Friday, 25 September 2020

Fun night... Wired World

Fun night.. I was wondering where the longer adventure type dreams were 😁

So wake fist just after midnight I'd been dreaming set in Dream Alnwick a big table meeting I'm observing father/dad I can't recall if it was my actual Dad. The meeting is an 'Accounting' like a hearing I guess there was a legal feel like a court case and sentencing. I was mainly observing and helping people understand the judgments made against them. I don't feel I had a body I was advocating for people.


Next up watching a school setting Daughter and her friends there.. this was early hrs, my recall and lucidity were pretty low for the Fay dream then increasing at night goes on.

A crowded meeting about the virus, some people animated and upset others don't care. The guy from my school year who died was there and I chatted with him about the virus and life were we grew up. The setting was a massive communal building unfamiliar like a student house in a Uni city, playful competitive vibe.

Inside the house -

A bedroom with a grubby tan/beige duvet cover on a low double bed, an electric guitar and a low long side table with a games console and tv an ashtray empty beer bottles. 

There is a room with an old metal bath standing in the middle someone has filled it with the little white balls from a beanbag and we are messing about with them, I can swim in the air again and we are playing around chatting, floating and having bean/snow fights. 

On the floor are some rats/mice we are eating popcorn and sharing it with them, we are all floating, chatting planning. 

Dream jumps and we are the group from the previous house a team game now we are 4-4. We are looking for a bunch of kids. This was wired as there were missing kids, they had got lost/taken in a shopping mall. In my head, this was in Sheffield but I've not been there. The mall was 80's brown brick most people presumed the kids were dead but we could hear them, they had our voices and we knew they were us too. We needed to reach them and get them out . I was calling to them, our voices are the same - when they come out they are rendered like scooby doo zombie/ghost versions of ourselves. People are scared of them but we know and love them and listen to them, they want to know why people didn't come sooner I apologise on behalf of everyone explaining that people thought they were dead (In many ways they were) They join back with us as we welcome them back to our group they had been hiding staying in the service corridors! (Inka! ...'Symbols Witch' 😈 ) and chat together while we wait for more. 

Woke at 505.

Next a dream reentry I knew it was a relevant dream to the one before and Inak told me to re-enter it... so I did. It was this dream with kids in box's and draws.    

I don't revisit that I revisit the ship in the storm with the massive silver harp! I jumped there and just meditated in the dream - riding and feeling out the energy finding the love to connect to there.

During the dream meditation, I see a version of me where I'm green smooth flat scaled skin and a wired shaped head 😛 Slit eyes. 

Wake at 606 from this and know it's to do with Norse dreams Valhalla dream and Odin stuff. 'Yes, Symbols Ren ffs' Ok 💜  History from inside out to?  ' obviously  .. time now'  😈

Went straight back to sleep another really long dream. Which I woke from at 707.

I'd been on a ferry playing a card game with a friend on the journey the winner is the one to get closest to 52 cards without going over. I had 42 and was going to change drawing again. Dream jumps.

I'm in an arena (game) and it is also an actual arena 😜 'Symbols Ren! :P' lol shhhhhh.. 'Don't shhh me Bitch' Hahah 💚

I'm in an arena (game) The setting is lovely in deep green forest.

The arena looks very old too crumbling stone steps covered in moss and ferns trees and green overhanging the small semi-circular stage area.

I was odd like a gipsy/vagrant youngster in colourful patchwork clothing.... I wasn't the performance but had wandered onto the setting asking for a favour.

I had a pack animal that was almost like a small elephant only my shoulder hight hung with colourful silks and bags and a little monkey that sat on it's back with silver chain and a small gold key hung around its neck.

The people sitting in the arena on the mossy stone seats were modern though. I was appealing for them to not let me be removed.

A net was closing on me and I'd be taken from the game arena but the other side couldn't/wouldn't do it if people noticed.

I was disliked.. and considered unpleasant and dirty and they couldn't understand why I would be removed or anyone would give a shit about me quite frankly.... which was also funny.

I was trying to explain that the other side believes in magic too even if they (the audience) don't and the game is on I was harder to vanish from the game arena if people could see me.

The vibe was so fun and playful, I didn't mind being 'vanished' my appeal was more that others notice and join in the game too!  Oh is this linked to Emmisary?


