Tuesday, 2 November 2021

More Medicien

Ceremony, crushed raspberries, and fairy's dreams,

Into space and riding threw ages.
Keys and games...
Spaces to forget.
Corners in the fabric and energetic pathways.

Mouse, & golf holes... Tunnels into different layers.
Compass points - Navigation.

like errr this.

System?   Dream layer??  

What are you showing me? 
Webs?  Mayan rope things??

'Shut up and dream bitch'   lol Yeh ok... 🙄

I was with everyone I'd asked about the imagery I was seeing the night before.

We'd jumped awareness as a group to first South America.

I see that shape above then errrrr
I duno it's that knotted rope that was errr from there somewhere.


Only I was seeing it in 3d floating it was a map??  
Of globe or bigger??  Sky??
It's for navigating!?!

Ok show again what it connects to please?

The snow seed dream from years and years ago...
Oh yes, Dandelion clock things! 
They were falling from a sky where the stars above in the sky were blue prints!
Was shown also the 'first on a level' dream..  Also webs/Seeds

It's a wow... A Space Time - Time Space thing.   Head pop...
Loci hugged me... Only we didn't have body's he was just Dling stuff about Asia.
I have to check the arguing in Japanese dream I forgot to find from the other day.

Ah here...  
Oh it was the
dragon and dark mirror...   

I see that rope thing again, it was so many things.. But round like a world.
It showed volcanos and stress points too.  
Oh.. In the hospital, like a porcupine.
I could feel all the attachments connected to me. 
I was feeling reality.

Experiencing so much shit!!   Yet also detached from it!
 'Dragon Ren??'
Oh that's what
you and Malico where asking the other night.
That's why it fits with this other dreams!!

Ok...    I'm in the centre of a web again??
 'Yeh'  How??
They show me when I got Inka out of Asia in a dream... In exchange I was allowed bk into UK astral space?? 
🙄  fuck me I'm nuts....  😂
'Layers Ren, many'  Oh.. The onion and?  'Dream again mouse' 

Line stop spin this...  I'm seeing the night outside the hospital
The tracks with the bridges leading into the hospital... Where all them people followed me outside.

I'd put myself in the way instead of my children??  'In many WAYS'  Oh??
I was restless so came down here... 
All the crew wanted to onboard they did so one by one... Crazy energy flow as I lay still.
Started at my left hip node spreading out and all-over. 
Dream dust has been crazy for hours!  Still have it now.

My dream Dust was lovely...  Like drops of green ink in milk and fine brush strokes like Asian calligraphy... Pretty,


Lol FFS!!!  'Bitch!'  That was crazy 😮

2 very, very lucid experiences...    First was a bar, or café. 
Only it's more like that social services for the dead place in the Beetlejuice film.
I'd set the intention to go someplace else but I didn't budge so guessed I needed to look about.

The 'people' are really odd... Deformed and deliberately getting right in my face.
I realise I'm being tormented for a bit
I just watched them smiling and they got closer n closer... Faces morphing into more and more disturbing forms
One really close....  trying to intimidate me - I just smiled and kissed it.  
The face rolled it's eyes then something else groped me and I shouted 'Oi!'

That woke me but only into another very lucid space... 

I'm on my hands and knees on a filthy bloodstained carpet.  
I stand up to look around.... Again intention to move gets me nothing and a crazy grinning dentist beacons me to this fucking bonkers desk. 
🙄  I'm thinking seriously!!
This place was glowing red/pink blue like an underground cave... Crossed with macabre made up dentist... Utterly surreal. 

