Tuesday, 30 June 2020

Fractals, Waking and Learning.

Dreams are still hard to describe, recall better.  Things were very fractal and euphoric like I was seeing sound.

There was a story in one part.  I recall cups/glasses and some had royal family members on, like them commemorative things that were given out.  

I also had long hair that was being coloured deep purple and green.   (I've had this colour hair a few times in dreams over the last month or so)  A story/book / off-world.  It's a game and a puzzle, not clear what the sides are or the objective we all just have to keep playing.     It was fun, fractal-like..  no one knew who to trust as we didn't know what the sides were.  

Watching, Waiting, Options..  It was exciting and euphoric hard to bring back into words though.😊

30th June

A stone lattice window.   Vast and beautiful - Reminded me of a dream where there was a similar window broken and in bits.

We are many and are sitting on a smooth sandstone floor meditating.  Light is coming threw the vast window making patterns on the floor around us.

I'm not in my body in the dream but observing the breath in/out coloured from the meditators.... and Heart the beat makes ripples of love.... ripples spread and spread.   Wake at 444

I think this dream came before the window....  It is a dream of a spaceship, it was familiar also quite StarTreck many off worlders and types of entity. 

Many ships, vast like cities with huge populations.  We are travelling threw and area of space and few of us hear a beacon in the area, is transmitting.    Like a 'wake up'  It's calling to people and some of us hear it, most don't yet.  The people who are hearing it are meeting in the astral of the dream world to coordinate.

Next dream, is a huge astral tower/platform thing.  It's like floating land islands covered in grass stacked up into the sky with metal spiral stairs between.  There is no base/ground so to speak... just the islands floating in a blue atmosphere.  

It's set up as a game/teaching experience.  I've been in there for a bit and my teacher/mentor was watching.   There are different types of entities on the platforms and I was magical using spells.... I remember lots of small red wild strawberries too!

In the dream, I'd cast a spell that had gone wrong and messed up and damaged/hurt stuff. 
I was upset and my teacher had materialised beside me... he was tall reminded me of a Gandalf type character as he was in a grey robe.  He was holding my shoulders gently then his moth closed lightly presses his lips to my forehead / 3rd eye.

It was comforting fatherly, but also energetic & tingly and educational.  He is sharing from his perspective as he'd watched me playing/learning on the maps.

The last dream was more detailed.  

It's a hub, like an old fashioned village... but then also hummmm, what was like a building suppliers yard.    The building yard is strange as it's both very modern and also ancient, there are amazing stone faces in with the more modern building materials.   Was like the stuff from mount Nemrut but I was looking at the casts used to form faces rather than the faces, so they were inside out like masks.  They were pilled up on metal shelves along with modern building equipment too.

There are also 2 trains at the village.  One is a large old black steam train, the other a small red tank engine.   It's busy, like a hub, I'm looking around. 

There is a very crowded coach that I get on, I'm chatting with a girl I know about 'group think' I'm using clothes and nakedness as an example.  How if I got naked all would stare at me as it's 'different' if all were nekid it would be normal.   

- Dream jumps and I'm looking into a portal/phone and seeing a house half decorated (Julie)

Saturday, 27 June 2020


Recall is still Hazy for most of the night.

I know the first dream was very busy - it's set underground.  There were systems & changes.. schools lessons possibly something financial.    Also flowers and plants.

Then a dream in the countryside I recognise the area from other dreams but it's not somewhere I know.  It's English-like rolling countryside and farmland and small hamlets hardly any traffic, fewer people.    There is a circular road root from a house, I've diverted traffic for animals and people to use the road.   Also a lemon Drizzle cake :P  (All conditioned - no talk)

Last dream also long but better recall.

First is a big school but there are infants there too.   The school is for older people but some of them have had babies and it's making it hard for lessons to continue as their babies are upset and don't want to take classes.   It was local people in here, my neighbour and people with kids I know.

Rob was there and a picture for Hairwax and he was trying to get people to try it.   I leave there as a group of women are trying to find a dummy for an upset baby.

Next I'm watching a coach - This bit I'm just floating awareness observing different characters.   There is an ancient site which I don't see.  A coach of seekers with a female guide. 
She is bringing them to the site on some sort of tour/show and is annoyed by a man who lives there.

The guy is a white guy in his 40's with brown hair and a moustache he's wearing an 80's tracksuit and looks from the 80's himself.   He's smug, and he's set up a 'shed' with a drop-down counter.... selling stuff from it.  Mainly pictures and mounting card for pictures too, also some gift cards.  Oh his homebrew dark ale too, he stands with a pint of it at his shed stall at the time her trip leaves each day. 

The woman hates him profiting from her trip. - but she is also profiting from the site in a different way (Projection/Mirror) ... 

I watch from above as a group come back it's got an 80's vibe, the clothes & hair and stuff.   I'm above watching the women flit with the guy asking if he gives samples of his ale... he doesn't even though he has glasses with small amounts in like samples. 

Most of the females get back onto the coach except one.  I know from my perspective this script plays out the same each trip.   The woman is looking and the guy flirts back, taking one of his gift cards and a pen and writing on it.  

The image is of a hand-drawn bunch of flowers with a pen he draws a small arrow and that points to the tallest purple flower in the bunch and writes this is you at (I knew it was 12mins to 7 as he said it
out loud too) He wrote the numbers though.  6:48      -  It's 2 mins till the bus leaves and it beeps.

The man and the woman and bus vanish and I materialise and float down to sit on the counter to the shed where they had been moments earlier to contemplate what happened.  As I'm sitting another white guy appears, he's also 80's looking with fine blond hair very pale. 

