Friday, 30 September 2022



Who can I talk too.  'Whom, Ren and who would you like to talk too'   lol you know that but you'll do.   Why is it whom?? 

whom (pron.) 
objective case ofwho, Old English hwam (Proto-Germanic *hwam), dative form of hwa (from 
PIE root *kwo-, stem of relative and interrogative pronouns). Ungrammatical use of who 
form whom is attested from c. 1300_


I duno what objective case means?   'It's what I showed you'   Suppose, the descriptions got me more lost. 


Who was the other voice Leon, and what is going on?  'We are stepping back Ren, to allow you to grow into your new role'  

I miss you guys... 'We know, it's why we are with you at night and watching by'  


Why can't I 'see' Inka?   'It serves for you to better imagine him at this time' 

Why?   'It allows for his aspects expansion too' 


I miss chatting to him,   'He is around, Mouse'  I know....  I slept too much hu?

'You will adapt' 

I feel in limbo... 

'Then you likely are' 


Lol...   Didn't expect that. 
Stuff feels I duno in-between... 


Inka.. 'Hello Ren'  ?  'Yeh, it's me bitch, you set me free in a way you don't understand'  ?

'It's what you do.  I'm still around'  You sound different...  'I am different' 

'Don't be sad Ren, change is important to us both.  We both strive to grow' 

I miss you alot'  'You miss what I was'   Yes. 

'I know Ren.  Thank you for letting that go'   YW I suppose...  Kinds regret it tbh,  

'I know....  But you have to move on from the place you are at'  I'm not sure where or how?

'Not true bitch. You have a direction, walk it and I'll find you on the path'   Thanks.

'Your brain and mind are otherwise engaged at the moment Ren, when you find your place there, we'll slip back into your space.' 


A tall tower again, this time it was a hospital.   Square shaped and unusual.
I'd discovered late in a pregnancy I was expecting.

The babe was due, I was with 2 other women.

The 3 of us were due around the same date.

It would be my 4th child.


A perfume counter too, and looking for a place to rent for me and the child.  There was a bond and friendship between the 3 of us, we were looking for baby clothing as non of us were prepared.


Sheilas dream house.   A fire on the outside of the building, I was struggling to get the fire alarms to work, and calling the fire brigade.    It was the same strange flams as were on the side of that bookcase in another dream.


Pushing a woman who was swinging on a rope swing. 


Last dream I had a broom, I could fly on it.   A blazer too silk with yellow and green stripes.  An odd residential block with rooms set in a square and an outdoor area that lead to a shrine. 

A wall of mirrors and a dressing room, then the bedrooms which contained a bed and wardrobe each with old fashioned flowery wall paper.

I'd stuck myself to a wall too and a guy I knew had to pull me down.


Thursday, 29 September 2022

Journys with Packing

 Tues 27th.

A party, in the dark.

Unwanted and springing around.

I'd just wanted to join in, but i wasn't to anyone's taste.

I'd started to make my own fun.

Soon I was to much for everyone.  
Was fun but odd as fuck.


I'd sort of nailed myself down on elastic then was flying hard and pinging back.



Someone calling me from far away.   Was getting louder, just calling 'Ren, Ren, REN!'

Who are you?  I don't recognise your voice? 

'You might not be to much for me.  Would you like to play here?'

Who are you?  'Would you like too?'   ok....

A party in this huge crazy high-rise tower.

I'd had so many things to do there.

I'd met 3 females and 3 guys in a room, they had babes and dogs. 

A pool table too.  I needed to bring a woman some ice-cream and then get back to some guy I was meeting.

Not sure who's the voice was but the building I ended up in was fascinating. 

Steps and ladders, it was like a mishmash of rooms all balanced together.

There were Nuc bomb operators there too.


Next dream was with Inka, I was still at Malico's with Leon in the livingroom space downstairs at the back of the house. 

Leon had told me Inka would visit again and asked if it would be easier for him to just take my sight. 

Inka's done this for me in the past... I'd agreed as it was easier than keeping my eyes shut.
Inka explained stuff, he's swapped sides and is in a role he's not played for some time.

