind, the female intuitive and the Dog is being over-soul? I feel yes... The message above the Mirror? So are they all me? Yes!
So I'm giving myself a message.... what is it? :P
Hummm, something is irritating? Something is slowely falling away? Yes... something old is in the process of falling away, it can't be hurried as the new is forming but not fully formed... It was a 'soul' :D So It's a new layer of me... I'm shedding a layer (This is consistent with the dragon dream from a few weeks ago, I had 2 dragon meetings, the first I was the dragon, I'd ate my tail turned myself out and shed a layer of skin and scales....
The outside in this dream seemed like the same place I was shown in a other dream, also a dragon dream (this was a black earth dragon... she pressed her head into mine and sent me into 2 dreams.... the first threw 3rd eye the second was heart to heart. ) I know this is linked to the heart dream set on the same coast
(This dream starts in a building... in the building there is a beautiful unfamiliar woman she's got dark hair and eyes and rich soft skin, she has children with her..... 3, she was also one of 3. Her family is estranged.. The father is missing but he's due back soon, I make them all cups of tea and leave them to talk. Outside the room they were in is a magical world, I have no body and am flying round watching, it's a coast line with clouds rolling in. It's like watching a film set but the story is being told with clouds, light, weather and nature... it's amazing to watch)
(I need to think more about this dream)
The tide is full, I can't play yet... I'm telling myself I need to be patient, growth in it's own time, the new is forming and when ready the old will fall away easily :)
Code 101
Dream, I enter a old fashioned shop, it's got a plain wood counter with sweets on top, and papars below. It seemed like a newsagents. The floor is also bare wood, the light is warm and there is a big open window to the left with views of the coast line and sea.
I've gone in there to collect my dogs ball - I've been keeping it behind the counter there, we are going to the beach to play fetch. While I'm waiting to ask for it I notice a couple in the shop with a dog.
The couple are in their 60's well dressed in country style attire and with them they have a pretty golden spaniel bitch, she's delicate more of a working than show type with lovely amber eyes, she has on a green jacket.
As I look at her I notice the end to digits on her left for-paw are inflamed, the owners notice me looking and they say to me 'She has a sore paw'
At this point the dog looks directly at me and lifts up her paw to me, clearly indicating she wants me to look.
I find I'm dressed in my old green nursing uniform, I ask the couple if they would like me to take a look and they would.
As I bend down the bitch gives me her paw, I can see the inflamed toes were she has been nibbling them, as I turn her paw over it turns into the *soul* of a small child's foot.
In the centre is a long split, the superficial layer of skin is raised and open but it is not a wound, it's more like the skin has blistered and then split, there is new tender pink skin cells below the old skin.
As I look more closely I can see that there is something trapped between the old and new skin, I reach in and find shredded iceberg lettuce!
It's green and fresh... it's been tickling the sensitive new skin, and that's why the bitch has been nibbling her toes, I carefully remove the lettuce :P
The bitch is happy, I advise the elderly couple to find a little child sock to cover her paw while she's outside to stop more stuff getting in - her paw will be fine, but the new skin just needs to harden a little, once it's ready the old will fall away.
The couple thank me and I collect our ball from behind the counter, I see the elderly couple have a toy ball too - they tell me they have more dogs but only walk them one at a time.
I go outside the shop onto the seafront, it's a mild cloudy day with light breeze.
It's high tide so the beach is covered in water, I need to wait for the tide to ebb a bit before we can play ball.
So firstly the code, 1 0 1 this seems like individual, source, individual So mirror perhaps.. a lesson looking into a mirror (:P they mainly are!)
The dream, dog = Unconditional love, loyalty.
Green = Associated also with love & heart centre.
Gold = Could be Alchemical - refining the soul.
The man and woman and dog... Is this me looking at the lovers Archetype? The Male logical mind, the female intuitive and the Dog is being over-soul? I feel yes... The message above the Mirror? So are they all me? Yes!