He walks up and leans against the shed's drop-down counter and  I say 'I know you, your Joe Dispenza'  (This was odd as I only know that name as something I've seen on suggested youtube vids and had no clue if this was what he looked like... still don't as this guy I spoke to was much younger slimmer and fairer than the guy I've found on youtube )   
He asked me who I was and I shrug and tell him a quick summary of stuff I've done this life but while I'm talking I was mainly wondering if he still believed in what he taught or just did it for money... (Also wired as I know he's published books but I've never looked into him) 

He nods as finish and there is a call for him to go backstage to start and to our left is a backstage entrance, I watch him wondering if he does it all for money when Oprah arrives.   She looks like she does now (Which is odd as she looks younger than I remember her looking 20 years ago!) She says hello, and heads backstage with a comment 'the stuff we do for money' rolling her eyes - as if in answer to my ponderings.

I then wonder about synchronicity in dreams πŸ‘€and how different a dream is from a life.  I jump down from the counter and head along a road to where I know another coach is waiting, as I'm getting closer there is a huge deep puddle.  A very elderly white couple arrive they are well into their 80's both with white hair and frail but walking with sticks and mentally sharp.  The woman seems to have some hip/leg brace to help... she walks deliberately into the middle of the puddle and steps over a small bit onto the dry on the other side, and I wonder how I'd missed that (I'd been about to take a huge leap over a wide deep bit) 


I was looking for This dream where I went into the back end of a dream... wondering if it fit with the backstage but came across this dream instead!   I'm a bit freaked at how it fits with what's going on now and also ties into the dreams of holding babies... 

Wow, some aspect of my dream-self is some megalomaniac nutter!     This reminds me of the dreams were I was in what I thought of as an 'Angelic soul review'  & Then Rehabilitation

Friday, 26 June 2020

Same Dream Space

Dreams are vague, guess as it's to hot to sleep!

26th June

It's set in Soho, or Camden London.  It was this setting..  Oh wired as this dream had past partners in too, I knew in the dream I was in the same dream.

Lots of old partners some of them arguing and fighting or just looking for a fight about something - I didn't want to fight.

I'd forgotten something but I couldn't recall what and when I went back to where I'd left it I was surprised to see it was Henry my yellow vacuum cleaner. 

(Hum, he was also in another dream of arguing earlier in the month.      and another dream in May.

Anyway the dream it's self is hazy other than I know the setting, and the other dreams it was linked too.   I'm with a group there are some of the Guys I used to live with in London, Rob & James are there (James was in the dreams from April/May time)  x partners Marcus, in particular, is feisty and flighty looking for arguments and then there is also a large family 3 generations, the older are Jamaican but the younger British.  It's like a large room we are in and there is tension but it's ok.  I'm holding a young infant, she's around 2.   Beautiful round dark eyes wavy dark hair she's on my lap smiling and watching what's going on and I'm chatting to her Mama.    I'm sure one of the older women in the family was  also there from the end of the previous setting (where we had missed a train... I was trying to fly and they thought I was nuts)

It's also all somehow linked to this and the time/layers and trains. 

Funny how these often seem to happen when the Schumann Ress is very high.

Sunday, 21 June 2020

Another Trump Dream.

Another Trump dream. 

It seems to be tied to 2 dreams of late which also involved houses/cleaning.

This one from Dec 21 that seems to be pre-cog Virus (Bogrool & Cleaning products)  -  And in a guesthouse.  (Oh, that dream was midwinter - this one midsummer!)

Also, the Curtain Call Bow from April, also set in a house I'm cleaning. 


The dream was a guest house in a beautiful fairytale forest setting.  I'd arrived there via a game I'd been playing but that bit was hazier (it was a number search/game)

It was a twisty track,  colourful and bright threw the flower-filled woodland forest. 

I was in the house to clean it and I was in the employment of a woman.   I had the house to clean quicky in between stays.

A group had left and another on route due soon and I need the place to be sorted for the incoming.  The house was fairly ordinary inside much like a holiday cottage.   I'd filled the dishwasher hung out the bedding and was washing surfaces and sweeping floors. 

I had lots to do when Trump shows up in the building.  I wasn't surprised to see him but I wasn't paying him much attention as I was in a hurry to clean.  (There were other buildings in this woodland that I needed to clean after) 

He was following me from room to room, and was hummmm kinda  'playful'  really trying to get my attention.   At one point he was poking me with a spoon.  
I chucked a teatowel at him and told him to empty the dishwasher while I sewed the bottom of a duvet cover that needed mending.  

I sat cross-legged on the worktop sewing and he started to talk to me while he put plates away.   He was telling me about a court case.. that he'd been 'set-up'.    It wasn't good, but he was ok about it and I let him talk... he was going to walk to the next cottage with me when we'd finished up.  

-Woke here.   Went back into a similar dream but it was even more jumbled and symbolic.  'Watchers'  was a word, and then a corn cob, fresh yellow.    I was woken by a tickle in my blue centre ---  it was a like I had a ball of string there.    

Friday, 19 June 2020

Arcade Tower

The first dream is in Craster again.  

Feels the same persistent dream realm as I'm in the same area again and while in the dream recall lots of dreams there and how it's playing out.

These 2 stand out as recent. 

The dream was on the roads and land around the village again, where I was looking for a Sun & Father.  It was a game too, like a relay/tag game.   Passing on, and growing.  My cousins are there too (Dad's side) a story is unfolding.   -- I know this is tied to the Alnwick dreams too, I feel this is male ancestors timeline stuff. 

