Tuesday, 7 September 2021

Fighty Moon

lol I was in a really bad moon yday afternoon/evening.
Moon hormones I was spoiling for a scrap.. 
'Got one too....'  Lol yeh also tickled alot! 🤣

'Your cute when your pissed off mouse'   Few but you would ever think so.

'True Ren but we are where were at'
Fight me Inka or just squash me plx....either is fine
'We did warn you bitch?'  IK  'Just sleep Ren'  I wana  'We Know... Sleep'

Hu?  I'd just gone Anti Clockwise?  I changed flow??
'Mmmm it's ok'   Jupiter is staring at me out of the window.

'Almost 12hrs Ren'  Oh... He was I remember where it was yday morning 👀
'Yeh Bitch'  Inka can you just help me out?  

'Nop, go to the others I've got my own shit tonight' ffs..

'Try that tone once more Mouse and I'll remind you why you usually hate me' 😑Leon..

'You target Inka once more before dawn and you will regret it'   Why??
'As I, or another aspect will remind you less politely that you reminded Zak how we deal with entitled astral brats' 
Sorry.... I'm 
'We know, come here'   Zak's like me....  'OFC. Loci will jump you here'

After that they just shut me in the Library and wouldn't let me out!!
Leon tried to be patient and was.  TBH I was really foul..... 
When they refused to fight I just sulked on the sofa and ignored them all.... I was grumpy in dreams too. 

Ah..... That's why I was stuck with Leon all night
Newmoon, Sol & Mars all squashed in Virgo Trine Uranus..  (Least there was
no coronal mass ejection this time! 🤣)

UT GMT Time 
C anae to 
Onl ine horoscopes 

-- WTF, the night I found out about the Sun had actually come over Mars the night Leon raped me.... You showed me Octo Parasites!  


I saw that in a vid yesterday.. 
The octo parasites, they look like water fleas eat the jellyfish then travel inside....

Ooooo..... I'm interested now!

Anyhoo  Dreams....

The dreams were one was a stage coach race threw dark countryside, carriages n horses.
I was floating along beside it was like harvest too, the carriages without people had apples and fruit.
Piles of Hay... Farm workers but with an air of wyld hunt... The horses were being driven hard and the countryside very dark.

2 people in feathers... Deep blue, orange/gold and pink tails... They were flying and dancing as 2.   
I'd been staring and they told me to go.

A bunch of pirates all gathered round me, they tried to tickle me to cheer me up and I was just getting more pissed off!  'Moody Bitch!'  Hahah  srry 

I was a thing with no head, my joints were odd one shoulder way to high joints n bones all square. 

I'd also accidently hurt a terrier dog....  Leon had kept banging on the wardrobe in my room like he dose and waking me up!  'Keeping you from to much fall out Ren' 
I was to stubborn to write the dreams... 

Darth Dad when he arrived later just knocked me out!  I remember he hit me in the face and I hit a book case... When I woke he'd jumped me back here.  I think it's the 3rd or 4th time I've been here now.  
Second time with him.  .... Hum... Can't find them dreams now! Stupid search..

He told me I'd be examined there then Inka would take me to the room....
I needed to return to keep the bed.. Inka had arrived I'd wanted to fight with him to but he warned me like Darth Dad he wasn't in the mood and would just knock me straight out... As it was morning anyhow I didn't have a change to try that out.   

Wow...  Jole did get in a fight!! 

Monday, 6 September 2021


- Yday....

'Talk to me witch'

You're at my back again?  'And in your ear'  oh lol I asked you about that this morning then I read it in the speaker 4 the dead book! 'Magic Hu?'

Flea in my ear was my left?

'It was' you prefer being at my left?

'Depends mouse if I'm at your back or front'

Oh yeh or upside down

I want you Inka...
'Bitch, I know what you need way better than you do and it's rarely what you think you want'  Smart arse....
'Hydrate Ren, Then read or come and play with me'  Ooooo?  'Yeh'  
Ok, What?  Where?

'You'll have fun trouble.  Your still on clean up, can clean up after me'   Haha  kk

Prawns and Shells again?  'Yeh Ren, before you left Shadow slept at your back'   ?  Hu?

