There was a story in one part. I recall cups/glasses and some had royal family members on, like them commemorative things that were given out.
I also had long hair that was being coloured deep purple and green. (I've had this colour hair a few times in dreams over the last month or so) A story/book / off-world. It's a game and a puzzle, not clear what the sides are or the objective we all just have to keep playing. It was fun, fractal-like.. no one knew who to trust as we didn't know what the sides were.
Watching, Waiting, Options.. It was exciting and euphoric hard to bring back into words though.π

30th June
A stone lattice window. Vast and beautiful - Reminded me of a dream where there was a similar window broken and in bits.
We are many and are sitting on a smooth sandstone floor meditating. Light is coming threw the vast window making patterns on the floor around us.
I'm not in my body in the dream but observing the breath in/out coloured from the meditators.... and Heart the beat makes ripples of love.... ripples spread and spread. Wake at 444
I think this dream came before the window.... It is a dream of a spaceship, it was familiar also quite StarTreck many off worlders and types of entity.
Many ships, vast like cities with huge populations. We are travelling threw and area of space and few of us hear a beacon in the area, is transmitting. Like a 'wake up' It's calling to people and some of us hear it, most don't yet. The people who are hearing it are meeting in the astral of the dream world to coordinate.
Next dream, is a huge astral tower/platform thing. It's like floating land islands covered in grass stacked up into the sky with metal spiral stairs between. There is no base/ground so to speak... just the islands floating in a blue atmosphere.
It's set up as a game/teaching experience. I've been in there for a bit and my teacher/mentor was watching. There are different types of entities on the platforms and I was magical using spells.... I remember lots of small red wild strawberries too!
In the dream, I'd cast a spell that had gone wrong and messed up and damaged/hurt stuff.
I was upset and my teacher had materialised beside me... he was tall reminded me of a Gandalf type character as he was in a grey robe. He was holding my shoulders gently then his moth closed lightly presses his lips to my forehead / 3rd eye.
It was comforting fatherly, but also energetic & tingly and educational. He is sharing from his perspective as he'd watched me playing/learning on the maps.
The last dream was more detailed.
It's a hub, like an old fashioned village... but then also hummmm, what was like a building suppliers yard. The building yard is strange as it's both very modern and also ancient, there are amazing stone faces in with the more modern building materials. Was like the stuff from mount Nemrut but I was looking at the casts used to form faces rather than the faces, so they were inside out like masks. They were pilled up on metal shelves along with modern building equipment too.
There are also 2 trains at the village. One is a large old black steam train, the other a small red tank engine. It's busy, like a hub, I'm looking around.
There is a very crowded coach that I get on, I'm chatting with a girl I know about 'group think' I'm using clothes and nakedness as an example. How if I got naked all would stare at me as it's 'different' if all were nekid it would be normal.
- Dream jumps and I'm looking into a portal/phone and seeing a house half decorated (Julie)