Tuesday, 31 August 2021

Speak, Spell.... WHO canTell?

Tide walker.
A male aspect gaming with him.

Serial numbers, very old PC's handed out to kids.  
Each kid tagged with a code.
(It was like a errr what they called ...speak n spell)  lol ffs 😆


Next I was at train tracks (Timelines again) 
There was a hold up, many wanted a ONE account.

Then a big crowd... 
We (Crew people I knew) were all collecting people for role.

I'd been with Darth Dad, Malico much of the night...

They were telling me much of what I knew
I wanted Inka and this they can use.
They don't much like either of us but our attraction to eachother is strong n strange.

Humm don't like us is wrong... we are distasteful or grubby😆
Also tricky and unmanageable alone.
Inka???  'DW bitch, bk for now' 
'Lay still or dance' 

Wowo   Ooook...   TY <3


Anyhoo he was back.  
Earlier in the night as I was waking to make bread I had odd shit my right Adrenals. 

Numb... My near Ren. I knew it was crew.  
The others were showing how they use me n Inka for energy shift.

I didn't like it... But understood. 
I was surprised when I jumped bk to main dream space n he was just there.
On the far left on the bed again propped up smoking and looking amused.

I'd just crawled beside him glad he was bk he'd laughed at me and told me.

'Bitch, they use your stupid love'
He told me he'd been where he needed to be, much like me.

As is the case my dreams with him are sharp.. 

22nd of Aug was a link, he'd fucked of then for us to go different ways.
I was seeing a dead bird, it was a magpie then a black bk gull...
Had been killed by a larger predator bird.
Feathers were covered in fresh blood...

Yet I was seeing maggots fall out. 

'You will hang with Bug's Bitch'  I'm glad your bk either way tbh... 🤣

Iron fillings..   Errrr or as I'm flopped on the hunters bed next to Inka relived he was close once more
I was seeing magnetic flow.
Like watching Iron fillings moved by competing magnetic flows.

'You never bk down Ren'  😏

I've been so squashed n Caged..  🙄

'That is true...  As I told you last night mouse, We have both been where we need'

Oh yeh... He'd not tell me where he'd been or what or why.
Linked to the 22 of Aug too?? 
This one?
Instead laying by his side I had a dream of my old cat carry. 
Dulaity cat.
She was in an NHS changing room.  
Squashed into a hamster cage.
Pissed off.
And I was too.   
I hated they had my cat in a cage,
I was reading psychology there. 
I visited her and told her I'd be back soon.
We only needed somewhere small n warm,

We could be together again soon. 



Monday, 30 August 2021

Waves and Games

I don't feel home..  'You're Not'   Where am I then?

'Where you need to be'  Inka? 

'Sleep Ren, we work better with you atm when you're not awake'

I miss you... 'You are me' 
Take me to that wall again plx I'll owe you.

'Here then Bitch' 


I remember Inka showing me that crazy wall again from the night before then he left me there.

I suddenly really missed the others Darth Dad followed me to Malico's

I wanted to dream with him but the others all helped too. 

The first dream I was young again.

It was a vast magic dark garden with an amazing bending river threw it.
Hazy purple moon light was rippling on the water.
A massive willow tree and stepping stones.
I was with a young guy. 
We were playing and had made a dolls house out of old cardboard box's.

Pipe cleaner dolls wrapped in scrap fabric clothing.
We had run off to play in the garden then there was another huge wave!

I keep seeing massive waves and sea walls atm.   This was huge and strange for a river.
I was worried for my friend as he didn't swim well.

Next another very odd space. 
I had a child with me, he was 4 or 5 years.

Dark skin and hair with beautiful hazel eyes.
We were in what was like a stately home... I had on long skirts and petticoats.
I was this child's guardian, I recall carrying him. 
I wasn't his mother I was only 20ish.
I had a feeling my cats were there again as people.

The dreams are so deep and involved it's hard to recall in any way meaningful as it's like being someone else.

A strange model fishing boat.. Water sprinklers and plastic toy fishermen with cigarettes.. It was oddly real.