'I rolled n wrapped you up... last night you emerged again'   Oh yeh... Then I'd red the Enders game cocoon..
I popped out of that when I turned inside out?
' The snail with the broken Shell...Spirals Mouse, you go round and round'
You were a clown fish
😋  'Come here'  Ok... 

A huge long dream I'm in a world... Non human, I'd gone with Loci and Inka, but we were in role.. All siblings and a strange species.
Oh yeh... We'd gone from my main dream space - moving in the water.
Out the in the Burn, then into the sea flowing South.

They were telling me bugs came first from the sea, life from sea....


Inka my recalls shit?  'Do you mean to say please?'  lol Yeh, I can recall if I shut my eyes n jump bk... Not bring to wake though.
'I recall mouse'   Help plx?  'Join my awareness Ren'   TY.

Back in the same world we are living just above n below ground...  Bug like
My writing is crap as it was so different and hard to bring back.

Me n Inka had been black n white we were fighting there for friction n energy,

We helped with balance too...
But then we both changed to purple as I merged with him cause my recall was so crap.
There it made sense, but the more I awake the less sense and less I could bring back.

Next with Inka was odd very detailed visions.

Kuwait Airport... but what I was looking at was a small military airport.

A Huge tree with a fall of apples under it, yet it looked more like an oak tree... The sun is setting and the apples are broken under it from the fall, bruised n brow.

A slag heap or a landfill it was vast and covered in blue plastic....
The 3 visions were part of a plot for sale??

Another dream of a strange place with a blue and white cave, a stand up female comedian with pink hair was too loud.
I follow two females down a flight of stairs one has trouble to walk.

Inka now wtf are we dreaming?  
I was back at that strange place again, with the tunnels were we were not human. 
Inka had told me we were moving on... And I'd told him OK but started crying.

He asked me why I was crying I told him 'The Windmill'  
He instantly understood....   Said 'Don't worry, I'll have it dismantled and packed'

I'd thanked him as it had been my mothers!?  It was all I had left now?  

He tells me 'It's one of 3. I will make sure they are all moved and we take them who can rebuild' 
????   'Come back Ren' 
That was the Mouse and Windmill dreams and harvest?  And Where's Loci?
 'Still with you too Ren'     I'm confused?

'you usually are'
Help me understand then Plx??   
'Lay Still' 

Eh??   My Mam's Birthday and the 2 kids all the 19th of Sept...   This is just before Autumn Equinox??  
'Hamlets Mill Ren, Re-Read the Spring Equinox dream, Also the Kali Dream please... Along with other windmill dreams today'  mmm ok.
'And jump back to Loci stay with him till I tell you otherwise' 

The Overseers??
 'Stay there Ren. A bit at a time'    Planet 9??   'Go to Loci Bitch!' 

So Loci kept bugging me to roll over!   I'd been looking out of the window at Orion and I'd got up cause I'd forgotten the bright star ...   Beetlejuice 🐞 ... Then I'd noticed Planet 9 marked on the starwalker app..

I see Etruscan tunnels and then the underground Enders game tunnels and then I remember my Roundhouse hub and how we made the tunnels under it last year.
Inka had started
digging the floor there and I'd asked him wtf he was doing.... But then I just chewed threw it like a massive worm, while he was telling me fairystorys.

Anyhooo   Loci was getting impatient which is unlike him... He reminded me Inka was the only one who would attack me
It made me laugh as I never fight with Loci then he reminded me he fights like me but he's faster! 
So I roll over to the side he asked and connect in.

I feel energy flow, Inka behind someplace distant.   Then I'd missed Malico and thought 'Jupiter' I'd asked Loci but he just showed me Aquarius

Saturn and Jupiter in the house again...  Jupiter more recently bk then I feel the ecliptic run threw me but it's down my midline.  Splitting my brain and being in half the veil/symmetry. 

Loci is helping.. Then I recalled last night they had told me Ian was linked to Malico and Jupiter.... He was in front of me where Loci had wanted me to face.

'Dream with the quest giver Ren, from Christmas'  Ok... When Malico gave me the sky cloth??   'Yes'   Ok...   WTF?

'Come back Ren'  My head feels all over   'Roll over again'

Hummm when I'd re-birthed myself after Midsummer... Bugs can be either? 
'Or Both' kk

'Yeh, Get up'  lol kk   'You know where to go n why?  Told you Saturday'   Mmm  kk OMW. 
Wow... That was the amber bug too!!   I didn't realise it was so long since I'd danced there. 

