Tuesday, 6 September 2022

Inter-Reality Hub

Very long dream of a huge house I'd moved into.  It was laid out like 2 mirror buildings joined together with a lecture hall or school in the middle. 

The buildings at either side were labyrinth like with 4 towers in the corners, accessed by tunnels. 

The buildings had been used as a room let place, but it was now a communal dwelling and some of the many kitchens needed removed. 

A mother there had been dysfunctional  - but she'd softened now. 

The rooms had large curved windows were I was excited to put seeds out early to plant outside in the coming spring. 
Oh popcorn too!  I was cramming loads of it into my mouth as I woke up. 

I was with Malico and Inka again, but not very lucid with them... They were just sitting watching me dream.


A amazing vivid dream it felt like I was in for weeks.
Started with our family moving house.  It was New Zealand a marshy place by the coast, but we had a garden that would be good for growing.
The house was larger but needed modernizing big windows looked over the windswept costal countryside. 

Behind the house ran a railway line, 2 electrified tracks and a disused one in-between.  My cat Star had gone to sleep on the middle track... I'd been remote viewing her.

I left the house to explore, wondering where I could run there. 

Walked down to the jetty there with a stray dog then started to walk up the road back to the house.
It was a road in a concrete tunnel, with a white footpath painted on one side.
The steps to my house were concrete with yellow railings.  Beside them was a metal slide, but it was very small.  Only for tiny kids so I couldn't go down.

I realised after taking the steps I'd got myself lost as I was now in a transport hub.

Modern white tiles and many staircases and signs.
I was mainly heading down wondering how I could contact my family to tell them were I was... And figured Ian's dad might be in the phone book.
I realised I was getting more lost as things were getting more surreal. 
Platforms that looked like foundry's and tunnels with liquid rock, other amazing places of living rock where caves were moving like zips as I passed in and out.

I pop out into a hub, a mal type space underground.   Everyone turns to look at me there as I'm clearly new.   A girl with downs syndrome comes to greet me and tells me 'No, don't tell me your name......  Keep that to your self here'.
Others are watching me curiously.
She takes me into what is like a department stall, at first there is all kinds of heavy drapes, all kinds of ages and styles.   I tell her I've been in 2 new dwellings tonight and these could have been useful, next I see pans....   I realise that what ever I expect will be on offer here.  So I think of 3 phones with Ian's number on.   When I turn there are 3 old style mobiles that have already called 101.

It was a kind of emergency line. I'd just wanted to tell my family I was ok - but might be a while. I can hear voices and they can hear me, it sounds distant though.
I think I just told the voices I was ok.

I left the phones and kept exploring, I feel like I was there for ages.   I'd kept to myself with a few things I'd been given.   The space I was in connected different realities. 


Brass groves running threw the tiled floors were in-between spaces and I found if I was sitting on one of these I could sleep there and be left alone by the cleaners and conductor types who patrolled. 

I saw some amazing fantasy like stuff... Hr Giger type worlds.  I'd managed to collect a few things, a pad and a thick graphite pencil.  My drawing skills there were good and I realised what I was drawing was coming to life. 
An eye I drew turned into a grey alien that winked at me then turn round and waked into the distance on the page.

Next I drew a grey stone golem made of large blocks.  It was in the air in front of me, it's eyes deep blue it was looking at me knowing I was it's creator.  I touched it's belly and told it, I'd made it with love.   It had tears in it's blue eyes before it turned and walked off.

My pencil lead broke after this and I realised there was a crowd of people around me watching me draw so I'd got up and walked again.

In an other worldly town place a the edge of the hub I was in an old fashioned shop.  I asked the shopkeeper if he could tell me the date.  He'd smiled and told me....  'I can't do that'   He nodded back into the white tiled hub and I notice the clocks on the walls were the pointers are just chasing each other round as they do in lucid dreams. 
I'd thanked him and said 'Ah, no time means no rush'   and we parted as I go back into the reality hub.  I was immediately greeted by someone who seemed to be looking for me.  He'd asked me to go with him and I'd asked who he was. 

He told me he was a guild maker and the setting changes so we are surrounded by strange equipment.

It's also familiar from other dreams.  Scanners and replicators moulds and the like... Cloning stuff.   He tells me 'We need to keep our selves safe'  Lol and he sort of mentally added 'from the likes of you'.  😆
I'd smiled and followed him round this odd lab...  He'd asked me 'If you'd just step your light body into there please' 
The room was morphing around me, I suppose cause my lucidity was high. 
I'd told him... 'Well this is slightly terrifying' with a smile while following him to a platform. 

The machine I was getting into was changing all the time from scientific looking to abstract until it was what looked like a sewn fabric digestive system I'd nodded to what looked like a fabric stomach but in my mind was a liver and asked 'into there?'  He replied yes but I'd woken myself fully moving my body to climb in


I was kind of disorientated yet very awake coming back.  It didn't take me long to WILD into 2 more dreams... Both with Inka.  In the first he was in front of me trying to feed me a metal spoon. 

Nothing on it, I'd refused and tried to feed it to him he didn't want it either.   'No spoon feeding bitch 😏'  Hahah  seems so! 

In the second dream I was a child again but he was adult.  We'd been arguing as he was insisting I learnt to read.  I'd not wanted too, but he'd made me as it was how communication was done here. 
Hummmm...  I don't recall learning to read tbh, I could read before I went to school it's why they didn't pick up on my dyslexia??
'They should have just left you with me Ren, I could have taught you to spell a lot sooner too'    Haha  yeh, would have been easier than nailing you in the basement for years 😛




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