Monday, 30 November 2020

Fabrics of Space and Time Rendered Threw a Broken Mind


'You have been told to go alone Ren', IK..... but you could piggyback,  

it would be more fun ๐Ÿ˜‰


 'For who?... you're on tower and want to change the parameters again now? ......and not listen?'

 Pretty much, I am listening I'm just playing too... there must be a reason I'm in.  


'Will cost you Ren, likely in more ways than you comprehend' lol let's see, its stuff like that that makes me want to do it more ๐Ÿ˜… 


Fearless, Toxo, gaming mouse that you play with..... 

you guys are smart.. So, you must game with me for a reason and its unlikely to be because I'm biddable and predictable. ๐Ÿ™ƒ


'Might be, cause you're fucking stupid Ren?'  Hahaha quite possibly, that's a yes then?   


Your response reminds me of when Em & Me used to stab dog shit as kids to use as a weapon from bullies ๐Ÿ˜„ 


'That's possibly a more adequate analogy that you realise bitch' 

Hahaha that's yes then?  'Go on then, but big credit Witch and we are entering unpredictable waters'  ๐Ÿคฃ


Tell me your not a bit excited though?  'Fuck off Ren, don't push it, nutcase... I'm your shit on the stick remember' 


Should have possessed someone less like yourself mate


... 'Credit bitch, who holds the score?'  ๐Ÿ’œ TY!!



'You good bitch?'  Inka, wtf was that.. I knew that message that tone.  

'Yes, Witch... '   Errrrrrr 

'It's why he finds your company uncomfortable Ren, you See HIM'

I see something and it's not him.  'Mirrors, Witch'  

Inak?  'It's cool Bitch, you got this'   I feel wired...  'Feel ๐Ÿ’š'   Emmmm I do, It's stopped now. 'You connected to it and me'   


 I don't understand... 'You don't need to, trust, feel and listen ok? You upped the game again crazy mouse, I'm your shit on a stick and you will see me in the mirror.. Often dark ones ok?'  

errrrrrr I'm, yes, ok.   


 Oh... Just looked up Vis a Vis, y0u told me yday..

vis-a-vis adverb 
Definition of vis-รฅ-vis (Entry 3 of 3) 
: in company TOGETHER 
Did You Know? 
Vis-รฅ-vis comes from Latin by way of French, where it means 
literally "face-to-face." In English it was first used to refer to a 
little horse-drawn carriage in which two people sat opposite 
each other. From there it acquired various other meanings, 
such as "dancing partner." Today it no longer refers to actual 
physical faces and bodies, but its modern meaning comes 
from the fact that things that are face-to-face can easily be 
compared or contrasted. So, for example, a greyhound is very 
tall vis-รค-vis a Scottie, and one currency may be stronger vis- 
รค-vis another.


How come you all know Latin and I don't?!  'You do Ren you just don't remember...we are teaching through'  

How come I'm crazy to trust you but I also need to?  'Faith is the leap into the unknown otherwise it wouldn't be faith, the craziest leap far and wide trusting that they are safe'   Why do I long for you all so much?  'Home Ren, we are each other'  Where? '

'I'll meet you at the roundhouse, and we go together Ren'  TY for being my shit!'  'I'll make you pay Ren, DW ๐Ÿ˜ˆ'  lol

Is Leon Angry? 'Just tired of your shit Ren, like your tired of his'  Mmmmm 'You were a train wreck last night' IK   'Come'  ok.

Main dream area... Inak was with my awareness as I was in a dream there.

I was by the park and health centre watching people walking past they were all bundled up hats and scarf and only eyeballs peeping out like they are hiding. Inka tells me they are probably hiding from us, we'd jumped bk to the hut where I was analyzing the dream and how I'm learning the root of all dream and symbology.   

I'd woken again jump back Inak joins my awareness and we jump to the house to go find Leon, he's still in the library and is annoyed I'm not alone, tells us if Inka is there, he wants to see him.
We split. Leon is irritable and He wants me to kneel, I tell him I don't want to, we discuss deference and roles. I still just stare at him, he asks me if I would kneel to stop him hurting Inka and I tell him I'd join with Inka and push out or smother his awareness. 

