Thursday, 22 September 2022

In-between a Mind Space



Dreaming but to tired to take notes.
One was a sea running down a slope, a webpage promoting stuff.  Some religious group. 

Odd underground places but old fashioned in style. 


Seth...  Unpublished post.....


this is as natural a part of the species as it is for man to explore his physical planet. He builds 
cities in the world, increasing commerce and communication, storing his art treasures, and he 
builds Gods in the image environment of his psyche in the same way. In your terms his 
evolutionary progress follows the progress of the Gods. Those Gods tantalizingly lead him toward 
life like the carrot before the donkey, and they represent the great unknown potential that is 
inherent in the species. They represent the source reality from which the "fact" of man's individual 
life springs, and therefore they are larger than any fact. So when that reality is forged into the 
ever-changing world of fact, there will always be contradictions, until you realize that the 
contradictions themselves are invaluable clues.


Seems it was a carrot on a stick after all..  I miss Inka.  'He'll be back Ren'  Mmmmm


I was in a heated discussion with people defending what they were perceiving as demons or neg entity's - but I was seeing multi layered aspects, a perspective the other person didn't seem to perceive. 


Very odd dream dust, it was like a red/white mirror flashing cube in a funnel or vortex.


A Phi dish.   Was a bowl with the numbers for Phi as a pattern on the inside. 

Then an amazing dream I kept going back into.   I'd been in the dark garden of a curio shop that I ran with a crew.   It was open all hrs with goldren lights and all kinds of things for sale.   The street it was on was futuristic with no cars just shuttle buses on a track.


It was opposite an old fashioned book shop. 

I'd received a phone call from a posh sounding woman called something starting with M?  Anhoo she'd asked me, do you know who I am.  The question was deeper than that, she was representing something and as I'd spoken to her my body had been sucked down underground I was pushing threw soil and earth faster and faster..  Trying to work out what she was - I'd guessed she was linked to my buried creativity and with this realisation the earth sort of spat me back out all disorientated.

I'd been pondering what this could mean while trying to put out small fires that kept starting in the shop.   The floor was old wood planks and I didn't want the whole place to go up.  They were landing on shelves that looked like alters of witchcraft stuff and then modern cosmetics.  
The fires were coming from embers across the road, Outside oppersit there was an old book shop.   It's on a corner terrace was rickety shelving outside covered in books free books. 

The books and the shelves were on fire and bits were flying over into the store.

I'd taken some of the others to have a look with a view to calling a fire team.
Only once more I was perceiving a different reality to the others. 

The couldn't see the flames or fire,  the store had a sash window front and threw the angled pane I could see a woman inside looking at me.   She had a pile of psychology books in her hand also on fire.  All the same book.  'All in the mind' or something very similar.  When I looked from the front of the sash window they books were no longer lit. 
The woman just looking at me.
I recognised the perspective split from my psych breaks, and before that dreams.  It's like standing in a reality intersection were I can see 2 different series of events playing depending on where I'm positioned and perceiving ....  It's like aligning with one persons or another's perspective while simultaneously having my own.  


As most of the others couldn't see the fire I decided to go with the consensus and not call the fire crew out.
So we'd gone back to our hub.  Where I tended to customers for a while.
I'd left the shop on a break and was amazed at what was behind the street.

A vast plane on pylons and cables fastened down with thick silver chains.  The distant and low in the sky. 

I'd tried to explore but the energy there was static..  I was only able to crawl, I'd found my way onto a conveyor belt filled with tech equipment to get out, it was moving fast and grippy and I had to get a bunch of guys waiting for things on the belt to drag me off.

Back at the shop more people had arrived, one guy in particular was curious about my perspectives and dreams, possibly African not tall, dark intense curious eyes. 

I was writing stuff down to remember and he was keen to read it.  Notes and diagrams scribbled onto brown paper bags from the store.

I'd kept falling into dreams and as I was waking again he would be there and curious as to what I had seen.
I'd told him about the Pylon place and these substation type places I'd seen and him and some others wanted to help me use a drone so I could show the others what I was seeing.

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