He needs to sort stuff.

Oh yeh, it was to do with them entity's that had been in some ancient ongoing war that we'd taken out.

Me and him would take a role one on each side- but we wouldn't fight.  I told him I didn't mind fighting him, and he understood.

Our aspects are to close to actually dislike each other so we would be playing a balance instead of conflict.  I was seeing visual messages too, parasites under the carapace of bugs, or was it a wasp or bee - I'd been his parasite but we became symbiotes.


I'd had a dream of a uni complex too, I had a large luggage bag with me.  I was leaving and all the locker rooms were full.

I was checking each floor to see if there was storage space but the building was confusing.

I'd found my way to the most unusual transport hub, with plastic tracks and an odd plastic train.

The driver had a plastic gun and the barrel was a smiley face. 

A tombola raffle was being held too.   Only one guy was playing and taking all the prizes.

-Working nights....


Friday 29th.


Watching planes land, many of them. 

A greek holliday with my bro and Em, sand dunes.


A q I was in but I'd got sick of waiting and shoved my way threw.  A bro too and a long game we had played. 

Monday, 26 September 2022

Seeds and Nuts


Leon was trying to organise me seeing Inka, they knew how much I was missing him and I'd wanted to know he was ok.   I'd jumped to Malico's with the red kid as that was the potential meeting place.  I'd just slept into dreams in the dinning room there.

A cool dream about faction wars in a strange dry world, underground caves.   Papers, contracts and bounties.  

They woke me into the dinning room,  Inka had arrived but I wasn't to look at him.  ... Meby he was still neckid 😏.  He was behind me, it was nice to be close to him again.  He smelt different too, less smoky and cleaner than usual. 

Assured me he was ok... Had stuff to sort his end then he'd come find me again.



I'd fallen into another dream while he was there. 
A large country house.
A strange guy and his sister.  He had grey hair and light eyes, he was interested in me and not just in an intimate way.  He'd been using his sisters visions or dreams. 
He was part of a religious sect, lots of mixed motives, floods too - it was fun. 
Rooms with lots of beds pushed together.   I was revisiting their dreams... She'd lied or fabricated some things and he was getting confessions from her and amending details.

When I woke Inka had gone again,  but Leon was still around.

Another dream too.
Irene's house, or a odd version of it.  I was making a drink from strange seeds and fruits.  One was huge larger than a mango hard and green.  When I cut into it the inside is white and wet slightly sweet.
I was mixing them into a beaker.


Then in Em's house... It was a long dream but the part I recall is lots of Animals,  some were in cages but I opened all the doors, g pigs, and rodents then wild animals were arriving a swan with a strange white duck, 3 squirrels one grey, one red and a dark one.
I was feeding them nuts and seeds but was aware I needed to get something for the ducks.  


Last dream was colourful.  London outside downing street... Or close too.   Lots of local children in fancy dress.  Colourful upper class medieval outfits the children were playing games in the streets.

Then I was traveling along a road in an open vehicle, I was picking fruit from passing trees, eating it then scattering the seeds.  

Sunday, 25 September 2022

Witch Convention

A WTF dream... I'd been with Loci.

I'd taken a really powerful psychedelic... What a trip.   My dream dust was still crazy as I woke up... Feel like I'm still tripping.
I was in-between layers in London.   I'd thought I was home, as I'd wanted to dance and weave.

I realised I was a long way off and had to journey back only I was out of it, I met Mathew again...  He was in a few dreams a while back. 

He travelling with me but took me a different route.   I felt like I was on the ceiling and turning inside out.   I'd woken at a ferry stop with a luggage carousel. 

Next wake at 414


Long dream.  I'd forgotten the start my first recall is walking up to the encampment where we were expected.   It was a gathering of a sort of religious sect of witches.
Our clothing is unusual.   Blue skirts with a gathered hem and blue feathers at the bottom.
Various tents had displays and collections, books and tomes.   Talks and presentations. 