Jumps again and I'm in Asia again. (Very clean modern street quiet). There is a young guy I need to get his attention. (Inka :P) I didn't realise it was Inka at the time but I knew the guy was my target and he wouldn't know who I was. I'd jumped to him and was watching from above.  

I also knew the fastest way to get his attention was violence so waited till he was alone manifested in front of him where I'd jumped and attacked him, he was surprised at my speed and power and while I'd known winning would be impossible he was surprised at my abilities and realised I was something more than he understood. I vanished at that point and jumped again. I'm with Leon didn't realise it was him till I woke as we are in-game ;)

He's an old guy and has a machine, we need to take a flight somewhere and need a photo/image to board. The rest of our team have theirs and time is running out till take off. The machine Leon uses to take images can't pick me out (It looked more like an upright MRI machine) ... in all the photos I'm transparent and insubstantial like a ghost or interference.  

I look like the things from this dream.  

I know who can help and I tell Leon I'll be bk with an image.  

I jump to the guy I'd attacked. He's older now married with a wife and family and is powerful. He recognises me instantly and lets me into his home this place is modern too, not earth like more like one of the astral transporters. I tell him I need an image and ask will jump with me and take it... but he has a camera there he can use. He agrees and takes the image I need and I jump back to Leon who can use the image for my boarding pass.  

Woke at 707.

Lol Why does no one ever like me 😛   'Hahaha Ren, you're a shadow too & some do' 😈 Oh Fay... TY for the nightmares Mama! :P  

'Lessons threw fear Ren.., humans, like it, your not the only one who likes to challenge their fears'  I can't find many these days :P   'Yeh that's why you ARE IT'  lol Oh.... We are catalyst   'Yep'  lol ok... That's why we team   'You know our history bitch'  Not as much as you do :P   'Enough to know the games we play'  Fair enough 😏

Thursday, 24 September 2020

White Hot Heart Pop

Late to sleep.. what a night.  

👀 Leon spoke to me falling asleep, I told him I'd jump to the Iso pod where Ren is. Moved to hut after chated with Malico.  

Wake at 101 😛 Wow.. I'd been scattered again, so wide so far just but undulating too but a grid, not waves - very strange almost static dancing energy waves.    'Come back Ren & Go again' 

Wake at 0220... There isn't words 👀

I'd experienced the same sensation/experience/explosion?

3 ways/times.

It was... errrr I was.. It was like the sonic boom dream but 'being' the explosion. I'm used to being air, but this was like air with something immense ripping threw it. Three times, each time it was equally stunning, incredible surprising and sudden. It was violent but not really destructive as it was all me so there was no resistance but myself. (Ran out of dream pad)  

WTF was that??  'You' lol I don't normally explode! 'Hehehe you do Ren, but not always like that'  So what the fuck was that?  'Come back Ren, jump here we need to show you'  

So I fall asleep & jump bk.

Experience the same thing again but from the perspective of 3 'others'. O.o Still no clue guys.  'Come back, fully to hut not easy to understand from waking... needs to filter threw layers' 💚 Ok 😏

Get feeling about someone I need to speak to today. Also wtf is with the burnt toast smell? This was wired, they room my fingers smell like I'd been scraping burnt toast.

Next wake at 500. Had had lots of dreams.... and a retelling.

The re-telling was strange, it was by a gold/light warrior paladin superhero. He was like from this dream. That always makes me think of the stupidity of trying to fight shadows. 

He is retelling a story to a group of people listening about a big battle. 

He announces to people 'When we chased the demons into hell and spanked them on their own domain it released such wave of rage it resulted in lifes fastest ever cycle'       

I knew the re-telling was to do with the explosion but 😶 lol?? wtf?   

Then the dream which was tragic and beautiful too, a soul retrieval type which had been mentioned last night. I start of formless but create a form to interact when I need to.
The male is a white Scottish publican he's not old 30's and he's sad. He threatens his girlfriend he will kill himself if she leaves on that evening and she dose.
He follows threw cutting his wrists and I stay with him as he dies bleeding out drunk onto the floor in the back of the closed pub.
I was by his body and talk to him a grey-white Staffy dog sees me and stays with the body too.   

I chat with the dead guy he didn't believe anyone loved him but I can show/take bk, he 'feels' the love he didn't before. The whole thing was tragic, sad and beautiful the partner and friend find his body in the morning... partner is distraught her friend vomiting in the sink - I'm there with them all & the dog. There was such a mash of emotions lol it was like when your a dryad and can feel a forest and all the creatures only I was in all the people so they could share each other's emotions.  