So I'm giving myself a message.... what is it? :P
Hummm, something is irritating? Something is slowely falling away? Yes... something old is in the process of falling away, it can't be hurried as the new is forming but not fully formed... It was a 'soul' :D So It's a new layer of me... I'm shedding a layer (This is consistent with the dragon dream from a few weeks ago, I had 2 dragon meetings, the first I was the dragon, I'd ate my tail turned myself out and shed a layer of skin and scales....
The outside in this dream seemed like the same place I was shown in a other dream, also a dragon dream (this was a black earth dragon... she pressed her head into mine and sent me into 2 dreams.... the first threw 3rd eye the second was heart to heart. ) I know this is linked to the heart dream set on the same coast
(This dream starts in a building... in the building there is a beautiful unfamiliar woman she's got dark hair and eyes and rich soft skin, she has children with her..... 3, she was also one of 3. Her family is estranged.. The father is missing but he's due back soon, I make them all cups of tea and leave them to talk. Outside the room they were in is a magical world, I have no body and am flying round watching, it's a coast line with clouds rolling in. It's like watching a film set but the story is being told with clouds, light, weather and nature... it's amazing to watch)
(I need to think more about this dream)
The tide is full, I can't play yet... I'm telling myself I need to be patient, growth in it's own time, the new is forming and when ready the old will fall away easily :)
Tuesday, 6 December 2016
Onion World
First dream was a friend who has twin children boy and girl. The boy was unhappy they girl happy - the woman had changed from a humanist to a catholic.
We were talking trying to understand.
Next dream I was getting told lots of things about reality... but I was sleepy and not consentrating so I asked 'show me'
I swapped into Dryad me as ususal I have no face and am soft flexible wood that can merge into trees and become tree :)
I was making my way threw reality's like the layers of an onion.
Big trees & volcanoes were tunnels in and threw to the other layers they also stopped the reality's slipping relative to each other.
I was exploring deeper and deeper using root systems & caves to get threw to different worlds deeper in the earth. Was not happy about having to wake up :P
We were talking trying to understand.
Next dream I was getting told lots of things about reality... but I was sleepy and not consentrating so I asked 'show me'
I swapped into Dryad me as ususal I have no face and am soft flexible wood that can merge into trees and become tree :)
I was making my way threw reality's like the layers of an onion.
Big trees & volcanoes were tunnels in and threw to the other layers they also stopped the reality's slipping relative to each other.
I was exploring deeper and deeper using root systems & caves to get threw to different worlds deeper in the earth. Was not happy about having to wake up :P
Monday, 5 December 2016
Flying Fun Fair
First dream was of being in a dark forest carrying a mirror.
Then a car-park full of dogs, one was wolfie. He's hurt himself and needed stitches, I was trying to help 2 vets that I didn't know. They had forgotten where they had put the aesthetic so I was keeping Wolfie happy while they looked.
Next is a floating funfair this looks amazing... Massive drones are holding rides up in the air miles above any ground :P They look awesome and freaky. I chat to the guy about his antigravity and how they are staying up, he tells me how he's manipulated them to be self cleaning and fuleing but he can land them for maintenance.
Last dream was a big post house, also full of dogs, running round in breed packs.. I befriend 4 pugs, the house is being passed down as inheritance (it's very grand and ornate)
The female that was there what caring and scatty, she has no female children of her own so is passing to a brothers daughter.
Then a car-park full of dogs, one was wolfie. He's hurt himself and needed stitches, I was trying to help 2 vets that I didn't know. They had forgotten where they had put the aesthetic so I was keeping Wolfie happy while they looked.
Next is a floating funfair this looks amazing... Massive drones are holding rides up in the air miles above any ground :P They look awesome and freaky. I chat to the guy about his antigravity and how they are staying up, he tells me how he's manipulated them to be self cleaning and fuleing but he can land them for maintenance.