Most of the attendees were female.   I recall one male. 
The camp was being protected by my blood barrier... The guy kept checking it's integrity.
We were learning spells and chants in a language a little like Latin and stayed at the convention for a week.

Odd kaleidoscope effect, looking at blood and seeing the DNA.

Last dream was also long, but I didn't write to many notes.  A guy and a coffee machine.

It was Australia I belive and there was unusual animal hybrids, one female was a mix of tiger and kangaroo,   Bottom half kangaroo, and the head of a tiger which she could change to human. 

I was being shown around by a female guide, she'd taken me to meet the chimera woman and we all went to a café were a poetry slam was going on.  

Saturday, 24 September 2022

Key Fight



A GW2 style dream with flying mounts.   Someone was asking me about the morticians set.

A large hotel, I was kitchen staff.  So much amazing food.   Huge roasts with veg and tables full of deserts and cakes.
Dogs too, oddly there were many dogs... Staff from the PDSA


Last dreams were false awakenings. 

Still missing Inka, didn't seek any of the others out although they all offered company.
Just went to the hunters room to see the red infant there.

Prisoner or resident in a haunted house.  Cooking a meal with flavoured rice and veg. 


A huge dream with variable lucidity.

There was so much it was hard to recall it all.   I'd been fishing with a guy on a high harbour in the dark.  It was my first time fishing, we just had lined and hooks.  

I'd got a catch and wanted to throw it back but wasn't sure how to get the hook out.

It was a long sliver blue fish with sharp white teeth all pointed back.

It had clamped onto my hand and I couldn't get it off...  I was asking the guy who was some distance away wtf I was supposed to do, but he was just laughing at me.

There was another part of the dream with homeopathy,  a treatment for pets.

There were a few pills in a pot, I knew were to get more but the nurse I was with was insistent it needed to be animal medication.   This made no sense to me as it was homeopathy and the same treatment.     

Next bit I was more lucid and the dream got more surreal.   I was with Stephen Fry, there was show/performance going on.  We were being observed by two Indian women in colourful saris.   I'd some how messed up the dates, and ended up with the cast, I'd had to arrange them to come back the following day.  (I did actually screw up the date for something today)

It would mean that the show that was supposed to be free would now be £11 each.  I knew it was my fault and was trying to work out if I could pay more to lesson the cost for everyone else.

The next part was the performance but I kept finding myself stuck on the stage.... It wasn't a stage as such but a huge dark set.  Streets and underground rooms, I was very lucid now and could fly and teleport but I wasn't sure were the audience section was, so I was floating over the performance of dance, Chinese dragons, crazy creatures and such ... I'd teleported and found myself back stage, the cast didn't mind and knew me... But I'd wanted to see the show.


The next part was odd...  I had been given a key with 2 horse chest nuts as a keyring. 
I'd got into a fight with a guy trying to take the key from me.   I'd refused to let go, then we had more and more keys. The others were attached to different keyrings, various forms of crosses in different coloured metals. 
I was stronger than the guy, and had my thighs wrapped round his neck - The guy couldn't breath and I wanted to let go but something invisible was at my back - it' was it's force flowing threw me making me that strong.  I was trying to stop as I didn't want to kill the guy, he was going purple.   Was an odd scenario. 


I kept entering the same dream for a bit then had one more dream with a cafe/ bar.  It was all smooth light varnished wood, with 2 unusual washing machines, like small metal domes. 

Zak was with me and he was being prepared a meal by the staff there who knew us.  

Half a small roasted pumpkin with other stuff like I'd never seen.  It looked good.
While I was waiting for him I was watching 2 dancers on small metal platforms.  Each was doing a very different dance. 

The dancers were being 'mixed' by a DJ, he was able to sort of blend and turn them off and on... It was unusual but fascinating to watch.

Last night in my dreams,   I'd messed up a date and a keyring had 2 horse chestnuts.   Today... I messed up a date, and was asked to get 2 horse chest nuts... All for Zak.

Thursday, 22 September 2022

In-between a Mind Space



Dreaming but to tired to take notes.
One was a sea running down a slope, a webpage promoting stuff.  Some religious group. 