I chat to a Male, he's upset it's to do with Genetic manipulation and it made things more turbulent that he'd anticipated.  He was feeling regret at interference.    'Inter - Fear'  reminds me of the rodents in a cot, where I was showen I'd 'Inter-feared' trying to help but made things worse.    Anyhooo...  As I'm chatting to this guy we have dragons with us, there are 4 or 5 of them but they are like jelly. 

Almost like sweets.. not solid, gloopy and sticky.   Made me think of the stasis gloop but they looked like a giant desert, a tray of dragons moulded jellies with sticky sauce.  😜

Next dream was a school/uni set outdoor and I wasn't a pupil/student this time... nor staff.   A girl at the school has fallen from a tree and I take her to find a staff member.  It's Kim.. she's her lovely motherly nurturing self and she takes the girl to comfort. 

Last dream was hazy but I know it' was one of them visually boggling dreams.  I'm journeying on 'trains' very modern and I'm weaving up and down the country connecting people and taking people to meet others. 

I've 2 young males I'm taking up North.  We go to Ashington and the centre of the town is amazing!   It's like Times Square on acid.  

There is a giant 'tower' built from old arcade games and fairground rides!

It's vast! Towering up above everything else a massive flashing glowing neon bleeping and buzzing monstrosity!

It dominated the skyline and was awesome to look up at.    (This is a second 'tower' dream in a few days, must be the tower archetype also second dream of arcade/amusements)

There is also a reference to the first dream again, cousins and grandparents on my Dad's side... we were keeping a death vigil for my Gran & Grandad.   (both dead anyway)  It was important and other cousins were taking turns.. 

It fitted with this dream too.. saying Goodbye. 

Thursday, 18 June 2020

17 & 18th May 2020

17th May

The most amazing dream dust before sleep.  3d unfolding patterns, like watching CG fractals all breathing and moving in colour.

Dreams were again hazy.  A book - Triangulation writing own history.

Hazy card games/ floating talk/not talk.   Collective experience.

18th May

A huge tower block with identical balconies, all on balconies looking out.  It's vast, modern.... we have all made our space individual.  I've a painted sign on mine 'The Green Tree'  

I can float out of the balcony and look back at it.  

Tuesday, 16 June 2020

Lots of Bizzar Entities.

Monday 15th.

Busy and jumbled stuff, like word/salad and fast too - felt wizzy.

Painting a door over and over in different colours.  Something about Gaddafi. 

The tabloids and washing people.   Brainwashed?  A girl making massive cats cradles.

Tuesday 16th

Woke very awake and looked at the time. 2.22
Then when back to sleep into an odd dream. 
It was a post or Youtube channel/chat that I was involved in.   An old post, perhaps a dream.

In the dream I'd gone to re-read it and as I was looking someone was commenting real-time and knew I was looking at it. 

They had drawn the dream, cartoon style but correct and abstract (It was energy flows) a big purple-pink tube thing.

I wanted to know how they knew what I'd seen. It was a really interesting conversation with lots to read.    and then 'Ian' is there with the kids and he's angry at me for talking online...and is butting in, saying he will take the kids if I don't stop talking/replying.  

I feel my attention pulled 2 ways and the chat is asking me about my dream. 

They have asked.. '...........Planetary stabilising entity, what system were you originally from?'  I know they are referencing the pink/purple tube vortex thing and I want to reply as I know it's part of a set, some make energy and others atmosphere and yet Ian is there trying to cause/have a 'fight' (only it wasn't actually him) 

I woke frustrated as it was a really interesting conversation I was trying to have... 

Oh odd, I was wondering about another dream which involved a social media thread I'd had lately and that night I also woke at 2.22

Next dream was an off-world/game.  It's fast and busy and there are 2 factions light-dark who are both pestering to recruit me even though I tell both sides over and over I'm not interested in taking part.

It was wired as I was being made to take part by not taking part as they were pestering and following me around to pick, but it was a dumb battle and both sides were the same.  It was similar to this dream in some ways.
Lame gold/bright godlike superheroes and then smoky insubstantial enemy but they are both the same.

It's a vast world with many types of entities most seem to have picked aside.    

I'm avoiding the recruiting factions while following them around this world watching their pointless battle.  At one point I'm on a busy bus/tram very modern going past a vast lake.  

On the bus, I meet another like me (We are tall, long-limbed with white/blue skin very sharp pointed small teeth.  Grey eyes and very fine blue/silver hair)     Almost like a more refined version of the Boggert I've been a couple of times.   We called ourselves  'Night Wraiths' 

He's in a uniform and he's arresting me but I feel his intention and I know I'm not actually being arrested, like me he's not taking sides.  He's just pretending to arrest me so we can 'leave'.     As we leave the bus/tram all the people on it cheer for us. 

Of the tram is another female we look almost identical and the male removes the uniform.   We walk together to a shingle beach on the shore of the lake, it's dusk and a group of various entities are sitting and laying around a large campfire.    It has a festival, celebration feels and the 3 of us greet the entities already there and then we lay down together and embrace.

3rd dream is an off-world school/uni learning setting.  It's very busy and I'm struggling to stay awake there. 
I was again a strange entity one that is not normally humanoid and I was struggling with the form I was in, and it was making me very sleepy and the dream very hazy.   Mostly the dream I just recall being curled up watching or sleeping in strange places, like in bookcases or under desks.   I was small, with wired characteristics.

Other Boggart dream from 25th May 18 (On a page with lots of other stuff)
Very long dream..