Oak and Ash...   It was by the Oak tree, no Ash here.  
The planetary axis's?  Jupiter's Wobble is like Sol's?? 

'Correct Mouse'   Hello Leon...    Hummmm
Uranus why is that on it's side??   Planet 9..
Where dose that fit? 
'Keep asking Ren, we like questions'   :P   Curiosity hu!
'Good job your don't mind getting killed Ren'  I'm not a cat...

 OOoo   other Equinox More bugs..... 

Oh here....

Prawn Ramen noodles... that's a word in Speaker for the Dead..

Sunday, 5 September 2021

On the Run & Terraformers

I woke confused as I thought I'd slept all night but it was b4 midnight.

Next wake just after 12.. I'd been working in the Driftwood again but someone told me.

'No Ren, all that's just a cover you work for me'  🙄  There had been a strange drone..

Eh? Next wake at  121 as a helicopter passed over.. Inka had told me to jump to him... But I was just very dreamy.

202 - I'd had a really long dream, it started in a house in the dark.
 A trade or deal that wasn't totally above board.   

Mia was with me...  I was to run or smuggle something.
Next bit I recall was being with Zak in black dark we were being followed I was using a hard road underfoot to find my way as we could see nothing at all.

It was a countryside road..
Then I found I'd wandered off the road and onto the driveway of a large house.
I lay on the ground there with Zak as we had been caught then I was in 2 layers at once.
A car that's dark where the guy who'd been following me was now questioning me.
He was a welsh father.
Then also on the grass outside this house at night with Zak.
The security light had come on and children's toys, bikes... Scooters n what not,

were rolling down the drive and into a very muddy hole where they sank.

Was odd as no one was ridding them...
They were just all taking themselves into this sinking mud pit.

In the car they are telling me, while questioning me what 'They' want.
We were to be re-educated in the way of the light or something...

Save your soul type thing.
We didn't want to, but as I'd been caught I had no other option.

My next recall was of a field with 8 prefab bunk houses they looked like wartime stuff but were built new.
Each contained rows of bunks.
We were all stuck there for several months.

We didn't want 'saving'just letting go.
At one point I was having a long chat with someone very like Robin Williams.
He was telling me he'd been rich on earth but was poor now.
He didn't mind.. He just wanted letting go.
I told him I understood, I was always astraly busking it too.

Ever out of credit or in debt to someone 😋

'Usually me Bitch!'  I know.  I'm good for credit though! 'Idiot' Hahah

On onside of the field had been another harbour wall, it was tall and the sea was far below.  
To far to jump, I used to like to watch the sea moving below.
I could see 2 grey seals playing and watching me.

Next up I'm a dog!
 'Bitch 😏'  Hahah Inka.
I had a plastic chewed up red bed, I know I was black n white as my fur was caught in the mangled plastic where I would chew to amuse myself.
The plastic was hard...  didn't have much give but I liked the feel.

While I was a dog I'd been learning about planetary alignments!
A mind shit sheet?? 
'Veil Mouse'  Oh... Hahha
I couldn't find Inka in any form... Was just dreaming, I could hear him.

A very long dream with family.
A country pub we had a arrived at it was a sunny afternoon..
My Mam and Sandra were there (Other potential Mam) and 2 young males that were related too.  They had been taken for a massage and a shave.
I was annoyed with my Mam over something, and was also there to clean.
My cats were around too, and I was picking up recycling,
Shaking rugs and clearing rubbish out.

Having collected a pile of rubbish I take it out the front and the dream jumps.
It's early evening and I'm on a quiet city market street.
Trading has stopped for the day, my cats are still around.
I ask a grocer clearing box's and old fruit off his stall where I'll find the bins,

He nods down the street to the left.

Bits of plastic bags are blowing around, also metal cages,

the kind used for stock delivery's are stood around.
The shop fronts need painted.
I pass a closed up Halal butchers on the corner and see the dumpy bins a little further down.
The 2 guys arrive back, they are unfamiliar yet in the dream were related.
They looked like they were from the middle east.