Last dream was a big post house, also full of dogs, running round in breed packs.. I befriend 4 pugs, the house is being passed down as inheritance (it's very grand and ornate)
The female that was there what caring and scatty, she has no female children of her own so is passing to a brothers daughter.
Sunday, 4 December 2016
Spirit of a Tar/Oil Field
I'd come across the term Loosh with some friends, and breifly looked at it.
How it presented it's self was that if a dryad is a tree's spirit in 'form' LOOSH is the spirit of a tar field or oil field (The spirit of ancient forest) That has decomposed but still exists. There was me and it in a void (sticky and black void :P) I was kinda within it and without - it's memory's of when it had been 'alive' and in the light.
It was boiled down wildness,
It was confusing when I woke, but then I remembered that I read that loosh is like distilled love or something - which would fit if light is sun energy and love is planetary energy.
Anyhoooo it was really quite awesome either way, I'd never thought of tar fields as being 'alive' or having spirits - but I guess it makes sense as they are basically ancient vegetation.
Next dream...
I'm in a forest, running errands. There are teachers there, I was being a tester... something to do with blood and visions. We are looking at images then recalling how teachers will react when they see them (even though they haven't seen them yet) So we are recalling the future.
Sleeping on a hard stone floor in a large grey castle... I can't stay away and just keep falling asleep into dream in dreams
- Watching a family from somewhere snowy they all have red hair and freckles they are celebrating a fish hall and celebration. There home is a fish storage place, they are outside laughing and singing and I wave at them.
Back onto the stone floor, I look down over a ledge there is a coffin below... I have a puppet on strings, it's a group of bats. I dangle them over the coffin to wake up the sleeper. He gets out, it's a singing dancing skeleton like a mime artist. He has face painting on, on one cheek is a white winged butterfly with red tips, one wing is missing.... on the other a red heart. He dances with my bat puppet.
Next I'm in a caravan watching a discussion with a female vet I used to work with called Julia. She is talking to someone about the layout in the caravan, she needs a large oval table.. the carpenter architect is listening.
Julie gets upset and starts yell and shake, the guy puts his hand on her arm to ground her.
He tells her about a rare disorder that he can test her blood for, she calms and agrees... he has paper work. We look threw it, its an interesting experiment with blood and visual tests. They ask if I'd like to do it to as they need controls.
They are looking for a worn down protein - it's also linked to the Zika virus. I am doing the vissual aspect of the test, it involves looking at one image and then another ... as we do so wired afterburn images show, we have to call them out. I have many of them so it takes a while.
Next dream I'm walking threw a village over a massive bridge a river is in flood below it... the water grey and fast flowing, the village is busy. On the other side of the bridge is a narrow door way, threw a hair salon that leads to a massive dry arid desert with soft tents and shades set up.
- Last dream is a huge web made of white pebbles.... they look like dew drops on a spiders web. When one wobbles all the pebbles do too each is a dream a life - I can wobble them all!
How it presented it's self was that if a dryad is a tree's spirit in 'form' LOOSH is the spirit of a tar field or oil field (The spirit of ancient forest) That has decomposed but still exists. There was me and it in a void (sticky and black void :P) I was kinda within it and without - it's memory's of when it had been 'alive' and in the light.
It was boiled down wildness,
It was confusing when I woke, but then I remembered that I read that loosh is like distilled love or something - which would fit if light is sun energy and love is planetary energy.
Anyhoooo it was really quite awesome either way, I'd never thought of tar fields as being 'alive' or having spirits - but I guess it makes sense as they are basically ancient vegetation.
Next dream...
I'm in a forest, running errands. There are teachers there, I was being a tester... something to do with blood and visions. We are looking at images then recalling how teachers will react when they see them (even though they haven't seen them yet) So we are recalling the future.
Sleeping on a hard stone floor in a large grey castle... I can't stay away and just keep falling asleep into dream in dreams
- Watching a family from somewhere snowy they all have red hair and freckles they are celebrating a fish hall and celebration. There home is a fish storage place, they are outside laughing and singing and I wave at them.