At this point I realised why taking Inak too was a stupid idea ๐Ÿ˜› '
Did warn you Ren ๐Ÿ˜†'   

Then Leon puts a reality bomb into Inka... tells me we are on tower and one way or another, one or both of us is coming down. Kittens had woken me here, being annoying charging round the room & bed.    

Jump bk, Leon asks Inka to leave and Inka asks me. But Leon refuses to remove the bomb even if Inka leaves and we have till dawn before it goes off.

I'm contemplating attacking Leon when Inak tells me 'Bitch, as your fail-safe I'm warning you that is a fucking stupid idea'  lol   'We have both told you fighting will only make this worse Ren'  Kittens wake me again playing in the room, I'm annoyed with them too now as they won't let me sleep and then Shadow pee's on my Lilith piccy! Irony not lost on me I kick kittens out and jump back.

Leon wants us to dream share and I eventually agree, he makes us sit on the rug by the fire and he's on the sofa thing..... It reminded me of when Illeth dream shared with Kaylo and Ren in the story.   Also the Rider Waite Devil Image.

The dream is hazy.. it's the gold Frog from the Elohim dream

It's when Inak had asked me if a frog turned into a tree... here.  

But I'm unpacking all the meaning in that.

The reptile but amphibian too water/earth. The dryads, when we are balanced and connected, the tree/tree of life knowledge us too... then humans. Fractured and split -veiled.

The dream from the start of the blog with the image of pure balanced male/female energy.   

I realise how we are transitioning from Devil to Tower card Ren has her tail still from the other night and the bogart dreams... and how I've tied Inka into this too as my current ego aspect... I apologise to him.

'More dreams Ren, come back and stay'  I jump bk.

Next dream was long.. I'd been on my way to attend a meeting/class in C-10.

I was weaving my way threw a dining room that was busy, as I get to the door I need to put my room access destination address in but the lights are dim and I can't see well.  

I realise that the diners are in the dark and I excuse myself moving behind some chairs to access the light controls, I fiddle with some switches and fuses and turn on some fairy lights in the back dining area, It creates a nice ambience, the light levels in the front room are not optimal and it's too bright but it's not easy for me to adjust from where I'm at. As I'd been altering the lights I hear 2 females chatting they are telling me vampirism has been confirmed at the school among the girls I go to chat to them telling them I'm interested in the symbolism behind it.. she tells me it's happening in some of the females, indicative of a strong matriarch inside. I smile at her nodding.

I set the door destination and head to C-10 It's an art class.

I'm pretty late to the class and I apologise explaining I was helping to but the lights on but I'd made the front area to bright, the teacher understood and would get someone to adjust it. 

I look around I'm late and the class are already appraising there their last piece of art. I realised I'd not bothered to do anything as I'd skipped that class and as I had nothing to review I was going to leave but the teacher stops me and suggests I start the next project called 'Amusables' 

I need to observe something and then review it. It's amazing!! 

It's like a living sculpture that flows and changes, it starts as a mirror mirage dragon laying in the countryside then green grass and into a green woman, then trolls and mushrooms, it rolls and scrolls plays and changes, I get closer and poke my head right in for a closer look, the teacher is watching me watch it. I know it's how stuff is supposed to be, formless perfect seamless flowing manifestation - beautiful and harmonious.

In another dream, I'd been beside me looking at this image on my blog it was the date I wanted to see.    

Both are relivent the 2016    & The 2020 one.  

There was something else about a godfather... 'Keep dreaming Ren, with us here'

'Your names are written in the stars, they were known to you before you were born'  

More art, beautiful swirling like I'm in a dot drawing, earth monsters, stone trolls with swirling rippling patterns, flowing and dancing it's like being inside a pice of art again.

Another dream, something had been dropped onto a church I'm seeing the pipes from an old organ all smashed and twisted where the impact had been. There is a crucifix too but the thing attached to it is alive it's dark and changing, impressive and fascinating. 

I see the word co-op team, crew, group, love. Then 2 speckled spotty shells.

In another dream Star has had more kittens they are all different ages again (Oh like the  other dream?? 'Find Ren ๐Ÿ˜'  Oh.. lol ๐Ÿ‘€.

A radio show, someone is reading a long poem in a northern accent. It's got palindromes in.. I can also see the poem as a depiction on a church wall, about a fight with a serpent. this the thing from the church by My Nana? Lewis Carrol again? The Wyvern 'Find it Witch' -   Oh this is all the mirror stuff?  Mirror numbers? Mirror words??  wow!!

