Friday, 9 September 2022

In-between Time

I'd jumped to Malico's house again... All the others were there too in the dinning room. 

They were eating and talking but I fell into dream almost as soon as I got close.


First dream a vet surgery.  I didn't know the other nurses, they didn't want to let me do anything so I was mainly just watching them.... there were no patients.

In another dream I'd organised a wall... Big one.  It was like a war game I suppose.   We had a large camp behind a viaduct and I'd used my resources to block the arches apart from one gate in and out. 

It was a faction war and we were surrounded but the largest group.  I was using ranged weapons, I'd shot someone with an arrow and I also had a dart I'd throw at closer range.
It was enough for them to be out... I'd gone to remove my dart from where it had stuck around there collar bone.  They'd told me it wasn't bad to fight with darts.   ??

The others must have jumped my form to the large room upstairs as I woke on the bed there with most of them on the bench by the fire.  

I'd asked Inka to jump someplace and fight with me... I wanted a wall for my scattered lucidity but he's flat out refused.   Said he'd sit n smoke there but that I was to stay relaxed and dream from the house.

Next dream was odd garden.  End of season and contracts being concluded.  Very odd disjointed vibe as people struggled with who and what to trust.  The space had wanted & search posters up too - like bounties I suppose that people could take.

I was mainly sitting at a work station... I was trying to fix a year wheel.   The pattern was wrong something had been added in and the dates all needed jiggled about.  

Could have been the 13th star sign thing, I'm not sure.   Adding it had skewed everything slightly and I was trying to devise 2 patterns that would blend the old n new.


A large outdoor uni place.  Huge veg beds had been dug over, we'd missed most of the growing season but were going to plant a few late things to over winter. 
I was going to sleep on the veg beds too.  So I was planting them away from the plot I'd sleep on.

The seeds and bulbs and stuff we were planting where like nothing I've seen before.  Amazing shapes and colours.
It was a time between lessons and terms.   Rob and friends from London were there too a room we were in had broken chairs and I was going to take this up with the admin to be replaced before the new intake.  Rob had found old batteries there and was removing them.  I was tinkering with a  strange silver devise. 
I think it also was a sort of clock or calendar but it's battery was running down, now was a good time to replace it but I was struggling to get it out the metal was soft like sliver and was easy to bend out of shape.

A hotel, I was in a room next-door to some people on trial, the case was ongoing and being held in a room there.
I'd been stealing water from their room?   The hotel had got the blame and I'd not been suspected.
My room had some strange large flies in... They would land on me. 


Last dream was in my main dream area.. I was leaving on a bus to head south, just me and the driver so I was sitting on the dash at the front.

King street was full again, with tables on the dark street outside.  It was filled with all kinds of young people lots of goth & emo kids.

The driver was almost hitting the tables, same as another dream the other week.  
I knew the driver but not sure who it was?



Seth on The Mind 
Seth: "It is here [the Mind] that the secrets of the universe will be discovered." 
Seth: "Einstein used the miraculous aspects of his mind. Parts of the mind are almost completely 
undistorted. The mind is distributed throughout the whole physical body. The mind builds up 
about it the physical camouflages necessary for existence on your physical plane. The mind 
receives data from the inner senses and forms the camouflage necessary. The mind unconsciously 
or unselfconsciously deals with the basic laws according to the camouflage effect that is vital for 
survival on your physical plane. The mind is the tool which must be used. 
The brain deals exclusively with camouflage patterns, transforming vitality into physical 
environmental camouflage patterns. The mind deals with basic principles inherent on all planes. 
The brain is itself part of the camouflage pattern and can be interpreted and probed by physical 
instruments. The mind can not be probed by physical instruments. It can not even be found by 
physical instruments. The mind is the connective. It is here that the secrets of the universe will be 
discovered. And, the mind itself is the tool of discovery." 
Session 19, The Early Sessions, Book 1


'What dose that mean to you Ren?'   You could tell me?  'How can I tell you what it means to YOU'  Mind is linked to our gestalt? 

You are not going to tell me if I'm write or wrong'  'Correct or incorrect dear, and no we will not.... You are already feeling it out' 

Hummm what are you lot up too?  'Levelling you up'  ok... 

So is there one mind?  Do I have my own?  I seem too...