Blood bleeding hands and bandages,

I was seeing the blood run down a metal table it was thin and old, not oxygenated..

Dryads..  With Malico, Leon, Loci we were trees/Dryad  
Malico, Oak.. I was sad for him.
Leon Ash, Darth Dad Yew.
Inka wasn't around so I was being Holly and Rowan.

I was Ivy too and Loci was being the pine/far seer trees
They were showing me the tree energy,

The Deciduous and evergreen..
I could see the berries of Ivy, Rowan and Holly. 

A guy was teaching me how to DJ and Inka was a child!!

I was asking him wtf he told me just go with it for now.

Then I was a kid too and we were being put in the back of an old yellow hatchback car.

Was like dreams from last Autumn with Kaylo.. I saw him too but my lucidity n recall is so low.
I'm sleeping 11hrs.

Oh another dream was a crazy old-school hotel.  
Me and my male aspect there we were in black n white fancy-dress.
Playing games.


Sunday, 29 August 2021

Iron Sea Wall

Last 2 nights I know Darth Dad is about... Lots of train tracks escalators and elevators.

I woke at 212

I'd been in a dark space with airlock style elevator doors again. 
In-between are Train tracks it was very dark.

Next dream was crazy detail... 
A kennel room,
It was a grey wall with various sizes cages it looked more like an art wall than a functional kennel space.
Fay and her friends were around too.
I was waiting a drop off of patients to care for. 

They are dropped off and one is an infant, but like nothing I've seen.

I was told it's ET tube had come out...    It was in a tiny plastic bag..
Like the stasis liners or baggie wombs.

All it's connective tissue was missing.
I'd been trying to clear it's air way and it was morphing in front of my eyes. 
From something that looked like a premature baby

into something that was more of an expanded living study model.

It was not human or animal a tiny heart in yellow cartilage chest

All the nerves and vessels were floating in position I could see the workings of each system.

Nerves and vessels it's indescribable.. So real detailed and like nothing I've seen before. 

I'd tried to reconnect the ET tube and comfort it...
As I'd done this it's eyeballs had got tangled on my uniform.
They came detached...

I was upset saying to Joan (From the café I worked as a kid) I've blinded it, It won't be able to see now.
I felt such love for the strange looking thing in my hands, and felt terrible it's eyeballs had come detached.

She kept telling me.  'Look at me, Look at me' 

I was still holding the small strange entity. 

When I looked back down again I was holding a small but normal baby with light brown hair.
I looked back and asked her what happened.
She told me we must have jumped.

That all had needed to trust her.

Alnwick.. A game a dark room...

Felt like an RPG or a radio broadcast.

I knew the people Alien too....

Hum... This was linked to the young guy with red hair that had adopted me... 
There were paid for schools -

People with painted faces telling a story threw song.

Aug 29th.

First long dream is a department store.. But it's a home too. 

A family run thing.

Rooms like apartment blocks, but with hairdressers, offices,

Swimming pools and bathrooms.
I was linked to the people who owned and lived there.

Pine needles that were blowing around making strange patterns.

A huge full moon

I was still at DarthDad's hub..

I was dreaming with him at one point a long and visually amazing dream.

I kept going in and out of it.

It's in main dream space I was working at the Driftwood, the Neptune was a giftshop.
The harbour is an incredible huge metal barrier!
Huge scale, part sandstone castle part steampunk hydro electric dam.

Customs area with stone gargoyles and blue tin soldiers.

It was huge, this massive Iron tide wall....    Oh


Emotion, this was more of the water/Land again but this was huge.

Someone told me it was built to keep the Shale safe??

I didn't understand this, it looks amazing and ancient.   It was discoloured with a green/white scale

Ornamented too when the Iron was cast.

North Sea Shale?  Inka?  'Stay with Darth Dad Ren, let him help you with the symbols'

I go back into the same dream... I was still at the café working I had to be back for 5.30

At one point I'd been with Em, me and her were kids in my bathroom...

We had them seahorse my little pony babies and were playing with them in the water.


I'd gone to my Grans house, it was a Dr surgery filled with people from all-over the world.

