Saturday, 30 December 2017

Strange snow garden. Little coble.

ren [9:00 PM]
I had dream of a health centre/school.  It was Christmas and a girl had killed herself, the parent had come into the waiting room.  I was chatting with her. 

It was Christmas too so delivers would be wired, we were waiting for food to arrive.. it was being delivered to our healthcare/school not home)     I knew lots of people there,   someone was moving something for me.

When I left there our new home was a wired building, social housing  (cheep in the uk)  but big and spacious,   I needed to change things from the last residents,

The back opened out on to huge snow filled fields,   (It wasn't really like social housing)    we had out buildings, and stuff.  
Inside it needed clearing from the old residents. 

At the front the people from the school,arrived.. out the front door was snow too but with golden sunlight on it :slightly_smiling_face:  It glowed golden white. 

In the middle of the dream there was also a path, up and twisty, no snow.   People could take 'things'   It was a bit like a shared garden.  I had a tiny hand made Coble  (The wee fishing boat from were I grew up)  and a child's cloth hanky  Embroidered with nusery rhymes like I had when I was little.  I was passing them on,   putting them in a shared garden tub on the big snowy mountain so someone else could take them for there garden.

Thursday, 14 December 2017

Dec 2017

ren [10:01 PM]
Main dream from Sat.  Again it's my main dreamscape, there is a house that's a guest house, I'm outside looking in.  (My first dream was a wired fun adventure game with Keifer Sutherland working in a hot dog van) ?? 
Anyhoo the gueshouse swapped from being one run by  a friend of my parents to being the hotel across the street were a friend of mine lived. 
I'm still outside looking in to Mels old bedroom (She killed herself at 21)  I'm looking at the changes, then Mark arrived (a friend who seems to play magician archetype in my dreams)

He's taken over the hotel and asks if I'd like to look round see the changes he's made.  I go in threw the window.  The places is all painted white, very zen and unclutterd with large windows.. as we walk threw we are no longer in my main dreamscape and the room at the front now opens into countryside.   There are large open doors onto a pattio now and then it's open to feilds,  in the feild there is an odd heap of ancient monuments   piles of standing stones all heaped on top of each other, I can see part of a massive old Celtic cross stone in the pile too.  
He's taking me past a small animal petting zoo,  part of the hotel he asks me to check the animals and but I'm detracted by a flock of large parrots all different colours I follow them to a waterfall and they are joined by pink flamingos too.

ren [10:10 PM]
I was having a long dream this morning. The setting was a long sandy beach and a sea with a small island of shore. (The setting seemed back to front or the sun was setting wrong as it seemed like main dreamsape but the sun was setting east.  )

There is a new largish building on the beach, it's like a school hall.   There are 100's of other people in the dream, many are camped out on the beach, but some are still in the hall...   I'm being a go between. 
I have friends on the shore and I'm out there meeting people, but Ian and Fay were still in the hall so I kept popping in to give them updates about what was going on.

There were storms coming in really quickly and the beach was ripping like a wave it had bunched all the people and tents into a small pile in the middle of the huge sandy beach.    Then the sky would clear again and I'd chat with people again... it was funny to watch.  No-one seemed to mind though it was a bit of a muddle.  

I think Ian had decided he wouldn't pitch our tent till the storms had passed but I preferred it outside not fussed about a tent.  

As the sun was setting there was the most epic veiw!!   The sky was pink purple and blue and the Milkyway was impossibly close and bright filling the sky and going down into the ocean then golden fireworks start coming from the small island...   It's beautiful   :heart: 

I'm excited and in Awe but I want Ian and Fay to see the show too and the sky so I run back again to go try get them out of the building.   When I get them to come out they have left via the wrong exit and we find we are in a harbour area were the veiw of the sky is obscured.  

I'm frustrated and am trying to find my way back to the shore using the stars but they are struggling to keep up.

ren [10:16 PM]
This last dream I think is telling me alot.   When I get in touch with my higher-self spirit things go bonkers for me, it's lovely and awesome but It gets faster and faster and I struggle to ground it or stay attached to the world around me.     To many people I'd easily come across as a total mental case :wink: 
I start to drift...  (it dose wired things to my family too (It's like our versions of reality become incompatible for a bit, like cogs turning different speeds and they catch until one slows or speeds to meet the other. )

I almost need to shut it out, deaden myself to it....    then I realise I'm not complete without it and find myself flowing again in that direction. 

This dream seems to be about that.

----- Today December 14th, 2017 -----
ren [10:38 PM]
I'm recalling my dreams but they are so non nonsensical that I can't string them...  

There has been 'Pool maintenance'  A massive conifer forest in snow.  
Friends flashing in and out of WW2 Nurses.    Being asleep in water, a grandfather clock and then a shcool were menstruation was being suppressed.

Last nights dreams were the same...    Hazy...   I know I'm dreaming deep, but the recall is wired.
One I did remember was a room full of women with 'Rainbow dresses'    So They all had silk ball gowns in the colours of the rainbow.  One was wearing purple/ultra violet    I talked to that one and she sang to me about individuality. 

Next I'm a 'tour guide'   The setting is the old medieval town I went to school in.  I'm taking people round the country side in Northumberland, first the town then,    to wrecked castles in and out of the sea,   to buildings I was acting as a historian guide to a group... taking them threw destroyed buildings

Friday, 8 December 2017

Garden full of Bees and Clothing Shop.

Night before last (Thursday)
I had a dream about first being on a raft with a friend we had a paddle each.  
Then a outside garden centre, there were bees' allover on the plants.  I was being given some hummm
perhaps it was petrified or fossilised wood.    Round and smooth like polished crystal but also slices of tree trunk... they were beautiful, cold and smooth and hard.     There were for a garden.

I'm back at a house, it's my new house (an old stone cottage set in farm and woodland and I'm in the back garden.  It's night and I'm gardening...  again the bees are there even though it's night, there is a waterfall running down the south of the garden, it's sloped down west to east.  
It's been neglected and I'm cutting back brambles that are overgrown and making space for the shrubs and flowers. 

At the end of the dream I walk to the front of the house that faces east to watch the sun rising.

- Last night.

First dream, I'm a teacher or teaching assistant at a university... it's multi national and we have students from all over the world and we are on a field trip. First part I really remember is standing on a street meeting the students of a coach.

Me and another teacher take them up and into another Uni building, we are using it as a sort cut to reach a museum.   I'm standing at doorways holding them open and making sure our group keeps together and heads the same way. 

At one point here a guy challenges me (He's a student at the Uni we are passing threw)  He asks me, 'Are your students language students'  there English is poor, worse than mine (He was Asian looking)  
I explain patiently that they are not specifically studying language but we they learn English as we study other subjects in a common tongue'

At the bottom of some stairs a bunch of the students are heading the wrong way...  I open what looks like a medieval fortified door (it's been painted in white gloss to look less wired) 

I open it into a gorgeous old walled garden it's got lush green grass and stone statues covered in moss and lichen, there is a river with a stone bridge too. 

The bridge leads to the entrance to the Museum, it's a huge stone arch also elaborately carved, I point the students in the right direction and wake up. 

Next dream.

I'm in the sea swimming with 2 other females, we are holding hands in a ring treading water.   We keep diving down to look below.     On the sea bed is the remains of an old Victorian terrace of pit workers houses.    All identical they have all eroded the same way, and sand built up the same way by each (shoved by the tide and currents)  

The floors and gardens are all soft white/yellow sand same as the sea bed and the top floors and roofs have all washed away.    Just the red bricks, and odd window hole smoothed buy the constant flow of water around and over them.     (I remember it was an island that had flooded)

ren [12:51 PM]
Last dream, I'm with Jack. He's opening a business, a woman's clothing boutique and he wants me to come in as one of a number of partners. I'm reluctant as I'm not into clothing in my mind I consider that I might like to serve/ work there and help people try on clothes/outfits.

He's taking me to the street were the potential premises is while he tells me about it. It's an old fashioned market town (possibly a version of the place I live now I think it was, as the coaching inn's and alleyways were similar)
The streets are smooth cobble stone, the premises is on a road with a posh gift/chocolate shop it serves hot drinks too and has plush velvet and leather sofas that spill out onto the cobbled streets (I recalled I had worked in there, serving and wrapping chocolate gifts for people to give)
There is also an inn with blue painted shutters, it's all closed up.   As we arrive it's evening, and  everything's shutting up. 
There are lots of rough sleepers picking this place to sleep, the chocolate shop has dragged it's sofas outside for people to use rather than sleep on the hard cold cobbles. 
There are also strange looking beds with pull up hoods that look like very old fashioned prams also left out in a line in front of the closed Inn also for people to use. 
Me and Jack decide to spend the night too,  and pick a blue sofa against a wall.   We chat then doze,  waking as it gets light.  
One of the rough sleepers comes up to us.  She's middle ages and large, perhaps pregnant but is old to be pregnant.  She has wavy red hair and an eastern European accent. 
She wares a deep blue dress embroidered with gold vines and coloured flowers.   We make small talk then she sort of looms over Jack looking down at him on the sofa she spreads her arms wide and the dress has bat wings ( think I comment, Oh, you look like an owl)

She says to Jack.    'Ware the ones who come on board for there own gain. Hid your true wealth'

Then turns and goes,  Jack looks shaken up and we get of the sofa.   He wants to go consider what she said and we say goodbye and part.   I'm walking home next, across a large green rec field the sun is rising pink and  people are coming out to play sports.  I keep walking and walking until I'm back at my main dreamscape.

