Thursday, 31 December 2020

Which way Home?

Ian wakes me at 101 to tell me the cat's brought in a field mouse, it's in the box in the loft and they will let it out when it's light...

'Tell me it's not fun Ren?'  lol Squeek πŸ˜‰

Inka? 'Squeaky? I'm a 'Idiot?' 'We know Ren, It's cool you don't even need tricking. You're crazy enough to just play'  I errrr 'Get away with it due to your intention'  Oh  'Get up a bit your mind is fuzzy'  ok.....

'444 Ren Come' Ok.

I'd chilled for a bit first mudras and energy then told to jump back wild, we were in the cross formation again, sharing crown energy. 

Inka wanted me inside him and I join like fire running threw him.. quite silent fire 'Like a good parasite' lol FU 😏 Duno what we did 'I do 😈' Haha

Next Inka/I turn inside out I'm outside he's in and I jump to the hunter's room to dream share with Malico & Loci.
My recall is crap, just sensation 'DW' I know everything made wonderful sense... 'Yes your mind is still fuzzy, it's fine we recall'

Sandra and Chris house. (Other possible parents for this incarnation) Oh there daughter another Em. Em/Me.

I was with a female friend we are in school uniforms and have gone there for lunch from school. The mother in the dream was unfamiliar she had offered me a cup of tea but I'd already put the kettle on and was making it 'Pushy bitch😈' lol.

I was chatting, perhaps with Chris though it felt like one of the crew or a disembodied voice. We were talking about aspect integration and how I was encouraged to get bigger and bigger to satisfy curiosity.

'Inevitable given your relentless drive Ren'  πŸ˜†


We were also talking of the overthrow of governments the same game on a global scale. Was it easier to do it from inside or from outside country attack country. - The other view I was talking too seemed to think better from outside as inside the system it was easier to track the motives of dissidents. I was indifferent

 Leon was washing 2 infants in a bath πŸ˜•  Oh lol we back on Sun?  !🌞

'Yes Loony Bitch!!' Phahahah πŸ’œ Good Game!

I'd kicked something over that I couldn't see in the dark and made a mess, everyone was getting wet feet.  πŸ˜†

The last dream I'd been following a mum with 2 boys...the mum was complaining that one of the kids needed a dump again. πŸ’©   I'd commented out loud feed him less of your vegan crap then.  The kid's father had herd/heard me and was laughing.   'Mooo'

'Dream on Mouse bk here first'

I can see the overthrow of governments was the ME to the VW and Vesica Pisces.  The ME.. the middle way is open at the moment? I'm seeing the ripples, the movement of the German scientists to the USA.

'Dream more Ren'

Oh!  lol the middle way open πŸ‘€  atm lol!! The traffic. 😲  'You're a big vessel now remember', Oh that dream... I was pulled from my rowboat!  'Find the cargo and Ferry dreams too'  Errr ok.

One way in one way out... Oh that Rammstine vid to that vanished from youtube?

'Keep dreaming Ren'

Back in a dream in a morgue where I was laying dead, I was my mother, my daughter too all of them. 

Josh was hugging the dead feminine 

Then Josh peeing blood into something - male menstruation..

Then the bomb in the hospital Inka places and Kaylos & me's Proximity set off.

Is that the thing that gave everyone the same dream NDE?? 

'Find it and check dates πŸ˜‰' ok Now?  'When else NOW/NWO/OWN/WON'  Geeezzzz!!

The Trump number 13 dream? The new role??  'ONE thing at a TIME Ren' Hahaha

The Hippocampus also the GPS & Radio too?  'Yeh you broke your external one running your program yesterday, but your internal ones online now' πŸ˜†

WTF?? I just made an announcement?? 

The dream from last new years eve lol Eve! The 2 elevators one up one down!  


'Another you Ren, you're a beacon too and singing Sat-el-lite too remember ?'  lol, you OFC I am... I'm nuts is what I AM 😜'   'Get up Idiot' lol

Oh... that Axe I was taking to the other side of the mountain 'You're never going to quit are you Ren?'  I can't help myself πŸ˜›  'Other links and dates first please or you'll tangle in your own web'   lol ok 😁

I should stop making mad moon pies! 'You should possibly stop many things Ren, but you have no clue when to quit 😏'

Ferry Dream... Odd Also Beacon

Hauled onto a Larger Vessle πŸ˜›

Oh Ferry where I swapped places with Inka again.  πŸ‘€

After I visited the Sun the first time!  'First time you Remeber Ren'

6 April 2012

First part of the night I didn't really dream.... I just felt like there were lots of arguments going on in my brain.

Then a lots of animals dream. (sorry it's long)

It started offshore on a lovely clear day.

There are 2 ships moored together on a large sand bank a mile from a beach. The boat nearest to the shore is larger oil carrying ship, it's long and really dirty, I'm in more of a ferry or fishing type of boat and we are fastened to the oil ship.

The there is a fire on the oil ship and it has been totally abandoned (so no one over there can untie us)

I'm looking round my ship, but all the crew from there have gone too. All I can find are dogs :)

I untie and round up all the dogs I can find, we can't cross the oil ship to get to shore so realise we are just going to have to sail out to sea and hope we can get enough power to break the mooring ropes & chains.

