That was so cool 😆
Visually mind popping...
An amazing gothic architecture city at night. I'd watched a blazing sunset reflected of stained glass castle windows and then a full pink moon came up.
It was north of my main dreamspace but not in anyway I've seen before.
Built up in a fairy tale steampunk way.
Domes, and vast tracts of roofs and windows.
I was clambering about outside mainly at roof height.
One window had sets of armour and shields but they were part of a vast bank of
leaded windows.. Shaped from the stone and glass like they had been pressed
into them.
The moon light was so bright that the birds were singing in dark trees and
massive bats flap about in the sky.
There were 3 errrr beast people like
when I was beauty n the beast combined and I was yelling to them 'HEY
GUYS!!' and waving, Inka had appeared at
that point and told me
'Shut up! They can hear you, you know'
The bats too I've never seen bats so massive...
Was like being chucked into a hyperreal fantasy world 'Your welcome' Oh...
Ha.... Sorry.... I forgot it was Inka
that weaved the dream 😋
He'd told me to go to him and he was in the monastery hub, but it was ever so
slightly different...
Oh yeh... We were
closer to were the portals are but the sofa was there too or one very similar
but the desk was not.
He'd also asked Loci & Kaylo I was to sit between them 2 on the sofa to
help my recall..... He would just weave the dream for us all and was standing n
sometimes sitting opersit.
He'd told me them 2 would help with my lucidity
TY <3
There was more to
the dream too... Old uniforms and steampunk style games, bit like dwemna stuff
in Skyrim.
'Come back here' kk
Hummm errrrr?? I duno how to write that down? 'I'm
showing you Ren, feeding you symbols.
Remember the harbour?' yeh
kind of and a concrete or stone rectangular door portal but there was also a
way deeper concept, idea floating behind it??
Shore line again too and sand....
Inka was telling me
which way to face each time I was falling into dreaming... Was mostly to
I'd had another massive detailed dream.
Same space but again it's so different the harbour was made of very old
sandstone.... Massive blocks and
walls like town walls almost... With gates, but I also knew it was my main
dream space.
My Dad was in the dream... I realised this was all symbolic as I was lucid too
but asking about the story.
The harbour was dark and the hill much steeper, underfoot was slippy worn
cobble stone.
Sharon was there, my cousins Irish wife and together we putting up
All the walls would be hung with strings of lights.
They would burn threw the winter each night... Street lights would be turned
I knew this was a reference to the Mouse Hole harbour and dreams. They were telling me much would occur
between Christmas and Halloween.
The lights were a mix of modern led's and older coloured bulbs...
We were
stripping, twisting and connecting wires, wrapping the ancient sandstone walls
in coloured lights.
There was also huge wheeled trolleys filled with wrapped Christmas gifts.
Someone had shoved
them and they'd rolled towards the harbour.
I'd chased them to stop them and had had to shove them to the top of the hill
My Dad in the dream was working at the driftwood cafe...
He's been treated like shit by some men from the local church hall.
kicked of some massive fued?? That
somehow we were all now involved in?
I seemed to know both sides and was trying to untangle what was going on, but
was also aware that there was bugger all chance of my dad standing
We had told ghost stories while dreaming...
Sharing them mentally as we played with
the symbology.
It was about the Halloween - winter Solstice n what would occur.?? Humm??
Ren, Keep dreaming here' What are you showing? 'DO you remember what you asked me?' errrrr Oh
running yday I'd said I was bored n wanted something to amuse or entertain me 😁
'In the morning find the other Driftwood
dreams, 2 recently and the one where you were unwelcome... It had a baby'
Another huge dream also visually 😲 This time was an eccentric family in an inside out
decorated house - 70's style, the outside of the house and garden were
it felt like a 70's album cover. The
family were moving out while the house was on the market and I was to stay
there in the interim.
She was a youngish mother with teenage family, 2 girls n boy and then a younger
child too.
Outside on the rout to the house was a giant sand play car track...I was
playing here with a kid, some people were regulars and the house owner had
given me instructions to give the regular kids her cookies! They were Christmas tree
I'd called her teenage son at one point too, he worked in an insurance
It was about a silver cat's tooth that had been dropped at the house
I was trying to find it.
3 older women in a lift too, one was ginger with a bunch of flowers the other 2
were British /west African, we were chatting together as we were going
I remember I'd had this dream with Loci, Inka had asked me to face him next...
they all show me the symbology.
Sand... Sandra, Loci & Apollo
(Mercury) The gift of prophecy Sand/Shell Silica symbolism as well. Ooooo 😮
I'd thanked Loci then as told I turned and linked my mind with Kaylo again.
1313 not the time
but a timestamp...
A door of stone... 'Split if you can Ren, I'm showing
kk can you help plx. 'Mmmm'
Errrrr odd I could overhear a
conversation I knew it was in London, they know I was listening??
I was slipping fast
into dreaming but Inka was keeping me liminal.
Oooooo! Thanks Inka. As a kid, I used to hear n listen... But our
own ego cuts this out to force us to engage more in the world around us and
seek other friendships.
Like the jewel in
Enders ear jane stopped speaking??
It was a skill that then needed relearning...
Oh, my tinnitus started when I stopped hearing properly as a teen?
He's also shown me how sometimes the speakers in my room used to pick stuff up when the system was all
Apparently that was me being a receiver, it was like when I was writing the
story bit with Leon and then there was lots of electrical interference.
I'd just thought the speakers must be picking up north sea shipping vessels as
it was in a different language.
Next he showed me different folded aluminium placed under a pillow?
Lol is
this tinfoil hat stuff 🤣😂 This was
like Loci yesterday sleeping on the paper with a name on?
'Back to Kaylo Ren' kk
Next up I revisit the may-tree-arc /
matriarch dream ... I see the image of the pylon and that zigzaggy
clothes dryer and I'm told about the dream where we wished to prove
While I was revisiting I was also looking at a fly in syrup ... Oh no amber, ah
this is the flea in my ear again. 😋
Errrr Alexander Bell??
Alexander & Sandra / Cassandra... All the same name rout.
Telephone - Ear Rings? 'Time NOW Ren' Hummmm???
Wow 👀
The male female
mind? Intuition Kaylo - Ego
.... Ren the Egyptian meaning, Name, Connection?? Duno..
Inka was showing me it was linked to the damaged hearing of a male
And also drilling holes in the Dryads ears.
Shells can hear the Ocean, the collective whispers of emotion..
Energy in motion?? Ears are
shells?? Cochlear? 'Ear etymology and anatomy later Ren'
Tuning in our
out?? 'Lay down mouse'
Inka had warned me if I dreamed with him I'd lose lucidity :D Haha I did, I see a black and orange cat
curled together like yin & yang and then zoomed into the fur and
This is connected to the hippocampus or Sea goat, Capricornus and Horns??
Shell Shocked??
Hum... Seawall & Driftwood..