It's night again, the street lights have been switched off (light pollution or energy saving or something)  but it was black dark, no moon or clouds.    I know the layout well so was happy finding my way home in the black, at this point I hover just over the path as I can't see curbs or anything.  I'm hovering along in the black and pick up speed cause it's fun by the outline of buildings I realise I've passed my turning so slow to a stop.  

As I turn 2 kids are out in the dark, one is laying trying to trip people up.   I hover over him then pick him up and tell him not to be an ass, he might hurt someone.   and head back to the turn towards my main dream house.   As I turn the corner there is a street party/picnic happening.   Tables are spread and filled with people talking and eating, kids playing.  I wave hello and head into the estate, as I do I get a phone message from Jacks sister flash up on an old fashioned mobile phone.  I stuff it in my pocket with the intention of replying once home. 

One entering the estate its been snowing here, the snow is a couple of ft deep and I sink my fingers into a bush I walk past poking little holes into it.    

I wake up here.

Wednesday, 29 November 2017

More Horses and 8's

Monday dreams..  In the first one I'm with Zak  we are laying out in the open looking at the night sky and shooting stars the sky was so full of stars and they seemed so close :smile:

Next dream was a hum, I guess it was like the grounds of a stately home.  There was a yoga class in one of the gardens I'd been attending with 2 daughters of one of my friends. 

The class had finished and the grounds were shutting up for the evening.  There was an ancient forge there and the fire was still burning in it, I was standing in the evening sun in the garden watching the pattern of the smoke rising threw the crumbled walls.

I notice another fire, but this time its in an old stable block.  The straw has caught light and there are 2 horses in a stable, I run across the grass into the stable yard to free the horses and call to the girls to set the fire alarm off. 

The horses are lovely  massive shire/cobs one brown and white the other black and white (they were very similar to the 2 horses in the dream the night before)

Ohhh  I just remembered there was also a guy in the yoga class who had a wired prosthetic/robotic  arm.  He was showing it to me and how it worked.

Tuesday nights dreams..   In one I'm in the most beautiful grove of beech trees, it's late autumn and the leaves are golden orange and red, the ground is covered and the sun shining threw the leaves is the same lovely warm hue.  

Next dream was game based.  It' was like pen and paper rpg..  but we were both at a table and also very much in the world/game too.   The DM was Angus an old friend of mine, he was playing too.  
We each has a small veg garden with a table were we were sitting playing the board version then we were also in the world we were making.

The world was bonkers with huge bases in caverns underground.  There were magic stepping stones that needed a special water to activate them...  and huge plant At-At things that walked.    Like giant 4 legged dryads on long stilts :stuck_out_tongue:   At one point me and another woman were tied sitting on chairs with tanks cannons pointed at us....   I'm not sure why.   I think we were being interrogated or something.   There were lots of candles too and a jungle.

Wed - Today
Another dream with 888!   All the dreams last night were odd.. not sure were there going
This time it's a big adventure game, I'm in a team of 4 or 5 and we are in competition with a single male. 

There is a chip thing  It's extraterrestrial something to do with communicating with someone off planet or bit of a spaceship.     I think we needed it to fix something, but the other person wanted it too.

The 888 this time popped up in a hot drinks stall.  All the drinks cost £8.88 which was lots but you got a real mug with each drink.  You had to keep the mug then every wed you could get free tot ups of hot choc another day was free tea.    I can't remember how this fit in with the other bit of the dream, I think meby we hung out there it was the 888 that stuck in my mind again. 
There was also the sensation of someone continually tickling my ribs it was driving me potty :stuck_out_tongue:  I think at one point I grabbed the invisible arm and bit it :stuck_out_tongue:  Crunching on tendons O.o 

The transmitter bit we needed was being kept in a black small rocket thing, it was in a park in a kids playground.  

Our team and the other guy both knew when it received transmissions and would rush to get it before he did as he would wipe it again. 
I woke as I'd split from my group.. I'd got trapped between a huge steam train buffer and the wall on the other side of the transmitter the guy was close too.

Next up.

A huge posh house, it's really grand.  I've been walking in the countryside and land it owns.
The people in it are civil but clearly think they are above us and others.  They had made a room for there baby, it had no windows and there was a large formal dinning table in there for when people came to see the baby.  I didn't see the baby.

We go threw into the hall, they have prepared a meal for us.   Rice wrapped in vine leaves greek style and there are little veg parcels wrapped in raw beetroot curls.    Then I find out Ian's Dad is upstairs, he's in bed ill, someone is asking him to get up he needs to get up.  he jumps up and runs to a bathroom but is sick allover me who happened to be in the way.

I'm heading down to the kitchen to find stuff to clean up when In wake.

I wake but go back into a similar dream.  A row of large posh houses..  there is a posh school too.  Somehow I'm there too, but I'm 'common' :smile:   Most of the kids don't like me and think I don't belong there.  I have one guy who dose like me, we kiss too.  It was an odd dream, not like my usual style.

Sunday, 26 November 2017

Growing a Baby in my Hands.

Another dream of a very small baby.  This time it was my elderly aunty and uncles (In there 70's)  This is similar to a dream a few weeks back were my elderly aunt and uncle with dementia had a baby!

Anyhoo  it starts of in there back room up north the fire was gone and were the fire should be was a bench, on the bench was me and then in walked a bunch of friends who I know now and there kids!   All of there kids (lol we all seem to have made lots of kids :wink: )
My kids are not there. 

I'm totally confused why they are all up north but it's great to see them.
It tuns out they have all come to see the new baby.    One of the Niki's is a pead intensive care nurse and she's come as they are worried about the baby.  
I go out into the kitchen were my elderly aunt and uncle are and Niki is with them she's holding a tiny fetus/baby   It's hardly formed, skin is transparent and it's red with it's blood. 

Niki is saying oh poor thing, poor thing..   They are worried it's not talking??   I'm more concerned that it has puss coming from it's eyes. 

I take the baby from her and my hands are hot, and the baby relaxes.  As I hold it it grows, untill it's like a term newborn then it keeps growing until it's holding it's head up and then strong enough to hold onto me.    I walk out of there back door with the baby who has it's arms wrapped round me, I point at a dog and say dog, and baby repeats it... we walk to the gate and then see 2 beautiful huge horses, I say horse and he repeats it.  
At this point my other friends are leaving.   They get into what look like mine craft carts one family in each, and chug out of the garden.    I wave and ask if they are going down the A1 in them.
Baby waves too and we go in.   As we enter the baby is strong and talking now but he sill has puss coming from 2 small cuts above each eye.   I go to get some cotton wool to wipe and squeeze the abscess but aunty and uncle who are in the room say, no we just let it flow.  

I'm confused and say at least let me clean his face, as it's running down his cheeks it's allover me too.   As I'm sitting on the work top with the baby cleaning his face another nurse appears totaly unfamiliar.   She, wipes my knee, there is a gash there that's bleeding (In the dream I was surprised as I'd not hurt myself.    She's wipeing out the puss from the baby to dress my knee and I say to her, you might want to put some savalon cream on that, she smiles and says I already did.

I woke up here...   O.o      So wired!

I'd had another dream about Fay in a school refusing to wear a uniform and a strange teacher.

Saturday, 25 November 2017

Owls and Dolphins

Fridays dream.
Such an odd dream.  It was almost like my brain was defragging all the stuff I'd done that day but with a wired twist.

Me and Ian were in bed, but the bed we were in was my parents bed where I grew up.

I was on my Mums side.   (I've had very wired dreams here b4)  I was sleeping and dreaming in this bed, and writing in my dream diary between dreams ... only I wasn't cause it was all dream!
SO We both woke and looked out of the window...  The view out of the window was similar to the view out of current bedroom window.   But it had an extra house next to it hung with pink silk, me and Ian had both woke and looked out of the window   and then watched the same thing happen twice. 
I asked him, did you just get Dajavu  he did, so I wrote that as a note in dream diary and went back to sleep..  Then I could feel my self slipping, in and out of stuff..  and I felt like I knew I was consciously jumping.  I woke again to write this in the dream diary in the dream :stuck_out_tongue: 
Next time I woke I looked out of the window again, this time the veiw had changed into a picnic area in the dark... there were kids playing and people eating, and market stalls all in the dark.   I realised at this point I was lucid and started shouting 'pig' and another big in a box would pop up....  so I spent a while going 'pig' 'pig' 'pig'  making more pigs in box's 
So being lucid I turned back into the room, it's a very close approximation of how the room was decorated when I was a small kid.  
I'm very lucid and the dream is fading, then I remember reading something yesterday that saying if your lucid and the dream is fading spin round and round.  
So out of curiosity I spin round and round and the dream starts to carry on.   At this point someone is bringing children (my children + more into the bedroom)    As I'm lucid I'm not really sure how to proceed so I take them threw to the bathroom (also exactly how it was years and years ago)      At this point I woke up cause I wasn't sure what to do :stuck_out_tongue:

It kinda reminded me why I'm not so keen on lucidity in dreams :stuck_out_tongue:   It's a bit to 'normal'

Last nights dreams. 