I ask the guy 'Really?'  I'm told with a nod
'Fraid so'  ... And realised I'm being bugged with my own shit!!
I'm so freaking lucid it's utterly hyper real.
More and more crazy dentists are moving around me and they tell me

'We have to remove at least two teeth'  I tell them sarcastically 'great!'
while following them into the other glowing cave space..
'I ask do I get to be numb?'
The closest grinning crazy tells me
'Perhaps foam' 

I'd followed them threw and they all sit down at a table I join them and they move in close so I'm mobbed n surrounded.
I askthem  'So I ask, what am I here for???'  
One said to me in some odd voice....
'Cause you've been naughty!'  😂
I'd asked  'Oh? What have I done now?' 
They tell me

'You played with the instruments.  They are only for little kids' 
I was like HU???   What instruments wondering what they are on about!!
Another said to the others around the table knowinly

'Fred warned us about this!'  talking about me..... 
Then the one to my right stuck it's fingers in my ribs and tickled me awake 

'You're an idiot Ren'    Hahaha   Yeh, so it seem...   
Who's Fred?  Is that my Mam's Dad I never met???

'Come here'   lol  Yeh, ok....   That was fucking WYRD!!
Oh yeh, one of them also warned me it was only going to get worse for a few hrs!!
I'd shut my eyes but I'm still in such an odd space....

As I'm falling asleep someone's is singing to me 'Hickory Dickory dock' 

Lol it's 414...  
Oh that's the same night as the other Fred dream!!
I met that grandad Fred in a dream!! 
I was given 2 keys
lol tonight is Wyrd..

My dream dust that time had been a swirly pool of pink, red and blue.  

Was amazing stuff drifting in it.. Like the art from Whinny the Witch and Alice in wonderland..


This time I'm seeing liberty caps, dunces caps, pointed Witch, Wizards caps.
This is the chakra above the head that they point too?
Oh like my round house!  Has a point hat too.

'Go mouse, I'll find you there'

I lit the fire there purple again.
As I'd sat on the bed Inka asked me
'Want to play Pinkie and the Brain?' 
I laughed and told him, I don't want to take over the world!
He shoved me and said
'Yeh. That's why you get to be Pinkie!' 
I'd laid down complaing my dreams weren't working well tonight. 

He told me to just lay still he'd lick my head a bit!! 
I'd asked what it tasted like....  

'Mainly sweet but a little salty'   Hahah  like popcorn??
'You keep blowing your mind up!' 

Suppose...  I see pink flames in my mind. 
The song everybody wants to rule the world...
but they don't, a body knows it is the world and the world is it!
What is a mind Inka??
'A projector and receiver'  Hummmm??
A Pinkie is a baby mouse??
'Don't live long. Make good food'   

lol suppose??  Like a cook too?? 

Reality is wobbly..
'Yeh you might vomit more odd things'  lol Oh??
Is that why I like nature??
'Yeh Ren, current collective reality for some lacks coherence, trees nature seasons offer grounding and stability'
At 505 .. I'd been with Inka my tummy felt odd...
He'd rubbed my back and I vomited a gas lamp and a birdcage!!
Still feel sick, I think I preferred vomiting a whole fish!
lol....  Major purge going on
🤢  More of my own medicien 🙄


Monday, 1 November 2021

Minimal Veil & Heavy Curtain

Amazing Halloween.
A mazing earth friends!  Big and very small.

Dreams were less...  But the evening was big. 
Beautiful and very rainbow!

In one dream I had a curtain pull.   I was bringing it to some curtains.
It was like a vast stage...   Heavy Red, Gold velvet curtains they looked old.
The stetting big.

Oh before this I'd been in rooms like cubes, layers and steps.  
Various people too, one was a soldier with very blue eyes.
This I know is linked to the red/blue male female energy flow and the tin soldiers.

In another dream was with friend Jo/Jon n there kids. 

A meeting, celebration.

A wall of clay thick wet dripping.

It's a warm sand colour. 

We dig a trench watching the water run off... The walls bakes dry and hard.

Last dream was odd.   A hole in the ground.

In it is a home/burrow. 
It's errr a strange creature inside.

Like a cross between a transparent ferret or caterpillar - angular and strange and see threw!



Sunday, 31 October 2021


I was still confused and asked Malico for further elucidation.

Malico asked me to dream with him, on the rock with the white stag where he'd picked 'GL bitch, I'll scrape you up later'   lol Inka, FU I'll be fine.  'Or Mine?'  Eh??


