Friday, 31 May 2024

Fair Weather or Warning



Changing rooms. 

Mix Mario 


Shit Shower Room Psych Res Swap 


CQC Dignity attack 

Flashing the Pig eons eye spies. 


Compassionate care Con- Com Com-Con 


Genta my sin 


Gentamycin dream.  Woke up in such pain.   
In the dream I'd been given gentamycin and was reacting to it.. A scaly raised rash up my neck face head.  The dream was in a city with a grouo... we'd gone there to get cookies  - A team. 


I'd met a large cat with plydactilia he came up to my waist.  I thought it was shadow as their vibe was so similar and body shape, but he had white mask markings on his face. 

He led me threw the town into an open room, I was yelling in pain in the dream.

I'd been injected with gent a my sin.... reacting bad pain up to my neck and head on my right. I had loads of Drs trying to work out what was wrong.

On waking I was asleep on my right hand and arm... It was really numb and pressing on my head n face.

Ouch, twice now gone back into the same dream, back into the pain and numbness.  Yelling for it to stop.
Fire alarm here now.

1.42 very far away.  looking back in and down.


We have been shits.   BUT that's ok.
We're only just young - Just clearing the way threw for them who come after. 

Inka?   'I'm not far Ren, and ever after'  My Astro train thing?  'And the rest, get ya cell a coffee Witch'  kk nearly 616.

Fair weather, fair warning....  Fair thee Well.

Half mast & Mast cell.  




Bristol Channel to Times forty. 
Shipping forecast.

Real for big fish.








Strange Summoning

  12th Was v tired after 3 night shifts, but did dream all night. Was all over the place though as I was tired too, so falling asleep i...