I think what I should have done is go further into the dream inside the dreams as that's were the fun stuff seems to happen for me :D

Loads of dreams again.. first one was cool and I woke from it at exactly 5.55

Long dream of a humm  place, it reminded me of a garden centre crossed with a hospital/wildlife sanctuary. 
First part I remember is helping someone like a dr,  They were hand writing prescriptions but we had no pre-printed prescription pads and I'd offered to go fetch an ink stamper...    then it got wired.
There is a pool with 4 dolphins in  they can come out of the water and stand on there flippers.
There are also young children around, the dolphins come from the pool and I reach out my hand they rub there faces on mine and touch me with there tongues they are lovely.

They've gone back into the pool and I walk closer to see them swimming, I notice something in the pool at the bottom, at first it's the clothing of  one of the children who was with us  (a small crawling baby)    then I see the babys hand, and realise she'd crawled into the pool to see the dolphins  (her older sister of 6 was ment to be watching her, but hasn't noticed)  

I dive into pool and grab her and hug her to the surface, she coughs a bit of water up but she's fine and happy to be held and rescued.   I walk to the shallow ramp were the dolphins come out and call to her sister to get her parents, but she comes back and tells me they are embarrassed.  I'm confused and get her to take me to them.

They are hiding round a corner and are both physically disabled   in different types of motorised chair, I try to give the Mama her baby but she asks me to follow as she needs her hands to operate her chair.  She takes me to their room were she has other children too.    I'm still holding her baby daughter.     Once in the room, she had a support at a counter and takes her baby to change it into dry clothes.  We talk an I explained what happened, they are great full and I hug and  go back to the dolphin pool. 

When I get there, it's busy lots of people in swimsuits waiting to go and swim/be with the dolphins many of them are disabled children (physical and mental)   I watch as they are helped into the pools for the dolphins to touch and lick...  I was also waiting to go back in and was already wet I sat on the edge and watched waiting till last.  Oh, I also meet a malasyian father who has a young boy with him, they ask if we have Obi-Wan Kenobi here, one of the other 'staff' says yes we do and goes to get him. 

(I woke here)    at 555
Next dream in in a vet inpatient ward with stainless steal cages.    In one are 3 voles,  they are oddly scared,  something falls and I notice someones put 2 green and black budgies in with them.    I'm puzzled at why this would scare them, but then I look up again and there is a small owl.   The owl swoops to catch one of the voles but crashes into a plastic hamster wheel and budgie perch missing the vole so I quickly take it out.  

I'm holding the owl wondering who thought it was a good idea to cage it with voles.   I can see a small suture at the back of it's neck were an injury has been fixed, but the bird is fit and a good weight and clearly ready to hunt.  The stitches look like disolvable so I take it to the door and set it free,

At the end of the shift the staff want to go out.  We go to a huge multistory (It goes down into the basements layers too it's a pub/bar/restaurant/casino thing.  It's packed with people in 80's type of glam ware..  I'm still in greens and push my way threw the crowds and up and up story after story as I'm heading to a roof garden I know is there.   At the second to top floor I pass the kitchens and wave hello to the staff there and go to meet the gardener on his terrace garden, it's got lots of veg patches (Used in the kitchen below)  and some tables too, it's evening and some tables are occupied lit by candles. 
The gardener knows and greets me he's elderly with white hair and rough hands I tell him I've come to help with the weeding.   He hands me a trowel and takes me to a lettuce bed where I kneel to take out weeds.    I spend time weeding the bed ready to plant fresh seeds...     I notice the waiting staff are really busy and so I help them clear some of the empty tables, taking plates to an elevator that goes to the kitchens. 
At this point some of Ian's family arrive (His dieing Mum and his Dad (Possibly his sister too)

I pull out chairs for them, wipe the table and bring fresh candles for the table...   I'm not sure they recognised me, if they did they wern't surprised to see me in a nurses uniform covered in soil with a trowel in my pocket clearing there table :wink:

In the last dream I have a ship and a treasure map!  I'm the captain it's an old fashioned sailing ship with masts and rigging.  I need some crew to help me,  I pick my crew by arm wrestling them :stuck_out_tongue:
I think we were 2 females and 2 males.

Wednesday, 22 November 2017

Meeting my dead Cat

Big long complex dream...  there was a wired futuristic wired fortress.  It has rail tracks in they are overhead on bridges.  Lots of display boards too.  There is a weird male leader/mayor type of thing.
He's gone of the rails paranoid about infiltration and attack of him or his family. 
There are 'chasers'  they work in teams of 2 and hunt and chase down and kill anyone not ment to be there.
So the leader guy is having them train against each other going so far as to kill his own chasers.
There is also a giant in the dream he's massive as big as a 4 story building.    I think I was friends with him, I remember climbing up him but otherwise the dreams kinda hazyy.

Next dream I'm with Dom only it's not him..  He's young and different, he's joining the army his uniform looks like WW1.  
We are playing a game, he's throwing small tablets up into the air and I'm seeing how many I can catch before they fall.   The fall in slow motion.  We play for a while, I pocket the dirty tables and we say goodbye.

The place we are in is another 'school/learning place'  I have a bedroom there, there are only 2 rooms in a small building.  The other was for an old friend Emma, but she wasn't in.  
Between our 2 rooms there is an old fashioned coal fire place with polished shiny grate and a coal scuttle & poker.   The fire is lit and warm so we leave our room doors open for the heat.

The rooms are tiny, brown with old fashioned wooden dressing tables, small bed and small wardrobe.   Faded brown blanket and brown curtains...  they were surprisingly cosy with a warm orangey light shining in the room.
Phoenix my cat who died a couple of years ago is curled up asleep on the bed.  I pick him up to hug him  (he was a supper huggy cat)  He's soft, warm and floppy in my arms :smile: Just like he always was. 
I realise I've not fed him for a long time so I go out into the school which also has shops/warehouses.   I go to the Vet supply place, while there a woman asks me to help her with stuff for her bunny.  I find her rabbit food and a wicker ball/nest thing.. I also write the name of a plant for her on a bit of paper.  It's a plant that the bunny will like, she can get it next door at a plant nusery.     I collect some cat food and a litter tray but my kids wake me before I get back to see Phoenix.

Tuesday, 21 November 2017

Jungle Temple

I kept waking myself up coughing last night.. was driving me insane, I'd fall asleep cough and be awake so at 1.30 I got up and had some Valium to knock me out.  I was surprised I still had dreams but I did. 

first one I'm in a sandy jungle?  lol  well it was meby an oasis?  It was sandy like a desert but there was also lush green bits. 
I'm visiting an old temple/city it's ancient and crumbling, made from green bricks and the architecture is incredible.    The paths and stares between the abandoned buildings are narrow and winding.
It's filled with hippies/travellers it's a kinda hippy pilgrimage or something.   People have parties there and meditate but the ruins are becoming unstable and it's going to be abandons/left.    There are rugs and fires on the sand and open squares we were sleep and  dance.

So we have all travelled there for one last look/meet.
As we walk round bits of old green statues are crumbling and falling.  It's strange bricks not like anything I've seen....   green sand stone, but the sand has a glass like sparkly quality.   It's aged and dull though, and covered in moss and ferns.

I'm sad about it being left to fall apart when I meet 'Rose'  she's a shop assistant were I live now (she's a special person in disguise :P )   in the dream she tells me not to be sad, it's being sealed to protect it and not abandoned. 

I meet a guy with 3 big brindle dogs,  one of his dogs has got all wrapped up in that plastic 'danger' tape like the use to seal of areas.  It's wrapped round it's tongue and teeth.  I stop to help them I'm rubbing the dogs warm fuzzy chest as I gently untangle the tape from his mouth and paws. 

Next dream I'm in a large school or hospital I recognise this place from other dreams.  The stairwells at each end of the building leading up to dorms are being refurbished.. and the hall ways are jammed with crowds of people.

I'm making my way threw the middle of people flowing in both directions, I think I was going to a history room to look something up.   A guy passes me, and then another guy passes me again with exactly the same face but different clothes.  Only me and the second guy notice, I laugh and he grins at me and mouths 'WTF?'  we wave bye as we head in opposite directions again.

(Above was Monday)

Last night..

My very elderly Aunt and Uncle are there.. they have just had a new baby.

Last nights dream I'm in a huge residential school type of thing again.  I'm trying to find a mug to make tea, but they are all dirty or some of them have missing handles or are teapots.   I find a small blue/green hand thrown cup and take it to a counter that has boiling water but accidentally knock something off the counter......  this rolls down a huge slope.  I leave the mug and go down the slope.

At the bottom is a drop and I'm going to jump down but people are laying out birthday cakes, and cupcakes and treats were I need to land.   I'm calling them to let me down first but more and more cakes are arriving quickly. 
I spot a small patch and jump singeing a pink and white checked shirt I find I'm wearing on birthday candles.   I manage to get out of the ever increasing cake pile. 
It's a girls birthday and all the guests have brought cakes and pastry's (they look nice :P)  The ask me if I would like one to take with me.  I remember I saw a little plate of cinder toffee and    ask if I can have a piece of that.    (odd as I don't like it) 
I wish the girl happy birthday and push out threw the crowds.