They were relaxed n groomed from their treatments that afternoon.
They followed me to the bins, waiting for me to put my stuff in.
Piles of empty fruit n veg cardboard crates to wade threw to get to the correct bins.
Next I'm walking with a sports coach (rowing I think)
He was talking to me of my cousin (This was an utterly different version of my cousin Ian)
In the dream he was his father and coach he'd stopped him competing in a race he would have won... It was due to a discipline and attitude issue.
I was hearing them both.

You told me something Inka b4 I'd jumped to Malicos.... 
'Star at your feet Ren and you are dreaming on a planet'
Oh.. Lol yeh Star was on me, and I was a mouse laying on you

'Mm Go and dream with Malico & the others, I'll find you closer to dawn'

He told me to jump to Malico's and I was more cohesive there, I'd wanted them to come with me to my main dream space instead and they all agreed.
I jump bk with Loci, Leon, Malico and Darth Dad who'd all agreed to dream share.

We used the hunters room and I was instantly in a
I realise that Malico is linked to Ian some how.... 
My dream dust was crazy!

I was seeing the Celtic n Religious knot work but it was alive and 3d...
Weaving, it was like amazing sculpture that adorns churches.
The creatures were alive and moving.

While watching this Darth Dad had told me something....Err  Brawn or Bribe?
I don't know the context? 

Oh I'd also tried to find Inka too.... But instead I was looking at a large wide mountain side.
It unzipped to let me in and I entered formless and flowing and then became a err

Sedimentary layer!
The mountain formed again and I was compressed within... A layer in time.

'Come back Ren, showing stuff'


505 I turned inside out... I'd gone into my heart and then was like a pill bug then a tube worm again and I turned myself inside out.

I feel odd now! 
'Come here again Ren'  You guys told me to follow the feeling at heart and I just flipped round again!

-- WOW!   Them machines!!   What a dream :D
Huge terraformers.
Like fucking massive and slightly terrifying!
'You didn't freak'  lol well a little inside... Was epic though! What a place.

The dream had started with me explain to the other dreamers how I fly

We were above a desert at that point and I was explaing to other dream characters how to fly.
Match the air n push against the flow in any specific direction...   Push the hearts magnetic flow for up!

Then we are walking up a pass the sand has snow..
We enter a strange ancient market town bustling with dreamers.
It's a massive hub... But with the most bonkers massive machines.

They take the whole street...  Move controlled by there own onboard AI so they fit.
We had followed one into a hanger and it was compacting as it moved...
I have no words 😆
Was epic as fuck!!
Scary too....  I was really shit scared of stuff like this as a kid. 
Marie/Middle me was with me.
The gangway we are on had the terraformer compacting cm's from us...
I was shrinking back and Marie had laughed and told me at least it's not a logger to that would really shit you out.
There were a flow of programmers heading out too. 
We follow them.

Heading down the street again we had to climb over a massive older engine
This one is black with oil, deasil n dirt.  
The scale was amazing...  Many other people were clambering over it too as it slowly shifts to park up.
Suppose it was a little like howls moving castle but more modern.
It was easy for me to move over, I could have flown instead I just hover n clamber.

At the bottom I was running over sand again... But sharp bits of metal were sticking up like art.
I was barefoot so slowed down to weave threw it....
As I did a woman at a table drinking tea asks me...
'Have you used a mouse Andrea'   I told her yeh a bit, there kinda squeaky!


Saturday, 4 September 2021

Flood Fractal

'Ripples Ren, A harsh teacher is the thing some are needing'

'Sleep... And be where and what YOU want and need.  He needs you to be real'
I'm disconnected??
'Less than you think Ren'  Hu?  'Just drop to heart & connect from there'
Better TY.. 
'YW, Read or come here.. Your call we are close'

First dream I was with Fay and Elsie we were playing with a dolls house again.
I keep dreaming of doll's house. 
It was in a strange damp ravine, very large mushrooms and vines...

I'd gone back to collect a mushroom as one would be enough for a big pan of soup.

They were huge :D
Then there was lots of traffic and I couldn't get passed.
Strange environment a purple green hazy sky and low arched bridge structures, modern and metal.
Some half built structures too but all surrounded by desert or sand.

Coloured gasses.. Em was around too we were waiting on a special date.
Then I'd been in pain and given birth.
It was fast I'd said to the others I'm about to birth something or miscarry.
I'd birthed a very small infant holding another smaller infant...
Like Russian dolls.
It was not unlike the baby I birthed last year around the night before the Trump and number 13 dreams. 
I could also recall the baby the other night with no connective tissue who's eyeballs got tangled up!