Clotting risk giving vaccine to kids...

My Dad had a growth in his chest, It reminded me of the symbiote thing alien like inside.

I'd just missed a bus and I'd asked him for a lift back to the village.

HE had a silver plumbing van.


Inka had joined Darth Dad and me.   The wall...   I was a pie, spiral. 

Inka was telling me it was another wall I was to weave threw.


I could see DNA spirals.  

An abscess on my ankle too, big... Puss and red blood swirl.

Achilles heal.. Aquarius.

Wednesday, 25 August 2021

Silver Wig n Inka Fight

Yellow & Blue..

A long dream.. Running, I could run up and over walls.  Parkour

Then many hands arms all hold me down..


A broken costume.

A world a place.  Wide,

A silver thread crown/wig or headdress.
I was trying to find the threads to mend the silver wig?

Hummm no it was a plated ring.. 
I was looking for replacement fabric and threads

A costume department room.

Next was with Em... We were kids them toys with a smell.

Strawberry Shortcake :P 
Another that was cone.. 

Sweet cone? Vanilla cone...

Oh Unicorn ..  Smelt like vanilla ice-cream.

Weaving Blue and Yellow...

Leon & Kaylo Helping.. 

Weaving colour..  I wanted Inka.. Loci & Malico were better help at blue.

Leon told me he would no longer keep me from Inka,

The fight I was after would not be pretty...

Haha, he was right...   It was grim and violent I knew it was a quarter to 5.

I woke and it was 4.45
As my astral form died, I joined Inka's awareness again he was still angry.

Angry for the brutality of what came before.

He asked me 'Why?'  I know what he is and is capable of... All the other crew wanted to help.

I told him I don't care.

Tree roots, like feet... Hyper real, like gruflow feet.

Inka was still pissed but he makes my awareness sharp n real.
Farseer trees.
Once we'd destroyed each other again there was little need to stay apart.

We dream deep. 

Fae realms, a deep dream with a flying saucer, and a caravan.

I didn't know the controls it had a nuclear reactor on board.

Inka when asked reminded me of the symbology of these.

H-bomb or A-bomb n the spaceship mind/brain. 

Next up long dream with female side of the family.

Chris & Sandra as alternative parents n also my Mam

Fairy GodMama.

I'd made a yogurt, it was a culture of white creamy like the Inka mental dream.

I'd added a dark berry mix.   Like black cherry or something - it tasted good.
Next was baby Zak I was bfding him, let down reflex.

A harbor the tide was out... Sand below

The tide had washed up 100's of kids & dogs toys.

A ships deck. Vast and polished.

Like a school sports hall fresh painted n varnished.

My lucidity was much higher with Inka,

I'd missed him though n didn't wana wake to recall. 


'Come'  Will you be nice?

'No bitch. Nor do you want or need me to be'

Will you be close then?

'Yes Ren, as you want, you can owe me for it too 😏'

Nice 😜OMW

Wow.. What a dream.  I'd been with Em and people who were family to her. 

We had decorated a strange house together...

2 guys family were watching and shadowing. 

On waking I realised the 2 guys were my 2 cats!  Derpy and Shadow! 

I really miss them. 

The house we had decorated was amazing like art.
Large slices of tree trunk polished made amazing patterned floors,

Glittery silk fabrics like beautiful sari material too all different colours.

Lots of lights too.


Next up... Contactless.

A fishing rod Arial.

It was a connection to far away.

Also crew..

'Cute too mouse... Come. You are the distant one at the moment' 

Inka took me to South America again.

We were on the top of a temple. 

We watched the sun set he fed me.

A dream of a medical facility..

Then I was back at the roundhouse outside.

I'd ended up in the fire again when I hope out again I was a burning Wren bird again.


This time Inka didn't repel I stuck to him magnetic like.

Then turned into a more Imp/boggart form.

My skin was iridescent purple reminded me more of what it's like when I'm a dragon.


A white room 101 and also a round goldfish bowl with 2 clownfish and Anenome

Tuesday, 24 August 2021

Party & Festival

24th Aug 21.
Dreams still long n deep.