(Odd as I had a dream a few nights ago that also had tables filled with little party cakes also for a birthday) (edited)

Sunday, 19 November 2017

More dreams of 8

One thing that stood out from last nights dreams was a woman with the most mazing octopus tattoo that covered most of her body :heart:   She was nekid, and it was kind of wrapped and chained round her, 2 tentacles meeting at her sacrum, others wrapped round her thigh's, and over her shoulder and arms and things. 
At first she was nakid save for a coral mesh see threw wrap but I took that of her so I cold look more closely at her tattoo :smile:  It was bloody amazing!

----- Today November 19th, 2017 -----
First dream I was in a wired robot/car suit :stuck_out_tongue:  It had a wired metal window. 

Then A dream about a massive reunion/party for someone.  It was s surprise so we were hiding people, there were loads or party food on a table.  Someone was missing and I went to find them, I follow them onto bleak upland sheep pasture.  There is a farmer there in a hut, he's going to stay all winter and we are taking supplies.. I have a hawk with me or I release it into the air.

Last dream is of a uni/school.  I'm studying there we get a notice about a grant type of thing (rebate on fees paid or something) 
There are 2 desks to visit, one for girls and one for boys.  In the dream I'm skint and i think it might be worth a go.  A friend got £100 or so back.

I go and they start looking at my notes, I fill something in.  I ask the woman if I'm owed anything and she starts to write a huge number with lots of 8's I think it was like 88,888 or something.   I'm amazed and a tear falls from my eye. 
I ask her how she tells me she knows of all the other schools I've been to and that I have credit. 

Soo I keep dreaming of 8 :smile:   last nights, and the octopus... and the size 8 shoe of the farther in the dream too.

Friday, 17 November 2017

Being Water.

Ka Isch ka is? Hay arka ik un ka, ke ka.

Eil!! I'll ka sha.    Hiss en ellia,   ha shis!

Ik lsh sha, an hissh an ill?

In Hasha  

An Ki!  Ann Ki, whisst, anki


Eyes open slowly deliberately before the glare is fixed
Ikha!  Nak!

A single tear roll's from the blazing eyes. 

'Ih Kah, Nak!!'


I was in a lake being called down and down deeper and deeper.

I came to a flowing water serpent, like it was under water, and made of water but with form  (A little like the water train from my dream) 

It curled round and held me wrapped in it's coils. 

It was telepathic and said to me mind to mind. 

'You are small fire child, you are safe...  'Go, Flow now!'  Trust you will know how to return. 

The serpent kinda shimmers and my conciseness left my body into the water....   spreading threw water, feeling the earth and rock supporting below and the sun heating our surface, last part I fully remeber is flowing out of the lake like a waterfall.... oh yeh, the air, bubbles!   Waves... I was playing with the air as we fell threw the rocks

Lovely Vally and MishMash

So many disjointed dreams and imagery.

Firstly a glass house with many rooms there are beds in it.  Ian's Mum who's v ill is in one of them.  She wants me to give her a liquid soap drink to make her sick. 

Next is a dream were I'm a wired superhero, I put dry autumn leaves inside my abdomen to make me change.. this dreams mainly flying and teleporting.

Then I'm in a class studying psychology, I realise I've forgotten to make any notes so am looking at someone else.

Next is my main dreamscape a bit of it I've not been to in a while, children's play equipment has been placed on a square courtyard... at first it's a bower made of sticks, then it's more organised.   Lots of children are playing outside.  

Dream jumps and I just an observer of a family there is a man wife and 2 daughters.   There are islands and a sunset, igloos that are part of a game and sparkle.  The game is to do with drones playing automated shadowside of people.   Another area has pink/bule/purple electric portals.  The father gets arrested after driving one of his daughters cars the police have found MDMA in it, but it's a pink and green crystal pyramid the father doesn't know what it is. 
the police do an anal exam on him, and comment that his shoes are size 8 orthopaedic.   Then the father turns into a cat and leaves threw an open door.   
He finds himself in a circus type glass room with a dog who's trying to learn the trappesse... The cat can do this so demonstrates. O.o

Last is an amazing valley road in-between shear cliffs, there are huge waterfalls falling down and all the rock faces are wet and lush with ferns and moss...  buildings have been carved into the rocks and there is a estuary river too the water in the river is saline.

Thursday, 16 November 2017

Tracks and Ice

First dream.. 
Main dreamscape but it's transformed again.    The buildings to the west of the main house are a street of very old fashioned shops, with small colourful painted shop fronts, they are pretty and new, lit up in the cold dark. 
It's night and cold/frosty snowing.   There is a 'flurry'  it's like a spirit/breeze with awareness.     Like the 'Ghosts' I have in my dreams it has no from (I guess it's something to integrate but it seems elemental)  It's moving the snow and ice which is sparkling.

I'm with male me, we have a bed in one of the houses.  We go out into the snow and the flurry is pushing us along,  it bumps us to the door of the shop we are going to we shout 'Thank you flurry'  But then it blows lots of ice and snow into the shop and all over and at that point I shout 'asshole flurry' and shut the door O.o    

Next dream, there is a hollow hill with a pool below it, the pool is frozen and there are a group of dwarfs trapped under it.. I'm with a group of people and we are breaking threw the ice to free the dwarfs we are all muddy and wet its funny.   We move to the side of a very fast flowing river, I sit on the bank and tail my feet into the flow washing of the mud it's warm  (Zak wakes me)

Next dream is a strange hilly village, there is an odd mincart track threw the grass used to move people and dogs around..  (Oh O.o  I've been in this dream before but I was above it manipulating it)  anyhoo this time I'm getting on and off the minetrack it's got strange open carts we can sit on. 

Last dream is a massive house it's a bit like 2 terraced Victorian houses converted into one, it's old fashioned inside.  A toy train is running on a small track around the inside of the house going over bridges were stair wells are, I can sit on the toy train or pick it up and move it.

Wednesday, 15 November 2017

Opening a Care Home, Meeting a Tribe.

Another 2 long dreams, I think they possibly followed on but I woke with Zak getting into our bed in the middle.

In the first dream I'm opening an elderly peoples care home - the building has been possibly student accommodation (some kind of communal living any how) and I'm altering it and making it accessible for less able people.   I'm changing the lower floors so it has bifold doors opening onto the gardens and grounds of what seemed like a campus (so not sure why I was locating a care home there)  It seemed a good thing to do.   

I was also a death councillor or more of a spiritual guide/witch/seer   lol I dun what but I could walk between worlds.   I was opening ceremony inviting in the corners/ elements and helping in the communing with past / future and ancestors and people not yet born.   
I'd help the people at the end of there lives.  

Next I meet members from an indigenous tribe they are similar to native Americans but shorter and stockier I think.  Dark long straight hair, dark eyes and a quiet strength about them.   The are migrating for the seasons changing and they want me to accompany them and do ceremony with them.   I'm unsure why they want me to go, but they are interested in my ability's with ancestors or time or something (In the dream I was not confident in my ability's)
They were nice though so I agreed to go, the group were all male, there was an elder grandfather then 2 brothers very close in age. 
The 2 males were competitive one was the acting leader and the other believed it should have been his name that was put into the fire as leader.   There was a tension between them.  

We travel threw valleys...  they have old trucks/vans and wear modern clothing but there ways are old and we have ceremony regularly they ask me to open it, i'm still lacking confidence so open it slightly differently but all are content with how it works so I stay with them.
One of the Males wanted to take me as a lover I think...    though the dream wasn't romantic in any way.. but I have a vague recollection of us going to Dom (my x who was my partner in the dream and us telling him I was with the tribe now)
At one point the group gets separated when part of us goes into a town for supplies, I stay on a mountain/vally track with the others.   They are worried about them and ask me to 'see'  
I'm still not confident, but describe were the others are and what they are driving / how much longer they will be.      (It's right and they are united again)

Second dream I live inside a mountain...  or possibly old volcano.   It's grey the rock is cracked it has a window balcony at one side with a view of sea and sunrise... inside it's dark and a rounded the walls have been whitewashed or something.    I'm in there with a friends
I'm sitting on the sofa with 2 other women, we are all getting married but also each others bridesmaids...   someone's thrown pick and mix sweets all over the floor and the room is carpeted in pink and white foam sweets, jelly strawberry's ect it looks cute :smile:

I move threw to another room with a male friend and we hear a 'knocking'  on the wall.   We are confused as we are in a mountain - so we get up on the sofa and 'knock' back.   The knocking replys.   So we head out of the entrance cave and onto the mountain side to walk round to the knocking..    We find some friends who also live with us but had forgotten were the entrance was, we are excited too as we realise the mountainside is thin there so we can add another window to see the sky and clouds. 

As we head back round there are more and more people on the mountain side some have dogs too.   There is also a huge strange ancient tree, it's a tall conifer but the limbs of it's branches have grown up in spirals.

Tuesday, 14 November 2017

Odd Hospital and Blood Ritual

2 big dreams again last night...  one was a zombie apocalypse type thing! :D

First dream I'm in a huge institution/hospital.  It's very industrial/old fashioned - freaky and sinister like mental asylum/hospital/factory.    (The building is alive too) 
Parts of it are like underground stations with old escalators but also convener belts  and one point to get up to the next floor we have to leap onto a almost vertical convayer belt and cling on till someone can drag us up at the top :stuck_out_tongue:  It's quite freaky and my dog was with me at that point also going up!
I'm a trainee nurse there we operate on people and animals, the surgeons are human surgeons.   I know the woman I'm going to be assisting (she's a local GP fighting to save our current NHS in the UK)  I don't meet her in the dream though, she's already scrubbed and her and the other surgeons are in another room.