Back onto the stone floor, I look down over a ledge there is a coffin below... I have a puppet on strings, it's a group of bats. I dangle them over the coffin to wake up the sleeper. He gets out, it's a singing dancing skeleton like a mime artist. He has face painting on, on one cheek is a white winged butterfly with red tips, one wing is missing.... on the other a red heart. He dances with my bat puppet.
Next I'm in a caravan watching a discussion with a female vet I used to work with called Julia. She is talking to someone about the layout in the caravan, she needs a large oval table.. the carpenter architect is listening.
Julie gets upset and starts yell and shake, the guy puts his hand on her arm to ground her.
He tells her about a rare disorder that he can test her blood for, she calms and agrees... he has paper work. We look threw it, its an interesting experiment with blood and visual tests. They ask if I'd like to do it to as they need controls.
They are looking for a worn down protein - it's also linked to the Zika virus. I am doing the vissual aspect of the test, it involves looking at one image and then another ... as we do so wired afterburn images show, we have to call them out. I have many of them so it takes a while.
Next dream I'm walking threw a village over a massive bridge a river is in flood below it... the water grey and fast flowing, the village is busy. On the other side of the bridge is a narrow door way, threw a hair salon that leads to a massive dry arid desert with soft tents and shades set up.
- Last dream is a huge web made of white pebbles.... they look like dew drops on a spiders web. When one wobbles all the pebbles do too each is a dream a life - I can wobble them all!
Saturday, 3 December 2016
Flying bed and too much noise!
Ian was snoring again last-night... it was in my dreams and I kept trying to get away from it, close doors and stuff but it wouldn't go away :P
In the end I went to sleep on the sofa.
I'm in a strange tribal village, there is a clan battle going on that I've some how landed in the middle of. I'm standing by a hut trying to 'blend into it' when one of the teenage boys that keep popping up in my dreams of late appears out of the crowd shouting for me. He gets shot by an arrow.
I go to him, then the other one appears too - once we are all together we manifest a flying bed and fly away on it giggling.
A memory that I'm putting into the earth the payment is a broken bit of mirror. (This seems to fit with the digging down to remember something, broken bit of mirror is a fragment... )
Last dream was like an ancient monastery kind of place, there were huge fireplaces beautifully ornate but not lit. I was there to help renovate it, there was a church in it - lots of hidden passages, a tavern/refectory full of people with a beer garden type thing. I'd walked around passing threw the church area which had a huge vaulted ceiling with red and yellow painted plaster between.
I find my way back to the old kitchen though, I was trying to move an old range cooker to find the original fireplaces and hearth behind.
In the end I went to sleep on the sofa.
I'm in a strange tribal village, there is a clan battle going on that I've some how landed in the middle of. I'm standing by a hut trying to 'blend into it' when one of the teenage boys that keep popping up in my dreams of late appears out of the crowd shouting for me. He gets shot by an arrow.
I go to him, then the other one appears too - once we are all together we manifest a flying bed and fly away on it giggling.
A memory that I'm putting into the earth the payment is a broken bit of mirror. (This seems to fit with the digging down to remember something, broken bit of mirror is a fragment... )
Last dream was like an ancient monastery kind of place, there were huge fireplaces beautifully ornate but not lit. I was there to help renovate it, there was a church in it - lots of hidden passages, a tavern/refectory full of people with a beer garden type thing. I'd walked around passing threw the church area which had a huge vaulted ceiling with red and yellow painted plaster between.
I find my way back to the old kitchen though, I was trying to move an old range cooker to find the original fireplaces and hearth behind.
Friday, 2 December 2016
Soft Fat Black Bird, Log House and Grave Yard Bog
I'm in the dark in a cemetery it's also a bog, deep and squelchy! We are digging up some animals, a dragon is down there and 2 dogs, we are getting them up for some air and a walk.
