Friday, 31 December 2021

Bodys and Beaches

Stately home in a conifer forest we've been there a long time.
I had a long row of dead bodies on trolleys they were starting to smell we were firing up an old incinerator to cremate them some of the trees had a white fungus or mould on them it was an issue...

I was flying above the forest and zooming back and forth in time to a place where all the trees had been felled at once.

We didn't want to lose the conifers they were all very tall.

I'd looked at other timelines and probability's with farm land and giant oaks.

But the dark conifer forest felt more like ours.

Competitive games too a battle/war I was a medic of some kind.
I had a jumper over a tunic the uniform was new and the jumper had left dark blue fluff all-over the white tunic below.

Was like an old fashioned hospital we were in.  I was helping with the waxing of a man.

This was very detailed but utterly odd.

It was like all his flesh was rubber and had been unzipped at the back.

This asleep body had been covered in 2 large clear adhesive sheets that we were using to remove all hair.
We were pealing them off, he was an actor uncle.

I was told we do this next to one of your dead brothers.


My dead bro was a dwarf he'd died in battle we were to wax him so we could paint and decorate his body before it would be displayed and burnt.

Words of his clan would be written on his skin.
Nildhog or nifilhog or something...  It was to be written in runes but in the dream it was a language I understood.

Leme check -  Oh yeh Nidhogg is a thing.

Not sure what any of that means.  The pealing thing was similar to what was done to me the night before...  removing a layer of skin.

I'm still confused as to what to dream up for a hub. 

Inka was annoyed at my indecision but I don't feel lucid enough to dream anything up.
A boat had seemed ideal but then to land on that coast it needs to be small like a coble that you can drag onto sand and there are so many rocks.   I'd wanted something bigger with rooms so I could dreamshare and have fire aboard.

I'd decided a cave would be better that I'd tunnel back into some rocks  but I'd lost interest and jumped to Leon's floating island hub for a change of perspective - that's where I'd had the dreams above.

Inka was suggesting to also avoid Malico's space for now. 

Kaylo met us with Leon.

 Oooo I just found on a map where I was the other night... the cliffs do face south!!

Thursday, 30 December 2021


GSD again this one was a cross. 
It's jumping about in a garden with to much stuff it hurts you.

A strange machine that fired ear decorations at people.

Oh and very cool machine that told the weather forecast at peoples home world  in an odd floating world / snow globe that hovered over one shoulder.

Very cute and informative.

I was bickering with Inka about stuff he was making his point in geometric shapes.

In Ka showing me triangles, diamonds.

We were to dream share with Kaylo and Loci too but my usual round house is not about.

Inka told me I blew it away in the storm that hit the North East as I got sectioned and medicated again.
We could reconnected it when ready but for now I need to dream up something new.

I know the location I want but it's dark up there cold and stormy, they informed me I wasn't up to recreating / purposing one of the ruined castles yet using and existing building felt wrong so I decided on using my Grans main dream space that I've used lots of times before.
There wasn't space there for us to dream share in the space we wanted so I had Inka on the right, Kaylo left and Loci was kneeling behind my head.

After a while I realised that I should may be dream up a boat to use for now.

The dreams took me to a space in AU on the coast with the family of a female friend with who I'd gone to stay.

A tiny gold fly I'd squashed with my finger and then it was eaten by a little black spider.

Small spotty red toadstools all dancing together.

As I swapped from left to right dream sharing with mainly Inka or Kaylo I was seeing different stuff.

To the right a robe purple white with a golden embroidered knot - binding of wrists the robe looked like religious stuff.  Different to the fasting with blood

I swapped the side of my sliver bracer next I was watching 2 gold rings swap to 3 gold beer bottle tops then back and forth.

Left Kaylo a brown door.

(Inka and Kaylo were on the opersit sides to where they were in my hunters room ... Oh Kaylo is where Leon was, Inka in the place of Kaylo.... Inka normal prefers the left)

Anhoo brown door,
Medi face masks they should be orange and not blue.

They are blocking an orange creative energy flow??

Not truth, body sexual energy of expression and body language.


A blue toaster element?  A black cable health and safety.

Brown cardboard boxes sorting and segregating.

Then a metal door lock, a brushed stainless steal panel with a rainbow metal button.