This dream was one of them that is years long  (I think it is the start of a dream/life from another dream

as I'm an infant version of the same kind of blue creature.)  I'd forgotten about the other dream until waking the on waking realised it was almost the younger version of this thing. 

I'm non-human small with very long limbs, blue grey skin small abdomen with a pot belly and pointy teeth, hairless all over...  As the dream starts with mainly humans  I know I'm 'different'
The starting dream setting is an 'orphanage/school'

It's a group of old stone buildings set in forest woodlands the world is primitive and many different types of entity exist there. 
The orphanage is mainly human children with some half breeds it's run by a half breed man (hes got green skin thick set taller than the humans with pointed ears and teeth not as exaggerated as mine)

It's this male who is a primary contact as the older humans at the orphanage find me unpleasant  ( I was told I was found as collateral damage in a battle and as I was small and helpless brought here but the orphanage is all I remember)
I'm taught and fed communally with the other children there but they consider me stupid/simple. 
I'm confused...  I'm struggling to fit in and keep up with the other children.  I'm incontinent and can't learn or talk like them (I can't make the right sounds with my mouth to speak or hold a pencil)  I can understand them though. 
I'm bullied and teased by the other children as I smell, and wet myself .. and while I'm not 'abused' there I am beaten occasionally and humiliated by being made to wash my nappy's (that don't work well as I have a tail) the harsh treatment is mainly in an attempt to 'domesticate' me. 

The Green man is not usually unkind to me when I see him but is frustrated by my lack of any progress  - while other children are growing fast and learning I'm still unable to talk/write/not wet myself) 
There are communal bedrooms with wooden cots,  but I'm kept mainly in a small room with a wooden bunk bed alone to stop the other kids picking on me and for hygiene reasons..  ( I have no bedding or lights )-  it's lonely and confusing.

I'm taken one day to see the head of the orphanage he's with another green entity this one larger still and his skin thicker and a deeper green (I recognise this type from other dreams)   there kind of fantasy orc types  if I had to describe them. 
The Orphanage head explains that I'm leaving with the new male that he knows where my species are and he's travelling that way.

My next recall is travelling threw forests with the orc type entity.. he's taken and thrown away all my clothing, I'm much happier nakid and outside as we travel he explains things to me about my species  (draws images with sticks in the soil and mimes things too, I understand a little of what he says.

He's taking me home to my forest, my type are usually solitary and live for a very long time and spend years as 'infants'

As we travel the woodland changes the trees and colours until the trees are changing colour and getting thicker and bigger...  They are grey blue/purple like me, the bark is the grey bit. 

Soft thick dark blue wet moss covers the ground.   The light is different too there are kind of glowing lights in the trees but the canopy's is so high there is no sky to speak of so it's darker and the air is warm and very damp. 
I know it's home... i fit perfectly into the habitat.. my long limbs and claws are perfectly suited for climbing the trees and being bald and nekid the water runs easily from me I'm the same colour so camouflaged, though I felt totally safe and at home there.  There was also this amazing fruit on the trees thick skinned but soft and wet inside. 

Wake up at that point.

Sunday, 14 June 2020


First up.  A long road, game on the road.

Cleaning up and leaving again the place was very modern.  With Ian, Bro & Andy talking.

Then a long dream in Aunty Ann's flat, she was there as was my Mum.  It's the wired astral version of there.  The flat is big, I recall it from other dreams too. 

There is lots going on there, comings and goings and lots of cats and dogs.  My cat's are there and they are covered in parasites... 

Nothing like I've ever seen - really pretty icky one I remove is like a fleshy tube and when I take it off it tries to burry into me.. biting into my hand with saw like teeth things. 

I yank it pulling it off and flush it down the loo.   My Mum offers to help and has some chopstick type things, I find some gloves and we take the cat to a metal tub table that happens to be in the place.

When I've got my gloves on my Mams already started and has these wired looking wriggling metal tubes that she's removed.  I bin them and we keep hunting threw Scribbles fur.  Another small dog is there, his abdomen is open along the midline and his insides are necrotic.. I'm surprised it's still alive.
Another cat was bright purple.

Then Liz from here was also in the dream, she was in Em's house.   It still had the retro kitchen from this dream   Only now the whole house is the same style, it looks amazing.  I'm not in it but viewing the rooms on a screen like player.  

Next was an old thin book.  'Ode to 'Joy'/'freedom' was in it.    It was bound in an old green paper cover the pages held with string.

Oh, so just looked this up...  was a poem.   .

Last dream -

Again a house I know from other dreams, I live in it... on the 21st.  It's got a huge veg garden at the back with massive cabbages.  They are being cut and put into a van.  The house has a big shared kitchen and communal shower rooms.  Tanya is there too. 

Umbrella... dancing in the rain but it's plasma.

12-14th June

Early on in the night all abstract amusing and strange.

A strange Zen tower.  All rickety and weirdly balanced... An upturned flowerpot, soil dropped out.  Empty mind.

Tick, Tick time.   Power on - Power off.   Blinking/ticking lifts too.  Felt like puzzle bits.

A play in form/line then entropy, freedom... then coming back into form then entropy and chaos again.

Form - Flow like breath.  Beautiful and simple.

Then an odd dream.

I'm watching a Youtube channel and the room is like the one I was in (Same rug and bookcase) It was a room I considered mine in the dream.    Then it was wired, I turn on my camera as I thought I was looking at my room and I'm and am watching myself... (I had brown curly hair and purple clothes meby a young alternative me)   Was wired looking at myself (but not me)

I talk to the person streaming live and they show me the rest of there room and then the house, it's lovely.  There is a birthday cake there too.   