(long forgotten memories)
- A glass house containing 2 baby's and a selection of aftershave.
We have climbed up a rock face at the top there is some music, I got it for someone. ~
The bottom is a dark forest, a class is going on but the teacher thinks he's elite... he's not pleasant and has been abusing some of the students.... he thinks himself very important. I want to lay back and look up at the stars and Milkway but I agree to try the puzzle he's setting.
It's 3 soft beanbag type things connected in a specific way, I need to disconnect then reconnect them.
We are still outside on the grass.. The school is behind us, it's roof has gone and it's falling apart. the students can't agree.. There is a young boy that keeps attacking me - he was abused by the elite grumpy teacher and is messed up.
The students are all bickering about round world / flat world and Jesus
I think this is the same soul/fragment from the other dreams....
This & This
I can see the inside of the school from the grass outside, I take the puzzle apart easily but get distracted before I remake it.
I leave the school, I can fly round... I watch a bus station and a lorry driver from above then I get onto a bus
I'm on the bus with a crow, he's a friend... he's alive but is also big and round like a cushion, I can hug him. We are discussing what's going on back at the school, and what if anything we should do.... we decide to look for ghosts.
Next dream
This is set in a wired mishmash of time periods. I approach a house over old hunting ground. there is an old timber beam house newly built... it's built with hunting grounds.
I'm looking for work as a house maid, but am in the early stages of pregnancy... the house is wired, it's old it's 60's it's modern it's made of still growing trees.
There are 2 guys there young and modern they sell drugs, (meby the 2 from the water-dragon poster dream) any way, they are taking me to introduce me for the job.
(long forgotten memories)
- A glass house containing 2 baby's and a selection of aftershave.
We have climbed up a rock face at the top there is some music, I got it for someone. ~
The bottom is a dark forest, a class is going on but the teacher thinks he's elite... he's not pleasant and has been abusing some of the students.... he thinks himself very important. I want to lay back and look up at the stars and Milkway but I agree to try the puzzle he's setting.
It's 3 soft beanbag type things connected in a specific way, I need to disconnect then reconnect them.
We are still outside on the grass.. The school is behind us, it's roof has gone and it's falling apart. the students can't agree.. There is a young boy that keeps attacking me - he was abused by the elite grumpy teacher and is messed up.
The students are all bickering about round world / flat world and Jesus
I think this is the same soul/fragment from the other dreams....
This & This
I can see the inside of the school from the grass outside, I take the puzzle apart easily but get distracted before I remake it.
I leave the school, I can fly round... I watch a bus station and a lorry driver from above then I get onto a bus
I'm on the bus with a crow, he's a friend... he's alive but is also big and round like a cushion, I can hug him. We are discussing what's going on back at the school, and what if anything we should do.... we decide to look for ghosts.
Next dream
This is set in a wired mishmash of time periods. I approach a house over old hunting ground. there is an old timber beam house newly built... it's built with hunting grounds.
I'm looking for work as a house maid, but am in the early stages of pregnancy... the house is wired, it's old it's 60's it's modern it's made of still growing trees.
There are 2 guys there young and modern they sell drugs, (meby the 2 from the water-dragon poster dream) any way, they are taking me to introduce me for the job.
Thursday, 1 December 2016
33 hrs sleep over 3 days
I'm in lazy hibernation mode it seems, it's cold and dark and sleep is home!
Last nights dreams,
I lost the first dream.... I jumped out of bed to find next doors crying baby again :stuck_out_tongue: then by the time I'd worked out it wasn't my baby I couldn't remember much of the dream! lol
All I could remember was about being under the village I grew up in in drainage sewers filled with shipwrecks - I was trying to help the water to flow again..... too much infer-structure had been built on-top of old groundwork's. (I guess that's what I'm doing with all this sleep I'm having, going back into my roots & dark for the mid winter to balance & stabilising myself to grow again next year! )
Oh yeh, my male aspect was there with me! He was in the form of a boy I played with as a toddler..... he still lives there he's a fisherman and fireman now and lifeboat volunteer.