Malico asked me to dream with him, on the rock with the white stag where he'd picked for us to fight.

Loci joined us too, reminded me to find the night me and him had been arguing in Japanese.

We sat by that signal box thing..  He was telling me Holy Island to Devils punchbowl then Hindhead, to Stag Rock...

The Hind deer in the house was Christmas, then one was killed by dogs on the path not long after that.
I killed Malico at stag rock then after there was that white stag shot in a town..... 
'I won't put you on a chain Ren, nor on my table'   You wanted to last Christmas.. 

'I gave you the Sky Ren'     Skyren..  Like siren


I was taken back to when I re birthed 'As a dragon Ren, you were tired of others shit'
Oh yeh...   'Be my dragon Now?'    Errrrr  Hu??   How???  

I woke back from a very cool dream.  I'd been on the run.   Running n hiding in magic gardens, slipping threw reality's away from stuff.

Next wake at 313   I'd had an amazing visual dream!!   Stonework and architecture.  

Oh yeh, before the dream Malico had asked if I wanted to go with him to the Architect this is often an odd old version of Leon.
But instead of meeting anyone I was in a dream.

In the dream was a strange house I was inside...
It was plain and grotty like a cheep B&B.
I'd gone into the room I was using and then decided to open the horrible curtains and then to my amazement right out of the window was these amazing roofs and architecture.
Then it was in the room too, the stone carvings were so detailed it was amazing.

Like nothing I've seen before.  
Different coloured stones all worked together, stuff that just looked impossible to make... Like the different stones had been fabric plaited and woven together.

Fay seemed to be in this room, and I'd said wow look at that she told me I know.
It's what dose my work for me.
I pull back an old curtain on a second wall, behind this one was more stone work with stone and live birds!
Live birds are in amongst amazing carvings.  
Painted blackbirds in a blackthorn tree.
Then they come alive as I'm watching.  

Chaffinch too, and then budgies too a mix of very different types of birds.
All are very tame and I spot an old box of budgie seed... I sprinkle a little out for each.


Next wake....  
That was awful 'So is owning stuff'  Hu?? 
'Should have got lucid' 
No sympathy then?  'Non'  lol thanks!! 😆
It was a long very detailed dream. 
I'd been travelling with a few bags, had stopped in a mall on a bench.  I'd been tired n half asleep then I noticed my bag was open. 
I looked in and noticed my car wallet had gone.

I spotted the guy I suspected of taking it and asked him.

Was holding him by the wrist..  (Better than when you smashed someone's teeth?)  lol Inka I'd forgotten that dream!
I had a hold of the guy by his wrist, asking him to show me plx...
He had at least some of my stuff. 
I was telling him I'd give him some cash I just couldn't be arsed to cancel all my cards n stuff.
I didn't dislike him, but nether of us wanted to bk down.

We'd ended up with security who wouldn't help and the guy gave me back a laminated image of one of my cards.
The security were useless... It was one of them dreams were nothing worked. 
No pens, no phones...   Everyone was really unhelpful.

I'd need some funds to continue my journey.

I'd told the security to keep n eye while I went to find my stuff.
But while I was asking them the guy had buggered off.
Him having gone I decided to walk bk n see if I could find any of my other stuff.....
Then I realised I was also lost!
I'd tried to ask someone if I could borrow a phone but everyone just kept walking past. 

I'd woken myself up sobbing as I was about to cry! ...
Inka had no sympathy and reminded me we'd all jumped back to my main dream space and before the dream he'd been telling me more about human slavery.

Was going way, way back n forth in time...  

This was all linked to the other dreams. 

On another layer to this I'd been observing something else....
A new portal/gate had opening and Illth and others would be waiting.

Or I was to open it?  Hummm  

I sleep again, this time Ian's dreadlocks were on Fay, she also had a massive spider in her hair!  