Last bit of the dream was cutting hair shorter and shorter.

13th June

Lots of dreams but Hazy recall. 

Spiritual mass/lessons.  A show / Panto and I'm a dog, big tongue, paws.

A path round the countryside.  Following on, round and round.  Messages from the people in front to the people behind them... but always in front and behind as it's round.  0-0-0- pattern.

14th June

Cleaning a bathroom, lots of crystal spiders in glass bubbles.

Wednesday, 10 June 2020

More Robots & AI

The first dream is a wired AI robot dream. 

I'm in a house with a small group of people a family perhaps or friends - we knew each other they are all huddled together sleeping.   The house is of a style I don't recognise in a med size town.  It's clean, no traffic pavements and countryside beyond the town.

In the house, there is a floating robot/observer grey diamond shape with small lights makes a slight noise like cooling fans in a PC.  

It's unsettling the people who live there as it observes all the time.  It broadcasts too and is linked to an AI network.   The people in the house are 'hiding' but they can't really hide as they are observed all the time. 

Some movement is permitted and so I go out to look around.   Something unpleasant is happening There are huge robots like giraffes and some like zebras smaller.   (This had a Horizon Zero dawn feel but the robots looked appealing) but the giraffe robot was Zapping and vaporising humans with an electric beam.  The Zebras seemed to be 'cleaning and maintaining the flowerbeds.  

I was trying to work out the program.  I was wondering if the humans were seen as out of balance and therefore being removed.   It was strange as the town and area it's self seemed so neat peaceful and orderly.  Clean streets well maintained gardens and sunny blue skies.... with this pervading fear of the humans who were being eradicated. 

It was like this dream too.. while the narrative was similar the contrast in setting was very pronounced.

The last dream I should have written earlier as it's not so clean now.  I know it was a sort of party/rave/dance/celebration.  Had a festival feel but was in the top story of a wired tower.  Like a multi-story car-park or something. 

At the base of the tower was a forge or foundry, liquid fire and stuff being melted down. 

The dancing is over and the rig is being packed up.  I've been playing with a cardboard spaceship and I've broken it - I take it over to were the decks were.  A woman is there, they is a paper with a contacts list where we can write our details to be informed about the next party, and also some books, leaflets and art. 

I tell her I want to pay for the rocket, and she tells me there is no need but I broke it and I want to so she accepts the money. 

Next, I'm in the sea, I'm swimming beside a gull and there is an apple core bobbing on the waves.  The gull gets it stuck in its beak, so I open its mouth to flick it out.   As I do so I realise I was still holding my wallet from paying for the rocket.  I see my cards float out and think, oh no... a seal is in the water too and then the woman from the other dream too.  She collects the cards and hands them back to me!?!

I'm a bit annoyed I wasn't lucid enough to ignore the cards :P 

Tuesday, 9 June 2020

More Snakes and Sides

Starts off in the living room of main dream house,  It's different and weirdly full of stuff. 

I'm moving out some of the stuff and slotting and packing it neatly into the area under the stairs to make more room.  In the dream, I'm aware I'm taking a plane/fly with Emma to Asia - we are planning stop-offs around the world with people we are to meet.

I leave the dream house to start the journey.  

Outside it's black dark and stormy a strong wind is blowing and the sky is filled with angels, valkyries, harpies and large sea birds.... all floating buffeted by the wind. 

The buildings over the wall are taller than normal too and each has a coloured kite paper 5 pointed stars stuck to it.  I lay on my back for a while watching and contemplating.

Each house a different colour of the rainbow... the stars are holding in the strong wind but flapping about - I was wondering if the wind would rip them free.

I notice as I'm leaving the dream area the place where the childrens play park was is now a drive-thru MacDonalds - I think how sad the place will look in winter and wonder if there is something we can do before then to make it less bleak...... I wonder about gingerbread house stickers.

Next place I recall is middle east stop off an invasion.. . Then Asia I'm watching Jack and Katy talking and arguing... they are bitter and hurt about something.  It's very dark still, and sandy and dusty.  I have a red Henry vacuum - I'm sucking up dust around the argument.

Still dark and I'm talking with someone about a large parasitic snake - it buries inside and I ask if we were born with it (Like puppies with worms) and we are not sure.

Then the snake is in my hands, it's small but unnaturally strong and it's small size makes it's head hard to hold.  It bites me once and I move my hands slightly.

I'm in a dark sandy space lit by flame torches. I'm male and my skin is a warm dark shade - had a Mayan feel.  There is chanting and stamping a sensation of people from all over the world, the snake I'm still holding it bigger now - it was a meeting of tribes I'm encouraged to lift the snake above my head and as I do It slithers down and bites my side..   again the same place! That left kidney area.  This wakes me up. 

Next dreams are wired, I'm above looking down and also going into the dreamscapes.  Again I'm male, not white but not sure what.  I'm in a tattered light military uniform possibly lost/defected.   I'm looking down on the ruins of ancient rock-cut dwellings in a sandy barren desert-like space.   The ruins are being used by tribes or gangs.  Weapons or drugs have been hidden in one as a pickup place It's not safe to move about int he open there are snipers. 

I'm looking at myself from above but I can also go down into the person... insects, biting ones like big mozzies are swarming and irritating, it's hot. 


Next up is a similar area, but perhaps the 70's - People with cruel agendas hiding behind a religious facade.   - Wired vib, I'm uncovering a truth few want to hear.  Abuse of children, men who were in there 20's and 30's in the 70's.