'Do we have a mind mouse?'  Oh...   Errr how larger we?  What is we?? 


we (pron.) 
Old English we: first person plural pronoun: "I and another or others," from Proto-Germanic *vvejes 
(source also of Old Saxon wiz Old Norse ver, Danish viz Old Frisian wiz Dutch wij: Old High German 
and German wir, Gothic Weis "we"), from PIE *we- (source also of Sanskrit vayam: Old Persian 
vayam: Hittite wesh "we: " Old Church Slavonic ve "we two: " Lithuanian vedu "we two"). 
The "royal we" (use ofplural pronoun to denote oneselO is at least as old as "Beomulf' (c. 725); use 
by wTiters to establish an impersonal style is also from Old English; it was especially common 19c_ in 
unsigned editorials, to suggest staff consensus: and was lampooned as such at least since 1853 (see 
Related entries & mon 
wä-, Proto-Indo-European root meaning "to blow " 
It forms all or part of: Nirvana; vent; ventilate; weather; wind (ml) "'air in motion;" window; wing. 
It is the hypothetical source offevidence for its existence is provided by: Sanskrit va-: Greek aemi-, 
Gothic waian: Old English wawan: Old High German wq,ian, German wehen: Old Church Slavonic 
vejati "to blow; " Sanskrit vatah, Avestan vata-: Hittite huwantis, Latin ventus: Old English wind, 
German Wind, Gothic winds, Old Church Slavonic vetru, Lithuanian véjas "'wind;" Lithuanian vétra 
"tempest, storm;" Old Irish feth "air;" Welsh guynt, Breton gvvent "ivind_ "


Wow....   We is the same as spirit in Aramaic.


'Just dance Ren, if that is what you wish'   Why you being nice all of a sudden?

'Don't make me angry with you Ren, I've made my position clear.  I may have tried and tested you to make sure you were able to keep up'   Hummm...

Ok.. Bk to mind then? 

Hummm... Greeks had a word for mind.... 

> Hebrew words for mind include (wi thout taking time for a search) : 
yetser maHshavot ( 'organ for thoughts ' Ior2ChronicLes) 
Heshbon ( , 
'ability to think' Bensira 9, 15, 
I happen to have a copies at hand at the moment) 
da• at ( 'knowing ' , especially in contexts ref-ering to the 
ability to know, Qumran serex ha-VaHad column I. Cf. madda• 
modern for 'science' . ) 
hon (see Even Shoshan miLon/DICTIONARV [not Bible concordance] for 
rabbini c uses) 
tvuna, bina ( 'understanding, discernement ' , 
again, in contexts where the ability is in focus rather than the 
results or quality, e.g. BenSira 15:15, 44:3) 
ra yonot ( ' thoughts ' ) 
maHshavot ( ' thoughts ' ) 
and of course, 
Lev/ / Levav 'heart' in contexts of thinking. 
sexeL 'understanding', in contexts where the ability to think is in 
focus, Led to a medieval development of a technical tenn that is 
'mind, mental ' today in modern Hebrew.


Wow... I recognise them!!

Or some of them :D

'I could teach you Ren'  wow..   Lol... I've been round that ride a few times but ok, your on.

Wait up... 'You already agreed'  Haha I know.. Just give me a mo.

mind (n.) 
"that which feels, wills, and thinks; the intellect, " late 12c., mynd, from Old English gemynd 
"memory, remembrance; state of being remembered; thought, purpose; conscious mind, 
intellect, intention, " Proto-Germanic *ga-mundiz (source also of Gothic muns "thought, " 
munan "to think;" Old Norse minni "mind;" German Minne (archaic) "love," originally 
"memory, loving memory"), from suffixed form of PIE root *men- (1) "to think," with 
derivatives referring to qualities of mind or states of thought. 
Meaning "mental faculty, the thinking process" is from c. 1300. Sense of "intention, purpose" 
is from c. 1300. From late 14c. as "frame of mind. mental disposition," also "way of thinking, 
opinion." "Memory," one of the oldest senses, now is almost obsolete except in old 
expressions such as bear in mind (late 14c.), call to mind (early 15c.), keep in mind (late 
Mind's eye "mental view or vision, remembrance" is from early 15c. To pay no mind 
"disregard" is recorded by 1910, American English dialect. To make up @ne's) mind 
"determine, come to a definite conclusion" is by 1784. To have a mind "be inclined or 
disposed" (to do something) is by 1540s; to have half a mind to "to have one's mind half 
made up to (do something)" is recorded from 1726. Out of (one's) mind "mad, insane" is 
from late 14c.; out of mind "forgotten" is from c. 1300; phrase time out of mind "time 
beyond people's memory" is attested from early 15c. 
Related entries & more 
mind (v.) 
mid-14c., "to remember, call to mind, take care to remember, " also "to remind oneself," from 
mind (n.). The Old English verb was myngian, myndgian, from West Germanic *munigon 
"to remind." Meaning "perceive, notice" is from late 15c.; that of "to give heed to, pay 
attention to" is from 1550s; that of 'be careful about" is from 1737. Sense of "object to, dislike" 
is from c. 1600. Meaning "to take care of, look after" is from 1690s. Related: Minded; 
Negative use "(not) to care for, to trouble oneself with" is attested from c. 1600; never mind 
"don't let it trouble you" is by 1778; the meiotic expression don 't mind if 1 do is attested 
from 1847. 
Related entries & more


Ok...  My recall expands as I get bigger or manic.  'I could command your full attention' 
Mind is the collective awareness?  'Feel, child'  ok..  Go on, command my full attention, I wana know how that feels.