We are put into teams with other nurse my senior nurse is a nurse I knew from when I worked at the PDSA she used to do our training, she's training me here now but we are both older.  I'm with her and a large male nurse.  We are numbered 5,6 and 8 and have to scrub at specific sinks that match our number.  (The tub sinks are really old battered stainless steel) splattered with dry blood the whole place smells of nasty flesh O.o

The medical equipment is very old too, lots of bunched cables and metal machines (it's alive too)  
I'm not scrubbed for theatre yet so I'm sent as a runner to collect something.    I leave along a long brown/beige corridor.. again it's very old fashioned like from the 1920's or something it's an admin/office corridor but some medical equipment is being stored in it.... as I pass it all comes to life moving towards me and following me.    I slide past it and out into threw way with 100's of people..   from there I move into a child's library it's dark with small kids sitting listing to story's.  A train track is set up with a miniature steam train running on it, in and out of the book cases.   I'm tall and I step over/pick my way threw the kids to get to the door on the other side they are reading a book about bunnys... there clothing is old fashioned... hand knitted cardigans and hand made blouses and shirts.

On the other side I find my way in another hall way, still dark I see a man I recognise (He was the UK poet Lauriet for a bit)   I go to follow him as he passes threw a grey door it closes and has a sign saying 'Philosophy' on the door...   seeing the sign reminds me I was supposed to be collecting something for the scrub team.    (Zak woke me here)

Next dream was really epic looking.... there's no way I can do it justice  it's my main dreams-cape but so different  there is a huge stature of a roman soldier (it's the height of a big building)  it's face has been scratched out from under the helmet.. it's in a shrine with latin writing all over it, there is also a portal that glows pink and purple buzzing quietly.   There is a pub old hotel that was right at the top end of the village... this is there too but it's a dilapidated grand hotel (that turns into the base of operation against the zombies/ghosts :P)

Down in the main area of the village there is a huge insane building been put up.. it's several storeys high and open at the front like a dolls house it is basically a massive alter... On the top sits a giant goofy looking skeletal thing with bowls for collecting blood then the blood will flow threw channels going down threw the building.   (Most people can't see this part)  There are lots of candle chandeliers made of antler horns.. but also modern bits.  It's so crazy I duno how to begin discribling it :stuck_out_tongue:

There is an 'event' being put on... it's a big thing all the village are excited and going (but it's also a kind of trap they don't realise they are going to be bled to power this wired blood ritual)  the event is wired it's like a sponcerd 'run' --- so this part of the dream is like the fim speed... everyone has to keep running :stuck_out_tongue:  babies old people kids ect.   Even if they just run on the spot as we have a thing that counts steps/distance.

I'm with male me and we realise somethings not right with the whole thing going on, as people are not giving there consent to be bled/used.   They are kinda being fooled into it so me n male me decide if we can do something to make them more aware. 

We leave the new large building where most people are 'running'  and jog threw the night just the 2 of us round the cost and inland  (this bit looks epic too as it's all deep blue the sky filled with stars and the Milkway looks very close, below us the wet street is also blue and there are 1000s and 1000s of rats also glowing like stars we are worried we will tred on them but there reflexes are better than ours and they scatter as we get close (This looked so cool )

We head up to the old hotel, and remember the hotel owner had showed us 'notes' he'd made hidden in and old leather bound menu book.... he'd predicted what was occurring and we were hoping that the notes might give us a clue on how to help. 

There are a few people in the hotel, we are not running anymore.   More people are coming in and we are showing them the notes in the menu....I seem to be serving behind the hotel bar now and bringing out meals from the kitchen, but mainly I'm using it as a kind of cover to show people the notes.   :smile:

We are putting together a 'resistance' to try and inform the people who are being bled/running that they are being tricked.    We are also being watched by wired ghosts/zombies   though they are not really scary.   I'd made my way back to the old statue with the writing on it (beside the portal) when I woke up, I was trying to remember who had destroyed the face and why, and what the writing ment.

Monday, 13 November 2017

Multi Coloured Goat and Long Goodbye

My first dream last night was bizzar  I'd woken up coughing at 1.30 and had good recall.

I was on a spaceship with friends and we are travelling round also playing games.  Me and friend are discussing saying good buy to a home-world you know you'll never return too and different customs.  We are telepathically showing each other 2 humanoids parting  they look like black storm troupers  but there uniform is more of an exoskeleton (non removable) 

They are parting and know they'll never sea each other  one reaches to the others neck and says 'I''l take this for safe keeping'  she removes a serial code. 

It's both tender and sad - lacking in what is normally considered emotion but full of connection & love. 

Next we are on a space station type that looks like an otherworldly posh hotel.  The people from my ship are there we are dressed oddly.. they see something and all rush out together. 

I speak to the person with me and comment 'I struggle to follow the crowd'    we are watching sports or something from other planets, there are also cushions arranged for a music recital.  I'm floating now most people are sitting and standing but I'm floating cross legged above them  over there heads and the cushions talking to a female I know.   Sometimes I'm upside down  ---  I'm wearing a wired outfit of blue silk puffy trews and a cropped top in matching fabric.  It's blue embroidered with pink and gold flecks. 

Woke her coughing. 

Next dream I'm in my main dreamscape but I'm homeless I'm making my way up the coast to the castle... I'm discussing my last dream and how in this dream creativity isn't working well and it's hard to find well paid work for creativity... that I'm not at home in that dreamscape...  I pass an animal sanctuary and tiny male baby goat comes up to me.

It's adorable!  Ankle height with white blue and golden hair  it's coat is wooly matts and long like highland cattle it's got tiny horn buds.     I sit to play with it :smile:

Sunday, 12 November 2017

Insects and Rodents.


A strange dwelling on a cliff jutting out of the sea.   There are waterfalls coming out of the cliffs...  it can only be reached by water.   The dwelling is small and cramped ontop of a small cliff in the stormy sea and inside is an elderly clergyman he's got old fashioned robes.     He also has a fat tabby cat.    I can't really recall why I was there or what I was :slightly_smiling_face:

----- Today  Sunday  November 12th, 2017 -----

I'm in a large contained communal residential place..... like a live in school but there is a gym & swimming pool as well as classes.   I'm going swimming but when we get in the pool it's cleared cause of lice jumping on the water. 

When we get out I'm with some female friends but I also have my 2 boys with me and they have lice, me too.  The lice are huge - look more like cockroaches.  

When I put my hand into josh's hair I pull out a handful of them.   They are big, not like head lice but flying roaches and beetles.  I squish them and put them down the loo in the changing rooms. 

I'm aware I need to get them all out of our hair, in another part of the dream I'm in a communal bathroom but the only one there it's a dated Victorian style with large white porcelain sinks and  old mirrors that are scratched on the back.  It reminds me of an old hospital perhaps (metal asylum)   I'm pulling bugs out of my hair and squishing them on the cold porcalin with the backs of my finger nails feeling them 'pop' and watching there insides squidge out.     O.o  

Next part of the dream I'm in a lesson, it's an art lesson but it's in an old fashioned science lab.

I've an excersize book and I've planned out a picture and then I'm completing it in the back of the book.    It's lovely I've almost finished and I'm running a pen over it all.... this is changing it, making some of it matt and other bits shiney and tiny lights are appearing in it too.    I keep going in and out of the scene I'm drawing  - when I'm in it it's snowing and the class and teacher are there too, it's rolling hillside and children are sledging and thorwing snowballs  (yet this was only a tiny part of the picture  (the picture had a star filled night sky were the stars really shined)  then round it were rainbows, and woodland animals, trees and plants.   It' was really colourful.

Thursday, 9 November 2017

Another Putin Dream

Monday 6th

My dream was broken cause of sore throat.   I was with the Russian president though....  it' was odd (not as odd as the last dream I had with him in but still wired) 
We were friends, but sometimes I didn't have a body and just seemed to float round his head talking to him :stuck_out_tongue:   I was on a plane with him too, sometimes I did have a body and we talked normally. 

He wanted me to help with something off world.  (This seemed to be to do with a planet were mice and rats were farming veggies) ??? Or that might have been another dream I had inbetween coughing fits.   Anyhoo he seemed to want my help with something but what is kinda vague.

lol  that's funny    I just googled Putin, and he's so like he was in my dream... even down to the fact he's not that tall (Last time he was in my dream he was dressed like a medieval fairy-tale kind with silly silk trews and gold buttons.   This time he just had a suit.


First dream a friend Lorna had sent me her some tiny rodents - they were lovely like mini Degus or something..  She wanted one that was white and grey.   They arrived, lots of them and I was trying to look after them but then something happened and they shrank to the size of small slugs, and I kept loosing them in the sawdust.   I was worried I'd killed them.

There was also another tank I had, it was like a fish-tank but tropical and had insects and fish, they looked amazing but were also deadly or could make people ill with bites or stings.  There was a huge shiny iridescent blue centipede and dragnonflys     -  They look amazing but are not safe, I'm opening doors for them to leave the tank and get outside. 