A language/code holes and spaces.   It's been changed, made faster and more effective by removing some spaces that were not needed.

A goodbye... hugging people leaving/long goodbye like a school ending.  

Monday, 8 June 2020


First a swamp/pond with fish in.Green vegetation

Then a long dream. 

It's set in a red brick 3 storey Victorian townhouse building on a busy high street. 

On the first floor is a vet surgery it has stairs that lead down into the ground floor at the front opening onto the street is an old fashioned Amusement arcade.  It's signage is black painted in gold victorian lettering the doors are open onto the street and inside is filled with slot machines and vid games like the 80's. 

Out the back of the building on the ground level is a small town garden, mainly concrete with patchy weeds, low light as it's backing onto other tall brick buildings, a dark side return area has a metal fire escape stairs from the 2nd story.

The first part of the dream I'm in the vets, Ann is there and lots of kittens.  I'm looking out of the window onto the garden and can see what looks like a large bat on the ground.  It seems injured and threw out the dream I seem to intend to go check it out but never get that far.  

I'm watching kittens run around the bat and come in and out... I feed them too.  The bat was big! like in this dream in April

While feeding the kittens my wrist and lower arm is itchy and inflamed I mention it to Ann but think nothing more of it until the following day when I wake and the skin is wired and floppy.  The arm sore with crusty weeping blisters.  I put a light bandage onto it and mention it to Ann who's arm was also now itching and we decide meby it's viral as seems contagious. 

In the next bit of the dream, I'm mainly in the Arcade downstairs.  I've been asked to go and collect a boy - he's young and has a leg amputated at the hip.   He moves with a metal replacement, I was to bring him to the Arcade that was run by 2 gay men I knew in the dream.  One I was with most was white and middle-aged, short grey hair, grey denim trews and wore cotton shirts.  He gives the boy some lemonade and a handful of tokens for free plays.  

Next bit is wired/disjointed as I'm out on some salt/flat sulpha pools and I'm looking down on the dead body of this kid.  He's committed suicide and I remember feeling bad that I'd not taken better care of him for his father. 

I port back with the body to the Arcade place which has now out of the back a wired '70's theatre' feel... I'm carrying the body and the music for that old show 'This is your life' is playing and lots of people that knew this kid are all in a room waiting to greet him and scenes from his life are on a black and white TV.    They are all clapping and whooping and I give them the body and then walk back to the front of the arcade.

At this point, I notice I'm no longer a person but am dryad like again.... no face just a body shape made of bendy wood.   I go to the front of the street and look out onto the road where I see a young couple meet and fall instantly in love.


Saturday, 6 June 2020

Dirty Lenses

Lovely dreams last night.

Mainly I'm a nurse again, human first then VN later. 

In the first dream I'm in a large white clean room the walls seems to be glass or clear and it's very bright.  I'm helping a senior nurse. 

An elderly white man comes in, he's very frail with a walking stick and wearing old fashioned white cotton striped pyjamas - he can't see. 

The nurse greets him and helps him onto the bed where she chats quietly to him and hands me his spectacles to clean.

She sets about striping the man to wash him, starting with his face and while she's busy I take his old spectacles to the sink.

They are covered in a thick layer of grime and dirt making them totally opaque.  I wash this off first with the clean water coming from a long silver tap.   Then repair the legs and polish the lenses so that they shine brightly.

As I'm finished the man is sitting up in the bed, he still can't see but is feeling much better and is smiling at the other nurse, I kneel on the side of the bed and pop his glasses back on.

The man is utterly shocked when he can see again (His glasses were so dirty he may as well have been wearing a blindfold).

We help him up to look out of the window and then he gratefully bids us farewell - It felt very positive. 

The second dream

Is perhaps Alnwick again, it had the feeling of a campus/teaching but also a town.  Like Balifgate/main school idea - modern and different though. 

There were people I recalled from high school but also other aspects of my life too.  The head nurse was a blond bitchy girl from my high school and the other nurse was a girl I'd trained with at the PDSA. 

It starts of in a vet's and I'm a nurse there.  I'm not liked by the other staff, just tolerated I'd only taken one year of exams and though I knew the job inside out the head nurse treats me poorly.  The head nurse was a blond bitchy girl from my high school and the other nurse was a girl I'd trained with at the PDSA.   The younger tolerates me but the head nurse actively dislikes me - but it didn't bother me.   I was also aware I'd been there 10 years -  I wasn't wanted but was waiting anyway as there was something I needed to do/finish.   (10 years was relevant)

There is an elderly long-haired tabby cat, his leg is a mess and needs to be amputated.  They don't trust me to do the anaesthetic so I'm cleaning. 

We get a call from another vets practice in another part of town that needs help.   I offer to go.     The head nurse calls after me about how I look a mess...  I look down and I look ok but my uniform is a patchwork of all colours and places.  (Different places I'd worked)  I shout back that meby she should have done her job and got me a new uniform when I started then I'd not be wearing old torn uniforms from the store.  

It actually looked quite cool, I'd cut the useful parts from many different uniforms and sewen them into a workable multi-coloured outfit. 

As I get to the other practice I'm about to enter when I realise the other nurse has followed me down too and goes threw the door in front of me saying 'Go back, you're not qualified'  I wave at the staff in the second practice and leave again. Mildly exasperated at the waste of time but still upbeat start to dance my way back to the first practice.   I'm dancing down a small flight of stairs and over a bannister railing when an elderly white woman with short white hair grabs my arm and my attention.