First was with friends of Zak's...
And their parents but they all seemed to be in my main dream space.
It was a boys birthday party that would become a festival.

Middle-school beside roundhouse.  

The setting was a large new house, almost hotel like.

The party would be a birthday party followed by a small festival.


Lisa and Amy.. 

There are lots of people I know from home,

it was strange they were in my main dream space
Perhaps as I'm here n ungrounded. 
The festival was odd fancy-dress.

Andy & Fergus turned up too!

I was amazed they had come from London.

They were odd versions of themselves,

Missing teeth more pie-ratty


Next wake is 313.. I'd been with Leon,

I was a mouse but large like a rat.

I had rippling rainbow fur.

He was making me into something else too.
'Come here again Ren, straight to me'
Next up I'm in a strange room..

Like a tub room but it's all different strange basins,

smooth walls with a drain in the floor.


I knew Inka was about... I'd seen him, he's annoyed with me atm.

Self pity...  I was feeling low in dream space and he was angry about this the other night.


He's still hostile :P Though he did sort out my energy body earlier in the day again.


Next up I was back in the first dream.

This time it feels like I'm on the beach outside Bamburgh,

The waves are huge I'm shoreline...  In the surf.


I was with Leon and Inka close to dawn... 

Sins and Trespasses  this was S & T   the cross and snake.

That medi staff & DNA

Inka reminded me, I build structure... You hop over n under.


Sunday, 22 August 2021

Tanks and Sea


'That Ren, is why you are an entitled bitch'  

Hu? (A really crazy card spread) Lol sorry....  I just know I'm safe 😜

Thor, Black, Red Gold.. We've seen these?

'You have Ren.. You're eyes you're dream'  Oh yeh.  Kk 
That dragon too...   The ones that jumped out.

'Re-Read plx... And set'   Oh...  



Wake at 101

Errrrr I duno how to write this? 

'Well wake the fuck up a bit and let me help'

Errrrrr ok..

'Don't give me that shit Ren'

I'd been with Inka in a dream but we were both in role...

We were in tunnels again, it was game like and involved but so hard to brig back.

My dreams are long, fun & deep but to much to bring threw to wake properly.


'Get up and stretch' Errrr  your not in the mood to argue hu?

'Well spotted mouse'  kk I'm hot..



Another massive dream, the main parts I recall were a very detailed fish tank. 

A small fish in the tank is trying to repair the shell of a tiny water snail. 

It was lifting up soil substrate and taking it to the snail on the glass.

Then the same fish is trying to help a tiny water louse / flea or crayfish

Very small but I could see amazing detail.

This was just a part of a way bigger dream...

Someone was interfering or trying to clean the tank?

The fish was trying to keep the other stuff with it.


There has also been 2 triplets all very different more like miniature dolls.

The mama was posing them to take photos.

They had on almost hand knitted doll clothes or jumpers.


I'd looked in a mirror at some point too, I duno who I was. 

I mainly recall I had the wrong body, very odd clothes too.

A sort of 60's hand knitted jumper and dungarees.


Inka wanted to take me to Darth Dad too, but to listen and not get in a fight atm.

He was to split at the moment to offer me any protection

and I'm still supposed to be looking out for him.


Moon looked amazing...  

I dream very deep here, but I suppose it's as I'm processing lots.

The full moon looked amazing.

The dream I'd been with a been on a massive journey,

Coach and Train... I remember lots of storm-troopers and feeling very short.



I was with Josh or my Bro.. They often seem similar in dreams.

We are on a very crowded beach... Location wise it was like the South beach from my main dream space.

Where the penguins were... Lots of dreams there, Hum.. Inka and Fay dream too.


We were close to the rocks at the far end and people had left us with a bunch of their stuff..

And I had way to many clothes.

There were layers of rocks and cliffs behind with massive strange sea birds.

It was an odd setting, surreal and crowded, I was tied down looking after other peoples stuff.

It felt like family stuff old though aunts/uncles had picked it up to try and take it back to them.

Was working my way north, the sand was way grittier that it should be, with muddy streams.