Next dream 

I'm in the sea of the coast of Craster were my Gran lived. (Another main dreamscape)   I'm just in the sea, first I'm in the harbour.  The tide is turning and the waves are huge - I know I'm not going to make it back to shore so I let the tide take me out to sea.   There are others with me....    We float along the coastline heading south... past the rocks that stick out of the water.  

There are people on the shore watching us (It was nice being in the water)

- Last dream, is a like a game but we are the players.   3 of us enter a huge building.  I think the objective was to find something so we all split up, I go below ground level down a chute thing.. another of us uses a ladder to climb up.     The buildings strange and wired, at one point I find a primitive style tribe sleeping with there animals there.

Friday, 3 November 2017

New roof and blue blobs :)

ren [7:36 PM]
Dreams this week..    Not fab recall as I've been ill and I wake up thinking 'ouch' rather that dream.    (Me and Ian both had a wiredly unsettled night too... with wired disjointed thoughts and lack of sleep)

One night I was floating beside an old cottage it was having the roof replaced,  totally.     new beams and everything. 

Last night a few bits stand out  ...   A train station, but it's not.  It's more like the signal mans box.   It's up on stilts.      I'm with someone male  (male me I guess)  We are climbing up and are going to take a train from there.  

When we get to the top there is a toy train waiting.   Like them kids rides that you put coins in and they wobble you around.    There is also an ocean in a swimming pool :stuck_out_tongue:   It's like a pool.. but more (hard to describe)    The water is like glass so still,  male me is saying, don't swim....   not now we really don't have the time but it's to still and lovely. 

I leap in, it's warm and salty I'm in the middle of a tropical warm ocean.. a turtle swims past.      Male me is yelling from the shore and I reluctantly re-focus so the 'pool' comes into view.   I realise the pool is busy now and the other swimmers are a massive mix of races/cultures. 

Next is a dream in my main dreamscape.   I'm with Michael, a vet I worked with for 10 years or so  (Hi's wife is often in dreams but him not so much) 

We see a blue orb floating in the sky and are interested so we follow it round the estate.  It's vivid blue indigo and light....   it stops and comes to us as we are interested.
It's one of them 3D type images where you need to focus threw the blue light orb and in it we see the face of a man.   

the man in the orb is trying to communicate with us but his language is clicks&tones and we can't make it out.   He starts showing us diagrams, one is of his skull    (It's cross between human / goat) possibly  there are areas shaded that are different from our skulls....   next he's showing us diagrams of his oral cavity  and dentition.   In the dream I know he's trying to teach us how to understand his language.    Me and Michael are working together... his knowledge of animal anatomy and mine of song/experience. 

On waking I realise I've herd the language before.  

odd really :stuck_out_tongue: (edited)

Sunday, 29 October 2017

Air & Sea... And the RAT!

More odd dreams..  

I was pregnant with a 3rd child.. big hospital  - I'm there to birth.  
I realise the child has no movement.  Other people are birthing and I'd forgotten I was pregnant they check me and the baby is dead.

I wake and then go back into the dream and everything is fractal and fragmenting it looks like an Ersher Image (43kB)

But I'm in it and it's 4D I've follwed a golden retriever puppy into the sea and I'm watching the waves fractalise and sea is fish and the sky birds...   they are collapsing and rolling in.

Next dream was odd too...

I'm with a female vet.    I have 2 tanks of rodents I'm caring for.     In one there are tiny rabbits the size of a finger nail.    Weaving in and out in a pattern.   There is a fat rodent too.....  they are making patterns round it. 

Then I find a rat  it's living with the other rodents but it has 8 legs... and it's legs are like hummm

un-ravelled  plaits  -  3 dried out partially limbs the feet have dropped of all 4 corners. 

One set of limbs are long gone but the others are still salvageable.  

I take the rat to the vet and she tells me it's neglect...  a survival instinct.   They drop the need for movement for preservation and grow limbs when they need to move.....   the rat's been threw 2 periods of neglect but with growth in between to make the extra limbs.  

I realise I'm responsible and I take it back to the rodent house hoping to save it's latest shrivelling limbs.  

@guy....     lol   I'm in deep :wink:  I'm sure you'll appreciate this symbolism. 

I feel bad as I know Rat is an animal I work with :stuck_out_tongue:

Saturday, 28 October 2017

Shower on a bus, and a wired wedding meal.

First dream... 

I'm in a school class with all females.   We have a wired lol it's like a beauty therapy class or something.  I was aware there was a clique of females in the class  -  or project was to team up and wash each others hair?  
Anyhooo they all paired up really fast and I was left alone but still had to wash my hair... next bit was totally bizarre, the shower was on a bus!  

In a wired pull out thing and the curtains round it were like heavy old fashioned drawing-room curtains  ??   Someone had used the shower before me and left it full of mushrooms?   I couldn't work out how to get into it, I had to kind of pull myself up onto a platform but it was wobbly as the buss kept going round corners... the curtains were soaking wet and slopping water all over.   

Someone had left behind some shower gel so I used that to wash my hair....  then I realised I had no clothing  only a wet towel that had fallen on the floor and got all mushroomy!


As if that was wired enough they next dream was that my Dad was getting married to a random woman.   I was at the wedding meal...  a black whirlwind came along and sucked me up  (It was fun, going round and round)  as I plopped down the food was ready. 

I was sitting inbetween my Dad and his bride and the meal was served.  It was the open chest of a human :stuck_out_tongue:    Cooked,  Heart and lungs.... and in stead of intestines were sprouts cooked still on there stem  O.o
The garnish was a cooked human hand ......     the brides describing the meal to me telling me how it's her fave.

I'm thinking what a wired thing to serve up at your wedding and wishing I'd gone for the veggi option :stuck_out_tongue:  Vegg option was bread dipped in pureed zucini and then fryed in batter :stuck_out_tongue:     

Then I was confused as to why I was sitting inbetween my Dad and his new wife :stuck_out_tongue:   I told them I felt like a bit of a gooseberry so would move further round the table.     (I left my human chest meal there .... and the bride ate it too )  Then I got sucked black into the inky whirlly wind again. (edited)

Monday, 23 October 2017

City Roofs and Huge Skys.

22nd Oct

I had wired dreams...  One was my old school best friend.   Her dog had been killed and decapitated and then put on social media but hunt sabs... this was wired as hunt sbas are normally antiviv too.   

They'd taken the head n paws of her dog then taken a piccy of it with writing on it  (like you would mark a pig/stock animal)   The writing was dog one....  dog gone.

It flipped a bit and I was with a guy young in a science lab coat, he wanted to do a science degree and had been shifted onto a BCA   - we were comforting him but he was very up beat, saying he'd do his BA in art then could bring more creativity into his science degree. 

Next flipped to my main dreamscape...  I'm trying to get to my home but there are puppies allover!   Very cute :smile:  

I'm wading threw puppies and notice a other stuff going on, camera rigs ect.   People tell me there is a puppy comp going on... like the bake off but a cute puppy thing.  

Next dream I'm again in my main dreamscape.... it's a school field trip,   We are with a teacher out and about on the main streets of the village I grew up in. 

The teacher is Josh's nursery teacher...   Kim.   I tell her she's my fave teacher so far and we look up into a massive night sky.... this is really lovely.  

Hug sky scape milky way type thing from one of the main roads into my dreamscape

----- Today October 23rd, 2017 -----

Dream about the same school friend.  

First I'm making lots of batches of cakes...  cup cakes they were for a celebration or a fundraiser or something. 

Then my school friend again...

This time she's in a bed at my Auntys house... she's had her uterus 'sucked'   like you would for an abortion but she wasn't pregnant.  She's staying at the house to rest and I'm making her tea and toast for breakfast.   ( I can't think this is tied to the fact she's just published her first novel  it's due for proper release in a few days is for pre-order atm) 

Not sure how it fits with the night before's dream of headless dog :stuck_out_tongue:

Last dream was really cool looking.  I'm in a large Victorian city (I'm modern me)  but the rest is like a time hop.   I'm investigating something at my first recall is being in a huge city square it's bustling with typical looking Victorian people.   I'm looking for something or someone.  The police/authority's arrive too they are investigating the same thing and they are locking down the square to interview people.   
I'm keen to remain anonymous to them (I'm also aware I have purple/blue hair in the dream so it's hard to blend in :P) 

I'm staying in the crowds and trying to slip away before it's locked down.   I jump a barrier and a female police woman calls to me to halt I can't leave.....  but it's a typical Victorian city with narrow streets and I'm hard to follow. 
I head into a tavern with stained glass leaded windows... inside it's more like a tea shop.   I'm looking to pass threw the building and get out again. So I push threw the crowded room quickly aware I'm likely still being followed. 

Next I head up a narrow spiral stair well it's slighty squared off and is thin,  like a service staircase corridor for maids..  I head up and up until I reach a glass attic room that opens onto a small roof garden..  there are 2 glass doors the one to the right is locked but the left one is open so I pass threw.  The metal handle comes off in my hands so as I leave onto the roof garden I post the handle back threw a letter box in the door, and it lands on the mat back inside. 

I'm on a flat roof space with a neglected roof garden..  I make my way along the tiles of the roof, it's a terraced street so the roofs are like another world - the view is great a city skyline in hazy smog filled afternoon light. 