In another dream, I'd been watching this incredible landscape skyscape with another Zak incredible futuristic city and amazing stars above. 


One last dream about a group of young females away for one night and one Mother is getting pissy about their not being a shower to was and everyone else is telling her to chill the fuck out!

Also a convo with lightworkers telling them we need balance but they won't listen. --- So this all fits with the explosion, the pala this convo??  'Yep Ren, OFC'     When?  'lol Ren 💜 when else NOW!.......This is why we need to SHOW you, come back now hut or house your call'   


Ok, going pod again, need alone for a mo.  'Heheh Ren will send Kaylo there to you'.   Sure, TY.  Chilled then jumped hut shared deep emotion/ recall & understanding (Dryad/Pan/Boggart/elemental dreams and recalls) woke to rain here outside.

Inka, come here, come dryad? 'OFC Bitch, lets go'  TY.

Leave onto astral here dryad form, silver light, sharing everything connected better recall/symbols/patterns ... My cat grey star, the loosh dreams/meetings/ancient forest awareness in oil fields and then we are gone into the earth renewing and I dream again.  

First is see the vid of the ancient Oak falling at Twyford down the black and white horses then I'm there in the tree falling and in the horses.  😢

Then a dream of a door that had been bricked up. Was like a large Victorian house with a side return kitchen someone had built a porch. The building is being updated and the door has been bricked up and the porch it had stuff in and I'm asking the house owners do they not want to clear it or just dismantle the porch but they just brick the room and contents into the new extension - I point out that it will need to be re-accessed at some juncture.  

The last dream I'm in an unfamiliar city town at the side of a large green and a row of ancient trees have been freshly cut down. It's fucking disturbing! Huge stumps on the grass and cut bits pilled in the middle. I can see them as they were/are there was Oak, Horse Chestnut, Ash, sycamore all gone. The energy is horrible a person is smashing their face over and over on a lamp post and there are 2 contractors in yellow coats and someone has thrown a hard cabbage into the face of one of them who's fallen back and hit his head on tarmac.

Wake crying 😢and feeling so much, pain, chaos and anger there was a white-hot rage in my heart something I've never felt before.

Inka?... 'I'm with you, that's not just your rage' 😏 'Sleep fast need to transmute this' Illeth? 'Heheh, were angry enough as 2' lol, I feel sick. Ooooo so much recall!

'I know we need to clear this first, this is your biggest trigger. <3 We all help' It hurts. O.o 'Yep we know, it's ok just feel it'  

Had to get up for kids school. Wow, the broken Dryad dream too, oh and then this too....?  'Yep Ren, I'm with you chill for now... need a 10min nap asap to transmute'

That explosion thing... that's like the ying-yang dot.  Born of each other?    'Mmmmmmm, or in your case Harka, the carbon pressured to diamond'  😏

Wednesday, 23 September 2020

Funny Shadows and Shady Contracts.

Late to sleep again. 'Play-time, come house' Hehe, ok.

Woke at 1.30 had been way to much stuff going on for an hr and a half.  'Time Ren?'   lol, yeh... still to much stuff I felt like I'd been gone for weeks! 

Wake next at 212 - This was seriously cool 😛 I'd been dreaming/ recalling unpleasant contracts?? Also 2 dreams one I'm in a ceramic bathtub in a bar, there isn't much water and it's cold. The Bar had humm less than 8 people in most of whom I knew in the dream and the bar it's self is ultra-modern, all white and glass with only a couple of bottles behind the bar.

I'm mainly ignored by others.  Alone in the bath but someone dose bring me a drink at one point. It's like a cross between an old fashioned cocktail and very botanical gin or something, in a squat glass. Bits of green and plant and twig in it too and very strong flavour.   

Another dream I'm on a shingle sand beach it's long. There is no sea/water to speak of I'm laying on the sand having a conversation about lockdown & movement restrictions and peoples various opinions on it... many want but for lots of different reasons and the same for people who don't.

Also the contract convo that I'd been having with Leon... I sort of knew how this was tied to other dreams/games.    

Then there was the room shadows... as I'd woken at 212.

It was mainly the contract convo I could recall but the room looked bonkers! 😂  I could make out all kinds of wired stuff in the shadows like kids cartoons where a tree shadow in a freaky hand and something else a cat... It was seriously cool!!!.. Kind of thing that would have terrified me as a kid but made me feel like I was still sleeping. '😏 Ren'

Mama cat also chasing a massive spider and crashing around the room. 