The button wasn't to be pressed moisture on the hand allowed current to connect the two.

Then my friends kids hands... Return of her eczema and a milk/dairy allergy.
It was a reaction to recent vax she'd had??
The dream of a fire alarm that was my head.

We pealed of a layer?

It was my skin....

Was that like the confession dream??
Velum? was skin...

The PVA too, my mouth was sealed by a father using glue.


Creativity less fall out,

I need to find another outlet for my truth.

Pfffffffffff kk

They made the medicine we made a virus

We made art, they created spyware

We started watching from out of reality it's self.

That's why TIME NOW

Before we have done anything In the moment future and past are malleable.

(Book chapter to add)


Oh the Jokerman song shedding of one more layer of skin?

Like when I'm a dragon and I turn outside in.


Back in the same AU dream the house is on a steep cliff it has it's own harbour/launch

Grey bricks making a wynding path.

A cafe out the front with lovely hand thrown pottery.

Tiny boats and sea swimming.

Dreaming as a group is like a rose window or a coloured light projector we can move about to share and overlap perspectives.

Where we touch to dream share weaves a different symbol story.



Wednesday, 29 December 2021

Math and Mirrors

First dream was Brighton or the south coast but it was wartime.
Roads filled with odd cars and signposts.

A bird-man but his face was odd was like he was a chick all bald and yellow with a big hungry beak. 
A chicken and a piglet a strange milky bar of chocolate.
An odd metal tractor / trailer contraption the strange bird man was a farmer upset and angry about something.
He looked crazy most people were scared of him.. I didn't find him scary but he was certainly very unusual.
An invitation to the south coast again.

Children were trying to heal something threw play...  Ian was in the way.

A house all dusty and falling down, no maintenance had been done.

Next I was with Inka.

We were wandering around a slave or labour, trade market.
I looked like his slave but I was just still hanging onto last nights chain as my direction and navigation atm is still way off.

Oh yeh. Yday evening too I'd told him I wanted to stay connected and he'd told me to pick a bracer and a side so I'd gone for the silver ivy one on the left.

I was in a mirror version of our kitchen too. 
The sink facing south not north everything flipped around.

A very shiny stainless steal sink. 
In it was white vinegar and I had bicarb I don't recall what I was cleaning.


Back with Inka the place we were in had a metal shiny bar - I seemed to be in both spaces at once.

Pirates Pie Rate. 
Also veterinarians more about clean and health. 

But some stuff was quite happy dirty and with it's own biome ... 
Help should be asked for not just given???   Hummm


'Bitch your funny'  lol I was dreaming some very, very crazy stuff. 

Pretending to be a pet or slave so I could have a look around.  Was like a cross between star wars and some crazy slave port.

The bird face guy too he was so angry about something, other people messing with his stuff.
He wanted something to do with the kids and this lil milky bar choc that angry dude had been in my main dream space lots of people didn't trust him but I wanted to know more about him before I passed any judgment.

HE did look freaking wyrd but hey I've seen myself as a woodlouse and with a train funnel on the top of my head.  Symbolisms strange!

The kids were not afraid of him and they are often a better judge of intention than someone with their own hang-ups.


The next dream was also bonkers was like a hotel or a long term residential unit.
I had a small 70's style room but like a nasty B&B.

We were being locked down locked in.
A sort of pandemic shit... They were going to lock them all in my room!
I was telling them that shit was crazy and no way it could work.
More and more people were being shoved in till it was standing room only.


All kinds of folks some could only speak Spanish or Polish then someone started of dropping dry food.


Huge catering packs of biscuit brands I'd never herd of pilling them high into the corners
toilet rolls and teabags and the room was tiny so I'd pushed my way out to where the staff were asking them wtf they though they were doing.

Non of them seemed to know and I told them they had been in close contact with us to and we would not be confined to a single room.

Outside someone started dropping of more food this time lots of bloody awful cake.
Was like that Costco stuff with an ingredients list that would reach down a road.

I'd demanded that if I was to stay here even for a few days that someone was to order in fresh fruit and veg that I wasn't living on that sugary packet shit.
The staff seemed confused by me but didn't seem to know what they were doing and I'd made it clear there wasn't space for us all in just my room.

At the same time this dream was on I was in another space as only awareness Inka and Malico were with me and this dream was a fractal segregation was being done at an elemental level, metals and numbers.

