Friday, 15 January 2021

Ladders of Stories a Life Could Have Climbed

A game we play where we think we see,
A separateness between that and me,
A tug of feel to a touch of know,
A dance away from where we want to go,
A leap to dark and a fall to night,
Surrender the day and vanish from sight,
Weave on the spaces of whats in between
and pull on the boundary of what it may mean.

'It's cool Ren, just relax and go with this'  I feel like I just ate a bag full of magic rainbow noodles 👀  ?
'You turned yourself inside outside... you're in a knot 😏'  lol ok.

Wake again puzzled... I know where I am, Inka had asked me to go bk there.... he jumped so I could follow him there and he arrives with Mel & Koa to dream share.  

Need to cook bread before I sleep again.

'Avoid the obvious internal battles Ren, ok??'    Learning Energy in motion??  'I know you, behave with me'   Will try 😜

Liz? Elizabeth? Izabell Ibbo?? Son of Isabel all the same word 😯

 '33 Bitch, Up u get 😏'  lol ...I get up to cook the bread...

A bell is tolling but it's a jingly bell... like a cat bell - lol also like Tinkabells shoes 😆  lol

I'd been dreaming again, so many dreams, storeys, layers, times, places.  Playing the ripples and waves, waking and falling, telling and calling.  It's 441

(Crazy recall while in that space)

'Back here, go again at 444'  Bk to the roundhouse?  'very soon'  

I was still dream-sharing with Mel & Koa too, we are still in the Hub from the Cuckoos nest dreams.

I'm seeing an image of the 2 moon but they are all in the sky together.  White bright the full the crescent and almost dark.. on top of each other too like a triangle.

'Roundhouse now Ren, I will bring the others'  Sure....

Wake again at 616.... We had all been sharing again,  lots of us now.  Toes on my other foot really hurt, had done all night.   Then We go below to share with less, Inak and Illeth join and Koa and Mel.. I share between them.

Inka tells me jokingly 'You make a mess bitch 😏 No sleepovers!!'

lol Toe pain eases as we share and move stuff again.  'Hear Ren, more dreams to rebalance a bit 💜'

lol help!! 'I am doing crazy mouse... come bk!'

At some point, there had been a huge dream.  A massive ship (Like the original one were I time hopped and crashed the front of the train)

We are there as a group and we have 2 projects - Arc's   (Story arc's)  Anyhoo they are ships too one is a like a living seed bank looking for a new place.  ((Meby like the Battlestar Galactica series??))

I was on arc 2 We had a space we had to go too...  I could see this from above like being in a plane looking down onto the ground... It was a wide bay on a shoreline.   The command line was wired and we were not moving yet and then suddenly a bunch of new kids have turned up too.

Inka was in the dream too was like a sibling (Was also the similar as this dream but rendered slightly differently... oh... more recalls.... 😲  wooooo)

Me, Inka and some others are trying to acclimatise the new kids fast as we need to move.   The electric and doors were fried too and we were trying to fix this at the same time - I could see the wiring following it to the faults so the engineers could find and fix.... there was only a few psychics left and we were busy.  

Liturgy?? 'Look it up tomorrow, here now plx'

Before I woke we had all gone bk upstairs again.  Leon is there he askes me 'Confused mouse?'  I confirm very... as I sit next to him he then askes if I'm having fun 😛  lol to which I reply lots... He laughs 😆

Find locket dream and this one....   

Also like this too. 

Thursday, 14 January 2021

Sleepy Bug

I'd been argumentative last night... 'Very Ren'  
Had jumped to house and Malico just us there we talked.. oh pain in toe expanded till vanished suddenly.   Then dream shared...
White bright!  Loci/Points then white lazer like connections.. like bright white lightning connecting.  'Going to Shhhhh and listen?'   Mmmmmm  'Come back then 😏'   

I spent most of the night with Malico, low lucid inside his awareness enjoying the contrasting linear focus, intensity, and direction.    I was dreaming too intermittently.