It was also high detail, the prick of the grass, sounds of gulls and sand underfoot.


Inka was showing me stuff after...

The voiceless.  Children, Animals, Dementia, trees too... A kind of voiceless.

Humans can go a bit crazy when unheard.

Communication with people who have passes too. 



Saturday, 21 August 2021

August 17-21

Inka.... Enders game
🤯- the bugs towers... dreams...  'wait till you get to next book mouse'


Kk...   its so odd!  I'm a bit head popped the catacombs. The bug in a box.


Dream catch-up....

17th Aug 21

Wake at 313.. INKA, lol this is huge!   Was like Guildwars and Infowars had a propaganda war that was too loud!
Just too much noise.  'Yeh, Ren'

Oh.. TY, then was back with crew they were showing me the 0-1 off on & bee & butterfly. 

Mirror was 0, can I see me or can I reflect.


Just need to 0 a bit to stop the noise??... Humm wake at  414 then at 0440  we are playing?

'Yeh Ren'

Inka was in me and I was with Leon... Malico too.

They are showing me mirror games.

Lines of symmetry.

Then an odd dream of errrr shit catcher trews!

Crew were calling me the shit they caught...   A shit that needs managing.


Next dream I could see all the tendons in my body glowing white or stretching threw skin.
(stuff I forget as later write up and crazy shit)

Angus? Tram journey and Celts?   Odd listening to afro Celt sound system as I write Celts.


Was more stuff about big shits, lil shits n plumbing!   Reminded me of being in mental hospital shit creek!


(Then got up n shit did hit fan.... crazy shit)



Dreaming here (Mia's) 

Not used to traffic...  Busy.. Was feeling out the space.

It was filled with strange people...  Females arriving here for a meeting or party.


Wake n go back, next dream was working in a posh food market or stall.  

A fairground in the distance, surreal space.

A female I know is shopping... Stuff for a party.

I'm selling her exotic veg, strange shaped bottles of a dark port.

Cooking pots for clams... She already had box's of seafood.


She had bought lots, I'm helping her move it on a trolley.

It's heading to a party venue, we meet her bro first.

Then her cousin.. I realise I'd met the cousin before.

Red hair guy with amber eyes.  He was wearing a red and pink silk dress.

Ha's boobs, facial hair and we know one and other.


Inka?? 'Mouse, stay still... Your energy body is a mess'  Thanks.

'Relax, won't take long lower centres need a tune up'


Next an odd dream of multicolored fabric softener bottles all hanging upside down.

I felt like I was being rolled in something. 

Inka was about was like different layers, light then dark like a shell or cocoon or shield?? Hu?


'Bugs Ren, soft in and hard out... Semi permeable though so DW'  Hahahah



'You are with Fam mouse ok?'  Everywhere?  'Pretty much'

I'll sleep  'I'm waiting'  101 wake, I'd been gaming with Inka.

Fun, Balance.. Loci around too. 
At one point I was hopping on stuff to make tunes and music.


Jumbled stuff...  Chaotic processing.  Woke at 828 and herd infinity to infinity



Odd night...   Primary colours... Object big... Stacked like onion layers.


One very odd experience with Loci and Leon where we were at an invisible wall that had water and sea life

We walked threw it until we were walking on the bottom of a sea  with stuff swimming round us.

Water and mud...


Then a dream of a full car, white I'd been laying on the outside... Then I took a bus.


Hummmm  should have written earlier.. But went for a run and had to think about where I was n not getting lost.

 a dream of a space outside.  Lots of people, levels and meetings

Witches, Groups... Energy.. Teams... Symbolic meeting of opposites.

- Funny dream, same people.. But also people who had lived on Lion Lane and left.

Then Claire from collage n amber from Uni.. That was with Scotland/Newcastle.

Monday, 16 August 2021



Was with Inka...  He was still locked in 2 places.  Was mainly emotional I remember crying a lot and feeling a lot.

Linked to the crystal palace mountain dream.