Odd underground places but old fashioned in style. 


Seth...  Unpublished post.....


this is as natural a part of the species as it is for man to explore his physical planet. He builds 
cities in the world, increasing commerce and communication, storing his art treasures, and he 
builds Gods in the image environment of his psyche in the same way. In your terms his 
evolutionary progress follows the progress of the Gods. Those Gods tantalizingly lead him toward 
life like the carrot before the donkey, and they represent the great unknown potential that is 
inherent in the species. They represent the source reality from which the "fact" of man's individual 
life springs, and therefore they are larger than any fact. So when that reality is forged into the 
ever-changing world of fact, there will always be contradictions, until you realize that the 
contradictions themselves are invaluable clues.


Seems it was a carrot on a stick after all..  I miss Inka.  'He'll be back Ren'  Mmmmm


I was in a heated discussion with people defending what they were perceiving as demons or neg entity's - but I was seeing multi layered aspects, a perspective the other person didn't seem to perceive. 


Very odd dream dust, it was like a red/white mirror flashing cube in a funnel or vortex.


A Phi dish.   Was a bowl with the numbers for Phi as a pattern on the inside. 

Then an amazing dream I kept going back into.   I'd been in the dark garden of a curio shop that I ran with a crew.   It was open all hrs with goldren lights and all kinds of things for sale.   The street it was on was futuristic with no cars just shuttle buses on a track.


It was opposite an old fashioned book shop. 

I'd received a phone call from a posh sounding woman called something starting with M?  Anhoo she'd asked me, do you know who I am.  The question was deeper than that, she was representing something and as I'd spoken to her my body had been sucked down underground I was pushing threw soil and earth faster and faster..  Trying to work out what she was - I'd guessed she was linked to my buried creativity and with this realisation the earth sort of spat me back out all disorientated.

I'd been pondering what this could mean while trying to put out small fires that kept starting in the shop.   The floor was old wood planks and I didn't want the whole place to go up.  They were landing on shelves that looked like alters of witchcraft stuff and then modern cosmetics.  
The fires were coming from embers across the road, Outside oppersit there was an old book shop.   It's on a corner terrace was rickety shelving outside covered in books free books. 

The books and the shelves were on fire and bits were flying over into the store.

I'd taken some of the others to have a look with a view to calling a fire team.
Only once more I was perceiving a different reality to the others. 

The couldn't see the flames or fire,  the store had a sash window front and threw the angled pane I could see a woman inside looking at me.   She had a pile of psychology books in her hand also on fire.  All the same book.  'All in the mind' or something very similar.  When I looked from the front of the sash window they books were no longer lit. 
The woman just looking at me.
I recognised the perspective split from my psych breaks, and before that dreams.  It's like standing in a reality intersection were I can see 2 different series of events playing depending on where I'm positioned and perceiving ....  It's like aligning with one persons or another's perspective while simultaneously having my own.  


As most of the others couldn't see the fire I decided to go with the consensus and not call the fire crew out.
So we'd gone back to our hub.  Where I tended to customers for a while.
I'd left the shop on a break and was amazed at what was behind the street.

A vast plane on pylons and cables fastened down with thick silver chains.  The distant and low in the sky. 

I'd tried to explore but the energy there was static..  I was only able to crawl, I'd found my way onto a conveyor belt filled with tech equipment to get out, it was moving fast and grippy and I had to get a bunch of guys waiting for things on the belt to drag me off.

Back at the shop more people had arrived, one guy in particular was curious about my perspectives and dreams, possibly African not tall, dark intense curious eyes. 

I was writing stuff down to remember and he was keen to read it.  Notes and diagrams scribbled onto brown paper bags from the store.

I'd kept falling into dreams and as I was waking again he would be there and curious as to what I had seen.
I'd told him about the Pylon place and these substation type places I'd seen and him and some others wanted to help me use a drone so I could show the others what I was seeing.

Strange Summoning

  12th Was v tired after 3 night shifts, but did dream all night. Was all over the place though as I was tired too, so falling asleep i...