A lot just happened in 2 hrs??? 'It did yes'
It's 202 'What do you recall Ren?' Eerrrr
Sensation, mmm giving permission..
I recall laying down and the instant energy DL buzzing in my skull above both ears again.. the language areas - where it was buzzing when I was thinking of the link with Lewis Carroll and CS Lewis.

Then forehead too....Then much, So much, too much to..
Hu, it's 101 I'm confused
'Ok, lay down'
131 wake again... the cats all made a noise.. 'I'm close Ren, recall more?'
Oh the first dream, there was a cable, extension they don't reach all the way so they were daisy-chained into each other.
Lee holding a leek?? I was something, a pet???
'Come again'
404 ?? 'If you want recall Ren dream with an ego aspect' I thought I was dreaming with you? 'No, I'm here with you' eh?? why is this so confusing.... oh lol I'd been seeing planes of symmetry inside alternate realities??
I was going to jump to Leon to get a better recall Inka reminded me.... 'Sol is still in conjunction with Uranus you'd be wise to avoid Leon a little longer' 😆 Hahahaa kk, ty 😆 Malico then.

What, Where?? Hu??
Long dream... I'd been with Marcus in it. It starts with a crowd on tiered seating out in the open they were increasingly irritated with being taken advantage of.
It was very detailed sharp, they were discussing various issues they had with health, government, society all chatting among themselves.
Me and Marcus were introduced to an elderly couple, their Son & Daughter and then their teenage granddaughter and grandson about 11.
The detail was extraordinary, the girl dark hair in a ponytail, leggings... she was tall,
dark eyes, had braces on her teeth.
The younger boy short dark hair and eyes, a black cap and a Nintendo Switch, the grandma short with dyed red curly hair and old fashioned specks...
She looked like she would speak with a New York Accent.
All very real, but I'd not met them before the introduction.
I was to spend this Sunday taking care of this family.
It's my main dream area but in a way, I'd never seen before.
I recognised it by the main landmarks only, the newsagents, this family were now in the flat above it.
In this dream it was Hub, em's house featured too.
Mainly I was to provide a meal and comfort talking to the kids?? The daughter was nice, smart bright the family were likeable.
At the first house, the cooker was way to small to make food for all, so we all moved on in a brown mini car...
It was like the tardis, way bigger inside lots of people and a dog or 2 the journey took way too long and I was just standing on the side holding onto the roof 😛
We head back to the newsagent's flat, people were getting hungry now and it's late in the day,
So I'd gone out to grab a cooked chicken I'd prepare with some veg.
A strange vending machine that wasn't working...
It just ate money but didn't pop out food,
The grandad was showing how he would just cheat it,
A button out of view popped out what he wanted 😆
A massive bag of white shaped gummy marshmallows..
As I finish typing this Zak says to me..... You know angry birds? The next place they attack is New York City... they turn it into new pork city. 😮
I'd jumped back again to the house with Leon and Malico...
Next up the Hug him and squeeze him and call him George!
lol, the Martian and bugs bunny?
I used to call everyone George... Mel used to aswell, the Jewellers I just asked for my Flea from, there was also a George... king in England....
Oh and one with a dragon?
I'm suddenly back in the Spider, Fly, Parlour, web dream...
I ask Inka witch, which am I,
He tells me I know, I just don't want to admit it!
Rupert Murdock dream at the start of the dream blog??
'Bk Ren, you know what I'm showing?'
Mmmm but not how it fits togther.
' Ok, needs more weaving'
Back to the first Elohim dream, the time now is 616!
Inka... I'm just confused heads to fuzzy this morning for this. 'Here again, stay'
He meets me again outside of this dream....
The detail is astounding it's hyper-real, I look at the dolphins in the pond in the moonlight.
We go in and upstairs past the politicians,
He's a wyrd big looking elohim thing again,
I'm a little purple boggart thing 'nephalim'.
I thought they had red hair??
'Write the dream Ren, I'm showing you symbolically, as that is how you learn'
He takes me upstairs to my female family beats me then tells me to go apologies?!!?!?
I'd stared at him confused so he drags me over....
I tell them all I'm very sorry? 😕
Inka?? 😣 'Ren last night muppet?? The stuff you took responsibility for?' OoOoOO😯😯😯
Ohhh!! 😲 The contract with them from ages ago!!
'I'm trying to show Ren, we are gaming hard 😏' Hahaha ok.
The nephalim, elohim branch of the world tree??? The Nephalim portal from 2011??
'You want to recall your soul name??' Mmmmmmm
'Good, we keep playing 😏' lol kk...
The reality bombs??
'Soon crazy mouse. Now is morning'
lol kk

Oh I just noticed my Ivy bracer that was in the dream too only it was damaged or melting, or being made???
I think back to the details, it's crystal clear.
The dolphins, the water, the sisters?? Pleiades system...
Something with Appolo too?? 'Weave it today my amusable friend' lol kk
'You could just read stuff like other people??'
Nah, I'd only forget it anyhow... that would be more His Story, I like my dreaming 😛

Oh the hunter's twin bo. More twins

That was the bit Wiki removed... this month