Oh.... I've just thought the village is going threw a tragedy atm they just lost 2 young men died at a party, both had family's and were big parts of the community... (perhaps there was a,literal astral aspect to the dream too)
That might tie into the other dream I had where I was in a place with 1000's and 1000's of sleeping people on mats with 3-5 people on a mat.... I was awake (lucid), and was stepping over the sleeping bodies. (Oh I typed that at 11.11)
After that I was dissipated awareness, like the breath after it leaves the body - an exercise in non-attachment spreading out like molecules threw the dream scape.
Last dream was wired, and split into very separate worlds... a Ski resort run by Donald Trump (we couldn't find the nursery)
An ancient forest were I was part of a mounted brigade belonging to Lancashire and Hertfordshire horse guard?? I could see old heraldry crests.
The 3rs setting was a spaceship with a giant quartz crystal power supply, I could see it emeiting light molecules.... I was also aware of an aerial going up to over-soul and being able to triangulate.
Last nights dreams,
I lost the first dream.... I jumped out of bed to find next doors crying baby again :stuck_out_tongue: then by the time I'd worked out it wasn't my baby I couldn't remember much of the dream! lol
All I could remember was about being under the village I grew up in in drainage sewers filled with shipwrecks - I was trying to help the water to flow again..... too much infer-structure had been built on-top of old groundwork's. (I guess that's what I'm doing with all this sleep I'm having, going back into my roots & dark for the mid winter to balance & stabilising myself to grow again next year! )
Oh yeh, my male aspect was there with me! He was in the form of a boy I played with as a toddler..... he still lives there he's a fisherman and fireman now and lifeboat volunteer.
Oh.... I've just thought the village is going threw a tragedy atm they just lost 2 young men died at a party, both had family's and were big parts of the community... (perhaps there was a,literal astral aspect to the dream too)
That might tie into the other dream I had where I was in a place with 1000's and 1000's of sleeping people on mats with 3-5 people on a mat.... I was awake (lucid), and was stepping over the sleeping bodies. (Oh I typed that at 11.11)
After that I was dissipated awareness, like the breath after it leaves the body - an exercise in non-attachment spreading out like molecules threw the dream scape.
Last dream was wired, and split into very separate worlds... a Ski resort run by Donald Trump (we couldn't find the nursery)
An ancient forest were I was part of a mounted brigade belonging to Lancashire and Hertfordshire horse guard?? I could see old heraldry crests.
The 3rs setting was a spaceship with a giant quartz crystal power supply, I could see it emeiting light molecules.... I was also aware of an aerial going up to over-soul and being able to triangulate.
Tuesday, 29 November 2016
Ice Spire
'We came to watch fall the things we were instrumental in putting in place'
There was also something wired like monkeys mixed in with people.
Next the Ice Spire dream,
The dream starts in a dark frozen landscape, there is a blue light and lots of stars.
We are on a thin frozen road/bridge it's old in style, with battlement walls.
It reminds me of the bridge we used to go over every-morning to high school, it's packed with snow and sparkling... the bridge is raised up so the landscape is miles below and hidden in the darkness. It' rises steeply almost like a roller-coaster track
Above the road bridge at it's highest point hanging in the sky is the most mind boggling floating ice spire, it reaches miles up into the dark sky! One side is frozen, the other rock or metal.
It's is breathtakingly stunning and magical! After the road rises to meet the ice-spire it drops away steeply into a dark medieval style village.
We first approach the spire in a car I'm with Ian, the road is high slippy and steep and we can't take our eyes from the floating ice spire above... we have terrifying vertigo! But the whole thing is visually amazing :D
Once under it I seem to lose Ian and the car and head into what seems to be the heart of the village there is an open tavern and a very old forge, there is a huge fire, old style ale mugs and lots of amazing ancient tools..... it's warm and smelly in a nice way. The flag stones are frozen I wander around and notice above the forge fire on the wall is hanging a broom stick.
