Thursday, 8 September 2022

Dreaming awake...

So the safety pins??  That sync was wyrd...

Who are the other entity's I meet lucid Inka?

'Open your questions to all the crew Ren, Ddad for instance should be included in your reasoning' 



Is that what I was trying to feel out?  'Stop asking me'  
Hahaha  ok.

Who are the other 'people' I meet in dreams?

'Who would you like them to be Ren?'  Heya Loci.. It's been a while, and I tbh really don't mind.
'You should Ren'   Why? 'Where is your flow Ren?' 

Locked at my shoulders..  'So what is beyond?' 

Blue, Purple and Pink+   'The realm of mind' 

What is mind?  'Perhaps the question you should have asked before you took over my hub?'  We were stating an equal claim ... Not taking over.  'Are you sure about that?'

I just did what came instinctually... 'No bitch you did what you felt like'  Isn't that the same? 

'No Ren'  Hu?? You were the one who told me I 'Didn't know what I did when you acted from instinct'  Oh yeh.... 

Ok... When I act from instinct it's cause I'm connected to the whole if I remember right...

'Well.   lets keep direction out of this'  lol

Oh impulse!!   'Mmm dear, go on'  

Is there a difference between instinct and impulse then? 



Instinct is the feeling... Impulse is the action.    Ah...  I didn't know what I did when I acted from impulse!  Wait up I need to find it....

Oh my crown again..
'When you act from impulse you are trusting the whole?'  Or .... 'Closer Ren' 

I will look...


Ah... So my impulse is you lot goading me?  Fucking marvellous  'I knew you'd like it bitch'  Fuck you Inka... 'Ren, please....'  Haha 

So the body has locks on energy flow to???   'Stop you blowing shit up'  I wasn't asking you 😛  'You are learning Ren'   Hahah slowly and painfully as usual..
My crown flow is coming back though.... 
'We need to be balanced within you for that now'  Hummmm.... 
Inka and you were my head teachers before we took over Darth dad's Dath hub..  
'See why she's impossible?'   Sorry...  Ok... Meby we did take it over, but we gave it back. 
'Ren likes to prove a point'   Or ram it threw someone's eye ;) 

'It is a lot to remember Ren, and we don't want you a cackling medicated mess again'  Thanks Leon...   I'm not sure 'FUCK off Ren, I told you I'd take care of you... You're the maniac Bitch'  Sheesh...   You are all on my case! 

'Ren, we know you and Inka are capable of much energy and friction.  There is a space for that and it is not right now'   Left then?  'Closer mouse'  Hummmmm 

But we split sides even within our own crew??  'Which is why you Ren need to listen, trust and learn to keep your mouth shut'   lol  you wanted me to pick a fucking side!!!

'To avoid the predicament you are in NOW'  HU?
WTF???   'Someone you didn't expect'  egg spect?? 
Yes...   Ok I'll give you that. 
'So'  Ok... I'm listening...

Ok..   I'm stranged out. 


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