A very very long dream too... a game we'd been playing.   Symbiotes, part of us being an elemental awareness.  I'd been paired for ages and a game was drawing to a close.   We had 3 other pairs we were gaming with.  

It was a cool MMO type game, I was a little like my Asura from GW2  Fire and Intelligence.   The others had closed there hubs/Bases and mine was the last one active.  It needed collapsing from inside out but I normally waited till last to give more time.   I'd set the destruct sequence and was leaving, it was deep underwater too a lake perhaps as the light from the surface reached the bottom during the day.   I was talking with someone speaking Russian too.  

I was heading out as it was collapsing behind me and then I was pulled out to another space where we were 8 not 4 and were getting new pairing arrangements.   Not all of us get on well and there was friction with regard to the new pairings.  Progeny and the etymology of this

Me and the person I was going to be with piss each other off. I was fire and pretty volatile 😛

Towards the morning we jump back to the roundhouse.  Avatar is the wite/lilac thing with a tail n horns again, taller than the grey.    to the others and we all dream share connect again.

Dreams while sharing at the roundhouse with the others......

A kid had won a bet, a large oval brown wood desk I was behind it with the slip and was passing it back for them to collect winnings.

Another young girl, she had masses of red curly hair.  Her dog had had a tapeworm we had just got rid of and the family were concerned it would come back.. we were telling them it was fine, and not to worry. 

In another dream Em was there... she'd been yelled at about something and was massively freaking out at this teacher being annoyed at her, I was trying to get her to calm down.

I'd gone to find her to put her back on the transport and was shoving her on telling her to just blame me?? 

My writings crap, was something about the teacher's daughter?? 😛 'Should have woken a bit lazy mouse' lol didn't want to think last night was quite happy just being a bug 😏 'Parasite' Haha yeh, whatever it was fun 😆

Was linked to other dreams but duno how... this one.
And this... Female Oh yeh!  That was also why the teacher was anoyed with Em?? 

I feel like I turned into a box of bunnys and whent down every hole at the same time 😆

8 January 2013 
A strange dark but entertaining dream. 
Some kind of huge uni/complex_ We were under attack of sorts and there was a small resistance of 
which was a part. 
There was soldiers allover shooting random people, me and about 6 others were being searched for. 
We werent sure which of us were still alive. 
At one point gave myself up to the other side as distraction think to stop them doing something 
They were going to kill me the following day as an example to the others. 
had an odd plan to sumve by splitting myself into too toy fluffy rabbits and letting them kill one of me. 
Annoyingly didnt get to see how this was going to work out as the alarm woke me up

Wednesday, 13 January 2021

Blue Hues

'Witch?' Inka...  

Sorry I sux.. 'IK & I will make sure you are 😏 it's cool'  lol FU 😆

What can we do that's fun? 

'Not your shadow Ren, ask anyone other than me... We are enough fall out as is' 😛 Yeh... Blugh...  


Leon... 'Yes Ren, I'm listening to you' 


Where is best to dream share 'You know Ren, I will offer support as appose to guidance, lessons rather than direction' 


Ok, we share in my isolation then? 'Interesting choice mouse, as you wish'   A bridge or will you help?  'As you are requesting Isolation Ren, I would be happy to offer you recall and support' 


Ok.. TY  

'You're surprising Ren'  

Good lessons.  

'You're not afraid of me?'   Nah…You have an aspect I do not know, and I I'm not naïve to the ruthlessness you are capable of... but I'm not afraid.  

'Good, I look forward to what we will learn then apprentice'  ???lol 😆



I will come to you Ren, though we are in your space I will command your respect’ You can command all you want , my respect or not is earned. ‘Good, then I will meet you there mouse’


Wake at 11, Factions, codes, dreams puzzles, offers, changes groups and crews.  

Everything I know about me falling off yet I was still me. Was fascinating, where to do and what to do.


A couple of lines of enquiry I was wondering about. One a team game, I knew the team and them me but we aren’t sure why, or where. Also a strange code, a game that I have an open ticket for.


A name Julie.  

