Monday, 19 September 2022


'I understand how you feel Ren'  I know...  'Go void or where you please, you have us here if you want or need'  

I'll go Ddad would you come too please?'  'Yes Ren, OFC'  Thanks.  'I will collect you from where you land.'

I'd wound up in Ddad's hub, they made me sit in the chair there... I don't recall if it's still pink - don't think it was.   

 I'd felt sad and Ddad had said to me, so how dose it feel to be the one in control.    I'd felt shit...   I'd tried to explain, I don't want to be the winner.  I just like the challenge of the game. 

Ddad offered me a blue uniform again, this time I said ok.    He told me I could use his room to dream so I'd gone there alone.  


A fun dream a game world, it was B&W Jole n Monkey were there too.  Was like a dungeon crawler threw this spooky funny wood.  We'd been captured by giant sticky toadstools!


Sorting and tidying,  I was in Irean's but outside was more like my main dreamhouse.  I was clearing up.  When I'd gone back in the place was packed with family and friends, some alive some dead.  I'd said hello to them all and then left.

Next dream Ddad had joined me and was in the dream with me.   We were entering an old Victorian Inn in a chair by the door was one of my old drawing books and a pile of toys. 
I'd gone to get them and I'd been told that someone had left them.   I knew my Bro had dropped them for me.  It took a while to convince them but when I could tell them what was in the book and showed them my writing they agreed to let me take them.

My bro had left them for me to help with wayfinding and navigation.

I'd asked Leon to jump and fetch me the red babe.   He did and the next dream was with it.

Again my bro was in it.. The dream followed on.   I'd been waiting on a pick up for a job, he'd come in a car was driving like a maniac!    He took me to the job and left again.

It was a robbery of sorts in a lab, but the lab was in old stone catacombs and cellars.

There was a large group of us there blending in, we had a safe breaker who'd cracked the area we needed access too.   But it was hard to get access to the vials we needed.
It was a chemical of a drug or potion.   It felt organic, I forget the exact details I've a feeling it was secretions from a gland of some kind of entity.  It was a highly controlled substance. 
We were blending in there waiting for an opportunity to grab some and clear out. 

The safe breaker was an odd character, he had hair like Inka's was shorter with pointed teeth in a brown lab coat.  He'd done his part and was going to leave first, he'd helped us all he could.
One of the team had managed to get some but the alarm would be raised soon and we were to make our way subtly to exit.
I was one of the first to the doors, but had stopped to wait for others to catch up.  I'd then got distracted by a guy I knew.  He wasn't part of our crew for this job, I'd stopped to chat and then realised I'd been distracted to long and the lab was on lock down.
The others were out but I was trapped. 

I was being observed and was suspect number 1, I didn't have anything on me... But realised I'd screwed up.


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Strange Summoning

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