'False widow dream Ren'  ??  Errr kk
I kept jumping awake too, could feel the charges like jolts in different spaces :P 

Lol one was funny as it was Inka kicking me cause I was just falling into dreams over and over n he was trying to get me to remember stuff.
I'd sat in the middle of the fire after that, it's the one outside...  One of the few I've not yet changed the colour of.   I changed it to purple too while I was listening, the others were adding different colours n metals in, Kaylo gold, I did silver, Inka added copper... Not sure about the others.
We were all there now.

Slavery going back to Roman and Greek times, Viking too.  
One of them was telling me sarcastically that's why ID chips would be good! 
Hahah was like the re-ed station and credit/karma,
human credit implementation...     Subjects like the fucking sims!!
It was going back so far....  
It was linked with land?? 

Oh yeh, the hunter thing, the stags...  
Nomads.   I didn't like settling down, this was the ownership thing??
Yes....  Elen of the ways.   They followed deer moving.   
No farming, no land.  We just moved on.

It was all to do with the concept of ownership lol owner shit! 
Hummm was more too, but it's a bit hard to remember now.

Oh hahaha  Snoozepapers  - rather than news papers... 


Hunter gather, wanderers...  I'd curled up in a ball in the middle of the fire, the others told me 'Ren, your with friends'  
I can't read the rest of my writing..  
I know it was to do with the Nephilim / Elohim dream.... 

Inka reminded me last year once more about that Apocrowhatsit of Jon..  I did read then forgot again.

Oh yeh...  You told me about it last halloween, but I didn't read it till spring

It's the same as the dream from the frog split into!  Oh  Hahhaha yeh that was the dream I couldn't read the writing from!! Hahah

So it was a dream of here was sitting with the family in the front room and then I could hear croaking!  I'd looked on the floor.  The light was dim and the cats had brought in 2 massive frogs or toads! 

I think toads cause they were huge!  
I'd said to everyone in the room?   Did this happen to us once already?
They all said 'No'  I'd said ok then I must be dreaming!  

The yaldawhatever is the lion headed serpent that we tried to lead threw the labyrinth cause it was sleepwalking.
Ah... that was nov.. the least we forget!!!  

Kk thanks guys, my recall and lucidity level is shit atm.   

'Help with it?'    Yes plx....   Would be good, feel like I'm swimming in custard again 😋

'Border guards Ren'   Doorways... The frontline in the mind??  

Ooooo   Looped to here just before Beltain!   The frogs n same stuff. 


Oh!!!   👀 Falsewidow dream was another trigger target!  'You hunt in Dreams too Ren'  
With the phone, the other dream with the phone and teeth then the spider in!!!  

The night my phone broke when Ian dropped his!!
Oooo that was linked to Halloween with Tigs mama... these are wyrd loops!!

Saturday, 30 October 2021

Ropes & Chains

First dream I was just sleeping in a city.. Rough sleeping.
Laying watching feet n people at first they were all Asian, but after a bit they changed..
I don't recall what too.
Oh there was a guy I knew in the dream but not in real life, he used to hand out flyers for a shop would buy me a drink now n then.
No idea who I was.

With Claire, I was showing her how to make yogurt with kefir. 
Straining and stirring... This is familiar from something else??

Haha Inka... Did you just put that recall in now?  'Now Ren?'  lol stop it, I'm dizzy 😵
I tried to find that dream.. And instead found another about something I'd literally just posted moments before in a group!

The next dream was strange I was with my dad by a short leafless tree.
We were unwinding a length of bright orange nylon rope that was hanging from a branch...

It was to be replaces with a soft hemp coiled rope that I had brought.

I was trying to help, but my dad had pushed my out the way as I was knotting and tying it all wrong and getting in a tangle.

The next dream was odd I was in a town with many, many dogs, all on rope leads and harnesses.
Someone else was holding them.   A female I was with.

We'd passed people sitting down on a bench with yet more dogs!

One with us kept barking.  The female that was holding them accidently let them go and they dived off charging like a pack.