Next wake 606 after seeing the number in my dream.
The dream was long  It was a school I'd been called to attend.
Adult learning yet I was there with some people I'd known as kids.
An old fashioned town with painted houses and narrow streets.
A fight with chopsticks? 
One guy also had a religious bank card,

he couldn't get it to work so we gave him some cash.
I'd left Ian again.. I was being told NOT to go back,

As it would be harder in the long run?

We had met in an old church yard, church made from broken flint cobble stone.
We were going to a lesson on making a ring of oat bread and many of us had headed to the kitchens.
This space was odd concrete or stone ovens n stone benches too,

Old copper pipes up high leaking onto discoloured walls...

The room was a series of what was more like long cramped corridors.
I was looking at a large black stain on a wall when more of the group came and told us to move back.

Next recall was in a large old room, the 'teachers' were cutting open large plastic sealed bags,

The contained pre cooked folded large omlets and cooked veg.. 
They would be reheated in large cast iron pans.

I remember thinking... Why not just use fresh eggs?   Also that we were ment to be making an oat bread.
I did see some flour mix for this.

Next recall we are outside the church again, it's like  street party, trestle tables and seats.
We are being brought foods to sample,
first I'm offered ice cream cookie bowls but the portions were huge!
I'd declined and was brought a well was like a Baked Alaska?
Or it was based on that.
But the covering was rainbow icing with sparklers,
Inside was more of a marshmallow than ice-cream....
The whole thing was unpleasantly sweet!
As I was looking inside the rainbow icing,

A woman with a blowtorch melted the inside marshmallow

I was watching it all sink into a sugary unappealing gloop.

Then we were moving again... This unusual thrown together group.
Headed across the strangest feel of black and white dead errr

Plants?  They were more like black and white huge sea anemones
(keep dreaming of these too)
They were twisted and covered with crystals.. The setting was very odd.
Like underneath yew forest - yet this was in the open,
The strange plants had been planted in lines... 

We approach the 'buss' which is more of a silver airlock tube

(Like the dream from the night b4 I didn't write up)
It's like an aluminium riveted bus tube with no paint..

Highly polished with one of them doorway membranes.

I'd met one brother of 2 male twins I'd known years ago.
He was at the door, as I'd looked back across the field more of our group were still arriving so instead of going back in I decided to keep looking around.

It was now almost like a very windswept shoreline..
Like miles of mud-flats
I could see a close harbour port.
This place was crazy too....
It was partially sunk, An ancient harbour below with much newer structures built on top.
Some of the taller old harbour buildings still remained mixed with the newer architecture.
The sea level had at some point risen several meters.
In the water were low metal ships, I could see they were loaded with steam engines  and old excavation equipment.

The closest building was made from ancient blue grey stone.. Very smooth.
It was one of the taller buildings of the original harbour it had the remains of a rusty crane.
But also a modern glass windchime, blue and green sailing boats..
Made from smooth old green n blue sea glass.

I met Roz there, she told me about something that sounded like HIV but it wasn't

It was to do with hermaphrodite and the X & Y  Chromosome.

I'd been looking at a screen or something as we were talking and that's when I'd seen the that had woken me up.  

Hu??   Help decode plx Inka?  'Come me & Darth Dad Ren' ...   My hub or yours?
'Come me, I'll take us there.... Bread first'  
kk  (Been at Inka's hub alot of late)

This was all linked to the flood dream?  Where one of you guys smashed that glass with the pufferfish.

Also the Shale and Iron Tide wall??

Oh.. first flood dreams too??

'Read all mouse, the divided mind but also the elemental divides here now please'

I jump to Inka at his hub, he's still young... We both were..

Oh, it's the Jack stuff.
Jack it up, Histe,,, First male me, Lift... Jack rabbit n Jack hammer. 

Loci had arrived too he reminded me of when he came to find Inka and me in slave labour.
He wanted to come too.. He would piggy bk in my awareness.
They tell me first they are bringing me bk up.

Feel my energy flow increasing and I'd told Inka he could take me as high as he want's
'You know how far that means we can fall Ren?' 


'KK, Hold on and don't let go for a bit mouse' 

Ooooooo!!!  'Mmm'  TY! 