Was  being fractioned or something.... I'm not certain I was mainly just watching was like being inside representative math. 

The other Brighton dreams 2017 -
big circus there but to enter you need a vaccine first!!

Oh that was another dream there too with a massive sack of tea bags and the family split.   Hummmm??

So someone going to cuck this seal another fish?  🤣😂🤣

Tuesday, 28 December 2021

Opening a Laundry

An odd space I was with an older Hindi family who were re-opening an old laundry.

Everything was covered with a grey dust that we were washing off.

 It was a block of shops buildings like I've not seen.  Single story the place was almost desert like very dry and dusty with hardly any green.

A Muslim family mainly men had a sandwich food takeaway type of shop in the same unit and they came to say hello and welcome us.

They were glad someone else was opening there as most of the units were long abandoned.

Marie was in the dream very young and she was covered in piercings even her legs and thighs they looked painful.

Her and another young beautiful female were nekkid together comparing their piercings and jewellery.

I'm not sure who I was I was bigger than me and my clothes were male a pair of guys beige slacks and a checked shirt both were baggy and sack like the body consciousness wasn't confident about the form I was in.


VW camper my bro and Izzy and some other people I've never met with a female GSD.

There was an issue with our crew van (Was sky blue like our old one)
We were on the side of a long road the traffic was all driving on the left our vehicle was LHD too.
I had our dog and was holding the dog leads out of the window so they could lay on the grass verge as we got the vehicle going again.
They ran along a bit chasing the car.
The roads we wide and in good condition with hardly any other traffic.

 A strange holding space too we all had rice rations and an Asian guy was in a coffin like a guitar case but was still alive.
I'd been asked to keep an eye on him and made sure he used his rice.

We were not happy about being there I was trying to arrange the smuggling of psychedelics to help pass the time.

I keep jumping back to the cliffs south of my main dream space it's between grans and were my Mam's ashes were put.
A massive millipede fossil was found there the other day.

The largest ever fossil of a giant millipede - thought to have weighed 50kg 
was found on a Northumberland beach at Howick, after a section of cliff fell 
onto the shore.

It's where I'm to make my new dream space I think in my dreams the difference between high and low tide is massive.
It's also slightly wrong the orientation of the cliffs are off or meby I'm at a bit I've never walked before.

Inka is with me prospecting, It's the same place as the massive warship dream and the plague dr penguins.
Inka me and Kaylo we sort of like the devil card archetype.

Inka told me Kaylo wouldn't want to be chained, I told him it didn't matter anyway as the chains are open and Kaylo could and wold fuck off... I just wanted to be able to feel where Inka was as my usual astral skills are still comeing back.

I was experimenting with different stuff to make a floating platform from I'd wondered about blocks of the grass like the dunes but they would break up in the storms and tide so I was contemplating metal of some kind. 

It's strange I remember seeing the stuff I'm contemplating in dreams and nightmares years ago.

Sunday, 26 December 2021

Metal Lamps and new Plans


A school a floating platform too huge trees had been cut down.

Massive old oaks impossibly big stumps.

A guy I didn't know kept hugging me when an app told him to.

It was irritating and I told him to stop.


I was moving on, but my story wasn't done.

It was episodic.

The room I had was filled with other peoples stuff.

Was on layer B

The room was filled with lamps...
Many were old metal desk lamps like I've never seen before.
The bulbs long, the bases turquoise metal.


Here too a bus that was like a transformer it turned into a ring then turned inside out.

Inka was back too, he was more like himself playful and fun.

We went to his dream space


He explained he'd sow me how to add the portals to my new dream space I would make so they could be connected to there.
I would expand on what I'd made already or use portals to connect that to more.

Oh... I was trying out spaces and styles I wanted part of it on a floating platform between beach and land.

Hummm like tidal islands I suppose but this would rise and fall with the tide Inka's space is a ruined mono-story,  monastery hub I wanted it close to my main dream space which is very crowded now but may be in a pocket or we would use the portals to connect the areas I'd make up.
I'm not using my dream space atm, last time I was in that area my roundhouse was gone.


Strange Summoning

  12th Was v tired after 3 night shifts, but did dream all night. Was all over the place though as I was tired too, so falling asleep i...