I'd yelled at my dog and he came back.... But the others were in the road now chasing traffic.  

As they'd been tied together I didn't have a lead, but as we ran after the dogs I found a length of rope in threw a ring in the ground. 
An iron type ring for mooring boats.

I'd taken the rope, it was woven red, grey back and used it to make a leash for my dog. 
I'd called to the others I'd pop to the pet shop and get more leads.

The female I was with told me take a good look at the street so you know your way back.
I'd looked down the street taking in white and blue painted buildings. 
A pub sign and hill slope.

They followed the dogs and Kef n me headed to the pet shop.
The petshop was strange and filled with dogs and parasite medication.
A guy in a wheelchair was sitting at the back,  he told me about his dog and was oddly familiar.  Inka??  'Should have written it down lazy'  lol 
A small red setter puppy had come to meet Kef.   (My B&W collie)

Kef had laid down and rolled over so not to look bigger letting the puppy play with his nose. 

I'd woken by Inka we were by my outside fire he told me bluntly 'You belong on a chain!'
I'd responded with a pissed off Eh??
After than he just laughed at me and said 'You're loyal Ren.  Like your dog you usually come when called'
I wasn't sure what the heck he was on about and had gone to sleep again by the fire.

He was showing me star systems, Orion again, then the 2 dogs.

Reminding me of the Scooby Doo catapult the other night.


He was showing me lots pushing me back into recall of lots of other dreams.
Artemisias & the wormwood connections.
The Pleiades too?? Oh they ware also in the Myths and a systems

'You asked bitch, why that system triggers you'

Oh yeh!!  'Read all your dreams Ren, stories you have the clues' 

lol ok...  Oh yeh, the dog people too!
One I washed in a bath....

Then I'm seeing the white stag, the one shot and when I'd killed Malico I was also a dog.
I'd wiped the blood on the white stags back??
The dead Hind on the path to Hindhead too?  

The Stag shot in a town.   Then we found another one in a park?
Christmas dream, I needed a guy to help me move a young deer back outside?

Humm.. Hunters room is mine.
The Skua is also parasitic jaeger???

'Yeh Ren, you don't want rescued.... Your not helpless'  Hahahah!! 🙄


Then I saw Andromeda and the chains...  He told me 'Bitch, we have both chained eachother down'

I'd recalled when he'd locked me to a radiator in Malicos house... While for years he was chained up in a basement.
I also see a dream were we used a huge chain to lift a sunken vessel.

Was another dog at Christmas.. With the titration equation? 
Known quantity... 'Yes'   Right 3 way split? 
'Scales mouse'  Oh like Libra and oh..
Egypt the heart n Kidneys are weighed.   'Ren als?' 

Balance, Judgment??

'Stick with why your triggered by the Pleiades'

Was in a dream with Malico and frogs too??   'Mmmmm'

Hummm Non of the myths seem right.. 'OFC, your in her dream and not His Story'

Archetypes then??  'Closer mouse'  Hummmm 
'I told you to look up your shit'  Hahah   I will with time  'Like TIME NOW?'  Yeh, like that.....

 Hummm SO I'd been taking to someone yday about why people who say they are from that system trigger n piss me off 😂
I log in this morning and someone else claming to be from there posted the above image.

Sooo the dreams,

Dog washing....   Where we started digging down too!  'Conencting Ren, the spaces were there'  kk

Last Christmas... the Deer in the house.  

Hummm...   Titration...

Ohhh  the conjunction Solstice was the bow/Arrow & Dogo person!
All linked to last Christmas...  I'm more aligned to Orion system so they don't like me?   Saviour bullshit??  Is this spirit for sale crap?? 

Malico in Egypt...

Hummmmm, they want to keep the war going??   We wana play??   

Dark vs light crap??   They 'Don't much like us' 
Hahahah  yeh can I remeber more of this plx now??
It's to do with scape goats??  

Woods & Worlds

  16th Jan I've been dreaming just rubbish at keeping track of them.     Night before last I was on a fire engine.   It was playin...