'I'm showing you alot Ren, think of it as a dance or breath, play'   Oh.. It's reality and concepts ok..  'Mmmm' 

It makes much more sense before I wake up!  'I know, come bk' 

I'd jumped bk to Inka, he's still locked up but in more of a ward like room.. I'm not solid when there.

Awareness with very low coherence, mainly just inside his awareness though. 


I'd wanted to know about the pain in my finger joint... We were in it but also in fire or inflammation.

Felt orange... It was like going deep till we found underground heat.

I'd had a long dream of a messy garden. It was dusk or dawn... 

2.30 AM there so I knew we were somewhere far North.

Low sunlight just below the horizon making the sky look beautiful.

I was moving stuff that was releasing clouds of biting insects.

Grubby silver jewellery had been dropped all-over the garden and I seemed to be colleting it into my hand.

Small silver star earrings and cuffs... Dirty rings.  My hand was grubby too from damp soil.

I left the garden and looked out onto expansive countryside...   Flat farmland, or grazing.

I was beside a large puddle with an almost greasy surface... The lighting sky reflected.
Was beautiful.  Unfamiliar.

Tall conifer trees in distant hedgerows that were mainly just odd patches of scrub now. 


I'd walked alone and realised I felt vulnerable in an unusual way for me.

I didn't know where or who I was.  

Boundaries to the land were strange too, chopped logs heled with wire mesh made walls just over a meter tall.

In them were gates with old padlocks,

the walls with wired were easy enough to climb but the wire was rusted and they gave way sometimes.

I could hear a 4x4 buggy type thing in the distance and was aware I wanted to avoid who ever was riding it.
As there was little cover I was staying in the shadows of the walls.

Ground was damp and muddy.

I wake again Inka is showing me runes...  

Y shape but also X the chromosomes too.

I'm seeing them symbolically and inside them the Y shaped parasites that climbed into my calf muscle.

They are opening closing runes.. 

Structural too... Were in-between everything.  Below too.  Liquid and fire.


Next was another long dream. 

I'd been in a large stone church laying in a back room at a hearth, stone hearth the fire hasn't been lit here for years.

On the floor was a sticker for the Holy See thing... That key again that I let fall into the holy well.


I could hear a service, I knew a very old friend Jean was close, I didn't move just lay and listened.

I felt like I was small... Perhaps a child, I felt inconsequential just laying around.  
I was looking and listening though.

Men in long white fancy robes.


There was a box too, elaborate looking... I didn't know what it had in.  It was on the hearth too.


Next was an odd dream.. Main dream area my gran lived there too. 

I was cleaning for her and Aunty Irean.

They both had badly hurt cats in their front rooms.  
One had been in a fight, one of it's hind legs had been chewed off and face clawed up.

The other an RTA ... They were both in a bad way.

I was trying to work out what was up... How I'd carry to large cats with no carriers to the local vets.

I didn't understand the injury's either as both had been locked in.

Sleep again.

Oooo thanks for unpack!  'Welcome, Mouse'

He'd taken me way back simplified the layers, like onions again...

Echo's, ripples only this time it's not just an onion...   It was like earths shield.   

An onion with poles but the energy from one side. So I was seeing something like earths magnetic shield pattern...


Seeing is the wrong world...  Was being!!

This was the X  the Y was code, structural and connecting. 
It's bloody hard to bring threw to waking what I'm experiencing..

Code and structural...  All inside out?? And inside and out...


'Here Ren Come back'   Inka is still flat out in both places so I'm just inside his awareness. 

I wake up with look into Vulcan Teclomancy  or Telconacy or I duno the word....  Was Vulcan first...  Will look.

Ohhh Vulcan is a god of fire?? 


That track again...  Standing at the edge... 
You keep pulling me back Inka....  'You keep trying to jump'  

I want to fly!  'You do' 

It's hard to recall what you show me...  

You are showing me layers... Magnetic...  Like rainbow too?? 
'Vibrational layers'  Oh.... 


The 4x4...  That's like the 4 guys with 4kg weights? The building took off without them?


In my dreams there were guys in sport branded clothing.    They were farmers? 



4x4 is 16 too.. a square, square fence metal again.

