Sunday, 30 June 2024

Test Papers


Was dreaming threw the night, but tired and very low lucidity.. Woke at 616, 717 then 818 Inka had arrived in an astral version here... Was like a false awaking.. But I realised I was dreaming too. 

He looked grim and was acting really psycho..   Threatening staff, he took n destroyed my MAR chart, telling the staff he was my medicine then demanded they open the community room door where he dragged me in slamming the door shut behind us and threw me at the wall.   He had me pinned up against the wall with the art work on raging at me about being locked up. 
He didn't seem in the mood to reason that I wasn't there intentionally and didn't seem in the mood to be placated so I just glared at him till he hit me n then took me to the staff telling them to take me bk to bed.

I'd woke from that dream, had a coffee n bagel then whent back to sleep again. 

He appeared again, this time in my room... This time he didn't speak just sat on the bed and pushed my awarness into a very vivid dream.

I found myself alone in a grey modern windowless class room.   Rows of long benches and stools with a bench for a teatcher at the front and a display board.

Each setting had a pink and white A4 printed exam like paper.

The last few pages were a sort of hexagon like math puzzle with equations. 
My paper was empty and a banana sat at my desk next to it.

Being alone I got up to look at the other papers, most had been completed. 
The answers were there too, and people had worked back from the answer to complete the questions showing their working.   Most had used different solutions to reach the same answer.  
I had no understanding of what I was supposed to be doing or no recall other than just arriving in the closed space.

After contemplating my paper I ripped it so that the math section was separate from the questions at the start then left the 2 parts unstated at my seat.

In the corner were coat hooks where 2 different costumes hung, I was contemplating these when I woke up.

What U doing here Inka?   'Stalking you still obviously Ren'  Yeh, Why?  'Loops Bitch, nearly 4th July and your first trip with me here'  true dat..  

Think I'll head out for a walk, atmosphere here volatile today 'I have that effect bitch' lol Aye...

Saturday, 29 June 2024



'Ren'  Mmmmmmm   'Don't take that attitude with me Bitch' lol Inka 'Malico won't shield you forever'  😆 Inka, I'm not hiding, just chilling.  'Come play' I did!  'I know, U sux at behaving more than me'  What you got in mind?  It's weekend and Sat after all.  'I'm open to your intention'
My intention is to be at least in Haslemere for next weekend at the festival, but this place moves slower than bowls filled with antipsychotics.

'How about we all head back to the new hub?'  Ok I'll bring Malico.
'Ren' mmm 'I want you as free as he dose' I know that... 

I'm close to absconding for the festival next weekend if they don't see me and sort out my leave 'I know Ren'   lol well meby if it wasn't shite has been boy/man bands that I didn't even like the first time round.


'Come to us'  Yeh, ok.  U missing me or something? 'I've been stalking you all day Bitch'  lol I know, I don't mind 'You like it Ren'  Quite happy to be possessed too 😛, but I want our Inka sick of being in time out.

'Just come, we have some fun'

Very cool dreams...   It was like we were partying and celebrating.  Also a massive obstacle course/race.
Ravens and rope bridges, newly dug ground... Was like damp clay earth that had been turned with some huge machine.  Making  for really a sureal uneven slippery surface.

We were nekid, racing and running... The first to try a new game.


Inka?  'I told you we'd have fun'  I don't recall meeting you.. Just that there was much going on and the excitement too.

I was defiantly with you though!

Joker cards and wild flowers.


I'm astral here, in the love underpinning connection.  In the trust looking for the flow state in the anger... Looking to break threw and free.



Missed 505
Mapping with images now   5 has a mahoosive hand 
'High Five'  🖐 2 hands and love...


0550  Waking slowly Polo?  Water Polo??

Counter strenght, counter weight... Counter pose I forget the rest Inka?

Oh, counter balance?

'You were busy last night Ren, how you feeling?'  Sleepy still 'Coffee plx, will help us both'  Ok.. Let me just re-read this first... Yesterday feels worlds away. 

Strange Summoning

  12th Was v tired after 3 night shifts, but did dream all night. Was all over the place though as I was tired too, so falling asleep i...