The people look in keeping with the era of the setting. I leave the village to head back to the ice spire this time on foot.... the flag stones are frozen and the frost is making amazing 3d mandalas and picture images on the flag stones...... each is a frozen work of art sparking in the strange blue light.
I slip and slid over them, staying low behind the old wall out of the biting wind, as I get closer to the bridge and the spire I can see a frozen waterfall and the bridge on one side is fragmented into floating stepping stones.. I think I had with me the broom from above the fire now. As I'm looking around in awe as the all the amazing things the sun gradually starts to rise, to my left behind the wall.
As it gets above the horizon, the water starts to melt and flow with the sunlight trapped inside it.... it looks like liquid fire flowing threw the ice :D
Next dream is set on the main-street in Seahouses... well a wired dream version of it. It's also dark the sky is lit by wired lanterns made of stars and bed sheets they look like constellations the most obvious is shaped like a horse.
I have the keys to several of the shops, I'm supposed to be looking after 3 of them, there are no customers as all the dream characters are going of to do other things... they seem to be leaving me with keys as they go. I'm in one shop sorting out lots of pick and mix sweets.
Monday, 28 November 2016
A Night of Wired Things :)
First I felt like I was flip flopping in and out of 2 dream reality's..... where I had a very different body in each - in one I was hard and hairless with cool blood, I felt brittle like egg shell!
The other was soft like liquid fire.
I got the vision of a red burning serpent in the shape of an S - it looked like it had flames coming out all round it.
Next I was invigilating in a science lab exam for people making molecular structures out of lego !! While also removing the weirdest looking selection of 'parasites' from my under my skin in my body and putting them into petri dish's for them to study too!!
They started of looking like snails eyes, but they were transparent... as I tugged them out they were buried deep in my flesh.... once all out they would rap themselves up or round things and try to get back under peoples skin.
There were others that were green like the fronds of a fern...
Some going right up threw me and growing out of different places. One of the students was trying to remove one but they would only come out for me as I could feel. Lots of them would turn to gloop once in a dish and out of me...... and at one point I pulled a whole fish out from under my skin.
Then I was taken by 2 walking bares to a cafe were I was also ment to be serving at tables ... The cafe was full, and I'd got carried away in the lab, it was a family running the cafe, it seemed to be in a caravan.
The whole night was full of similar bizarre things, It was fun though.
A second dream I'm in the sea in a small metal pod, we are leaving a harbour and so is a huge warship. We are moving under the warship when it starts to transform, we need to warn it that we are there.... It scoops us up while it changes and moves out of the harbour and then sets us a adrift again once we are out on open water.
The other was soft like liquid fire.
I got the vision of a red burning serpent in the shape of an S - it looked like it had flames coming out all round it.
Next I was invigilating in a science lab exam for people making molecular structures out of lego !! While also removing the weirdest looking selection of 'parasites' from my under my skin in my body and putting them into petri dish's for them to study too!!
They started of looking like snails eyes, but they were transparent... as I tugged them out they were buried deep in my flesh.... once all out they would rap themselves up or round things and try to get back under peoples skin.
There were others that were green like the fronds of a fern...
Some going right up threw me and growing out of different places. One of the students was trying to remove one but they would only come out for me as I could feel. Lots of them would turn to gloop once in a dish and out of me...... and at one point I pulled a whole fish out from under my skin.
Then I was taken by 2 walking bares to a cafe were I was also ment to be serving at tables ... The cafe was full, and I'd got carried away in the lab, it was a family running the cafe, it seemed to be in a caravan.
The whole night was full of similar bizarre things, It was fun though.
A second dream I'm in the sea in a small metal pod, we are leaving a harbour and so is a huge warship. We are moving under the warship when it starts to transform, we need to warn it that we are there.... It scoops us up while it changes and moves out of the harbour and then sets us a adrift again once we are out on open water.
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