Flow out from centre of back...  Da'at...  But tbh it feels like I'm plugged into a hoover sucking stuff out?  'Then perhaps you have an awareness mind dose not'  Hu and ooo in =

So wtf are you if commanding my full attention dose that?  Lol wow it stopped 😛

'You are thinking again Ren'  😆 ok...  But I'm not thinking I'm feeling... 


Hummm...  Inka nicked...  'No bitch, we put the spoon down'  lol  Ok... 


attention (n.) 
late 14c., "a giving heed, active direction of the mind upon some object or topic, " from Old 
French attencion and directly from Latin attentionem (nominative attentio) "attention, 
attentiveness," noun of action from past-participle stem of attendere "give heed to, " literally 
"to stretch toward," from ad "to, toward" (see ad-) + tendere "stretch, " from PIE root *ten- 
"to stretch. "


heed (n.) 
"careful attention, notice, regard, " early 14c., from heed (v.). Survives only in literary use, in 
compounds, and as the object of verbs (take heed, etc.).

Heed is head in Northern... 

heed (v.) 
Old English hedan "observe; to take care, attend, care for, protect: take charge of:" from 
West Germanic *hodian (source also of Old Saxon hodian: Old Frisian hoda, Middle 
Dutch and Dutch hoeden, Old High German huotan, German hüten "to guard, watch"), 
from PIE *kadh- "to shelter, cover" (see hat). Related: Heeded; heeding.


Hummmm.    So your care makes me attached to mind?  Or this Da'at

This is the collective????

Hahah you were impressed thanks :)  It's not easy being me :P  I've been imp pressed alot :P 

So are you the collective father??  Or idea of a collective father?  I duno man...  Like the fucking daddy or something??
'Keep thinking child' 

 Hummmm....  Wow thanks...  


think (v.) 
Old English bencan "imagme, conceive in the mind; consider: meditate: remember; intend, wish, 
desire" (past tense Pohte, past participle geioht), probably originally "'cause to appear to oneself," 
from Proto-Germanic *thanäan (source also of Old Frisian think-a, Old Saxon thenkian, Old High 
German denchen: German denken: Old Norse Eekkja: Gothic bagöan)_ 
Old English bencan is the causative form of the distinct Old English verb _byncan "to seem, to 
appear" (past tense _buhte: past participle ge>uht): from Proto-Germanic *thunÃ…;ian (source also of 
German dünken: däuchte)_ Both are from PIE *tong- "to think. feel" "hich also is the root of 
thought and thank. 
The two Old English mords converged in Middle English and Eyncan "to seem" was absorbed, 
except for its preservation in archaic methinks "'it seems to me. " 
As a noun: think, "act of prolonged thinking: " is attested by 1834_ The figurative thinking cap IS 
attested from 1839_


ashith: to think, plan 
Original Word: nu 
Part of Speech: Verb 
Transliteration: ashith 
Phonetic Spelling: (ash-eeth) 
Definition: to think, plan

Oh....  So is this intention?? 


Hummmm...  But I already did this instinctually.


Ok...   Lol give it to me daddy....  'I do actually despise you often Ren'  Phahah 😆
Yeh, it's not unusual 


despise (v.) 
"look down upon, scorn. disdain, treat with contempt:" c. 1300, despisen, from Old French 
despis-, present-participle stem of despire "to despise," from Latin despicere "look down 
on: scorn:" from de- "doum" (see de-) + spicere/specere "to look at" (from PIE root *spek- 
"to observe"). Related: Despised; despising.


Likely why I prefer Inka and we took over your hub :P 

'You're on your own now witch'  lol


Proto-Indo-European root meaning "to observe." 
It forms all or part of: aspect; auspex; auspices; auspicious; bishop: circumspect; 
conspicuous; despicable: despise; episcopal: especial; espionage; espy; expect; 
frontispiece; gyroscope; haruspex; horoscope; inspect; inspection; inspector; 
introspect; introspection; perspective; perspicacious; perspicacity; prospect; 
prospective; respect; respite; retrospect; scope; -scope; scopophilia: -scopy; skeptic; 
species; specimen; specious; spectacle; spectacular; spectrum; speculate; speculation; 
speculum; spice; spy; suspect; suspicion; suspicious; telescope


Kk...   Inka...  'Mmmm, do as you will bitch'  Ok..  Darth dad..'Yes Ren, you can come dream with me'   OK.  :)  Thanks..  I kinda wana sleep now... 'Then lay down child.. Let me invade your mind'  Hahaha 


Well that was odd... Like being milked from my 3rd eye! 

Why was your comment a conflict Inka??

• Kk... Inka... do as you will bitch' Ok.. Darth 
: you can come dream with me' OK. :) Thanks.. I sleep 
now... 'Then lay down child.. Let me invade your mind' Hahaha kk 
• your on.


'Intreasting question mouse' hummmm?  Whoosh..  Lost again.


Kk I surrender :P  Can you guys plx show me in sleep?  'Yes. Mouse'  lol

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