Ive told you I build walls n you hop over n under them.


DNA weaving .. ladders? 


Rings.. metal pipes...  Mars is Iron, Saturn Lead. Pb like plumbing pipes..


Iron man hole drain covers .


Iron-man Fe male ...  hummm.


'Run Ren, juggle- you have been pestered from slumber'


Sun is He is that helium or is that H... humm H is hydrogen


He man she Ra.. but shaman  she man...  he Ra.  Hummmm 🤔 



Saturday, 14 August 2021

Clean up Crew

Enders Game is nice book 'You are easy pleased Mouse'  May be yeh. 

'Amusable too, read more then sleep early we'll have some fun with you'


'You'll like it Ren, you love games'

What are you? 'Why do you ask?'  Curious I suppose, you know me inside and out.

'Trust Bitch, it's got us this far, I've always been around mouse... Where ever the fuck you are'

Yeh.. You can take me to baby me.. 'So can you Ren if you try'  Not so fast??

'Bitch, we can shatter you threw time... Don't try and logic this ok, we show in sleep'

A tawny owl wakes me just before one Inka was speaking to me as I woke.

'Ren.  Make sure you know what you are shaking off and where you are leaving it'

He surprised me as I'd forgotten he was with me. 
'I told you I'm riding you at the moment....' 

At that moment the I in question had appeared to be a large dragon serpent thing flying around outside 😶

I'd been shaking like a dog!


When I wake again it was still early, Jack had been male me...  We were somewhere utterly unfamiliar.
But also had a feel of astral here.... When I sleep upstairs, I seem more likely to scatter into the sky.

The 2 dreams had been detailed and dark, linked too. 

Party's and people outside a storm was coming and we were securing stuff down so it would not blow over or away.

Jack was for some reason peeing all-over the floor!  I was following him about mopping it up 🙄


There was a strange religion written on flaps of brown envelop 21 people had signed up.

The dragon dreams again only this are like twisty lines of light...
I was one and was weaving with them... This time I was a deep blue and white.
My throat centre felt hairy... Inka was err helping?  I duno he was around anyhow.

They were like coloured glowing serpent threads.

It reminded me of when we were like strange pipe fish in the Ocean... This time though we were all flying.

Next wake to this........

'Time is like an enemy

Leaving lovers by the side

The more you cling to love

The more you're gonna lose your mind'


Inka was laughing... 'Love all you want bitch... I can MIND - TIME, we can balance and weave!' 

My blue throat center was so odd... 'Follow Come'



When I next wake it's Loci waking me he asks me
 'Ready to go to Inka Ren?'
I remembered what they had told me way earlier in the night
(I'd been with Leon, Kaylo, Loci and Inka) that Inka Inka would be taken....

That they would take me to him later and he might not be in a good way....

Just to keep him company same as I have in the past.

I'd told him I was ready after I'd written dreams up as I'd been all-over.

After more of the coloured weaving I'd been in a version of here

The first thing I recall was 
I'd had a phone and watch that had bugged out at the exact same time.

Both of the screens, glitching, freezing.
The phone came back first, it was a large black handset.
Not a brand I've owned or herd of.
The watch was restarting and I was looking at the phone screen.

Many new photo images had been installed there.
I was scrolling threw them,

They looked like desert game maps.
Each was a square quadrant,

I could see entry and exit areas and safe zones..

There were many of them I was scrolling threw.

Zak had also had a bad dream and got into bed.
( I was aware that Zak was also at a sleepover so was lucid enough to know I was dreaming)
I'd also watched a bright orange VW crew van outside... It was wrong hand drive
A guy with tattoos was in the back and a woman in the front passenger seat..

Was an odd dream more like false awakening or alternative.

The woman had put something under the cushion of her seat

and the guy slid open the back door a fraction then banged it closed.

The longer dream had been odd

Set in my main dreamhouse..

Centred around the downstairs bog!

It had been pulled apart then all the bits stacked

Like a strange work of art!
It was filthy too... 

Yellow orange crystalized urine,

Horrible smell.