2 men too… An inheritance game, 2 bros… game devs, oh it’s like that Trump football dream.


On agreement, One had been given a massive inheritance but asked to walk away silent. Had been some time ago. Ooooooo….

I’m still waiting Ren’   Yeh, sorry… I feel asleep b4 I jumped OMW.  


lol What have I done 😄  ‘Yes Ren, What, Where, Whom’   Boggling….
'Rather from a mouse perspective’

Hahahhahaha Well SHIT!!  ‘Come here 😉’    lol, hahah yeh in a mo.



I wake next at 00.00 ffs!  ‘😊 We’re good at this shit’   IKR 

lol Next I wake at 00.08 ‘So Ren?’  Pfffff 


I’d been jumping bk n 4th to the current Iso pod in the story Re’ed station. – lol crowded with just Leon, n Me.  


Wake at 00.22  ‘Sick Yet?’  lol FU  



Wake again at 00.44 Hahah I can’t help myself hu? 💜 ‘No Ren, come play’ Haha


At some point during this… I’d been in a really wired dream too where I’m a waitress in a café/room but I’m not really the waitress Gate’s in the dream again, his Mrs too and 2 Asian Dr’s.  

I had a message for them I delivered with their coffee.  😆   

They were all a little confused --- looking at eachother as if to say ‘did that just happen’    Just wtf?? That was wyrd 



Next wake and there is the most crazy overpowering smell of errrr vanilla both in sleep and in the room?  ‘Ice, Ice baby?’   Pahahah yes plx, I’m on fucking fire here 😆 ‘💜’


Next wake at 444 So many more dreams. Sheila’s main dream space… 2 Asian couples identical or mirrored. . A trick game 2 had been playing but another aspect and it’s tangled now, emotional and entwined – interesting, lessons for all.. different governments deeper than all think?


Then a massive old house… amazing looking has it’s own watermill too, I’m in the water at one point looking up at the huge stone walls and windows. (I know it from other dreams)  


A painting in the house… a blue sky and I go into the painting and come out in a paint pallet.


I’m on a ship in a cavern.. no cabin! It’s old like an old sailed vessel polished wood a large well appointed cabin but I’m in the paint… Old ceramic paint pallet and so many hues of blue have been used for the sky and sea, each blue named and labelled tiny black script. 
The numbers logged in a manuscript book.


Then I’m looking at heaps of art, some whole some destroyed canvases twisted broken others painted all in a heap A STITCH. … OK.. links to this dream too


Family moving from a smaller space to a larger one as family have grown. Watching progress threw a garden.


 Back to the big old house, clues there people looking for them.


Most of them are found now, a class leaving and graduating they have made a collection to the DaVinci foundation and I’m labelling the offering to hand in and a female is having a go at me about spelling over and over and over until I lose my shit and yell at her for having nothing better to do than try to humiliate people. I tell her to pull her head out of her ass, that differences are desirable, more have joined chewing her out as I leave to hand in the collection.

 Next the ball under the Lion/Dragons claw

My toe pain, Also the Fairy God Mother dreams. My toes have been so sore all night! ‘Most use their crown Ren’ lol   Oh the other dreams were Jan too!  Loopy loops.... 


‘Collect the others Ren before you fall asleep again, we need to balance & share in roundhouse’ Mmmm I get the others too. Toes… still hurt like fuck!


606 I wake again, take Leon, Loci to hunters room we need to rebalance b4 morning Inka merges as a functional ego aspect and we dream share like past few nights, I alternate the pain goes fast and energy flow returns to centre… So many dreams and symbols. The claw’s, the ball.


Also the White Swan again, Em was there… Oh, I wow…. Lol, sudden recall of other dreams linked with all this!! Pfff
Anyhoo in this dream a guy was making cocktails for everyone I was looking threw the old menu book.. then menu was HUGE.