Then the reader of the poem had turned into my Dads voice, still obviously Northern accent. As I'm listening I'm walking threw and unfamiliar housing estate up to a hill, there are 2 colourful ducks and a colourful bird flying they land in a pond... Bright greens/blues yellows and pinks. I go closer, the damp ground is covered with seals and otters, they are all unphased by my intrusion.  

Back at the Library, I'd played nice. ๐Ÿ˜†
Inka was defused and could go, I apologise to him and, I crawled up unto the sofa laying next to where Leon was still sitting.   Leon put his hand onto my head and I was dreaming again... recall less good without Inka but it was about a puzzle.  

It's made from the same deep dark wood as a lot of the antique furniture in the house and it's like a globe dark wood carved globe. It is a puzzle too and I have been collecting and hunting bits...the continents countries and oceans and I've nearly put it all back now.  

That wooden globe was similar to that paper one on another page?  'Yes mouse, you played nicely and got lots more patterns last night wake and weave please'  Found it! WOW!!  ๐Ÿ˜


Wow... you were not kidding I have alot to weave. Head pop... 'Ego pop Ren, At least you didn't explode Inak, he will help'   Hahah ๐Ÿ’œ  'Run bitch, ground first'  good plan... I feel wired ๐Ÿ˜›

You knew I would bring Inka, Leon? 'You too Ren this side of what you call time' Ohhh

Why do I still want to fight with Leon?  'You don't stay down for long'
Oh that's what he said in that strange space.  Yes.   Oh you made me bring Kaylo and you hit him to get me to attack you?  'I did ๐Ÿ˜ˆ'  
Why wasn't it recommended to attack him then?   'Cause we are all getting sick of duality bitch.  
Just ask him for a scrap if you want one..  Tower isn't always the best place for it'

Moon? 'If you're crazy' ๐Ÿ˜œ   Haha I think we both know the answer to that ๐Ÿ˜†


 Can't weave, I broke the Editor again... 'Nap Ren will work again soon' 


 Heya Master 'Good evening Ren, your energy and language are as incongruous as your reason for being here'  ๐Ÿ˜ˆ


 I played nice! ๐Ÿ’œ 'You did indeed, though for how long remains to be seen'  Thanks...   

 'You are welcome Ren, you will find Inka on the station if you want to apologise or thank him too' I will later. 


 'That decanter belongs to Malico Ren, you know his house rules and we are all here under your responsibility'  Yehhh, Inka's already half drained it and I'm coping the shit for that so mehh



Which archetype am I then?  'Our fool of course Ren, a little golden monkey who summersaults threw the archetypes'  Hahaha 

Yeh, I guess I am. What next?




 'You are learning the order Ren, it's up to you how smoothly you transition to Star' The boggart tails make the Merkabah thingy? Same as the Wyvern, in the story?


 'From the Latin Viper/Adder Ren'  The snake with 2 legs...  'Yes'   The snake round the dryad tree? The one I wondered if we were born with or if it was parasitic?  'I think we have established Ren, you are pretty parasitic'  I think I'm just symbiotic 'Wishful thinking toxic mouse?'   

Hehe let's see ๐Ÿ˜†

 The one flew over the Cuckoos nest was published on my birthday... Before I was here but on the date. 'Ripples Ren, see them in your dreams, the dates the energy your memory is passing threw' Lewis Carols birthday is the same as my Dads.. So many of our Family Aquarius. 


 What's with Heraldry, Wyvern is on Heraldry Unicorn and Lion too?   'Good question mouse mind'  Symbols then?  'More obvious ones than many understand Ren'   Ohhh.... 

Wow... you wen't wrong about the fixed search!  ๐Ÿ˜

Yeh Inka?  'Merrily and gently Bitch'  Hahaha  ๐Ÿ’œ

How about just some wee waves?  Surley it's the waves that stop us drifting back of to sleep??

Actually, I found all the links!   GG again guys ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ I'll keep playing nice... ish ๐Ÿ˜

Strange Summoning

  12th Was v tired after 3 night shifts, but did dream all night. Was all over the place though as I was tired too, so falling asleep i...