I keep walking along the side of the roof to my left are large dorma windows I look into the attic room as I'm walking past.  It's layed out formally and reminds me of a modern church or similar congregation room.     I pass the windows and head up the pitch of the roof on the tiles still.  At the end of the terrace I climb up onto the chimney stack to take in the amazing view

Thursday, 12 October 2017

Serving and another metal compacter.

Last night I had my first dream were I felt 'fear' in ages! 

It was familiar...  the whole world I was in the settings and life/friends.   I've had other dreams here. 

I was working as a waitress first part of the dream, I'm good at it - serving many people food n teas/coffee ect...
I'm leaving though and taking a train to London  (though sometime I bury under the track and go below the train)  sometimes I'm on it. 
It's a sleeper train, I have a rucksack n sleeping bag with me.    There are 2 trains running parallel on parallel tracks... I leap from one to the other to wake a male who's travelling with me and tell him we are close to our destination.  

Next I'm on a bus, I still have bag n rolled up sleeping bag we are at my stop in London  (This is a wired dream London I have)  It's dark and the bus doesn't stop so we need to just jump out of it.  I do this and I'm in the centre of a busy road.  
I see a guy get hit and killed by a car a little way away from me.....   I run waving my arms about so I'm visible to the oncoming traffic and make it to the path. 

The cars are driving over the dead body and this seems normal.  
I see a local friend of mine here getting a seat and a meal in a restaurant and decide I'll pop into the hostel I'm staying in then go and say hello to her.   I think I was meeting someone els in the city too.

At this point I realise I dropped my sleeping bag in the road and as I need to cross decide I'll try grab it on my way back over...   Again cars don't stop.  It's like playing frogger :stuck_out_tongue:

As I get part way across I'm scooped up by a 'road cleaner'  Metal compacter 
***(This is the second dream I've had about something like this in the past few months,  last nights dream brought back a fear I had as a kid of rubbish vans and large motors/endgins)   
At first I'm in it avoiding the bits of metal, It's magnetic and round inside,  large bits of metal are moving round and getting crushed.    I can't see any way out, over head is a claw thing that grabs, but it's shaped like a birds beak and it acts bird like too like a black bird eating worms.    Next was the bit that was a bit scary as It was all compacting together with no obvious way out... then a door /crack opened and I walked out re-leaved.  

I'm on a large platform with workmen walking about they have hard hats an stompy boots,   One of them comes and grabs me round the waste and pokes his fingers into my mouth in an odd erotic way - at this point I was so glad I'm not been squished I hugged him and woke up. 

Last dream, in a town sunny and clean streets I'm meeting people I know and hugging them as I'm hugging one I relize I'm naked but it's fine. 
I'm doing something with 'retro toys, giving them to people... I also go into see a group of friends eating a meal together but don't stay with them I think I was going to visit other people I'd not seen for a while. (woke up after this)

Ohhh   After the scary dream I was getting wired images visions as I went back to sleep one was of a massive metal spider made out of magnetic tin cans :smile:
Another of a rainbow metallic flying bug these were cool :sl

Wednesday, 11 October 2017

Eating Ticks and Birthing Adults :)

Tuesday's dreams.

Broken up dreams cause Zak got into bed and kept kicking me!

Sooo first off I'm at my Nana's house  (She moved into a home when I was young... then my Uncle lived here for a bit... anyhoo it's house I've not been in for at least 25years!)
I'm in there cleaning the floor (I keep dreaming about cleaning floors too :P)

There are other people in this house too, my friend Roz, and miss Piggy!!??!!   We are playing pranks on each other while cleaning/clearing up.

Next dream...

Main dreamscape, I'm outside on a mushroom hunt!  There all all kinds of odd and strange mushrooms :slightly_smiling_face:  I meet a greengrocer who used to live in the town I'm in now, he has a veg market and he knows about mushrooms too :stuck_out_tongue:

Next dream, I'm in Newcastle with my old best friend from schools Mum and Dad.   There is also Kerry a friend from collage.  We are getting a bus back to the village and have bough a Chinese take-away meal. 
We get of the bus on a street inbetween 2 housing estates were we lived and Emma's parents take all the food...    Kerry is upset cause she's ordered a mushroom foo-yung??!   But they are worried about there own meal getting cold and they won't let Kerry get her food out of the bag.  

I comfort Kerry and tell her it's ok, I'll find some food at my house for her. 

Last dream is wired too.  

In main dream place,    I'm in a tick removal centre.   It's like a health centre but we all have parasites.  They are crawling over people and I'm picking them of and biting them in half with a crunch to kill them :stuck_out_tongue:  (talk about monkey mama :wink:  )   
We are having issues as the new people coming in keep re-infesting the rest of us, so I'm changing the layout of the premises and installing a shower block in reception so people can get clean as they enter...   (I think i was making a special soap for this too)   I was also arranging clean towels and clothing so we could minimise cross contamination in the rest of the centre.

Last night

Had the weirdest dream symbolgy yet last night!!   

In one dream I'd given birth to a woman in her 50's :stuck_out_tongue:  and was trying to breast feed her... it wasn't happening (I think cause she's lost the sucking reflex)  but WTF??

The first dream was fairly were too...   a synthesised virus had been introduced into the human population  (a program to do with reducing the human population drastically)  People had to give 'consent' to get it...  this was really subtle though so much so they didn't realise they had choice in it. 
It was all tied into a certain song, like a nursery rhyme that people was being used to gain consent.     I was with some other people in an old fashioned cottage... the song was really catchy (lol like the virus)  and I was trying to help people sing a different tune - to make sure we didn't consent.    

Next dream was in a kids hospital (but hazy)

The birthing a woman dream was outside an area in my main dreamscape..   dreams about this place are usually significant.    I was looking for a bottle of formula for her as she was hungry..     Never dreamed anything like this before so curious as to what it means! :smile:

Monday, 9 October 2017

Ying-Yang me and a pigramage.

Didn't want to wake up this morning.  2 very different dreams both long but I just remember the main thems of each.

In the first I'm with male me too - but only experiencing the dream as female me I couldn't swap into him.  We are young late teens or early 20's  and twin brother and sister but lovers too.    We are at a martial art school and look Asian we are both small with black hair.  

We are learning to fight with long thick sticks (I think Bamboo) and the place we are in is harsh but also very beautiful... open to the sun and we spend lots of time outside.  
It's not modern in any way, it's a school/training/moestry type of place.
Me and male are always made to train against and fight one another as we are equally matched we push each other to improve - but also beat each other unconscious frequently  (Not threw choice if I remember we were forced to fight & train in this place)

I remember feeling my scalp and it had bumps and cuts....  we were both pritty beaten up.  We were disliked cause we loved each other too...  but seemed not to care.   I woke up as we'd curled up together to sleep.

Next dream is totally different it's my main dreamscape but 100's of years ago... I'm a monk/nun on a pilgrimage (I think heading up to Holy Island - but not sure were from) I'm with a female she is from the castle and Bamburgh... we are walking up the sand and dunes on the coast and into a small chapel on the outside.

As we come in the door our outer cloaks are taken and we are wrapped with white capes with sliver and gold embroidered stitching  (I'm silver she's gold)  We move to the back of the chapel quietly and I can smell ins cents coming from a room at the back... 

Then it blurs with something modern as I see a radiator on the wall at the back of the building and under it there is a hole with fire or lava in...      I realise if left it will burn the building down so ask for a damp thick cloth to smother the fire    (Ian's alarm woke me up here)

Sunday, 8 October 2017

Funral Asshes and Mushy Peas.

Fridays Night.

Last night I was at my Mums funeral... or at least at the crematorium it was dark and me Ian and the kids were all there (My mum died when I was 18, so hadn't met Ian or had kids...  So this might be more about Ians Mum whos dieing?  )

Anyhooo we were in the dark waiting for an urn with ashes in.    The body had been burnt and we apparently wanted to wait and take the ashes back the same day so were were kicking round the grave yard in the dark waiting for her to cool down enough to scrape into a jar O.o  :stuck_out_tongue:

The kids were complaing they were hungry... I think we were going in and out of church buildings some of them had secrete corridors and there were dogs with us too.   I think Ians Mum was around to or dead... I asked Fay if she was upset about people being dead but she was fine so we were basically just waiting for a pot of ashes and talking to dead/deing people. 

After that dream I whent back into the same dream - this time we'd gone back to My aunt and uncles house... the same one I accidentally set fire to a few nights ago.   I'm making a roast dinner with my elderly aunt we are making a big meal to celebrate the death/passing of my mother.    I was also washing a large white floor??
Oh and preparing for a long car journey after the meal, this was with 2 friends I have no Tanya and Simon... they were going to eat with us. 

I was also looking out of a window it was late autumn and raining and few remaining golden leaves were being pulled of the trees with the rain.

Last night

My dream was odd to but the bit that sticks in my head most was being on a train and looking out of the window at two huge tins of processed peas!! 

They were meby 12ft high   standing in a siding.   I turned and giggled to who I was with on the train and then I held up my hands and we both had a massive processed pea each!  The size of a beach ball :smile: 

Wednesday, 4 October 2017

Long and odd dreams...

Sunday 1st Oct...

I had an odd dream about Iri & Me

You'd had a baby, it was very new I'd asked to see it so you'd mailed me over your newborn baby.   It was lovely and I'd put it on my pillow and slept beside it.     When the courier came back after a couple of weeks I'd gone up and got the baby of my pillow and packed it back into the box to return to you.