The dogs are quite useful and we manage to start the boat, and eventually break threw the chains and head off down the coast looking for a place to get into shore.

We find a port and beach the boat and go our separate ways.

I then meet a bird, it's got a beak like a parrot but brown feathers like an owl. It seems to like me and decides it's going come home with me.

I conveniently have a large Avery/cage in the garden, the parrot hops in and I leave the door open and head into the house to sleep.

I wake in the morning and go to the window to check the parrot is ok - it sees me so hops to the open cage door and flyers up to meet me...... but bumps into the glass of the window. It doesn't hit it hard and flaps up above the house.

I open the window and poke my head out to call for it.

At that point a butterfly lands on my nose, then another on my forehead and then another. On my forehead in my 3rd eye place 2 of the butterfly's start mating :P

One is blue, the other pink. I watch there reflection in the glass of the open window. They finish mating then flutter off.

I'm looking for the owl/parrot. I don't see it but I notice that there are 2 cormorant's curled up on the garden wall one is white, one black.

I wonder what they are doing inland on the garden wall (instead of on the islands) I realise there must be a storm or something, when I look out over the sea there is this huge crazy looking storm heading inland and the rain starts.

- My kids woke me at that point.

What did you just show me I didn't you followed a sensation to it? lol 'Should have stayed and watched and not jumped back' lol it was supprising? 

'Then take an ego more robust than yours when you dream'  

Jean/Flipping it was at orange centre?  'Anyway, get up your energy flow is fixed again'  

I'd followed from shoulders.

Also now have a pet mouse, The one from last night wouldn't go when we set it off  'lol bit like you Ren you can blow up again and again!'  😏


So the black box timmed bomb / The hospital collecive NDE was that this year passed? 
This Vid???  Hmmmm 

'Master ready a teacher appears you're finding us Ren, in your waking world 🌎 weaving love πŸ’˜ to all at home'


Yellow 'magic -  this is teach/learn learn/teach'


Magic mirrorπŸ˜›


'You weren't banking on being an Aeon'   lol the Birch tree that slid of the bank! πŸ€£πŸ’œ

'Boundaries first Ren, you've been all-over the show' Birch πŸ’œ!

Haha lol   genesis!!

Can I be fool again?? πŸ™„ 'you're always that witch... tricky gaming mouse, you liked Sun???'  Yeh but not in my belly.   'tough shit bitch Imbolc next 😈'   Hahaha


Hahaha 🀣  ah ffs... <3   that was wild 😳   'Told you mouse you're gaming gods'  need a hug tbh,  'You just got one'  IKR help then?  'Inc'


Ty..  'Enough Saturn Ren... you asked for help and as usual forget to stipulated what kind'  its ok... TY.   


'Connect to me please Ren,  you are big and we need you home again soon for now will you let me help'   yes please


'Ty,   better?'   Thanks. 


Oh....  'Yes, its ok Ren, we do this as a team, just hold it for now and sleep soon 😴'  Mmmmmm    'Change of tracks too Ren....' this is wired i'm that thing???... 'Ofc all humans are Ren, you are just a lucid thing and a little larger'  


I should?   'Lay down please'


Ty πŸ’œ'Always welcome, please try and behave we see you soon'  








'You are an echo of that ripples that caused a soul to care, you don't need to find it now...   we are the in between you knew was there' 


'Bitch feed kids come here you can get back up.. we need you asleep just quickly'


'Take your RAM with you same track' πŸ˜†  lol   my energy body 😲
'Yep we know, feed them fuckers and sleep your little mouse feel's you too and it doesn't like this'


You lot make me laugh πŸ˜† 


' I know but you're manifesting fast now nap fast we jump n play'


Year2k?...'you're dreaming hard lay down'


The.. 'Shut up and just down bitch plx for now?'  Lol


Evil queen? 'Ffs Ren, STILL'  


Wow.. ty,   'You are welcome Ren, I'm with you till sleep now, friends need us Ren'  you are on track share please. 

πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ wow!! 


'If you could see you weave from here bitch you'd laugh'  πŸ˜† Mate I don't want to know. 



Hahaha 🀣 that hurts!! 'We know bitch so pack in biting us 😈  your instant karma/manifestation is coming online'


So I see!!! 


'Entangled Witch, we have all nibbled eachother now!'   So many totems πŸ’œ


'You're lucky you're fall out has mouse teeth'   Toxo?  'You got it Witch, just getting you're Fay daughter too.😈 Hahaha


'We do good blood magic'   No shit 🀣


Wild mouse, good to go in the morning


'You'll be riding her Ren' 😏


Lol  Middle of the Web Hu!!   'Sorry, we will make it fun Ariadne, what else we going to do with eternity' πŸ˜†


'The net was cast long ago we are re'membering the ties.'


This is Epic πŸ€£πŸ’œ  and ouch! That's one feisty mouse 'Mirror'  

Lets walk, dance. and run our Goddess back home out of ego and into everything where she belongs 😍

Strange Summoning

  12th Was v tired after 3 night shifts, but did dream all night. Was all over the place though as I was tired too, so falling asleep i...