She tells me it's good to dance as I'm looking into her blue/grey eyes.  I know she's special, she throws a coat and a fabric carpetbag onto a nearby bench revealing old wrinkled tanned skin over muscle and sinew she's strong - she starts to dance too and her thin form has incredible balance poise and strength.     The cat that's being operated on at the first practice belongs to her. 

We 'jump here' first we are together floating over a road and the ground below it has fallen away.   Most of road left hanging down into it.   A pit of yellow sulpha water is at the bottom splashing up as bits of a remaining land bridge fall down into it. 

'Jump again' we are on the side of a large pit in the ground.  At the base of the pit a rock platform surrounded by liquid fire in the bottom.  On the platform is a very large alligator type creature. 

The elderly woman has a safety harness and jumps down onto the pit wall, it's ledges make it scalable and I follow her into the pit though I have no harness.

She's strong, and fast and scales the walls down with ease - I try to keep up and am close to her when the alligator jumps up - it's face to face with her and she watches it as it spits a dark green venom into her face and then drops back down into the pit.   I take off part of my uniform to use to help her clean up. 

I jump again... this time I'm back at the first vet's.  I ask about the cat, the amputation went well and the cat is in recovery.   I'm asking about the reason for the amputation, injury illness and where the limb is.   It's only the younger of the 2 nurses now and she tells me the leg is in the clini-waste in the freezer.  I go retrieve the leg and the cat's notes.   The owner is called 'Irene George'  Though her name was spelt differently with an I & A in.  I know the lady wants histopathology done on a tissue sample from the limb and I fill out a form for it.


Wake and go into another dream.  I see the same lady, different clothing - it's images moving images visions for a woman's refuge/rescue but I recognise her clearly - She's dancing and is incredible.

Friday, 5 June 2020

Dream with people I don't know, but do in the dreams.


Dream of lockdown or at least people inside, but gardens are shared and people are all out the back of houses talking and looking at the sky which is dark.
We have sort of moved into space out the back, and broken fences to share veg and be together. 

Next dream is a long narrow space in main dream area it's on the seafront and I'm with an old friend Katy and also the girl I was with last night who I was wrapping in black fabric.  We also have a baby boy with us he looks Middler easter like his sister and he's very placid and cute - just in his nappy.  We are taking turns playing with him and chatting.  The space we are in is moving slowly almost train like.

Last dream was an outdoor market stall selling brown bags of sweets, it's low down to a cobbled street.  At one end on a folding seat sits a black guy similar age to me, he is British with a west indies hint in his accent.  With him are 2 dogs, one a collie cross and the other a staff/boxer he's telling me the collies not friendly but the bull breed/staff has moved round and is on it's back with it's tongue lolling out.  We laugh as I rub it's tummy, the bull breeds temperament is so different from the collie cross who is eying me warily as the guy holds him back. 

4th June

Strange town, set in a very modern building/lab perhaps a research park, there are forests and gardens around it.

It's hazy as to who I was in this dream - not me :P  Or this me, I was female and I have a room with a rug overlooking a valley of trees. 

The building is very modern and respectable but we are not what we seem and we are creating edible psychedelics which in this dream world was either illegal or we didn't have the correct license - I'm not sure which.     The edibles are like the most perfect looking large gummy bears - lovely colours and clear as cut glass. 

Our business has a legit reason too but this isn't our main focus.  I'm watching from a white balcony the reception area when a small beautiful female enters, she's Asian and with a smart tailored looking card and bag and I clock her as 'control/official' and realise we are in the shit.

I quickly tell the 2 'managers by telepathy I'm first out of the building and into the forest but then I'm also observing the 2 men leaving behind me (No body just like a floating sky view)  One male tall has a very unusual tailored suit, it's a bright royal blue he wares with highly polished shoes.  His hair is red curled/wavey.   He seemed to be my main focus as I'm watching from behind them as they walk quickly from the building and into the forest. 

We have a vehicle hidden in the forest to getaway.  There was a feeling of emergency/urgency when I woke all my energy was in my tummy & lower.  

Next a wired vision.   A shadow of a person standing in a small tunnel of bright light. 


Last dream again I'm female but not this body.  I have short straight dark hair and I'm printing flowers onto my hair with a sponge and white paint.  I have on a small lol it looked like a fairy/party outfit in blue/green/turquoise, my skin was olive.  I have wings too, looked a little like a festival or carnival outfit. 
Once the flowers had been painted on my hair I was painting the centre of each flower turquoise too.  A guy was helping me do the back...   I can remember my hair, and the tube of paint I dropped.  The guy I don't know but did in the dream (I think he was same as last night with the 2 dogs and sweet stall) is helping me to do the back.    It's odd though as I was looking in a mirror and I can't at all remember my face. 

Tuesday, 2 June 2020

Portals, Implants and Robot Skins.

Pre 1am a really strange and busy dream back in main dream area but above ground again.

In main dream house but the dividing wall has gone upstairs with the neighbour and the 2 guys who lived there when I was a teenager are upstairs with me and we are discussing a portal that has opened with a really fast spin it's almost like a washing machine. We are also discussing shifting, genetic manipulation, implants and robots.  

I'm trying to reassure people but also asking them to help.... and am still doing stuff alone while they decide.  There were other me's too some in some out of the portal.

I awoke still feeling 'spinny'  I had a wired feeling/sensation on my side low down.   -  Oh,  It's the same place as this DC grabbed me back in 2016...    How wired that that page mentions the cables, that was another one of the recurrent visions I had as a child.  Hummmmmmm.....