That sun dream was us hu? ‘Hahah, Ren… Yeh, just learning the culture now 😉’ Hahaha 😜


Quick 20min Zzzz.  I'd jumped to the rounhouse Inka was sat outside smoking in the rain and I'd ploned onto the ground by the fire asking why he was smoking in the rain.  Don't recall why but I work with another dream recall from last night.  An old friend saying to me 'Wake up Doll's' and laughing. 

It's 404 and suddenly cold.. 'Warm it up then lazy'  lol  Pffff

It was this dream with  'Jade'  Jade?? 'Will help you find it' Can't have you bored 😈'   Hahahah

Oh this Jade, more of the Chemistry

But this was the dream.  Oh,  Ken had been in the dream last night too,  He was annoyed with me about something??   Hummmm, I'm sure I'll find out 😛  

Tuesday, 12 January 2021

Sewing Soul Seeds

I know, I follow? 'I follow with you' You do? 'Want to fight about it?'

May be a little but that's just cause I'm scrappy. 'Idiot, focus me please Ren, only me for a bit you need possessing' lol what an offer.... 'Shut up and lay down' Pfffff  'Now bitch, you keep shoving the boat back out'
Ok TY...'We'll see 😈' Hahah

Wake at 111.
Been in main dream area, Gran's & Aunty Anns.
What were we up too? 'Seeds' lol yeh but.... Oh, we'd been hunting, hide and seek and finding rooms, taking photographs too but the camera was a timed we were photographing ourselves old fashioned ... 'Bit like bullets then?' lol Inka 😏

2 dogs together charlotte.. a girls dorm.

'Lay down Ren, follow yellow plx' ok.

A thread on brain structure, woven in a fairy story too a girl had got annoyed with the fairies and leaves the story. The brain structure was layered interesting... Brain stem fractal.

'Sleep Ren' lol yeh??.... I know that tone...'Hahha, we love you' 😂

lol 2 chess bits, one with the head of a dog and one a horse. Close for another layer/ring concentric... 'Yup' lol

'Lazy mouse up a bit.. brain fuzzy' ok.. media outlet / inlett? 'Mmmm, wake your mind a bit'

Dreams oh! I'd been having a cool dream about dream-sharing. It was pretty lucid but I didn't know the people I was sharing with, we are in a hub, I recognise mirror aspects there too. 

A thread but also an experience, a few people... it was working well. Not all experience the same symbols but the geometry and the structure was stable. Playing cards too, we were gaming as we played and learnt together.. the cards were well used.

A coffee shop, smells of coffee kitchen upstairs.
I go down to the front door waiting for a delivery. Smells of coffee... A man replacing a window in the place next door.. outside looks like Italy or Greece a red roofless car is upside down the people are fine, just sitting in the road.

'Come back now Ren, please.'. OMW. 

Loic, Inka and me dream share, I swap between it's funny and fast we laugh a lot... I see it in shapes too energetically.

A Santa dream, bringing a shit tone of gifts, helping a mouse riding on an emmm I forgot another animal, a hamster in a wheel and a seal on a ball, shit shifter and restran-turd 😆

A cafe with food, Santas sleigh and we are chucking tracks in front of it... while hitching a ride. Swabs.. So many things to be and see.

Cafe filled with food specials menus.. I was in and around main dream are again too, in and out of all the cafes and restaurants.. lol I'd lost half my clothes again!!    I didn't really care. Lots of coming and going, Jo was there she's bought a gift of a shirt wrapped in a shirt.

Santa has slippers, slippy... souls moccasins, softer souls - shoemakers, soul lines, soul times.

'Dream squeaky, come back with us again'  

Oh that wired thing, in the room again the knocking in the wardrobe.. Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe...Leon! lol Oh man.... 'Idiot' IKR💜😃

Hahahah 'sleep'

Box of wild seeds and crazy nuts! 'Mirror' lol Yeh 💙

All the inflammatory illness, burning it in not out. 'Mmmmmm' 

I'm cold... The flyer drops? Dumbo, Mouse... Monkey, the Arena dream, with the elephant and a key... before I vanished.

lol the camera too, Mon-key.. symbols word salad again!
  'Yep Ren.. go give Kaylo a hug'   lol, leme open the wardrobe 😆 Hahah

💜 Spirit not for sale 💜 616  'nop bitch, not on your crazy watch'  lol... sleep again while you can.. go see the others or things will be way wobbly!   