My Dad was going to fix it,

I was there for 2 reasons..

I'd agreed to clean it,

But mainly to analyse something in the cistern.

It was strange pond life 🙄🤣 again...

I was lucid enough to recall the other recent and not so recent dreams.


Samples were taken of the specimens,

A paper had been retracted, deleted or hidden,

It was pertaining to the sample I had taken..

I didn't find out what it was until years later.


One of the samples was like a tropical anemone,

The other a hybrid part plant part creature.

It was green and small, fascinating thing.

Like a plant with many eating heads!
I'd also dropped 2 silver rings into the water in the Cistern.


'Come Ren, I'll jump you now' 

Poseidon again?  Hu? Has a key will take me??

I duno...  I'll  'Come Ren, you'll see'

I was splitting first into the 2 layers...

2 Inka's one in a white room, the other in a prison..


We'd arrived at the prison first it was the reverse of here.
Same prison Cell I'd been in for a few nights when Inka had joined me.
Poseidon had got me out, so he would be the one who would return me.


The guard recognised him and opened the cell without question.

Inka was unconscious, he'd been beaten senseless.

I've seen him worse though...

In the other place, a white room.

I was weighed before I was allowed to join him.

I don't register on their devises so am allowed to enter.

In the white room he's sat in only shorts.

Unresponsive staring at a wall.


 Loci's voice askes me 'You know what to do?'


And I remember the symbiote thing ... I know his spine and brain stem.

I’d been mainly formless up until this point my I make myself into a prawn like insect made of white light

I started to merge at the bottom of his sacrum, travelling in the nerves between the vertebra.


This was very odd as I was awareness in nerves but I could feel my progress in my own sleeping form.

I was woken to full waking by pressure on my right cervical vertebra…


I hear a track playing…. 


I'm standing at the edge

But something always brings me back

All the voices in my head

Reminding me of what I have


If I fall tonight

You can bring me back to life

If I fall tonight

You can be my saving light

My awareness was very split now.  

And my own energy body felt crazy,

my ears and scalp feel electrified and strange.

I could feel the others reminding me of how we merge.

As my split glowing aspect me creeps further threw the white nerves.


Once at the crown and seated down the spine

I used the prawn type legs to follow out threw the main spinal nerves,

As I’d reached the heart center everything felt white and glowing

I hear Inka’s voice laughing as he said ‘Hello Parasite!’ 


This made me laugh as I get a fresh DL of all the dreams from last year!  Hahaha..

He reminded me of the connection of one and other..

What we do to another we do to us too, our exchange was one of visual knowing.


I was dreaming again too in another layer. 

A dam, with a puzzle this was almost game like.

Layers and ladders, things had to be moved in a certain order.

A mental hospital with a tower… oh yeh I recall now that I was also in the mind of Inka,

The white room experience was glowing and knowing….

The prison cell I was experiencing as an interplay of mist and shadow.


Anyhoo in the hospital tower a priest was laying on the floor…

I cold see in his mind angles Mosaic art.

Writing in a language I can’t read.

I’d been asked to cook too…. I was frying bacon on a large old range cooker.

There was an issue with it all he rings were always lit.
(That was another dream with you Inka?  All the rings on full??  ‘Find later Ren, finish this now’ )


I think It was greek... the writing looked greek


I’d also been laying on a bed on grass with a veiw between 2 hills

It had an amazing view of a snow capped distant mountain and a stunning sandy beach. 

The sun was rising, and the sea and sand glowed pink. 

If I moved my position slightly I see a large family,

All with dark eyes and hair, there skin is warm and there is rope and wood walkways on the side of a mountain.

I see a father with a small dark haired daughter, he has made her a crown of woven flowers.

A waterfall was crossed by wooden walkways, and the flowers grew up hand made trellis.


I was trying to shift my perception again to see the sand beach once more but Ian woke me up.

The parasite / possessed thing with Inka was cool...  was like a feedback loop!  
Very intense 🤣

Strange Summoning

  12th Was v tired after 3 night shifts, but did dream all night. Was all over the place though as I was tired too, so falling asleep i...