Anyhooo I'm fast to go back to sleep and I was in the hippygoogly stage when I heard a loud audible 'click' from Ian's side of the bed, also felt low down close to the left kidney area. 


The second dream I'm going to camp, I look round the first field the pitches are wide and each has a space to make a fire and a water stand that marks them as pitches.   The grass is ankle hight and yin/yang ferns are growing, they are sort of half white/black.  I look round but the pitches won't get any sunlight as they are on the wrong side of a large hill so I keep walking. 

Next I seem to be in a long corridor people are still pitching tents but inside.  I see families setting up and I think how strange it is to camp inside.   It has the feel of a hotel/pub.   When I look outside all the pitches have been filled now and the same at a door at the front.  I decide I'll sleep on the floor inside if it gets damp but spend my time outdoors. 

At this point male me is with me, it's Jack.  We are going to play a game, it's a new one and combat/puzzle-based.  We are in a room filled with posters and glass cases.  The cases are displaying  'packages' these are like drops/gear you get to start off with (They are like a small plastic box you get in the VR Game when you enter and then they expand with you into a usable kit)

We are looking around at the cases each case has a theme/colour scheme and the poster behind it echoes this.   The colours and items are beautiful.  Some schemes I'm considering are teal and cream, another that is purple, pink, blue.  The items are also amazing, intricate crystals, beautiful crystal inlaid silver carved weapons.   Woven and beaded bracers and cuffs.   The detail and care were amazing.
Next dream, or follow on still with male me and we are in a vast art design complex.  We are looking at incredible robotics designs and skins.  I'm hugging male me and crying, we are parting/saying goodbye again. 

Next thing I'm robotic myself like an android, I'm soft fluid metal - Head but no face curved form more feminine than male. 

I'm wrapping a body in coloured silks, First red closest to the skin, the silk is thin and bandaged shaped. I'm wrapping all over including the face - it felt almost like mummification, but the body was still alive and breathing, the silk is fine.   After the red layer orange, then yellow... I have a pile of all the colours and need to cover the body completely in each colour in turn.

The last dream...(I think this was in the same complex)

I'm with a female (In the dream I know her well and we have a close and loving relationship almost like sisters)  Again I'm wrapping her, this time though it's black silk squares. 

I'm wrapping her tightly arms to the side and with slight pressure, she's going to meditate and the pressure on the skin is important for what we are doing its cocoon-like.   I wrap her mouth but her eyes aren't covered - they are very expressive, dark brown and I can see her love and amusement when I hold up a mirror for her to examine herself.  Once I've covered her top I lower her carefully onto a low fabric-covered camp style bed frame bed to wrap her feet and legs.   I'm to stay and watch over her while she meditates and then we will change places.  I settle beside her and can see/sense hummm  waves of zombies!  They pass by just out of our flicker rate (She may have been dreaming them)   They are not aware of her body or mine.

Monday, 1 June 2020

Art and Beds


Was like my college dorm room at first but I was in a uniform sort of like police.  Also a pond.

1st June

Before 2pm

A long and detailed dream that was hard to 'pin' down.  It was astral conversations, a plan, 'time' unfolding.  Like a film/  watching.    Can go back and forth in it.

The second dream is that wired sort of Astral Alnwick, (Same place as a few dreams from last month.
This one and the pizza/Bank dream)  Few others too.   Anyhoo it's set in the same area as the pizza dream and mainly outside on the sandstone flags.  Zak is with me, others I recognise too it's has a wired 'astrally' type vibe with the purple sky.   It's not dreamlike.  Marcus was there and another artist, there was a mix of oil and other mixed media canvases lined up outside one of the buildings with people admiring them.

There are also 2 sections of around 6 hospital beds ICU's with staff.  Nurses are trying to save dying people suffering from various things.   They are sort of set just slightly lower than the pavement with railings around them and they are almost like a 'performance'   The nurses tired and stressed and the patients passing or bearly clinging to life.   Zak is with me, but he's younger 3 meby and he goes up to one of the sick people on a bed with a cup of water and picks up the unconscious mans head and pours a little into his mouth...     Zak cries and the male nurse cries too.   It was about empathy. 

Also Sa Ra.  (Not English)

- Another dream.

I've followed a pack of dogs into a castle on a hill, our dog is with them and I call him and he comes back.

There is a city below, crowded small homes a friend is there Holly' and she's moving but the town's roads have no vehicles - she has arranged for a family to come with a cart they have to pile things onto.  It might have been Asia someplace/time ...The walls in her home were thin and almost transparent

The car and owners arrive.   The family ware old fashioned colourful and beautifully embroidered clothes a warm light brown skin tone they are friendly and I help them fill the cart and then we walk together on the sandy paths with my friend's belongings... felt like going from an old Asia to an old Malta.  The place we were headed to was small square buildings carved from cliffs or made from sandstone.

At one point I find myself in a trash shoot... there are all kinds of thrown away creative stuff.   There is the head of an old statue.   Beelzebub Was what it was... it was a little like a massive wired Punch and Judy doll. Just a head with no body.

Last dream was of a school/uni with Em.  It was mainly residential areas, felt like Bristol for some reason.   Em had a thing for the chemistry teacher, but he was a bit wired and creepy.  I didn't say anything though and he wanted me to stay in a cupboard while he came onto her :P  I agreed, there were more people in the cupboard too and we sat and chatted. 

Strange Summoning

  12th Was v tired after 3 night shifts, but did dream all night. Was all over the place though as I was tired too, so falling asleep i...