As I write up dreams I'm seeing patterns, the synchronicity from yesterday and the day before... where our unconscious mind is part of the collective unconscious.

Do I need to review contracts now?   
'Mmmmmm'  Ok, I could see lots of stuff, dreams been playing WoW 
'Ren, you've been dreaming this stuff all your life'
💜 lol suppose, wait up I'm coming bk.  

Jumped back but woke really soon after with cat chasing spider again! I'd jumped to Malico & Leon and was chatting contracts/agreements though the exact content of the conversation is vague as it was based more on emotion/telepathy.  'Come back Ren, split and play nicely!'   lol ok, hang on.... Hahaha all the SHIT dreams, emptying houses, and other peoples shit?

The dirty laundry that's not mine?  More laundryMore :P Oh Soul Ace...

'Clean up crew. When you know your one you can take on anyone's shit..... if you're stupid enough too' 😆😁 lol can you help transmute it?  

'Yes, come back again'.

Poor spider 😕  'At least you can sleep now!'  lol Nop, still moving but much slower and HUGE!

'Concentrate Ren & come bk'  Ok... colours, Ochrah? Oca?  'Good, bk plx'  Huge Holly tree again, berries.  'Try split Ren'   Sofas to narrow and squashy hang on.  Think I can was sick of the ping/pong feeling at this point 😛

Wow... heheh absolute trust!!! Love you muppets.   Was back and can feel 3rd eye-head buzzing..

Images, Oprah dream and her face all wrong, too young, Orange and carrots ??? The spider dream I'd lost and found need to refind & cave door dream.... shadows...... It's hard to split well on sofa! ... light and rhyme shadow weaving, clearer design.  Back now?
'Recall more then meditate'  ..........
Oh that Vid? Oh... 👀

That vid the other day and oooo... 'Yep, you go low Ren and fly high too. Roots'

Transmute now? 
 'Soon, jump here all now'   Suddenly body burning hot!    

Wake again 505. Was sorting/clearing/consolidating. Like the data filling dreams data reset  or when I recalled the thousands of probable lives/games with Inka.    

Went bk to sleep and woke again 606 - very chilled and calm.... Had been bk at the hut again. Kaylo sleeping Inka smoking was quiet and chilled a place to get perspective. I'd been dreaming there and visions too.
Severed personalities/court cases/executions.

Soul retrievals??? 
'Yep'  Oh ok.  To collect or integrate?   'Both 💜

Had been a dream too a massive rave/dance lots of females a strange air of animosity too but not enough to cause violence the music and dance were more important. Option to collect some shady soul shards. 👀 Now? 😈 'Allways Bitch'  haha Ok, I'm up for that 😏


The late night argument with Inka before I'd slept....the stupidity of arguing with your shadow archetype  😛

Why am on a drive to piss people off?   'Remember who you are Ren?' Is that a good thing?  

'Hahahah .....Well, we like you 😏'   lol Guys I'm a... 'Liability, Yeh... Fun too, messy unpredictable and good for team'


'You can't not be you... Ren, it came out when you were young, it comes out when you're drunk 😈 It's always there when your asleep... You play it in games, you see it dream it'   

Anti-social much? Arrested much?  'But ofc, you can be. You know the risks of the games you play... Time now though and endless possible/probable'.   

Pfffffff  'You only behave now for your kids'     IKR I don't even do that well 😏 'And why would you bitch, want them to be slaves too?'  No ones victims but our own....   'So lead by example dissident, you'll know when it's good to go burn shit up' 

😂 lol fuck off!  'We know you want too' Obviously but.... 


So many synchronistys.  'But of course, all symbols witch, your dreaming' 😆 and bonkers......

Ty for DL 💚 - Need to know what that track ID is?? 

Tuesday, 22 September 2020

Broken Transmitter.

Headed to bed around midnight. 

We can play, right? 'Yep, you going to play nice though?' lol probably 'Come then?'  Where? 'Hut or house your call'. Hut, heheh I don't even want to contemplate the house fall out atm.  'Good call, bring Kaylo too and be nice' ;)

Wake suddenly it's 111 - lol Inka!! 'Haha Ren you asked' Yeh that was vast, I can't fit that in my head or my time 😜  'You'll unpack it Ren, chill and come back to play'   I'd been in the station then we'ed jumped off-world but it was so out there the recall of being allover and all things. 