After the courier left I realised I'd not fed the baby at all in the time I'd had it, or changed it's nappy  (the baby had seemed fine when I'd packed it into it's box.    I was watching it's tracking move across the UK and back to you in Norway and I'd suddenly felt bad I'd neglected it and was wondering if it was dehydrated or had nappy rash.

Monday 2nd Oct.

I was in London and I was swimming in the Thames.   It's not like the real one it's a version of the Thames I dream about occasionally though...  it has sandy coastal banks with marram grass and it flows East to West into the sea....rather than West to East.  

At first I'm swimming alone and nekid there are small cute animals like octopus and things, there are also barriers in the water that creates deeper slow moving waters then shallower rapid areas.   I'm playing and making my way slowly down river to where it meets the sea. 

At some point I realise Zaks with me, he can't swim so I need to keep hold of him... it's less fun.   I keep him above water.     At the end of the river is a strange concrete structure I guess meby a tide dam or something.. 

At this point I find myself in a room, it's a place I've been staying but it's time to move on now.  
It's a little like a shopping Mall, there is a posh boys school next to it and lots of kids hanging around.   I'm packing up the stuff to leave, but the stuff I'm packing isn't mine - It's Ians Ipad, and Zak.    More people arrive I have an odd feeling about them so start to take Ians stuff

I need to swim back up river with it, holding it above the water...  part way there I feel I need to go back  for Zak so I out Ians laptop onto the shore (I'm pritty sure it will be taken but I need to collect Zak)  SO I go back for Zak...  

When I get back there's is a guy who holds me and tries to rape me, I'm annoyed with him and take Zak and leave swimming back up the river this time keeping Zak about the water..   I find the bag but Ians laptop has been taken.  

I think next bit was Ian going down to the room too  (everyone but me seemed to be walking but I was always moving in the water)    When we got to the room Ian wasn't annoyed about the laptop but about the guy who'd tried to rape me When he re-appeared Ian went of to attack him, I was surprised.

Next bit of the dream was a school type area with corridors and a huge wall, with a drop on one side.

Tues 3rd.

I'm dreaming lots, long detailed dreams that I can't seem to shake when I wake I go back into them... but then don't have time to write them up... or what I've written makes little sence :stuck_out_tongue:

So night before last my dream was of a large rented house, It was familiar but not from this life.  It was large Victorian terrace with big rooms with high ceilings. 

It has the typical kitchen out back, I'm in it and I get a delivery it's from 'NAMBLA'   (This is a pedo thing)  In the dream the acronym was slightly different but tI knew what it was.   They had sent 'goodie' bags for my 2 boys with a logo'ed pen, t-shirt and a drawstring bag.  

I was wirdly conflicted and then put the items into the bin.    In the house I go into one of the rooms,  it's got a bed but along one wall is a large shelf with old electrical appliances, several old ovens, a refrigerate and atari games console that said 'plug'n'play'   - I remember thinking I should tell the landlord to clear out his stuff. ??

Then I have a dream about a large dead tree, it's bark has gone it's just a white skeleton...   It's massive it splits in 2 and I call to people further down the valley to watch out for the sliding branches. 

Then last nights dream

I'm in a huge camp site/field and I'm cooking for many many people in an open kitchen over fires. ...   taking orders and trying to have various things ready at the same time.

Next part I recall is that I drop a lit match and it sets fire to a dogpoo bag, but as I bent to get it - it falls threw autumnal vegetation setting fire to it.    There are shrubs and bushes and the leaves are all catching on fire, it's to big for me to put out now....  I watch it thinking it will burn it's self out soon.  

Wiredly it doesn't the vegetation keeps burning I'm confused that live plants are burning so freely.  Next a building catches alite...    It's a very old cottage it's 100's of years old Tudor style and the old timber frame is catching.

Then the house belongs to my Aunty and uncle  (this is one of my main dreamscapes) thought the house is very different.   I feel terrible I've set there home on fire so I try to call the fire brigade my phone doesn't recognise my finger print - when I get my phone to work 999, won't work either...  or the local fire-station number.    I eventually manage to contact them but the house is being destroyed   (I'm recalling places inside it from other dreams)  
The fire brigade come, but they are kids in normal clothes... they don't seem to know what they are doing...     I'm watching trees catch alite too, big oak, sycamore there leaves are glowing gold/red and burning. 

They put out the fire and leave....   I go in, I can still see bits alight, I try to put them out and I wonder why the fire men left. 

I wander round inside the house.   It's oddly undamaged inside but very unfamiliar it's layed out in a very old fashioned scandi style  - it looks like it's been decorated for Christmas, there are long embroidered table clothes, candles and evergreen plants.

Wednesday, 13 September 2017

Sept 2nd week.

SUnday 10th Sep
I had 2 dreams first one is hazy I think I was possibly an insect I was moving quickly threw what seemed like very long grass landing on various things   it was blurry.

Second is the wired lucid one.  I was quite awake last night which is meby why the LD.

Starts of at an Auntys house that;s one of my main dream areas.  My Mam is there she's younger than when she died prehaps 30's and has long hair like she did when I was a kid....  I was me, with my kids.  My mum had 'been' away  (in the dream she'd recovered from her cancer and left with another lover)  She was visiting and she was pregnant...  when I asked she was expecting a daughter on the 13th Jan.     This bit of the dream was fairly normal I was washing laundry and there were lots of coming and going in the house.

Next a section of my teeth and jaw fall out... it's uncomfortable so I call the dr's to see if they can tell me were to find a dentist. 

The dr's is only a receptionist and she books me in with the Dentist but i need to traveller back to Alnwick (the town my dentist used to be in as a kid)  she gives me a bottle of ether for the pain!   I find this a little extreme not to mention old fashioned :stuck_out_tongue:

I magic myself to the dentist in Alnwick..and realise I've got my dog with me. 

It's different wired dentist... kind of 50's style and the dentist is packing up for the day.. he's a temp.  (The dentist room is familiar from other dreams) I show him my jaw bone it's the jaw of a crocodile or similar it's pointed with many small sharp teeth.  I tell him it's fallen out.    He tells me he'll make a cast up and put something similar in.

I'm left holding the strange jaw & teeth.   At that point people come in with a cake they are celibrating something with the dentist so I just hang about waiting on the cast to set....

The others have left and I walk to the dentist still holding my old jaw.... at this point it starts to peal....   layer after layer as if someones pealing it with a veg pealer quickly all over.
The teeth are falling threw my fingers onto the work bench as the bone flakes away to nothing.   I'm left holding small blue squares they all have the same long digit number and a logo/name they are blue and perforated like raffle tickets.

The dentist isn't surprised and smiles at me, I realise I'm dreaming and have all my teeth.   I ask the dentist  'But how come it's perforated'  we laugh and I teleport myself out of the dentist.

I'm on a harbour hill, and I'm in a wheelchair!  The harbour wall is made of cracked flint set in concrete type stuff it's tall  -  I roll fast down the hill and up the vertical wall flying/leaping to catch the top and the chair falls away.   I climb up and over onto coastal farm land with maram grass.

I'm lucid and wondering what to do, a tractor dives past and I see a woman walking the road ahead.  I decide to ask her about being a dream character  (I've herd this breaks/ dreams makes wired stuff happen)
So I try to catch up with her.... but it's like the air's become solid I can't run I crawl on all 4's for more purchase, like a dog.  I realise she's getting further away but see a woman on a horse coming towards me.    she calls 'Hello, were is Zak'  I say hello and ask 'What's it like being a character in my dream?' 

She laughs then a counter/desk appears to my right and a guy grabs my throat not hard just presses on my blue energy centre.   He says 'Oh, so your the boss of this dream eh?' in a questioning tone... I start to say 'I'm not really the 'boss' but the very physical sensation of being touched wakes me up still feeling his hand. 

Monday 11th

Lots of dogs on a big green meby Bambugh  A pool with dogs swimming and really tall trees Ian cuts one down.


Cleaning my main dream house, A black bear there too..   kids are taking a train somewhere.

Wed 13th.

In one part of the dream I'm in stone close again....   in my old room but it's all painted black and purple and pinks dark and kinda wiredly funky...  right outside the window is a huge fairground ride and a kid is looking in on me looking back at it.     It's loading on more people.

Dream with Roz and Kelly we are on a fast flowing muddy river in a small round silver boat it looks like a balti pan.    It floats then sinks...  we sink with it, we lose all the things we have into the water and flow down stream.

Next we are in an underwater warehouse..   There are sluice gates were the river water comes in and although we are all still underwater there are blocks that prevent the current washing things away.  I swim back up into the river and collect look for the satchels we had with us, I find there things but not mine.  I don't mind though am pleased I found there things.  

There is an underwater banquet too were everyone has brought an item of food to share.

Dream jumps I'm on a wired docking station it's part water part spaceship or something it's all metal and mechanised I'm not ment to be in there there are alarms going off as there is a big ship coming into the bay and massive metal plate doors/walls  are moving and to accommodate the incoming ship....   I'm trying to hop/run over the moving floors before they vanish and I follow someone in front of me as we leap onto a metal platform on a hydrolic lift    (Josh came in and woke me here)

Strange Summoning

  12th Was v tired after 3 night shifts, but did dream all night. Was all over the place though as I was tired too, so falling asleep i...