Oh...... 'You're very creative Ren' Hahah... no shit we are....

lol The space pirates thing??

Oh man...  'Idiot Ren, I told you would be wobbly... woods Ren, ground ffs and listen today please 💜'  hahah OK.

Not wrong about the wobbly!!! 💜

Woooo Links 😲 This is nice weaving  GG guys!! 


Monday, 11 January 2021

Inside Out

'Queen?' I'm just a fool. 'You try to be but you know better' Or worse?? 'Don't be smart Ren I'm coming to meet you in our space' oh? 'Yes, we will go to Leon' Why? 'You'll see' ok.
Now? 'Well your not busy' I guess not 'Good I'll meet you' I'd like to recall plx. 'As you wish'

TY on my way.

Wake at 11.30ish big, big game in many spaces at once.. leaving clues for ourselves to find, holding space open for the us still behind and pushing it wide and climbing inside. Far and wide and pick a track to ride.

'Squeek?' Mmmmm

Go bk to sleep.

'Dizzy?' lol a little, 'Ping-pong' lol, was fast. 'Yes'
Was chatting in a dream, so many between the lines so many meanings, a tree to or many trees. Was a chat with one other... oh a bench that looked like a ring of roots...but wasn't what it seemed.

I'd also gone for a walk, many kids and Mama's sunny. I was walking with a mamma and her daughter but sometimes floating, sometimes being pushed or pulled. The young girl was asking why - I was telling her it was another bit of me that I couldn't see.

We arrive at a child's park all ages are playing, It's fun it had been a long walk. The women all know me kids friends and we chat and get the kids snacks, the kids are all ages too. I chat to the other mums I know before leaving. 

'Get up just a little please Ren, just to wake your brain plx'   

I wake at 414 oh this was wired... there was like a thing lol errr in the room, it was symbolic but also like a structure, a shape on the bed, errr geometric like a dog shape or an old cave drawing but made of was intreasting.   The pie sign is what I've written in the book or 2 of them next to each other. It was just out of my normal perception outside the window the sky was lol like scribbly '💙 Sleep Ren, you're in a Wyrd space ' lol

Dream duse is so wired again... really out there 'DMT 😏'

I'd met with people we chatted a lot it was relaxed... then I was an errr tree?? 'Should have written it straight down'
Was wired/wyrd too.. was the norn-tree I forget it was big. 'Sleep again Ren, nothing is forgotton and you'll recall more as you want/need.. just dream again'

Wake at 555 next... after long dreams, on many layers.

We were with Leon again? 'Yes' Malico, Loci & Leon.... Hahaha all in one thing, I really am a fool right! :D :D 'lol Ren, always 💚' So many layers 😆😆

In one I'm in a room and there is some bonkers thing in the corner. It's wired, with like tentacles and stuff poking from it now and then. I'm with possibly em & me we are trying to work out what it is and watching it.
A guy comes in to possibly Leon.. looks at it and us and leaves.

Anyhoo I watch it a bit longer then see a shape leave the box.. it's like err a shimmer I can see it though it's not visible, It's like other things I've seen in dreams. I follow it and it's snake-like and it heads into a kitchen type of space but then is cornered and raises to attack.. I hold it's head and let it know telepathically I would like to help it outside and is that ok? It agreed and materialises as a massive snake and I carry it outside the building and put it down.  

Another layer was watching actors they had all been playing roles and were bickering but mainly chatting a bit over who were the leads.

Last dream I was errr egg-shaped 😆 I was egg.. all and nothing 😛 

Pretty the sky is pink and blue like from the spaceship dream 'You being competitive?'   lol errr may be, but I fits where I sit 😏

Woods & Worlds

  16th Jan I've been dreaming just rubbish at keeping track of them.     Night before last I was on a fire engine.   It was playin...