Back to sleep next wake at 505 and I'd had a long long dream.  

The setting and people are not familiar male me is someone I seriously did not recognise reminded me of an early 80's tech geek in a comic t-shirt.  

I'm mainly him, but I was aware I was me too floating/observing consulting.  

The layout seemed like my main dream area up from the newsagents but not in a way I've ever seen as all the shops were like old-style computer shops or game/model shops. We had a device a small transmitter about the size of an old school dictaphone thing we need to repair it and we need a specific part. Male me has taken it apart and we can see the workings.  

The shops were fascinating, totally unfamiliar in style with strange tools and parts in a massive array of materials and sizes. 

 I didn't recognise anyone in any of them either though everyone was welcoming and we were making friends going store to store people trying to help but the part we needed remained elusive.    

Woke bang on 505 and just stayed awake as the bread was ready to shape and couldn't find a phone to set an alarm.  

515 though I had a chapter for the book, no clue where it fits..... Oh, that was in the earlier in the night stuff too!! Heheh.  

Speaking of being nice Inak, I just found this old dream looking for something else!! Poor Chicken! Astral me is bonkers!!...   'You're a liability, but your fun too' 😈

Had a nap 11. Very tingly DL :P

Monday, 21 September 2020

Darkness, Holly & Yew!

Lots of dreams of darkness and waiting. 

Wake at 333

Feelings of dark/warm/metal. 

My recall wasn't good It was another of the big metal places, dark very low red/warm light had the feeling of a ship/vessel no idea what was outside it.

I liked it there though I was mainly alone but I'd had a convo with my Dads cousin so this was male stuff dream I guess - that fits. Felt connected to the beacon dreams too.  

Another dream in main dream area, there had been a conversation in the newsagents again but I can't recall what. I was sleeping in the garden of main dream house first the front garden where it was light and then the back garden where it was dark. I was awake in the back garden though, talking to my bro who was there too. We dismantled an old bench burning the rotting wooden boards, I felt guilty he'd have to sit on the ground to smoke now but it needed to go.

-In the front I was waiting and sleeping... the car filled with Blue & Yellow is there still.

Next dream starts in a very strange place, it's also like a hub feeling of nothing much outside, tall ceilings with vents/fans air systems... Not windows metal or plastic walls and very busy too. I don't recognise anyone a guy points up to a toy yellow duck/chick he has thrown way up and is stuck on the pipework.

I am there alone waiting again, I'm going to train/learn something medical/surgical but the lessons not starting yet, I have 2 pairs of medical gloves that I've been sent there is a place I will stay while learning too with some other females who will be taking the same lesson. I use the hub to reach them.  

Once with them again we are waiting this time it was a house, Roz me and another female... there was lots of 'timing' stuff all night.   

We were to put on both pairs of the gloves at once.... my gloves had been opened too early and they wouldn't be sterile anymore so I think I binned them - I was still going to attend the lesson though - I think they were more for our own protection anyway. Last part of the dream I jump back onto the hub place.

It's not like a hospital it's all metal and dark again, no windows. Hummmm maybe like a building made from a mishmash of shipping containers might look. I'm on a low bench in what is a little like a scruffy locker room waiting and the person who will train us arrives I'm rendering her as a nurse I knew. 

I'm alone with her and excited, she is exited too they will train us practically as we go along it's fun - she doesn't mind I lost my gloves and is happy for me to just scrub.   


From last night before sleep I randomly remembered a name popping up in a couple of dreams and searched it.  



 Hehe Inka ;) The thing that stood out was how both of them also have reference to Holly!   Holly Ogham   'Should have protected yourself, Witch' 😈 Heheh Lord of the flys 😆.... 'Parasite in your case bitch' 💜  What's with this dream??   'Trash shoot'     Oh the dream?  Errrrrr This one... wow fox again too.  Oh this is to do with us not being popular or on a side -  Oh, the temple dream.  I wish I could recall this better when I'm awake!  'Thats why you team Ren, humans learn to trust'.

We didn't come to dance in light, We didn't come to know what's right.

We came to fall in and we came to play, follow breadcrumbs and live for the day.  

Feelings your compass, heart is our home, when not troubled by fear threw darkness we roam.  💚

Woods & Worlds

  16th Jan I've been dreaming just rubbish at keeping track of them.     Night before last I was on a fire engine.   It was playin...