Loci, Inka and Darth Dad Crazy dream dust energy and fractals.

I was seeing skin, then the earths skin... Rivers and flood plains.
Pole shifts and resets planetary and star plasma interactions.
Water movement and tectonic plates... Floods too.
It's a growth cycle... It renews!

That religious area in the brain... It had a balance in the other side.
I could feel them activating and the locations.
You told me the name for the other but I forgot.....

'Renown'  errrrrr ok 'look it up Ren'
kk will soon more bed....
'No Ren, Bread is cooked. Get up n nap later we are bringing you back up again' 


Wednesday, 1 September 2021

Large White Lab

Wake at 333

I'd been in a large complex, white lab coats and large travellators.
No windows, it reminded me of a hub.. Them off white plastic walls.
This was on a ground floor or just below.  

Very self contained, it had it's own supermarket/store.

I didn't recognise any of the brands. 

It was modern but also had a 50/60's feel.
I was pretty lucid as I could teleport yet the dreams are still so deep and involved
It's hard for me to make notes to help my waking recall.

I revisit this same dream on and off all night.
There was an issue with an alarm system and also some of the lighting.
A specific type of bulb.

Jack & Steve were there, both being questioned.

At another point I'd been moving along a dark enclosed motorway.
All the cars slowing as there was suddenly children and toys in the road.

We reached a blockade were people were being pulled for questioning here too.

It was linked to the same large hub... There was the sense it was a reality gone wrong.
Outside wasn't safe... The hubs were linked.

I was glad to be dreaming with Inka again...  Darth Dad was pissed at him now,

But neither will tell me why.


Tuesday, 31 August 2021

Speak, Spell.... WHO canTell?

Tide walker.
A male aspect gaming with him.

Serial numbers, very old PC's handed out to kids.  
Each kid tagged with a code.
(It was like a errr what they called ...speak n spell)  lol ffs 😆


Next I was at train tracks (Timelines again) 
There was a hold up, many wanted a ONE account.

Then a big crowd... 
We (Crew people I knew) were all collecting people for role.

I'd been with Darth Dad, Malico much of the night...

They were telling me much of what I knew
I wanted Inka and this they can use.
They don't much like either of us but our attraction to eachother is strong n strange.

Humm don't like us is wrong... we are distasteful or grubby😆
Also tricky and unmanageable alone.
Inka???  'DW bitch, bk for now' 
'Lay still or dance' 

Wowo   Ooook...   TY <3


Anyhoo he was back.  
Earlier in the night as I was waking to make bread I had odd shit my right Adrenals. 

Numb... My near Ren. I knew it was crew.  
The others were showing how they use me n Inka for energy shift.

I didn't like it... But understood. 
I was surprised when I jumped bk to main dream space n he was just there.
On the far left on the bed again propped up smoking and looking amused.

I'd just crawled beside him glad he was bk he'd laughed at me and told me.

'Bitch, they use your stupid love'
He told me he'd been where he needed to be, much like me.

As is the case my dreams with him are sharp.. 

22nd of Aug was a link, he'd fucked of then for us to go different ways.
I was seeing a dead bird, it was a magpie then a black bk gull...
Had been killed by a larger predator bird.
Feathers were covered in fresh blood...

Yet I was seeing maggots fall out. 

'You will hang with Bug's Bitch'  I'm glad your bk either way tbh... 🤣

Iron fillings..   Errrr or as I'm flopped on the hunters bed next to Inka relived he was close once more
I was seeing magnetic flow.
Like watching Iron fillings moved by competing magnetic flows.

'You never bk down Ren'  😏

I've been so squashed n Caged..  🙄

'That is true...  As I told you last night mouse, We have both been where we need'

Oh yeh... He'd not tell me where he'd been or what or why.
Linked to the 22 of Aug too?? 
This one?
Instead laying by his side I had a dream of my old cat carry. 
Dulaity cat.
She was in an NHS changing room.  
Squashed into a hamster cage.
Pissed off.
And I was too.   
I hated they had my cat in a cage,
I was reading psychology there. 
I visited her and told her I'd be back soon.
We only needed somewhere small n warm,

We could be together again soon. 



Woods & Worlds

  16th Jan I've been dreaming just rubbish at keeping track of them.     Night before last I was on a fire engine.   It was playin...